Kiss Yesterday Goodbye: A Serenity Bay Novel

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Kiss Yesterday Goodbye: A Serenity Bay Novel Page 12

by Danni Rose

  "It would be difficult for any man to bear that kind of malicious gossip.

  "Within a year, Archer forced Jacob out. Later I learned Archer never wanted a merger. He always intended to take over Jacob's company." She took a slow, deep breath. "Jacob lost his will to live. He had a stroke and died three months later."

  "I'm sorry," Jason murmured.

  "He was a good, kind man, and I cared for him. His mistake was trusting Archer. Father used him then tossed him aside like yesterday's garbage. I was a widow and hadn't even finished college."

  "I'm surprised Archer didn't arrange another marriage for you."

  Her face turned bright red. "He tried, but I refused to be part of his schemes."

  Beth sat in her bedroom. She'd never forget the look on Jason's face when she told him about their baby. He'd looked stunned and angry. His reaction only made sense if he hadn't received her letters. Was he telling the truth?

  A knock on the door pulled her from the guilt that had tormented her for years. Lupita walked in with dinner. Beth inhaled the sweet fragrance of oregano and tangy tomato sauce. She'd made eggplant lasagna that looked as good as it smelled. Beth wanted to eat but pushed the food around for a while before she set the tray aside.

  She snuggled deeper into the mattress, but couldn't fall asleep. Could this investigator succeed? What if his new family refused to let her see him?

  She wanted her son and walking away a second time wasn't an option. Beth clenched her teeth. The scared eighteen-year-old debutante had become a woman who would fight for her child.

  In the early hours of the morning, she fell into a restless sleep. When she woke, her pillows and blanket were on the floor. At the foot of the bed the sheet laid in a tangled mess.

  Beth took a hot shower, but the dullness from a sleepless night clouded her mind. She switched the water from hot to cold. When the icy water hit her body, she screeched and scrambled from the shower.

  She finished dressing and went to the breakfast room. Jason was at the table drinking coffee. Lupita dashed in with the food that included scones from the shop.

  After she left, Beth asked, "What time do you expect Mr. Michael to arrive?"

  "He telephoned an hour ago. His flight is late, but he's booked on the next one out of Atlanta. He'll get to town around seven this evening. We'll meet with him then."

  "Good. In the meantime, could Marco take me to pick up my car? I need it to get to my appointment with the doctor at one. After I've seen him, I want to stop at the shop to see my friends."

  "It seems you still have gaps in your memory. Santos towed your car to his shop. I talked to him. He said it's a total loss. You need to get a new one."

  "Oh. Okay. I guess my memory is still faulty."

  "When you're better, we'll drive to Minneapolis so you can shop for a new vehicle."

  Beth's brow furrowed. "Well, can I borrow Marco for a few hours to visit Dr. Walters and my friends?"

  "I'll drive you. After you see the doctor, if you're not too tired, we'll stop in at the shop."

  "I don't want to bother you. Marco can take me."

  "I'll take you. I hired my management team because they're the best. I'm sure they can manage the business for a few hours without me. Besides, your appointment isn't until this afternoon. That will give me plenty of time to handle urgent issues before we leave."

  Beth nodded. She didn't want to be alone with him, but he hadn't given her a choice. They ate in silence. By the time they finished breakfast, the tension and activity made it difficult to keep her eyes open. After a last cup of tea, she went to her room and fell asleep.

  A knock on the bedroom door woke her.

  Jason opened the door. "I know you're tired, but we need to leave in half an hour for the doctor's office."

  "I'll change and meet you downstairs."

  Twenty minutes later Beth went to his study. The doors were closed. Was he talking about her again? She curled her hands into a tight fist as she remembered the conversation she'd heard. Beth didn't want a replay of that scene but didn't want him investigating her either. She knocked once on the door and walked in.

  Jason smiled and waved her to the sofa. She looked around the room. It was beautiful with its leather and mahogany furniture. Once seated, she listened to his conversation.

  "No. I want the construction to be solid, no short cuts. It will have my family's name on it, and I want them to be proud of the complex."

  Jason listened. "I don't care what the crew does to cut costs for other builders. That's not how I do business. If they can't do what I want, we'll bring in a new crew. Got it?" After a moment he said, "Great. Call me if you run into any other problems."

  Beth stared at him. "You plan to go ahead and build the complex?"

  "I may have had other reasons for returning to Serenity Bay, but I gave my word. I don't break promises."

  "My father wouldn't have finished the complex once he'd gotten what he wanted."

  "I'm not Archer." He smiled as he walked to the file cabinet. "We'll be on our way in a minute. First, I have to pick this lock."


  "I locked my file cabinet and can't open it."

  "Was this an important skill for you to have?" She laughed. "Were you planning a career as a thief?"

  "I forget where I hide my key, so a friend taught me to open the cabinet without one."

  "This friend of yours, would that be the same man who is studying Swedish?"

  He chuckled. "A man of many talents."

  "What work did he do before you hired him?"

  "If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

  She shook her head and laughed.

  After Jason told Lupita they were leaving, they walked out to the car. Marco knelt in the front flower bed, singing as he pulled weeds. Beth bit her lip. He might have a gift for languages, but his voice would send small animals, maybe even large ones, into hiding.

  Beth called a cheery good morning but didn't dare look at him. After they left the driveway and pulled onto the street, they both broke into laughter.

  With tears in her eyes, she said, "I never knew a serenade could be so frightening. Do you think the flowers grow faster because he sings to them?"

  "I think they're afraid he'll sing louder if they don't grow." He snickered, and their laughter filled the car.

  After Dr. Walters examined Beth, she and Jason met with him in his office. He said, "Beth, I'm happy with your progress."

  "Is it good enough to return to work?"

  He shook his head. "While you're better, your memory is faulty. I know you don't want to hear this, but you need rest if you want to make a full recovery."

  "Abbey and the others will help me. I'll take breaks and naps."

  The doctor crossed his arms.

  Beth sighed. "I suppose that means I can't drive either?"

  "It's not safe."

  "Angel, give your body time to heal." Jason squeezed her shoulder. "You don't want full bedrest again, do you?"

  Her shoulders dropped. "No."

  The doctor said, "I'll check you again next week. If you're better then, maybe we can relax some of the restrictions."

  After they left the office, Jason drove to Delectable Delights. Beth clasped her hands so tightly her knuckles were white.

  "What's wrong?" Jason asked.

  "What if my friends are angry?"

  "Why would they angry?"

  "When Abbey came to see me, I didn't remember her."

  "You didn't know anyone." He squeezed her knee. "Your friends love you. They'll be happy you're better and that you remember them."

  He pulled into the shop's parking lot. More tired than she'd told Jason, she waited for him to help her out of the car. When she stood, her legs shook.

  He held her arm as they walked into the shop then said, "You're getting tired. We'll make this a short visit."

  She nodded.

  From behind the counter came a squeal. Abbey raced over and pulled her into a t
ight hug. Tears poured from her eyes when she saw Abbey's smile. Then the other employees and customers stood to clap and cheer. She gave them a watery but happy smile.

  There wasn't a dry eye in the shop. The employees from the kitchen came to join the happy reunion. Her friends passed Beth from one set of arms to another. Their faces reflected their joy and relief. But it was Beth's glowing eyes and joy-filled smile that took Jason's breath away.

  He suggested they get her a cup of tea and find a place for her to sit. Abbey took Beth's arm and led her to one of the stuffed chairs.

  Someone set a hot cup of tea in front of Beth. "It's your special blend."

  Moments later, a plate with a warm scone appeared. She looked up at Erik.

  "I call it Heavenly Delight."

  She bit into the pastry, closed her eyes, and moaned. "Mmm. My favorites—raspberries and white chocolate." Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled at Erik. "It's wonderful."

  He turned bright red when everyone cheered. "We have a new scone on the menu."

  Beth talked and laughed with her friends. These people were important to her. They were family and cared about her.

  Someone asked, "When are you coming back to work?"

  "Maybe next week. I wanted to start tomorrow, but the doctor won't clear me. I told him you would—"

  "Listen to your doctor." Erik shook a finger. "Don't take any risks with your health. You rest and take as much time as you need to get well."

  Beth smiled. "Thank you for understanding."

  When she yawned, Jason said, "I need to get our patient home. She's had a long day."

  Beth hugged her friends and promised to visit again. Her smile never wavered even when she yawned a second time. As Erik had said, they loved and watched over her as she did them because that's what family did.

  Back in the car, Beth leaned back and fell asleep. She woke when a door slammed.

  Jason walked around the car and helped her out. They walked into the house and on the table in the front hall was a note. Gabriel called. Beth yawned but followed Jason to the study. He pressed a button on the answering machine.

  Gabriel said, My flight out was delayed, and I missed my flight from Minneapolis. I won't get to town until late tonight. Let's meet at nine tomorrow morning.

  Jason said, "It's better this way. You need to rest before we meet with him. It won't be easy for you to talk about the past and our baby."

  "You're right. I'm just disappointed."

  "So am I." He led her to the stairs. "Do you want Lupita to bring you a tray for dinner?"

  "Please." She clutched his hand. "Thank you for taking me to the shop. I miss my friends. It's good to know not everything has changed." Then she kissed his cheek.

  In her bedroom, Beth changed clothes and crawled into bed. She flipped on the television and found one of her favorite movies. Her stomach rumbled. She hoped Lupita brought a dinner tray soon. In the meantime, she watched To Catch a Thief with the always debonair Cary Grant.

  A few minutes into the movie, Lupita walked in with a full tray and set it on Beth's lap. The aroma made her mouth water. She'd made a French onion soup covered with melted cheese. There was a steak salad with seared steak, romaine, tomatoes, red onions, and blue cheese. For dessert, there was an apple tart Tatin.

  Lupita said, "I thought you'd prefer a light dinner."

  "This is light?" The salad was huge. "If I keep eating like this, I'll have to buy clothes in a larger size."

  "It wouldn't hurt you to gain a few pounds, so eat everything. I'll return for the tray later."

  After Beth ate, she snuggled under the blanket to watch the movie. She yawned as the tension seeped from her body.

  Jason wore a cocky grin as he strolled across the park. He wore a black tee shirt that hugged the muscles of his chest and black jeans that emphasized his long, sinewy legs. Watching his hips roll and sway took her breath away.

  He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her until she melted against his body. Her blood heated. Hot and needy, she shifted and rubbed against him.

  Her eyes snapped opened. The morning sun shone through the window. Beth ran her tongue over her lips as she remembered the taste of Jason's kisses. An ache ignited between her thighs. She rubbed them together, but it didn't ease the hunger.

  Beth vowed not to watch romantic movies before she went to sleep. She looked at the clock and saw a note next to it. Gabriel will arrive at nine. She showered and hoped it calmed the pulsing desire. She already spent too much time drooling over Jason.


  Jason waited for her at the bottom of the stairs. He wore a tight black tee shirt and black pants. Beth licked her lips. He looked sexier than he had in the dream that teased her last night. When she reached him, he handed her a cup of tea. She inhaled the aroma of cinnamon and orange. "Mmm. How did you know?"

  "While we were at the shop, Abbey gave me instructions on the proper care of Elizabeth Kingsley."

  "She didn't."

  "Oh, yes." He laughed. "You drink strong tea with breakfast and the rest of the day you have strong, black coffee. She sent me home with a tin of your favorite tea and a package of the coffee you prefer."

  "I'm sorry. She shouldn't have bothered you."

  "Your friends are worried and want you to have whatever you need to recover. That's what family does." He took her arm and walked to the breakfast room. "There's more color in your cheeks today. How are you feeling?"

  "Better. Refreshed."

  "I checked on you earlier. You were restless and whimpering. I thought you might be having nightmares about the crash. I walked in to wake you, but the moans stopped, so I let you sleep. Were they nightmares?"

  Although she tried to appear calm, her face grew hot. "I don't remember."

  "If you have nightmares, you should tell the doctor, or we can find you a counselor."

  "I'm fine. If the dreams become a problem, I'll let you know."

  "Good." He chuckled. "I hope you're hungry. I walked into the kitchen for coffee and found Lupita singing with the radio while she fixed breakfast. You know what that means."

  Beth nodded. "She made enough food for a platoon of soldiers and expects me to eat at least two helpings of everything. If I don't, she'll accuse me of worrying my mother."

  They laughed and sat at the table. Lupita brought in her usual overloaded tray of food, and they filled their plates.

  She asked, "How did you find Mr. Michael?"

  "A few years ago, the son of one of Matt's friends was kidnapped. They hired Gabriel Michael to find the boy."

  "Is he good?"

  "Matt told me he takes cases other investigators consider lost causes, and his success rate is higher than the average."

  "Did he find the boy?"

  Jason nodded. "He did."

  "Then we should hire him."

  "It's not a matter of whether we hire him, but whether he'll take our case. He's particular about who he works with. If he agrees to work for us, we have to first agree to his terms."

  "What are they?"

  Jason counted off the reasons. "Someone he trusts must refer us. We must have a good reason for finding the child. We have to agree to act in the child's best interests."

  "He sounds like the kind of investigator we need. Someone who won't give up."

  "That's what I thought, so I had his background checked. Michael's firm has an excellent reputation and is one of the best in the country. There isn't much information about Michael and nothing over seven years old. It's as though he didn't exist before then."

  "I don't care about his past, my concern is whether he can find my son." She tilted her head. "Tell me what to say to convince him to accept our case?"

  "Just be honest and answer his questions, no matter how uncomfortable they make you."

  "There are still gaps in my memory."

  "Do your best. If we have to fill in the blanks later, we will."

  "Why does he have two first names?"

I don't know. You can ask him when he gets here."

  After breakfast, they went to the study. He nagged Beth until she sat, her legs up, on the sofa. "This interview will drain you emotionally and physically."

  He covered her with an afghan and put a pillow behind her back.

  She objected. "This isn't the way to conduct a business meeting with someone we want to impress."

  "Michael will understand. I told him about the accident." He crossed his arms. "We can't risk setting back your recovery."

  The doorbell rang, and Beth grabbed his hand. "What will we do if he won't help us?"

  Jason said, "Don't worry. He wouldn't be coming here if he wasn't interested in our case. If he decides against us, we'll hire someone else. I promise we will find our son."

  The heavy footsteps in the hall got closer until Gabriel Michael walked into the room. Beth shivered. He exuded confidence and strength. Never would he allow himself to fail.

  His blond hair was tied back in a queue and hung to the middle of his back. Shadows in his translucent silver-gray eyes revealed the soul of the man who walked in the alleys of life's dark side. Gabriel Michael could handle himself and anyone who got in his way.

  "Mr. Michael, I'm Jason Richards. Thank you for meeting with us." Jason shook his hand.

  "Please call me Gabriel."

  They walked to her, and Beth marveled at their similarities. Both men exuded power and authority. Anyone who saw them would know it was a mistake to cross either man.

  "This is Elizabeth Kingsley—Beth."

  Gabriel shook her hand. "Happy to meet you."

  "Thank you for coming here. It's difficult for me to travel."

  "Jason explained." Gabriel nodded.

  "Before we start, would you like coffee, water, or something else?" Jason pointed to a cart. "If you're hungry, we have scones and other pastries."

  Gabriel poured a large cup of the dark coffee.

  She warned him. "It's very strong."

  He took a long drink and smiled. "Perfect."

  "Your story caught my interest. I wanted to hear more." Gabriel sat on a leather chair and took a notebook and pen from his briefcase. "So tell me about your son."

  Jason said, "I'd like to tell you about the early years when we both lived in Serenity Bay."


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