Lunch at the Beach House Hotel

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Lunch at the Beach House Hotel Page 23

by Judith Keim

“Ann, I need a big favor. I can’t ask my mother, and Liz isn’t answering her phone.”

  “Yes?” I was struck by the seriousness in her voice. “What is it?”

  “Will you drive me to the airport? I don’t want to go alone.”

  “What’s going on?” I fought visions of her leaving home.

  “It’s Reggie. He’s flying in. I promised to meet him.”

  A mixture of emotions gripped my body. “Does he know about the baby?”

  “No, that’s why I want someone to drive me to the airport. Once he sees me, he’ll know. There’s no way I can hide it. I’m showing now.”

  “So you want me there because ...”

  “Because I won’t be able to drive myself home if he decides not to stay,” said Angela. In her soft voice, I heard the threat of tears.

  “Of course, I’ll drive you there,” I said. “When is he coming in?”

  “He should be there by the time we get to the airport. I didn’t get his message until a few minutes ago. I’ll head over to your house right now.”

  “Okay, I’ll get ready.”

  Vaughn gave me a questioning look as I hung up the phone. “Everything okay?”

  I shrugged. “I’m not sure. Reggie is flying in to meet Angela. She wants me to drive her to the airport in case he decides not to stay.”

  Vaughn frowned. “Not stay? I thought she was so sure about him.”

  “Me too. Now we’ll see what kind of young man he really is—like his parents or like the kinder, better person Angela fell in love with.”

  “All right. You go. I’ve got a couple of things I need to do before the party tonight.”

  “Okay. See you later.” I grabbed my phone and my purse and went outside as Angela pulled her little Beemer into the driveway.

  She got out of the car and came over to me. Dressed in jeans and a loose knit white top, she looked charmingly pregnant. It wouldn’t take Reggie long to notice the baby bump. I hoped he’d notice the love in Angela’s sparkling brown eyes and the glow on her face that only pregnant women seem to get.

  I hugged her. and then we climbed into one of the hotel vans. I had commandeered it while Liz had use of my Honda.

  The drive to the airport was a quiet one. I tried to strike up a conversation but Angela’s monosyllabic responses made me realize she wanted to deal with her anxiety privately.

  At the airport, I parked in the short-term lot, and then Angela and I walked together into the terminal.

  “Where are you to meet him?” I asked.

  “In a corner of the baggage claim area, away from everyone else.”

  “Okay, then, I’ll wait for you near the door.”

  Angela clutched her hands together and turned to me with a worried grimace. “Oh God! I’m so nervous.”

  I placed a hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eye. “Relax. Remember how sure you were of him. And, remember too, that no matter what happens, you have your family and friends behind you.”

  Tears filled Angela’s eyes. She ran her fingers over the baby bump she couldn’t hide. “Thanks,” she said and walked away, her body rigid with tension.

  I watched her go, rubbing my cold hands together to warm the nervous chill that had come over me.

  Taking a seat at the end of a row of seats where I could unobtrusively observe her, I prayed things would go well. In the past, Angela had been so strong, so sure. Now we’d see if that confidence in Reggie would be borne out.


  I saw Reggie before Angela did.

  He descended the escalator carrying a small backpack and looked around eagerly. With his fresh-faced look, he seemed so young. When he caught sight of Angela, a smile spread across his face and then quickly disappeared. His eyebrows formed a frown.

  She waved and went to greet him.

  The blood left Reggie’s face as he drew closer to Angela. I held my breath as he gaped at her, his eyes wide behind the lenses of his glasses.

  For a moment, I thought he might turn around and run away. Then, he dropped his backpack onto the floor and swept her up in his arms.

  Sobbing, Angela lay her head against his chest, clinging to him. He lowered his lips to her head and kissed her dark hair. As she continued to sob, he stroked her back in comforting circles.

  As I watched them, tears came to my eyes. Every bad thought I’d had of him disappeared. He was, I now knew, a better young man than I’d given him credit for.

  They pulled apart. Angela swept her gaze around the room, finally finding me.

  I waved.

  She tugged Reggie over to me. “If you drop us off at your house, I’ll get my car. Reggie and I need to go somewhere to talk.”

  “Sure.” I held out my hand. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  He shook my hand. “This whole thing is quite a surprise.” He turned to Angela. “But we’ll work it out. Right?”

  Angela bobbed her head and gave him a bright smile.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be at some deb party tonight?” I asked him.

  “Yeah, with Laurel Larkin. My mother and her parents are going to be pissed that I’m not there, but I’ll call Laurel as soon as I can to let her know. She’ll understand. She didn’t want to go with me anyway. She’s hot on some other guy.”

  His words wiped the happy expression off Angela’s face. “Your mother is going to be unbelievably unhappy with me now.”

  Reggie put an arm around her. “After attending a number of these parties this season, I think it’s all crap. My parents can’t decide my life for me. I’ve tried to please them, but now I don’t care. What they want for me isn’t what I want at all.”

  I liked what he said, but I knew life wasn’t that simple. “Your parents aren’t the only ones you both have to consider. Rhonda is less than pleased with your and your family’s conduct at Thanksgiving.”

  A flush washed his face. He kicked at the marble floor with a sneaker. “I’m sorry I left with them. I should’ve stood my ground.” He faced Angela. “When you wouldn’t take my calls, I had a lot of time to think things over. I thought I could move on, but I love you, Angela. I always have, and I always will.”

  Angela leaned against Reggie, her face wet with tears. Reggie closed his eyes and held onto her. Pulling a tissue out of my purse, I dabbed at my eyes, blotting tears of my own. It didn’t matter that there were other people around us talking and moving about. It felt as if the three of us were on an island in the midst of them.

  After a few moments, Reggie said, “Where’s your car, Ann? We’d better go.”

  On the ride back to the hotel, Angela and Reggie cuddled together in the back. Ignoring their quiet murmuring, I wondered how Rhonda would react to Reggie’s appearance. I knew her well enough to know that she’d do anything to protect someone she loved. Would she give Reggie a chance to prove himself to her?

  I pulled into my driveway and waited while Reggie gathered his backpack from the back seat.

  He stood and faced me. “I understand that for a long time you were the only one who knew about the baby. Thanks for being such a good friend to Angela. I hope I can be your friend too. I’m going to need all the support I can get to face what lies ahead. But, Ann, I promise you I’ll do what’s right.”

  “That’s wonderful, Reggie, but I’m not the one you have to convince. You’d better make sure that Rhonda is behind you.”

  “Yeah, I guess she thinks I’m an ass, huh?”

  “Let’s say you have a gigantic task ahead of you. But Rhonda is big-hearted, and once you can convince her, she’ll be behind you all the way. Wait and see.”

  Impulsively, I kissed him on the cheek. “Now go get ’em!”

  Angela, who’d heard the whole exchange, smiled at me. “Thanks so much! I’ll see you tomorrow for dinner.”

  “Good luck,” I whispered, hugging her close.

  The New Year’s Eve celebration at the hotel had been advertised as an old-fashioned, elegant evening. In keeping with t
he theme, I was wearing a long, silk sleeveless dress in a shade of blue that Vaughn swore perfectly matched my eyes. In his tuxedo, Vaughn looked like the star he was as he hosted a table of local politicians whom Rhonda and I had invited to join us.

  I flitted back and forth between our table and those of our other guests, making sure everyone was happy. Understandably, Rhonda had bowed out of hosting the evening.

  As I moved about, I listened to the light background music of a pianist and a harpist. Their music accompanied the conversational hum of guests dining with satisfaction. Jean-Luc had outdone himself with a choice of Steak Diane, Sole Meuniere or Cornish Hens a l’Orange. The aroma of good food wafted throughout the dining room, which sparkled with tiny lights and other decorative touches that would be part of the décor for the upcoming wedding. Gaily colored paper hats and horns lay on a table, awaiting midnight.

  As I looked around, I thought it was a lovely start to the evening. After dinner, a singer and jazz quartet would perform music for dancing. I couldn’t wait for that to happen. Aside from the impromptu fooling around, Vaughn and I had danced only one other time—at Rhonda’s wedding.

  Later, with Vaughn holding me in his arms, moving to the music of old favorites, I let myself relax. Midnight would soon be upon us. Then we could salute the new year together with our guests. Afterward, we could celebrate in a much different way in the privacy of my home. The past year, full of ups and downs, was one I’d never forget. But this evening I felt stronger, smarter, and happier than I’d ever been.

  The musicians stopped playing and announced it was time to go outdoors.

  Vaughn grabbed my hand. Along with the other guests, we hurried out onto the edge of the beach where the neighborhood association was about to set off fireworks.

  One of the men began a countdown ...Ten ... Nine ... Eight ... Seven ... Six ... Five ... Four ... Three ... Two ... One!

  Suddenly, sound and lights exploded. The dark winter sky filled with colors and shapes and popping noises. Vaughn bent down and kissed me. The flickering colors behind my eyelids were as magical as the fireworks in the sky.

  “Happy New Year, Ann,” Vaughn whispered in my ear. “Next year we’ll celebrate as husband and wife.”

  “Yes,” I said, smiling at him. “I can’t wait until it’s official. I hope sometime in June.”

  “If that’s what you want, then you shall have it,” he said, cradling me against his chest.

  I shivered from the cool air.

  Vaughn took off his jacket and wrapped it around me.

  I looked up at him, drinking in the way he was looking at me. He might have liked the dress I was wearing, but I knew how he liked me best.

  “Should we go home?” I said.

  He grinned and winked at me. “What a good idea.”

  I checked with the hotel staff to make sure all was under control. Dave was supervising the clean-up operation. After I assured myself everything was as it should be, I joined Vaughn at the front of the hotel.

  Vaughn took hold of my hand. “Tomorrow I want to talk to you about something.”

  “Not now?”

  He shook his head. “It’s so late, and it’s something I want you to think about.”

  I hated being left in suspense, but I was too tired to do anything but agree to it.

  Later, lying in bed waiting for Liz to come home, I couldn’t help wondering what Vaughn had in mind. He’d sounded so serious. But even after I asked him to talk about, he’d refused.

  I heard Liz go to her room, closed my eyes, and started to count silently from one hundred down, going slower and slower.

  The next morning, I climbed out of bed, careful not to disturb Vaughn. Though Rhonda was handling the breakfast shift, I was anxious to talk to her about Angela and Reggie. I slipped on a light sweater and slacks, pulled a brush through my hair, and tiptoed out of the house.

  Outside, the gray dawn sky gleamed with promise. A coat of dew lay on the grass, exposing the crystal-like webs that little nocturnal creatures had formed here and there. As I walked along, the palm trees rustled a greeting.

  I entered the hotel quietly, hardly disturbing Dave who was busy behind the front desk. He looked up at me.

  “Happy New Year!” I said softly and went on my way, careful not to make too much noise. With guests still asleep in their rooms, this was the time of day when I felt the hotel was mine.

  The smell of cinnamon led me into the kitchen where Consuela was preparing the breakfast rolls that had helped to launch The Beach House Hotel.

  I smiled at her. “¡Prospero año nuevo!”

  “¡Si! Happy New Year!” she responded, returning my smile with a humorous glint in her eye.

  I poured myself a cup of coffee and hurried into the office.

  Rhonda was working at her desk. She stopped typing and grinned at me. “Happy New Year, partner! Last year was a wild ride! Let’s hope this one will be a good year too!”

  I hugged her and took a seat. “It’s bound to be. For all of us. How are Angela and Reggie?”

  “Okay, I guess. Sorry, I couldn’t talk to you yesterday.” She shook her head and sighed. “Will and I grilled the two of them about how things would be going forward. I have to admit Reggie was very apologetic for what happened at Thanksgiving. He told Will and me that he’d do anything to prove how much he loves Angela. When we asked him how his parents were going to take the news that he intends to marry her, he grew kinda quiet.”

  “So he intends to marry her?” I asked, taking another sip of the hot, steamy liquid in my cup.

  “That’s what he says. The proof will be in how he handles his parents. I’m more convinced than ever that he’s a good guy, but having parents against the marriage is tough for anyone to handle.”

  “How’s Angela in all this?” I couldn’t stop thinking of the scene at the airport.

  Rhonda shook her head. “My baby girl is so in love it’s almost sickening. She’s very proud that Reggie came through for her, that he loves her exactly like she believed. But I want her to be prepared to face Katherine’s disapproval. That woman is a witch with a capital B, and no matter what, she’ll always be the baby’s grandmother and Reggie’s mother.”

  I set down my cup of coffee and sighed. The situation was difficult. “Having observed them meet at the airport, I assure you Reggie’s love for her is genuine. I even cried, for heaven’s sake. But no doubt his mother is already furious. He ditched the girl he was to take to a deb party, a girl his mother wanted him to marry.”

  “Yeah, he called her from our house. She was real unhappy that it was such late notice.” Rhonda clutched her hands together. “Oh, Annie! What am I going to do if Reggie decides not to go forward with Angela? It would kill her if he decided not to marry her after all. And what if they do get married and he leaves her? We both know what that’s like.”

  “These are two young adults who, I suspect, will do what they want. Maybe the thing to do is to make sure they know we’re on their side. Has Reggie given any indication of how he’d support a family?”

  “Will talked to him.” Rhonda’s eyes shone with tears. “I was so damn proud of Will. He acted as if he were Angela’s real father, demanding to know how they were going to be able to be together financially.”

  “Reggie told me he has quite a bit of money of his own, so they can manage until he graduates. Then he’s going to look for a job in either banking or financial management.”

  Rhonda and I locked eyes. The smile I felt crossing my face was reflected in hers.

  “Omigod, Annie, are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  The tension that had filled the room evaporated in musical, giggling notes.

  I held up my hand. “But, Rhonda, you have to let them come to that decision on their own.”

  Rhonda’s grin was infectious. “Yeah, but it’s one of those times when we can plant the seed of that idea. Will and Reggie working together? That would be perfect.”

  “Don’t forget that Reggie’s father wanted him working in New York. And Arthur’s an international expert.”

  “Expert? Did you listen to their conversation? My Will knows more than Arthur Smythe does about some things.” Rhonda’s lips thinned. “He’s just as fake as his frickin’ name.”

  “Remember, your daughter might have that same frickin’ name,” I commented, hiding my laughter as I watched the realization strike Rhonda.

  “Oh, yeah, right. Maybe she could be Angela DelMonte-Smythe with a hyphen. That sounds better, don’t ya think?”

  “I think we’d both better stop planning the future for them.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. But you want things to be the best they can for your kids. Ya know what I mean?”

  “Yes, I do. By the way, did you know Liz and Troy are dating?”

  A smile filled Rhonda’s face. “Well, whaddya know. Very interesting. I like him, and you know how I feel about Liz.”

  “I’m so glad things are better, but I’ve gotta go.” I rose. “I’ll be back later. I’m going to fix breakfast at home for Vaughn.” My eyebrows drew together. “He said he had something to talk over with me. But he wouldn’t tell me what it is.”

  “Everything all right?” Rhonda gave me a worried look. “I know we’ve been so busy at the hotel you haven’t been able to spend much time with him.”

  “That usually isn’t a problem, but it’s to the point of being ridiculous.” On this visit, he’d been placed on the sidelines too many times.

  I left the office and headed home, my mind whirring with different thoughts about the people I loved.


  Vaughn was home alone when I returned to the house. “Liz left to have breakfast with Troy and his parents,” he explained.

  Dressed in jeans and a black T-shirt that showed off his trim body, he wrapped his arms around me. “Happy New Year, Ann.”

  I nestled against his hard chest. “And to you, Vaughn.” Smiling, I gazed up at him. “It’s going to be a good one. I know it. We’ll be married.”

  He grinned. “Yeah, I’ll finally get to make you a virtuous woman.”

  I played along. “You mean I’m not a decent lover?”


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