Pauline is screaming when I head to her next.
“No, Dagger, no. They never told me. I fucking didn’t know,” she pleads.
I lift the gun and rest the barrel against her forehead. “If I ever see you again, I’ll kill you. If you ever step foot in the state of Arizona, I’ll know. Do you get me, Pauline?”
“Yes, I swear. I swear.”
I hand the gun to Gomez on my way out. We don’t say a word. Justice has been served.
I sleep the last night at the hospital with Sofia. It will be wonderful to go home tomorrow. Red assured me the women have done a damn good job of cleaning my bedroom and bathroom so Sofia is comfortable.
I go to admitting to fill out the papers for the hospital bill. They hand me the paperwork and I scan the itemized total as it stands. It’s over six hundred thousand dollars.
“Sign at the bottom and you’re good to go,” the woman tells me.
I shake my head. “I can’t make more than a small down payment on this right now.”
“Well, um… the bill’s been paid in full. We have a PO box listed here to send follow up bills to for payment.”
She hands me the paper stating the bill is paid in full. “Whoever paid didn’t sign and we need your signature for discharge.”
I look at the address. It’s in Phoenix and I know it was Gomez or Moon who paid this. Fuck. How do I ever say thank you?
I sign the papers and head back up to Sofia’s room to get her the hell out of this place.
I’M A HORRIBLE PATIENT. Dagger bought a car with really good air conditioning to replace mine and he’s driving me to another medical appointment. The oral surgeon is removing the wires from my jaw today. I’m so relieved. They’ve had me on anti-nausea medication because of the pregnancy and the possibility of throwing up. It makes me drowsy and I hate it. I’m also tired of eating from a straw.
My man’s cock hasn’t been down my throat since the accident. This does not improve my mood. Dagger refuses to touch me in any way until the doctor gives the all clear. Yeah, that doesn’t improve my mood either. If the oral surgeon can’t give the go-ahead, Dagger will be driving me back to the hospital so I can find the surgeon who removed the bullet. Someone will give the all clear for sex today or someone will die.
I’m also tired of everyone treating me like the princess they call me. Fuck that shit. I’m going to punch someone. Having the wires removed is no fun and my jaw aches like a motherfucker when we leave.
Dagger keeps looking at me and grinning.
“What?” I finally ask.
“I can’t believe you asked him when it was safe to put my dick in your mouth. Poor guy almost had a stroke.” Dagger starts laughing and it’s over a minute before he quiets down.
“Doctors should know not to get between a Latina woman and her man. He said we could have sex too.” My speech is somewhat better, but I’m almost afraid to open my jaw too far.
“Yeah, after he called an obstetrician.”
“If you don’t want sex, just say so. I’m sure I can find someone else to scratch my itch.”
“Fuck that. You’re mine, princess.” He takes my hand and moves it to the front of his jeans. “Don’t ever think I don’t want you.”
His cock is hard and I squeeze. He groans and I smile.
Rufus picked up the mail while we were at the medical appointment, and the papers from the county are waiting for us when we arrive back at the clubhouse.
Dagger pulls me into his lap and circles his arms around me. The envelope is in front of us. “Open it,” he whispers in my ear.
“Damn. What if it’s bad news?”
“Then we sic your Latina ass on them and they’ll be sorry. Open it.”
My fingers actually tremble as I tear open the envelope. We begin reading.
“You did it, princess.”
“Hell. It’s approved.”
Dagger stands up, puts me on my feet, and lets out a loud yell. “Fuck yeah, we’re in business.” He’s careful of my ribs as he pulls me in close. I can’t keep a stupid grin from my face. “Call the brothers, Rufus. We’re partying tonight.”
His forehead leans against mine. “I love you,” he whispers. “Didn’t matter what the papers said.” His hand wiggles between us and goes into his pocket. When he pulls his hand out, a gold band rests in his palm. “You can choose something else if you want. I had Savannah’s ring melted down along with mine and then had two remade.”
I stare at the band. I get why he did this. Savannah was his world and because of that her and their child are part of my world too. The ring represents love and he’s giving it to me. “Where’s yours?” I ask in a gruff voice that has nothing to do with having the wires removed from my jaw. He reaches into his other pocket and pulls out a larger band.
I take them both with trembling fingers. Tears stream down my cheeks. I lift them to my lips and kiss them. Dagger pulls me back against him and lets me cry.
“Is that a yes?”
I’m only capable of nodding with my head buried in his chest.
“She said yes,” Vampire shouts.
I forgot a few of the guys were here.
“Double party,” AJ whoops.
“I love you, princess,” Dagger says loud enough for everyone to hear.
I feel loved. I have a family and a baby on the way. I never knew exactly what I was searching for but now I do and I have it in spades.
We party until two in the morning. I, of course, don’t drink. Taking all the drugs in the hospital bothers me and I worry for our child. I don’t care what the doctors say. I don’t plan to take so much as an aspirin for the rest of my pregnancy.
I’m exhausted and trying to keep my eyes open when Dagger lifts me and carries me to our room. He lays me down, removes my shoes, and quickly takes my clothes off.
“Mmm,” I say with sleepy eyes while he massages my insteps. It feels so good that my back arches.
He stands and pulls the sheet over me. “Get some sleep, princess.”
I’m suddenly wide awake. “No. You aren’t leaving me.” I throw the cover off, spread my legs, and rub my fingers along my pussy lips. “If you won’t take care of my problem, I will.”
His baby blues darken and I watch while he divests himself of his clothing. His eyes burn into mine and finally I know I’ve broken through the celibacy rule he’s had in place for the past few weeks.
“You better make it good, white boy. My fingers feel pretty damn incredible.”
He leans over and grabs my hand, lifting my wet fingers to his lips. “You taste damn incredible too.”
“Fuck me, Dax, fuck me until I scream your name.”
“I don’t want to hurt you, princess.” I’m about to protest, when he continues. “You tell me if something feels uncomfortable, deal?”
“Yes,” I say quietly.
He moves over me. His arms hold him up as he rolls to my other side and brings me on top of him. “Ride me, baby,” he groans as I rub myself along his cock.
He’s hard, which is never a surprise. My face still has yellow bruises. The stitches came out a few days ago, but my face is still puffy around the bone implant. He looks at me like I’m beautiful. His kind of beautiful. I lift to my knees and position myself so I can sink down on his cock. I place my hands on his chest and slowly lift my hips, lower them, and lift. Our eyes remain locked. So much love.
God, I’ve missed this. There’s no connection on earth that even comes close.
“You’re beautiful, princess.”
I smile widely. My jaw aches, but I don’t care. My goal is to suck his cock in a week. My smile goes wider and he lifts his hands to my breasts. I move my hands back to his thighs and increase my speed, loving his heavy breathing and knowing I drive him as crazy as he drives me.
I’m there much too quickly and pulse around his cock.
“Dax,” I cry.
“Gotcha, princess.”
“Dax come with me. God, please.”
“I’m there,” he pants.
And he is. His warmth fills me. His touch sears. My body burns.
I wake up with the most incredible sensation between my legs. Dagger has my knees over his shoulders while he eats my pussy. I slept through his arranging me, but God there’s no way I could sleep through this.
He locks eyes with mine and smiles after releasing my clit from between his lips. “You taste so fucking good, princess. Sweeter. It’s the baby, gotta be.”
“It’s you. You’re sweeter,” I tell him and groan when he slides his tongue inside me.
I love him so much. Love his nasty sexual appetite and how much it turns me on. I need to ask the doctor about pregnancy and anal, I think, before I can’t think at all.
TODAY IS SOFIA’S FIRST ultrasound and I can’t help remembering the last day I had with Savannah. This is bittersweet and Sofia understands.
Dr. Andreas walks in the room and takes a seat by Sofia. She’s an older Latina doctor in her sixties and Sofia loves her. She wanted a doctor who would be accepting of our lifestyle. I wasn’t happy when the doctor said Sofia could ride on the back of my bike with a helmet for as long as she was comfortable. No, not happy at all.
The club took a ride last weekend to Flagstaff and I was a wreck the entire time. Sofia laughed when I cussed out a driver for moving too close to our ass before passing. It was an old woman, and someone needed to report her so she has her eyes re-examined.
The doctor places clear jell on the ultrasound wand before placing it on Sofia’s belly.
Sofia laughs and says, “It’s cold.”
I smile, lean down, and kiss her cheek. “Buck up, princess.”
We watch the picture on the screen as the doctor moves the wand around to locate the baby.
“I expected this. Your hCG levels were high, so I’m not at all surprised.”
Sofia tries to sit up. “What?” she asks in rising panic.
“No worries. Stay still and I’ll show you.” The doctor moves the wand again.
Sofia sinks back against the bed, but her body stays tense. I’m holding her hand and her fingernails dig into my skin.
“See here,” the doctor says, “here’s the heartbeat.” She moves the wand again. “And here’s the other heartbeat. You’re having twins.”
“Fuck,” I whisper.
“Yes, Mr. Montgomery, that’s what usually gets you into this situation.”
Our doctor has a sense of humor. I take my eyes from the monitor and turn to Sofia. She’s crying. “My mother told me there were two. I thought she was talking about my sister and brother.”
My wife has gone a little loco, but she’s pregnant with twins, so I guess I better get used to it.
“The babies are healthy. Good heartbeats and good size. We’ll be monitoring you closely and I’m afraid I have a different opinion about the motorcycle rides now. Twins can come into this world without any complications, but we need to help that along.”
“I love you, Dr. Andreas,” I tell her.
“Of course you do,” my wife says. “She’s giving you your way.”
The doctor laughs and Sofia grumbles.
“Do you want a picture?” the doctor asks. “It will be at least another month before we can distinguish the sex of the babies.”
“Please,” Sofia says quietly.
We leave the doctor’s office with two pictures. Because we were coming to the city, I insisted on bringing the car. Before I open her door, I pull her into my arms. “I don’t know if I can handle twins.” I thread my fingers into her hair and kiss her.
“You will be a wonderful father.” She puts her lips against mine again and then leans away. “I need a favor.”
“Anything, princess.”
We find the building that suits her needs and I follow her inside. The interior is shadowed. I feel uncomfortable, but Sofia keeps a tight hold on my hands and pulls me forward with her. We’re in a small Catholic church so my wife can light candles for her mother, siblings, Savannah, and our babies.
She explained in the car about her mother talking to her before she lost consciousness. I have no doubt Sofia believes she did. I won’t argue. I sink to my knees beside her when she tugs my hand. She closes her eyes and prays.
A Justice of the Peace in Phoenix married us two weeks ago. I never thought about a church wedding. Sofia never said anything about it either. The harmony of the church settles over me and I understand the draw Sofia feels. I swear I smell the faint scent of Savannah’s perfume when I close my eyes and add my own prayer for Sofia and the babies.
We stay for about twenty minutes. Sofia lights her candles and I leave a donation. I’m glad we came.
Seven months later…
Our son and daughter were born at full term. They’re healthy and perfect. I walk out to the waiting room. Every member of the club and their women are here. Sofia was in labor for almost twenty-four hours and it’s been an incredibly long night.
I can’t stop the grin that splits my face when Skull stands up and walks over to me. “Boy and girl. Both healthy and Sofia is exhausted but doing well.”
He throws his arms around me and pounds his ham hocks into my back. “Fuck, Dagger. Congratulations.”
Cheers go up.
“I need to get back. Love you, brother,” I say with my own slap on his back.
The Desert Crows just increased by two.
I walk back into Sofia’s room. The babies are resting in her arms and I slip my hands beneath our daughter and bring her to my chest. I know who I’m holding by the color of her head cap. This is Masey Savannah Montgomery. Sofia is holding our son, Jonathan Dax Montgomery. We’ve visited Savanah’s and Mason’s grave several times in the past few months. I’ll make a special trip and tell Mason all about his new sister and brother. I need him and Savannah watching over them.
Sofia’s smile is beautiful but tired.
“I’ll hold them both while you sleep. You did a good job, momma,” I whisper.
“I’m sorry I cussed at you,” she says with another sleepy smile.
“Like every other day,” I tease.
Her brown eyes stare into mine. “I love you, Dax.”
I hold the baby closer and lean over to kiss her sweet lips. “Thank you, princess. I love you too.”
Strange that it’s motherhood that changes me the most. Do I still have anger issues? Yes. Am I learning to control myself? Yes. Dax, Masey and Jonathan are my lifeline and the Crows put me in my place when needed. The men and women of the club take my shit with a smile that has me feeling foolish. They’ve learned to kill me with kindness. It works. I pull the rage in and try to leave the room before smiling back. Bottom line—this is what family is all about.
I love my children in a way that’s impossible to describe. I see this fierce love in Dax’s eyes when he looks at the three of us. We live in a dangerous world and it will take us both to keep our children safe. Dax has done so much to lead the Crows out of illegal activity. He’s also pulled the club into legal medical marijuana and teamed with Moon’s organization to do it. This conversation took place before the babies were born. I about screamed the clubhouse down because I resisted the idea. Now Red and I have two dispensaries in our names. Dax couldn’t move forward without our clean criminal histories. He spent an entire morning with his face between my thighs to convince me this was the right move for us.
What can I say? The man has a way without words.
The babies are growing like weeds and our lives weren’t complete without them. The store and repair shop opened a few months ago. We have more business than we can handle. The clubhouse is undergoing major repairs right now. Sofia is getting a brand-new kitchen that’s essential for all the mouths she feeds. Tramp hooked up with one of the brothers and she’s an old lady now. She’s also Sofia’s chief assistant when it comes to meals. All the ladies
take turns with the babies with Red watching closely. She insists the babies will call her grandma.
My son and daughter have their mother’s dark eyes and hair. They’re perfect.
This morning is the first time Sofia is willing to leave the babies and join the club for a ride. Curly Sue and Red stay behind to watch the kids. Everyone else is with us. Sofia has her own cut now declaring she’s a Desert Crow. I’m so proud to have her arms wrapped tightly around my waist.
She’s changed and though she worried about becoming a mother, she’s incredible. I never had a doubt. Sofia is the mother of the entire club. She fills these shoes with an iron fist, vocal cords that bring the roof down, and more love then most of the club has ever experienced.
Before Savannah died, I was having artwork tattooed on my back to show my love for my wife and son. It remained unfinished and I had the tat put on my chest to honor my wife and son when I got out of prison. After Sofia married me, I had the club’s emblem tattooed over the work on my back. Sofia, my babies, and the Crows are my family.
It’s a beautiful morning. The wind is at our backs and sun on our faces.
Desert Crows forever, forever Desert Crows.
Dear reader,
Before anyone yells at me for knocking foster parents, I want you to know I have worked with incredible foster parents and also ones on the other end of the spectrum. For the purposes of this story, Sofia’s interactions were not the best. If you are a foster parent please know I admire you greatly!
I knew when I typed “The End” that not everyone would love Sofia as much as me. She’s hard to love. Her character is based on a case I had as a detective with a young Latina woman. I can’t go into a lot of detail but I gave her a break due to her childhood history and yes, she spent a lot of time in the foster care system. A few years later, she came into the police department and asked me for a reference to become a nurse. I gave her the reference and she’s never looked back. She treated my mother in the emergency room once and I couldn’t believe her compassion. Hers is not Sofia’s story but the anger of our first interaction was quite similar. Sofia fought with me throughout the book and I had to rewriter her three times to get it right. Several characters in this book represent a woman who pulled herself out of hell and made a life for herself and her children. I hope I did her justice.
Burn: Outlaw Romance (Hotter Than Hell Book 3) Page 19