Wild Life

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Wild Life Page 16

by Girl, Breukelen

  Addison walked forward. He hadn’t been made aware of that. Paris had not told him about offering Cassidy a new place to stay. Addison nodded his head as if in understanding. Only he didn’t. Understand why his mouth was so dry, why he felt like he didn’t have the right words to say to her, or how.

  “But it’s only temporary because you’re leaving New York?”

  Cassidy sighed heavily and rubbed her brow with her hand. “Not that it matters to you, but yes. I’ve been trying to line up work in other states for awhile now and suddenly things are just, coming together, landing in my lap. Too good to ignore.” Her eyes darted to him and she looked away again.

  “When it doesn’t rain, it pours.” He moved closer to her and watched as Cassidy noticing it, backed up a few steps. She put up her hands, as if to stop him. To stop the monster before her, was that it?

  “What do you want with me?” She asked her voice breaking.

  “Are you and Sascha together now?” Addison blurted out, suddenly. Cassidy frowned back at him.

  “That’s none of your business Addison.”

  Addison bristled. “Don’t.”

  “Don’t what?” Cassidy threw back at him angrily. Her face suddenly taunt with her renewed anger.

  “Don’t call me Addison. From everyone else, it’s okay, but from you, I’m Zac.” He said shuffling on his feet.

  “No, Sascha and I are not together, Zac.” Cassidy said, just as defensively at him as her previous words. “He’s gay. Not that it would be your business if we ever were. We’re not together, are we?” She all but spat at him, dropping her arms. Before walking over to him in large stomping movements.

  Addison’s heart raced and he pulled his hands out of his jeans pockets. Cassidy looked up at him and he got lost in the hurt in her eyes. It blindsided him from the stinging slap to his face, that she delivered.

  “That’s for not seeing me in the hospital, when everyone else seemed to be capable of checking up on me.” She muttered, tears forming in her eyes. “Screw you Zac, screw you.” She muttered upset and turning around.

  Addison grabbed her arm quickly and watched her flinch at the touch, he loosened his hold on it instantly but still held her, pulling her back to him. “Please.” He said softly, a hand going up to wipe the tears falling down her face. “Cassidy, I’m so, so, very sorry for what happened to you.” He wiped the silent stream of liquid falling down her beautiful face, it was only when she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, that he noted the red, raw looking mark at the under edge of her jaw line. His finger running across it. Cassidy turned her head away from his hand. “It should never have happened. I’m so sorry.”

  Cassidy looked back up at him through wet eyelashes. “Want to hear something funny?”

  “Sure.” He replied softly, still holding her arm.

  “I don’t even care about that.” She said looking back at him, holding his gaze. “I never did. I cared, about us.” She said shaking out of his grasp and stepping back. Cared. The word rang in the past tense in Addison’s mind and he felt panic fill him instantly. He couldn’t loose her twice. “And you couldn’t even bring yourself to care about that.”

  “I did, I do.” Addison stumbled over his words, sighing heavily.

  Cassidy shook her head. “This would be so much easier to do if you were naked.” She muttered tiredly.

  Addison’s eyebrow shot up. “Naked?” He asked confused by her leap in their conversation.

  She waved a hand at him as she spoke. “You always open up more, express your emotions better when you’re naked or near naked.” She said back at him.

  Addison pulled his t-shirt up over his head quickly and threw it aside. “Okay, let’s try this again.” He stated walking back over to her, watching her gulp down heavily as her eyes roamed over his chest and back up to his face.

  “Don’t go. Don’t move into Paris’s apartment. Move into my place instead. There’s plenty of room.” He rambled on quickly as she crossed her arms over her chest again. “The second floor, I’ll clear it out, there’s not much there anyway, we’ll make your apartment, the whole second floor. You can decorate it.”

  Cassidy shook her head silently. Addison’s heart sank. “Please, Cassidy, please.”

  “Please what? You couldn’t even bring yourself to see me in the hospital or the week afterwards. After everything that happened, do you think it was your friends, despite their well intentions, that I needed around me? That I wanted to see?”

  “I just,” Addison sighed heavily and ran a hand over his mouth and wiped it away.

  “Do you know how overwhelmed and alone all at once I felt? I barely know ten people in New York. And you were the one that I thought was the one that if I got into a jam, I could count on. You, would be someone who had my back. But instead, you left me.”

  “I’ve never been involved with someone like this before and I’ve never had to deal with this whole scary ass rollercoaster ride that being with you has taken me on.” He sighed again, knowing he had to tell her everything that was racing through his mind, everything he’d been thinking about them.

  He had to be completely honest. Lay himself bare to her. “I’ve never been with a human woman before. It’s always been, just casual sex, with other wolves. The whole explaining what I am to you, it kept me in fear, held me back with you. And I’m a werewolf; I’m not used to fear. We don’t fear anything; we tackle everything, head on. Always.”

  Cassidy’s arms dropped back down again and she looked at him, her expression softening.

  “So why couldn’t you fight this feeling, this fear, for us?” She asked him.

  “I…When I saw that lycan guarding you back in that forest.”

  “I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the hospital, last week. You’re a werewolf, I get it. I was surprised, sure. But it made sense when I saw it, All these little things you said to me, Paris and Bg said to me, it was like putting a puzzle together. I got it.”

  “And you’re okay with it? With me being a werewolf?” Addison asked her directly. He had to know. He needed a certain answer.

  “Your still Zac. You’re still this guy I know, that I don’t know everything about. But you don’t know everything about me either. Don’t you see that? Or am I just not as important as you because I’m not someone who can turn into a beautifully, savage creature at will?”

  “You think I’m beautifully savage?” Addison asked cheekily, a glint in his eyes.

  Cassidy’s eyes narrowed on him. “Oh really? Do you think now is the time to go pumping up your ego?”

  “Me being me, it’s not easy. It’s not nearly as Hollywood romantic as the movies would have you think. There’s a dark side to being a werewolf and I just wouldn’t want you to have to see that, from me.”

  Addison walked over to her, kneeling before her, his arms on her arms, holding her hands. “And that, fear, irrational to you maybe, not to me. That was why I didn’t come to you at the hospital. But at the same time, it made me realize, you’re important to me. With werewolves, it’s kind of like we’re wired for certain mates. I never understood it, because I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. Till I met you. Everything in me, in my werewolf, just drives me towards you, every time I see you. Please don’t go. Don’t move into Paris’s place, move in with me instead.”

  A small smile quirked at the corner of Cassidy’s mouth. “What’s so amusing other than me begging?” He asked. “You do know, I never beg right?”

  “Paris was right.” She said allowing her smile to widen. Addison frowned.

  “About what?”

  “About how to get you to come around to seeing how good we are together.” She answered him.

  “So this, was just a set up?” Addison asked, standing up slowly, still holding her hands.

  “No, the offer stands to move into his apartment. But he bet five bucks you’d do your hardest to get me to not move into his place. I didn’t believe him.” Cassidy smiled. “He
said it’d drive you insane with jealousy.”

  “He’s not that far wrong.” Addison stated. “Non believer.” He smiled back at her.

  “Paris said you had to be pushed. You’d respond if you were pushed.”

  Addison arched a curious eyebrow up at her. “Really? You guys been talking about me behind my back?”

  Cassidy tilted her head to the side as if in thought. “Mmm, just getting up to speed on things. Bg and Jules have been giving me a crash course in werewolf world all week. Jules explained the whole lunar week, furry once a month thing to me, and what I can expect from you during those times. They explained the whole, lycan versus werewolf thing to me too. How those guys that grabbed me were lycans, why my blood was tested and will be re-tested till the end of this month. But it’s been given the all clear. I’m very much human.”

  Addison’s heart beat raced. “Does this mean you’ll take me back?”

  “That depends.” Cassidy stated, looking at him seriously.

  “On what?”

  “On you. Will you fight for us, not just me, if you have to? If we have to? Bg told me that werewolf world doesn’t look too kindly on certain types of relationships. Like hers and Paris’s. She told me all the stuff they’ve gone through, together. Told me about how I can expect disapproval for a relationship between a non and a wolf, especially a werewolf of your stature. ”

  “Please, don’t call yourself that. I will fight for us, always. It’s who I am, who we,” He said tapping her chest with his fingers, over her heart, “Are. We’re fighters, you and I.”

  Cassidy nodded her head. “What should I call myself then?”

  Addison pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her. “You’re mine. My pack mate.”

  Cassidy smiled up at him. “Nice recovery, Zac Addison Harrington.” He dipped his head to kiss her softly. Their kiss interrupted by the sound of fake coughing, as they looked over at Sascha in the doorway.

  “Flattery would get you everywhere,” Sascha said looking at Addison’s naked torso, Addison laughed back at him. “But I’m pretty sure, she’d fight me for you.” Cassidy’s smile broadened. “Don’t tell me I moved all these boxes for no reason at all.” He said looking back at them.

  Cassidy laughed at him. “No Sascha, you didn’t.”

  “So you’re still moving into Paris’s apartment?” Addison asked her softly.

  “No, I got a better offer, the whole second floor of your place. Have you seen the view from that room?” She smiled up at him, Sascha smiled and walked off on them again. “And what could be more secure than having my own personal werewolf on the premises to look after me?”

  “Well, the only thing more secure than that, would be, if I didn’t so much as give you the second floor of my apartment as moved you into my entire apartment, and bed.”

  “But uh, maybe your first instinct to take it all slowly is a good thing too. For both of us.”

  Addison watched her closely, he wasn’t sure what he wanted other than for her not to ditch him completely. He’d agree to anything at this point in time. “I’ve got some auditions coming up and some other dance work lined up, I’m going to be busy for the next few months.” She looked at him and paused. “Uh, you know, traveling.”

  “Oh.” Addison said softly.

  “Aren’t werewolf packs all about the home territory and being in the one place?”

  “Some. There’s more to a werewolf pack , our pack than physical landscape.” Addison replied.

  “Well, my work leads me to lead a rather nomadic lifestyle, combine that with being human in your world…are you seeing complications coming our way? I mean, your work with Paris and the pack, is here.”

  “I’m not opposed to traveling you know, or weekends away, short vacations, and I am long overdue for a god damn holiday. We can do this you and I. Although, you’re right, there is a lot to explain to you. But then again, I think there’s a fair few things about your world that I don’t get either. Like women and their high heeled shoe obsessions. We could help each other, together. Stumble through this thing.” Addison smiled brightly at her.

  “This thing?” She laughed at him.

  “This wild life, you seem to have brought me into.”

  Cassidy raised an eyebrow at him and couldn’t help her smile at bigger. “I bought you into?” Cassidy laughed at him. “Could get complicated. You sure you’re up for that?” Cassidy asked him.

  “I’m a werewolf, dandelion, I don’t back down from challenges when made.” Addison said kissing her again.

  “I’m a challenge am I?” Cassidy asked as they drew apart slightly.

  “You bet your sweet ass you are.”

  Cassidy smiled at him broadly. “You are obsessed with my ass Zac.” Addison laughed and smiled back at her, before deliberately leaning to the side to check out her rear end.

  “It’s a werewolf thing.”

  Related reading: Revenge / Reasons

  Lunar Night Stand

  A Side Show Story related to the full length novel The Pack.

  Gabby Colton is cool, calm and very collected, most of the time, she has to be, she’s an alpha werewolf from the Manhattan Maen werewolf pack. Which means living by expectations and pack rules and standards. But having Conall Wakely turn up unexpectedly on her doorstep during a lunar week, throws the alpha female. But then Gabby sees an opportunity worth taking.

  There is history between Conall and Gabby and it isn’t at all good. So what good could come from these two meeting up without anyone to pull them apart? Then again, Conall Wakely’s never been a model good guy. So why not indulge in his bad boy behavior? Besides, the worst an alpha female werewolf could possibly do to him, other than break his balls?

  This is what happens when young Breukelen beta werewolf, Conall Wakely decides to pay a house visit to Manhattan Maen’s fiercest alpha female, Gabby Colton.

  The Pack

  On an irregular lunar week in Manhattan New York, odd things are happening. The Werewolves of New York City are acting up. And it seems everyone is affected, even Manhattan Maen pack leader, Paris D'arenberg.

  But does Paris see the Chaos around him or is he used to it? His pack mate Bg tries to warn him that something is coming. But what would be brave enough to come for an alpha werewolf? Especially a pack leader like Paris. Or is Paris not the real target of these strange events?

  As the lunar week unfolds, Bg and the Manhattan Maen werewolf pack will have to face something unexpected and unprecedented happening to them. Which will require making the hardest decision of Bg's life. How can her love for Paris survive, if he doesn't?


  At the age of fourteen I was attacked by a pack of wild wolves, at the age of fifteen I found out there were wolves attacking humans in my home town of Brooklyn. This was the beginning of my relationship with Booker Parish. A lycan. A big no-no in the werewolf world.

  One I couldn't resist.

  Growing up Werewolf

  I was fourteen years old once. I was a naive pup. Waiting for my shape shift to happen for the first time. The thing with a first time is it’s always the time you remember. The one that you carry with you always in the back of your mind. You think you know what to expect, but you never do. Especially if you don’t see it coming and it’s nothing like you imagined. Nothing you’ve been told before. It can’t be undone once it’s done.

  Once you become a werewolf.

  Lunar Nights

  A short collection of werewolf erotica in bite size pieces.


  What happens to a werewolf on a lunar eclipse? Well, one werewolf in particular. The follow on from Reasons. Gabby and Bg sort out a few differences between them.


  Everything happens for a reason, right? And everybody's got their reasons for doing what they do, right? So explain to me, Breukelen Girl, why an Alpha female werewolf hates my guts enough to try and kill me.

  This is the story of what happens whe
n two female werewolves, one Alpha - and one Beta - from differing packs, do not get along and animosity grows into hatred and hatred becomes, an action that in unavoidable. For either werewolf.

  Lycan La Vida Loca

  My love life is complicated. Because I'm a werewolf. I think it's always been complicated. In part due to my first serious romance. Because he's my alpha pack mate's friend. My pack mate doesn’t know this. To make matters trickier, my first true love is a lycan. Werewolves look down on lycans. So how would my pack mate look at me, if he knew I'd given my virginity to a lycan?

  Werewolves do not like to think of lycans as equals to them. So to fall in love with a lycan would be considered bad for a werewolf like Breukelen Girl. But to fall in love and then make love to a lycan, would be considered the worst thing a werewolf could do.

  Especially for a werewolf like Breukelen Girl, from the leading pack family in Brooklyn, New York.

  Of Wolf and Male

  My love life is complicated. Because I’m a Werewolf. I broke up with my boyfriend, he’s from the same pack as me. He doesn’t appreciate me going out with an Alpha male from another New York Pack. Males, wolves, I swear they’re all the same. They just want to claim something as they’re own. Namely me.

  Two male werewolves, one beta, one alpha and one female. An ex boyfriend, a new boyfriend, two different packs. Somehow all the trouble that involves the female wolf at the center of their interest, comes down to who slept with her first. Who she has given her virginity to.

  It'd shock both male wolves if they found out it was neither one of them.


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