Big Rock: Quick and Dirty 2

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Big Rock: Quick and Dirty 2 Page 4

by Alexandria Hunt

  “It does indeed suck,” I replied and didn’t look over at her. “I’m sorry, I know you had your heart set on this.”

  “I know you did too,” she replied in a strained voice.

  I couldn’t keep my mouth shut any longer, for Rose’s sake and the sake of everyone else who had been here longer I raised my hand.

  “Yes Samantha?” Regina asked, her mouth pursed in a tight ring of annoyance.

  “Why Diana?” I asked. “There are so many talented and much more experienced members of your staff. Why her?”

  Regina’s face flickered with anger and any sympathy I’d had for her earlier dissipated. She probably killed her old husband for the cash.

  “Education,” she replied haughtily. “I know you and your coworkers don’t place much value in it but Diana’s superior academic experience outweighs the time any of you have put in here ten times to one.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I blurted out, unable to hold back my anger at her arrogance. “Rose and I work our asses off and have been for a long time. We’ve been helping Diana limp through her job ever since she started, she might have a fashion degree but she knows fuck all about this business.”

  “Why I…” Regina started to say but began to stammer as she reacted to my outburst. “You’re dangerously close to crossing a line you can’t come back from.”

  I sighed and shook my head. “You know what? I can barely muster up any fucks to give. Any one of the people in this room would do a better job than Diana. Any of us have so much more experience and dedication to this company than she ever will.”

  “I think you need to go home,” Regina said as her face remained frozen in an angry grimace. “You can come back tomorrow only if you’re able to put a cap on your anger and deal with the fact that the better candidate took the position.”

  “Fuck it,” I replied and took a long breath. “She can have it, don’t you dare beg me to come back when she causes more trouble than you can handle. She’s an idiot, Regina, you should have chosen Rose.”

  With that I turned to Rose, winked and flashed her a grin. “Good luck, dude,” I said, “call me!”

  “What the hell just happened?” Regina demanded. “Did she just quit? Did you just quit?”

  “I believe I just did,” I said, waved at all my former coworkers, and stalked out of the conference room.

  My hands were shaking by the time I made it to my desk to pack my things. It had felt so exhilarating at that time, but now that the adrenaline was leaving my body, I felt shaky and scared.

  What the hell had I just done? I’d just not only quit, but burned the bridge so I would never be allowed back at Regina’s company.

  But at this point, I didn’t know what I was going to do but I didn’t think I’d ever want to go back to Regina anyway.

  I had Marco, and I had our future together, and that was enough for me.


  “You haven’t even hinted to him that you’re coming?” Mel asked, her eyes widening as I told her my plan.

  I had bought a ticket to fly to Paris to surprise Marco on his next stop. I had some money saved up and didn’t need to find work right away and I had finally let myself completely admit the truth.

  I missed him beyond belief.

  There was a small part of me that was terrified I’d show up at the show and find him surrounded by groupies, cheating on me and humiliating me.

  But life was all about being bold, and there was nothing bolder than quitting the job you’d been so pleased to get just a few short years ago. Life came at you fast, and after meeting Marco, everything had spun around so quickly that I didn’t know which way was up or what direction I was heading in.

  “I haven’t told him a thing, this is risky though, isn’t it? Am I being stupid?” I asked, my uncertainty kicking in.

  “He’ll be excited,” she said, “you know he’s been bugging you constantly to come and see him. He won’t believe it, he’ll be so excited.”

  “Oh god, this is scary,” I groaned. “How do you manage this whole love thing? How do you not die from all the nerves?”

  “You’re being a big baby,” she laughed, “Hunter and I are new at this, but seriously, when you know, you know…and you obviously know.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Look at you, you’re a mess! When has any other guy ever made you so unsure of yourself? I’ve seen you go through guy after guy, never giving any of them a single thought after they were gone.”

  “I guess,” I said, “you’ve got me there.”

  “Even after what’s his name, your slime bag ex cheated on you, I never saw you this worked up.”

  “Seriously? He pretty much ripped my heart in half.”

  “He might have ripped it in half, but if Marco hurt you, it would be like a nuclear bomb going off in there.”

  I laughed at the imagery. “That is true.”

  She leaned across the kitchen table and took my hand in hers, stared into my eyes and said, “Listen, if you don’t go to him, I will literally kick your ass.”

  I smiled at that. “Fine, your threat of physical violence has persuaded me to go.”

  “Good, you deserve this. You deserve to be happy…as happy as I am with Hunter.”

  “Thank you,” I said, “wanna help me pack?”

  “Hell yeah, we need to sex you up!”

  “He’s going to love this,” Hunter told me as he maneuvered his Mercedes through the parking lot at the airport. “Stop chewing your nails.”

  “You caught me,” I laughed, meeting his eyes in the rear view mirror.

  “You can’t get anything past him,” Mel said proudly and grabbed his hands. “We have a surprise for you, by the way.”

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “I’ve paid to upgrade your ticket to first class and I’ve gotten you a car service to meet you at the airport. They’ll take you to his hotel where Mel has arranged with the band manager to allow you access to his room.”

  “And then you can jump his bones or go to the concert, depending on what time you actually get there.”

  “You guys are insane! When did you plan this?”

  I was so overwhelmed by their generosity that I felt tears sting the backs of my eyes. I truly had the best friends a girl could ask for.

  “It doesn’t take much, just a few emails here and there. And I might have logged into your airline account so Hunter could pay for your ticket upgrade.”

  “You two are the best. For real.”

  Hunter found a spot, we figured out the ticket dispenser and they helped me load my suitcases onto the luggage cart.

  Hunter refused to let me push it, he was always the gentleman, and Mel and I talked excitedly about my trip as we made our way towards security.

  I finally had to give them a hug and wipe tears from my eyes as they left me there.

  I didn’t know what to expect with this crazy adventure, but the tears were from nerves and excitement. I had a feeling that things were on a new path, my life was heading in a new direction…one that I had been pointed towards from the first moment Marco had looked at me in the sushi place and we’d fallen so hard.

  The flight was uneventful other than the wide, buttery soft leather seat I had been led to the moment I got onto the plane.

  I was ridiculously spoiled and reclined under a comfy blanket and watched movies most of the way while sipping wine that was out of my price range back home.

  Yup, I had great friends.

  The car service was waiting for me, a tall driver in a black uniform held a sign with my name on it.

  I was treated like a lady and started to think I could get used to this kind of luxury.

  We drove through the streets of Paris and I tried my best not to swivel my head around at all the sight. I couldn’t help myself, I squealed unabashedly when I spotted the Eiffel Tour though. It was something I’d never thought I’d see in real life.

  The hotel was fancier than I’d expe
cted and I felt a bit dowdy in my yoga pants and hoodie when I met Ben, the band manager in the lobby.

  “I look a mess,” I said apologetically when he shook my hand and helped the porter with my luggage.

  “You look exactly how you should. My boy Marco will be so excited to see you that you could have worn a tarp and he wouldn’t notice,” Ben laughed.

  “Has he been talking about me?”

  “Nonstop since the first time he met you.”

  “Oh good, I’ve been a bit of a broken record about him too.”

  “I’m happy for you two. A lot of women assume he’s going to be a player because he’s a singer, but he’s just a big old romantic.”

  Ben was older, probably in his forties, and had a friendly face. He definitely wasn’t the kind of guy I would think of when I thought about the manager of a rock band.

  I glanced down and saw a wedding band on his finger and that gave me a sort of hope, as if he proved marriage and life on the road could work.

  “I am most definitely not a romantic, but I’ve kinda fallen for your friend. It’s almost embarrassing how much actually,” I laughed.

  “It’s okay, nothing embarrassing about falling in love,” Ben told me. “I met my wife years ago and haven’t looked back since.”

  “I’m not gonna lie, you and Marco are completely different than I assumed musicians would be.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, it’s just us two. The rest of them are dirty dogs,” he laughed and held the elevator door open for me as we started up to the penthouse where Marco was staying. “I have to be sober and sane to keep everyone in line. I can’t imagine the band would be this successful if we were all partying as much as the other guys.”

  “Good thing I picked the romantic one,” I replied, widening my eyes in mock scandal.

  “Yes, good thing,” Ben grinned. The elevator door opened and we walked down a short hall to Marco’s room. “I’ll leave you here for now. The show starts in three hours but the band is already there warming up and doing a sound check. We’ll head over just before it starts and I’ll escort you into the VIP section at the front. He’ll be blown away to see you.”

  “Thanks,” I said and closed the door behind him.

  I walked around the huge room, running my fingers along everything as I imagined Marco here, his scent still hung in the air and his clothes were casually strewn about the room.

  A separate bedroom was located off the living room, so I dragged my bags there and opened them up, looking over everything for the perfect outfit.

  Nothing seemed good enough, now that I had all my previously fashionable clothes strewn along the king sized bed, they looked drab and devoid of color.

  I sighed and remembered Ben’s advice, I could wear a tarp and Marco wouldn’t care. I took a deep breath and chose my clothes.

  I settled on something casual but elegant, and something that would be easily torn off once we got back to the room tonight.

  My favorite black dress, red knee high boots with perfect make up and my hair mussed up just enough to look sexy.

  I fell back onto the bed to text Mel and let them know I’d made it and I spent the rest of the time reading and checking the time.

  I was desperate to see Margo again.

  After what felt like years, Ben rapped at the door and we were off to the concert.

  I couldn’t help but stare when we passed the throngs of people lined up outside the stadium, there were thousands and thousands of them all there to see my boyfriend.

  Everything after that was a rush, Ben escorted me to the VIP section and I found myself sitting in between an actress and one of the most celebrated designers in London.

  I made small talk with them, the surreal sensation growing deeply in the pit of my stomach as I realize they didn’t question my presence there. I was one of them.

  Ben came to sit next to me and whispered, “They’re about to start. I can’t wait to see his face when he notices you.”

  “Me neither,” I said, sitting on the edge of my seat with my stomach quivering hard enough I could almost believe it was full of snakes.

  I almost fainted the moment I saw him, my Marco. He sauntered out on stage, grabbed the mic like it was his lover, and took a deep breath before he started to sing.

  His voice flowed over me and the moment I heard it, my body almost melted, I turned to warm liquid inside and I felt as if I was going to orgasm right then and there.

  He strutted around the stage like the rock god he was and the fans went wild, screaming until I thought my ear drums might burst from the surge.

  “He’s amazing,” I yelled at Ben and he smiled in response and gave me a thumb’s up.

  He walked away from us and I admire his black leather pants clinging to his firm ass, I could see his muscular thighs ripple as he sang his song and worked up the fans.

  He swiveled, sang, and walked towards us. His face was almost serene as the band broke into a slower song, a love song by the sounds of it.

  “This one is new, I wrote it last week for somebody who has my heart on the other side of the world,” he said, his deep voice reverberating throughout the entire space. “This one is for Samantha, my girl.”

  He took a deep breath as the music began to play, he turned, sang the first line and stopped dead when he saw me there in the crowd.


  I was shaken, Marco’s face was an unreadable mask and I couldn’t be embarrassed in front of thousands of screaming fans. I would die.

  I held my hand up and gave him a small wave, and he broke into a wide grin accompanied by laughter.

  It was if the realization crashed into him all at once and he recognized me for who I was…the love of his life.

  He gripped the mic in his hand and drew a long breath. You could hear a hush of excitement rush over the crowd, they knew something was happening.

  I glanced out and saw about a million phones held up, filming, and wondered what the hell I’d been thinking. This was going to end up viral, everybody on the planet was going to see me making a fool of myself…or making a huge step towards my future.

  “Babe,” he said, his voice reverberating against the mic and echoing through the speakers. It send a shiver of desire down my spine and emboldened me to stand. “You’re here. You came…”

  He looked around and continued to speak into the mic. “Come on guys, get her up here. Samantha, darling, get your gorgeous ass up here on this stage.”

  I laughed and Ben motioned to a few of the security guards. They helped me over the metal barrier and actually lifted me up to the stage where Marco had his hand out to help me up.

  He pulled me to stand next to him and the bright lights blasted down on us, making me painfully aware of the thousands of sets of eyes watching us and the thousands of phones capturing this very moment.

  “Hey,” I said, “surprise.”

  “Surprise,” he laughed and threw his arms around me, holding the mic down near my waist so he could whisper in my ear, “my god I want to fuck you, you look incredible…so fucking beautiful…”

  “I can’t believe I’m here,” I said quietly as we embraced. I was worried my voice would be broadcast out into the crowd and that would be too humiliating to hand.

  “I can’t believe you are either…but I did promise myself one thing,” he said and stepped back, looking at me with a grin on his face. As if in slow motion I watched him bring the microphone back up to his mouth and he said loudly, “I promised myself something if Samantha decided to join me on this tour. I’m all about the signs, my friends, fate and romance and all that good shit and her surprising me here tonight is as a big a sign as it gets.”

  “What are you doing?” I asked, excited and filled with trepidation at the same time.

  He reached up and pulled a chain out of his shirt, yanked on it and it snapped, breaking off. He let the chain fall to the ground, adding to my confusion. He spoke into the microphone again.

  “Sam, babe, I’ve
been unable to think of anything else but you during our time apart. I know it’s quick, but when you find the one, why not take the chance and leap for that opportunity? God knows I’ll never find another girl like you…you’re it for me, and I hope I’m it for you.”

  He held up his hand and I caught the sparkle of a beautiful diamond. He was holding the ring that must have been on the chain around his neck.

  “You’re crazy…” I exhaled slowly and felt as if I were going to faint.

  I’d never wanted this, I’d never been the little girl who dreamed about her wedding or planned out her dress years in advance. I’d never imagined myself with a husband and children and a family…but now I did. Now I craved Marco more than anything I’d ever wanted. I felt this overwhelming sense of urgency to be with him, to join with him in every way possible.

  “I’m crazy for you,” he laughed and dropped to one knee on the stage, in front of everyone. The crowd was silent, hanging on the scene that was playing out in front of them.

  My wedding proposal was going to be viral by the time the concert was over, and at that moment in time, it didn’t bother me…I didn’t care. The world beyond Marco and I just didn’t exist for me.

  “I had a speech prepared and a bunch of song lyrics I was going to use to woo you…but fuck, it’s all gone now that I have you in front of me. I guess the only thing I can say is that fuck, babe, I love you. I love you like I’ve never loved anyone else, and I want to make it official. I want to make you mine. Will you marry me?”

  Even though I’d been expecting to hear those words, their impact almost knocked the wind out of me. I’d hardly known him for more than a couple months and we’d only been together a handful of times.

  But looking down at those incredible green-blue eyes filled with love and aching need, I knew exactly what my answer would be.

  I took the microphone from his hand, held it up to my mouth, smiled at him and said, “Fuck, yes. I love you too.”

  The crowd went insane, cheering and clapping and celebrating our moment with us. My stomach fluttered and twisted, but my heart held steady and true.


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