Dan Cavallari counts himself lucky to be one of the few making his living from writing. He takes photos, too, but his passion for stories has carried him this far, and he intends to ride the wave as long as possible. Cavallari’s first novel, Confusing the Seasons, came out in 2011, and his new novel, Men Waiting For Sleep, is due out in 2012. He lives in Colorado with his wife, Rachel, and their superdog, Molly. For more info, visit danielcavallari.com or d2photos.net.
Born in London, England but raised in Toronto, Canada, Gemma Files has been a film reviewer, teacher and screenwriter, and is now a wife and mother. Her first novel, A Book of Tongues: Volume One of the Hexslinger Series (ChiZine Publications), was nominated for a 2011 Stoker Award; it was followed in by a sequel, A Rope of Thorns. The final volume, A Tree of Bones, will be published in 2012, just in time for the Mayan Apocalypse.
Milo James Fowler teaches junior high English and writes in the dark. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in over 30 publications, including Daily Science Fiction, Shimmer, and Macmillan’s Criminal Element. Stop by anytime: milo-inmediasres.com.
When Eric Francis was 10, this movie called “Star Wars” came out; he saw it 12 times during its original run, and the opening bars of the theme still give him chills. As soon as he can get his hands on a functioning X-Wing and lightsaber, he will begin a new career as a Jedi. Until then, he will continue to write fiction and work as a journalist and grant writer in Arkansas. You can follow his effort to read everything on his bookshelf at ReadTheDamnBook.Wordpress.com. This is his first fiction sale.
A.A. Garrison is a twenty-eight-year-old man living in the mountains of North Carolina. His short fiction has appeared in too many places to list, most recently as the cover story for Something Wicked and on the Pseudopod podcast. His first novel, The End of Jack Cruz, will be released in 2012. His website is synchroshock.blogspot.com.
S.K. Gilman is a Clarion graduate, polyglot and travel enthusiast. Her fiction has appeared in Everyday Weirdness, Shock Totem and Moonlight Tuber. Currently she lives in New England.
Brady Golden lives with his wife and daughter in Oakland, California. He likes his bios short.
Damien Walters Grintalis lives in Maryland with her husband, two former shelter cats and two rescued pit bulls. She is a member of both the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America and the Horror Writers Association, and an assistant editor of the Hugo Award-winning speculative fiction magazine Electric Velocipede; her novels are represented by Mark McVeigh of The McVeigh Agency. You can visit her blog at dwgrintalis.blogspot.com or follow her on Twitter @dwgrintalis.
Caitlin Hoffman is a strange girl with a somewhat silly dream. She’s had a romantic love affair with writing ever since she was twelve, when she wrote her first novel. You can follow her depravity @CHWrite on Twitter.
Van Aaron Hughes is a recent winner of the Writers of the Future Contest. His fiction has appeared in such publications as Writers of the Future Vol. 27, Abyss & Apex, and the political protest anthology Glorifying Terrorism. His author site is at vanaaronhughes.wordpress.com; he also does book reviews, author interviews and story recommendations for Fantastic Reviews (www. fantasticreviews.com) and the Fantastic Reviews Blog (fantasticreviews. blogspot.com). In real life, he is a lawyer and has argued before the United States Supreme Court. He lives in Denver with his wife and three children.
D.T. Kastn is a freelance writer and compulsive blogger from the wilds of Northern California. Her short stories and poetry have appeared in the Dan River Anthology, Eric’s Hysterics, Every Day Poets, Flash Me! Magazine and Danse Macabre, among others. Her blog is the Unboxed Project (unboxed-project.livejournal.com), where she writes about writing. It’s all very meta.
Bartholomew Klick is working toward a B.A. in Pittsburg State University of Kansas. He studies Chinese, plays flute, and wants to find a publisher for his goddamn book. He works as a private nurse, which is code for “professionally plays video games with a cripple.” PST Choloki on Lightninghoof if you’re Alliance. Horde GTFO.
James Lecky is a writer and actor from Derry, N. Ireland. His fiction has appeared both in print and online in a variety of publications including Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, Jupiter SF, Sorcerous Signals and Emerald Eye: The Best Irish Imaginative Fiction.
Christine Lucas’s work can be found in Daily Science Fiction, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, Necrotic Tissue, Murky Depths and Cabinet des Fées, among other publications. Her short story “Dominion” is included in Ellen Datlow’s anthology Tails of Wonder and Imagination.
David McGillveray was born in Edinburgh but now lives and works in London. His fiction has appeared in Futurismic, Neo-Opsis, Space & Time and others. A collection of his science fiction, Celeraine, has been published by Sam’s Dot Publishing.
Joe Mirabello is a professional game artist with eight years of experience in the entertainment industry. As an amateur writer, he tries to work on his writing for one hour every day. His first novel, The Armpit of Evil, was e-published in October of 2011; for more information visit armpitofevil.com. Joe’s art and blog can be found at joemirabello.com.
Jonathan S. Pembroke has been writing spec fiction for several years. When not casting chicken bones to predict the weather, he assists his lovely wife with her stained glass business and helps her caretake their host of obnoxious dogs and cats. His stories have appeared in Golden Visions Magazine, Big Pulp, Aiofe’s Kiss and Afterburn SF. He blogs at stoneaxe. livejournal.com, but don’t read it; it will rot your brain.
Anthony J. Rapino resides in Northeastern Pennsylvania, somewhere between the concrete of the city and the trees of the forest. On occasion, you’ll find him moderating the feverish battles between the creatures of these two arenas. Whose side he’s on is anyone’s guess. His newest fiction can be found in upcoming issues of Black Ink Horror, On Spec, and Drabblecast. Other work can be found in Electric Spec, A Capella Zoo, Space Squid, TQR Stories, and carved inside a variety of autumn gourdes. His first novel, Soundtrack to the End of the World, will be available from Bad Moon Books in early 2012. Proof of his psychosis can be found on his website: anthonyjrapino.com.
Rhiannon Rasmussen-Silverstein is an Oregonian printmaker from Hawai’i who uses the ancient craft of woodcutting to explore giant robots, things with claws, and the boundaries of the human. But mostly claws. Occasionally she attempts to not write novels. Her website can be found at charibdys.cleanfolio.com.
Christopher Slatsky is a writer from Southern California who grew up in the Pacific Northwest, spent some time in Las Vegas, relocated to London, and currently resides in Los Angeles. He has published in Death Head Grin and is currently involved in several writing projects.
Frank Stascik is a psychobilly troublemaker based out of Chicago. His story “Just a Closer Walk With Thee” can currently be found at absentwillowreview.com, and he has stories upcoming in issues of Dark Moon Digest and Bete Noir. Find him on Facebook by searching Frank Stascik, and visit his very NSFW horror and music blog at chicagopsycho.tumblr.com.
Josh Strnad is a small-town guy from North Carolina, an avid reader, a snowboarding enthusiast and a terrible dancer. When not guzzling hot tea and typing stories on his battered desktop computer, he dabbles in film making, writing music and drawing cartoons. He’s currently working on his second novel. Check him out on Facebook, or at joshstrnad.com.
Mr. Max Vile is a prolific author of horror, fantasy, speculative fiction and the erotic, and his works can be found in numerous publications and sometimes scrawled on dirty bathroom doors. He currently resides in Sin City but has been known to travel out of body for his many spiritual quests, or often just to scare the crap out of folks that pissed him off (if you see him in your dreams tonight, don't be afraid; he’s just glad you read his story and wanted to ask you a few questions about its review). His artwork can be found on FineArt America or if you just Google his name, for the lazy. Besides doodles and scribbles, Mr. Vile is also known as an actor out of L.A. and Veg
as, under a different name that if you guess, he'll come to your house and give you a big wet kiss... preferably with his fangs retracted. He can be reached for info, requests, fan mail, contracted work, personal attacks, and spam at [email protected] (be warned spammers that he has a way to retrace the spam to your account and will infect you with more than a computer virus if you do). His blood type is AB- but he loves the taste of O+, for anybody who might be interested in a donation...
Fran Walker lives in beautiful Aotearoa. She is married to the fantasy novelist L-J Baker. When not slogging away at the day job, Fran can be found gardening, baking, brewing beer, making cheese and writing short stories. Her stories have been published in anthologies from Cleis and Alyson Press, and in the online magazines Three Crows Press, Hazard Cat and Khimairal Ink.
Stephen Willcott is from the UK, but now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. As well as writing science fiction and fantasy, he enjoys translating Old English poetry; he’s currently working on Beowulf. Check his progress at ingeld.wordpress.com.
S.M. Williams is an author of horror and supernatural thrillers who lives somewhere in Central New York while tending an orchard of hybrid pecan trees and hiding out from a shadowy cabal of sinister travel guide photographers. The fiction of S.M. Williams includes stories in the Arcane Sampler, and large portions of this biography. More can be found at smwilliams.net.
Jeremy Zimmerman is a teller of tales who dislikes cute euphemisms for writing like “teller of tales.” His fiction has most recently appeared in 10Flash Quarterly and anthologies from Timid Pirate Publishing. He is currently finishing up a young adult superhero novel due out within the next year. He lives in Seattle with five cats and his lovely wife and fellow author Dawn Vogel. To learn more about Jeremy, visit his site at bolthy.com.
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