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Sunk Page 7

by Renea Porter

  “We better get back before they come looking for us,” I tell him.

  “Yes, we better.” He smirks. I hastily lift my body from being attached to the door, and we head downstairs hand in hand.

  In the dining room, everyone is gathered around the table. “You have a lovely home,” I tell them as we sit. Anne is seated directly across from me; Mr. Wilkes sits at the head of the table. Sly is to my right, and his brother on my left.

  “Thank you, Raine. I decorated it myself. So tell me how you met Sly.” Her eyes crinkle as her lips turn up into a smile. The food is being passed around—scallops, roasted asparagus with mushrooms, as well as rice pilaf.

  Passing a dish to Sly, I tell Anne how we met. “We met at my sister’s wedding. He was the best man and I was the matron of honor. He’s a real charmer,” I state matter of factly.

  “He’s always been such a charmer. What is it that you do, darling?”

  “I’m a teacher’s assistant, just part-time right now.”

  “Have you ever been married, any children?” She continues to quiz me.

  “Mom,” Sly scolds her, giving her a look. “Why don’t we let Raine eat?”

  I look at her nervously, then cut into a scallop. “It’s okay,” I stammer.

  “Eat,” Sly commands.

  I do as he says. The rest of the table gets into a conversation about their jobs, and the latest news as well as sports. When dessert is served, Sly’s phone buzzes and he excuses himself.

  Asher gives me a coy look. “If you were mine, I’d never leave your side.”

  “Oh, you are just as charming as your brother.” I laugh. With his looks, I’m sure he has no issues getting a girl. He reminds me of Ed Sheeran, with his boyish charm, colorful sleeve tattoos, and his ginger-colored hair.

  “Cut it out, Asher,” Anne tells him sternly.

  Sly comes back to the table and continues with his dessert.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask.

  “Yes, everything’s fine,” he says curtly.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Will you gentlemen join me out on the patio with a cigar?” Mr. Wilkes asks.

  Asher and Sly stand to join him. Before he leaves, Sly bends down and kisses the top of my head. “We’ll leave in a little bit,” he states softly.

  He leaves the room, out to the back porch that is conveniently situated outside the dining room’s sliding glass doors. I can see him, and he’s watching me. He lights up a cigar and winks at me as he exhales the smoke. God, is he hot or what? I’d really like for him to rip my clothes off and take me. My seductive thoughts cause me to shift in my chair.

  “So, now that you’ve eaten can you answer my question?” Anne asks, snapping me out of my Sly filled daze.

  “Yes, I can. I’m recently divorced. It wasn’t by choice, but my husband cheated on me, and that is unforgivable to me. And I had a daughter. Ava died almost seven months ago now. She was playing tag, slipped and hit her head on the concrete, and she never recovered.” I swallow a hard lump.

  Anne and Carina both gasp in shock. “You are one strong woman, Raine. I see why Sly is drawn to you. I know losing someone is the worst possible thing that can happen. But you have shown your strength, and that’s amazing.” Anne reaches over and places her hand on mine, comforting me.

  I inhale a deep breath. “Trust me, some days I didn’t get out of bed.”

  “I’m really sorry you went through that. Losing a child is a mother’s or a father’s worst fear,” Anne says.

  “I think time is helping. I’m just afraid I’ll forget the little things about her, you know?”

  “And now you have Sly occupying your time,” Anne coos.

  I giggle.

  “Sly can be…what’s the word?” Carina says, thinking.

  “Intense?” I say.

  She snaps her fingers. “Yes, he can be intense. But he means well. It’s been a long time, and I mean a long time, since he brought a woman here. You must be doing something right for him to want you to meet us.”

  Oh, so Sly has brought a girl home. Interesting. Very interesting. Unfortunately, Sly interrupts us. “Ready to go?”

  No, the conversation was just getting interesting. “Sure,” I say, smiling up at him.

  He holds his hand out, and I take it as I stand. He pulls a little hard, enough to pull me flush against him, our faces inches from each other.

  “Hi,” he says, smirking.

  “Hi,” I say, inhaling the cigar fumes emanating from him. He smells divine.

  Anne clears her throat, which in turn causes me to blush crimson. I forget we’re standing in the family dining room. I forget we aren’t alone. Sly has one hell of an effect on me.

  “Mom, we’ll be going now,” he says, his eyes never leaving mine.

  “Geez, get a room, you two,” Carina fans herself.

  My insides twist and I break the trance between us. “Well, it was lovely meeting you, and I’m sorry if he just sprung me on you,” I tell Anne as she stands from the table. “Lunch was wonderful, thank you.”

  She squeezes me into an embrace. “Don’t be a stranger,” she tells me. “Sly, stop being so secretive,” she retorts.

  He hugs her while I hug Carina, and wave to Asher, Carter, and James. The day is passing faster than I hoped. I’ll be going home later; my heart sinks a little. Anne has shoved the box of goodies we brought back into Sly’s hand. Maybe she thinks we’ll need them more than they do. Outside, Sly opens my car door as I slide in and buckle the seatbelt across my chest. I hold the box of goodies in my lap.

  He reaches over and holds my hand. My skin is aflame from his touch. I’m thankful to be wearing jeans. Sly’s words from earlier in his room ring in my head, and I shift in my seat.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks.

  “Nothing,” I say abruptly. “That was all overwhelming,” I say, making a quick recovery.

  “I’m sorry I just forced it on you. If I told you beforehand, would you have gone?”

  “Probably not, but I don’t know. I can see you are all close, and it’s clear they are a little protective over you.”

  I’m trying to get Sly to tell me the truth about his past. So far, he hasn’t budged. I’m not sure if I should bring it up now or not. Since I’m going back home and don’t want to leave on a bad note, I’m going to let it slide. For now. Trying to put my mind at ease, I look over at Sly and smile. He winks in response and my worries fall to the floor.

  “I want you to promise me something.” His tone turns serious.

  “What’s that?”

  “Promise me you won’t go running at night, not without me. Please, Raine, it’s too dangerous. I don’t know if you are tempting the dark night or what. Can you promise me? I got you a membership at my gym, so if you’re tempted, at least go someplace I know you’re safe. If something happened to you, I don’t know what I would do.”

  Thankful he’s concerned for my safety, I agree. “Okay, I promise.”

  “Thank you.” He sighs and seems relieved.

  “Thank you, for the membership.”

  “I just can’t have you risking your safety, Raine.”

  “I promise you, Sly. I’ll use the gym.”

  He pulls into his parking spot. Outside of the car, he immediately takes my hand and leads us into the house. Inside, he pulls me into him and kisses me until I’m breathless. I can feel the hunger in his touch and in the way he kisses me. Sly’s dark side peeks out at every corner, and I see it every time I’m with him. It doesn’t scare me, though. Maybe it should, but it doesn’t. I surrender to his darkness. It surrounds him and he’s beautiful. He knows how to make me feel alive, and that maybe this life is worth living.

  His tongue tangles with mine. “Come on.” He tugs my hand as we head upstairs to the bedroom. “Put that on.” Sly motions to a white gift box resting on the bed. “I want you on the bed, on your knees, with your hands resting behind your back. Wait for me,” he orders b
efore leaving the room.

  Carefully opening the box, I push the tissue paper away from the garment and find a beautiful red satin and black lace corset and matching panties. I swallow hard, thinking about what Sly has planned. I slip out of my clothes and pull the corset on, followed by the panties. In the bathroom, I scrunch up my dark locks and let them fall down my shoulders. Climbing on the bed, I sit on my knees and wait.



  With a bucket of ice in my hand, I stop just inside the doorway and see Raine—my breath catches and I am transfixed by her. She’s the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on. I fling my shirt off and leave it wherever it lands. Setting the ice bucket down, I walk over to her.

  “You said you trust me. Do you still?”

  She nods.

  “I can’t hear you,” I growl from behind her.

  “I trust you.”

  Opening the drawer, I pull out a blindfold along with rope. I place the blindfold over her eyes. Fucking beautiful. Then, I secure her wrists behind her back with the rope.

  “Don’t squirm, so the rope doesn’t leave a mark.”

  “Okay,” she says, inhaling a deep breath.

  I pull the bucket over to me and position myself behind her. Flicking her locks to the side, I lick her neck up and down. I run an ice cube along her neck and lick the water as it drips down. Her breathing quickens, and it excites me. I can already feel the bulging in my pants, struggling to get free.

  She tilts her head back and surrenders to me. My darkness is trying to claw its way out, but I submerge it back down. I don’t want to hurt her, but I’m very capable of doing so; maybe that’s what scares me the most.

  “Mmm, I know your body, and it’s so responsive to my touch,” I breathe into her ear.

  Positioning myself in front of her, she’s still on the back of her heels. I take another ice cube and run it along her chest, letting it trickle down to her breasts. With one hand, I undo the ties of the corset and let it fall on the bed. Her breasts are now fully exposed and I waste no time licking and sucking the water off her hardened nipple. I repeat the process on her other breast.

  “Oh god, Sly, please,” Raine pleads.

  “Shhh, in due time.”

  “I just want to touch you,” she begs.

  I lean over her and untie her hands. “You can lie back and let me claim your body.”

  Hooking my fingers on both sides of her panties, I slide them down as she shuffles her body. “Take your blindfold off. I don’t want your eyes leaving mine,” I demand.

  Flinging the panties to the side, I position myself in between her thighs. I place a finger in her wetness, and her breath hitches as she arches her back. I circle my tongue over her clit while my finger pushes inside her. Raine reaches down and rakes her hands through my hair.

  “Fuck,” she moans.

  Once I’m done torturing her, I crawl up her body, licking her from bottom to top until I reach her mouth. She parts her lips, inviting my tongue inside as she grips the sheets into her fists.

  “Do you want me inside you?” I ask in a low whisper.

  “Yes, Sly, I need you inside me.”

  I thrust inside her, hard, and she moans loudly.

  “I need you, Raine,” I confess.

  “Then take me,” she breathes out.

  Her hips match the rhythm of mine. She reaches the brink that takes her over the edge of ecstasy and I soon follow her. Satiated, I rest my head on her chest as we try to come down from our high.

  “What am I going to do without you for the next three to four days?” I ask, but don’t expect an answer.

  “I guess you’ll just have to show me how much you missed me when you see me again.” She giggles.

  “I can’t wait. Remember what I said, no running outside after dark. I mean it.” I stand to grab the membership card. “Here’s the card to use.” I hand it to her.

  She moves off the bed to put the card in her purse, then comes back to where I’m standing. She leans up, wrapping her arms around my shoulders, and I kiss her nose.

  “Thanks,” I whisper.

  “For what?”

  “For giving me a chance. I know I can be overbearing sometimes. But that’s just who I am.”

  “I’m glad you are that way. I know you care,” she says.

  If only she knew how much I do care for her, how much I’m falling for her, and how much I want her to be happy. She deserves to be happy, especially after everything she’s been through. A lot in life isn’t fair, but I want to show her that when the darkness clears, there is light waiting to shine over her.

  Chapter Twelve


  Sly pulls into my driveway and leans over the seat. “I’ll pick you up on Wednesday.”

  “I’ll be looking forward to it.” I lean over and kiss him goodbye.

  The sun sets and the day is coming to an end. I put the key in my door and wave at Sly as I go inside. Part of me feels exhausted, yet part of me feels wide awake. He’s awakened every cell in my body, and I don’t know what to do with all this bundled up energy. Walking through the house, everything remains where I left it. Nothing has changed. I still lost my daughter, I’m still divorced, and my house is still empty. I make my way to the shower, stripping out of my clothes on the way there.

  After the hot shower, I pull on a pair of black leggings and a long sweater top and throw my hair into a messy bun on top of my head. Just as I finish making a pot of coffee, there is a knock at the door. Taking my mug of coffee, I look through the peephole. It’s Beau. I swing the door open.

  “Jesus, Raine, where have you been? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you.”

  “I’m sorry, my phone has been off. What is it?” I swing the door open for him to come inside. “Coffee?”

  “Sure, thanks,” he says nervously as he follows me to the kitchen. I hand him a cup then we head to the living room. I sink comfortably into the couch. “What’s going on?”

  He rushes his words. “Please tell me you are not seeing Sly Wilkes.”

  “I don’t think it’s any of your business who I am dating or not.”

  “Raine, listen to me. He’s not who he says he is. He’s dangerous. I’m really not comfortable with you seeing him.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me, Beau? I’m fully aware of who he is, and he’s not dangerous. I’m not sure who is feeding you this bullshit, but I know full well what I’m doing,” I scoff.

  “Don’t you think it’s weird he’s never attended his own parties until you came along? Probably so he could shove it in my face.”

  “Beau, I appreciate that you are concerned, but Sly didn’t even know who I was married to until he saw you at the party. I don’t see him having ulterior motives. He’s not that type of guy.”

  “Raine, do you know who I’m with?”

  I shrug. “Some fucking bimbo who didn’t care you were married.”

  “She was one of Sly’s submissives. He got rough with her, and she ended things as soon as he took things too far. He is dangerous, Raine.”

  I laugh. Of course Beau is with one of his exes.

  “Beau, I’m a big girl. I can make my own decisions. Thanks for coming by.” I smile at him, hiding the shock deep inside me.

  “Raine, be careful. You are vulnerable, and I don’t want him taking advantage of you in this state.”

  “I’m fine. Really, I appreciate your concern. Now if you’ll please excuse me.” I stand, insinuating for him to leave.

  “Thanks for the coffee. Please be careful, Raine. He’s not a good guy when it comes to women.” He heads toward the door.

  “I will. Thanks for stopping by,” I tell him, shutting the door behind him.

  My heart is beating furiously out of my chest. I know Sly is dark, and that something lurks around him. But what secrets is he hiding? Can I trust him? I have half the notion to get in my car and go right over there to demand answers. Instead, I try to shake the uneasy feeling deep
inside my stomach. Grabbing my phone, I plug it in and power it back up. Six missed calls from Beau, two from Jessica, and five missed calls from Summer. This day is getting better and better. I dial Summer’s number, and she answers on the first ring.

  “Raine, you better have a good explanation, because I was two seconds from calling a search party,” she barks into the receiver.

  “Okay, let’s not be dramatic, Summer. Geez, I was with Sly.”

  “As in sleeping over and doing the nasty?” Her voice is back to normal.

  “Like I said, let’s not get all dramatic.”

  “Oh my god, you sex pot. Was he good in bed? He was, wasn’t he? I knew it.”

  I try to stifle a giggle.

  “You like him, don’t you?” she adds.

  “A little.”

  “I’d say more than a little.”

  “It’s new, so I don’t know what this is between us. He’s intense and complicated. How was the honeymoon?” I try to change the subject.

  “Amazing. The best place on earth. I brought back a few souvenirs for you. And I have a ton of pictures to show you. Let’s get back to Sly talk, he’s much more interesting.”

  “Summer, there is nothing to tell. I spent a few days and nights with him and that’s it.”

  “Oh my god, you were with him all weekend? No wonder I couldn’t get a hold of you.” She laughs. “Well, whatever it is, enjoy it. You deserve some happiness in your life. If I was there, I’d high five you right now. Seriously, you do. It’s about fucking time. Want to do lunch tomorrow?”

  “Sure. Want to meet at Cabrini’s, say around noon?”

  “I’ll be there. It’s good to hear you are trying to move on, Raine.”

  “I’ll talk to you later, Sis.” I hang up and set the phone down.

  Taking a deep breath, I don’t know what to think. I’m confused as hell, but my gut is telling me Sly isn’t bad. He might have a few demons, but who doesn’t? He’s the only one who doesn’t coddle me. He treats me like I’m normal, like my pain doesn’t exist. It’s there, it’ll always be there, but he’s eased it some. He’s taken me out of the darkness that tried to pull me under. I know he isn’t what Beau painted him to be. He can’t be. Am I doing the right thing, ignoring Beau’s comments? I’m just going to have to see how I feel in a few days, after being away from Sly, when my mind isn’t fogged by him.


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