Up for Forever

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Up for Forever Page 19

by Heather Young-Nichols

  Most brides a week before their wedding are a ten on the crazy scale and being completely anal about everything that goes in their mouths. Not my best friend. She was tiny anyway so she didn’t need to worry but I was proud of her for being calm. We had until Wednesday before her mom and Larry flew in and weren’t planning on missing anything.

  We decided on an old school slumber party with only two guests. Actually, Saturday we never even changed out of our pajamas. Even though we’d made a no calling/texting policy, neither of us could ignore the ones that came in from the guys. Some were sweet. Some sexy. Along with some of the dorkiest pictures that I saved for future blackmail purposes. One gave the illusion of Sam and Cain in a full on make out embrace. Since you couldn’t see their faces, you had no idea if they were kissing or not. We figured not because that wasn’t them, but still an awesomely embarrassing picture.

  On Sunday afternoon, we sat in the airport waiting for their plane to land. Sam had a much shorter flight so I wasn’t surprised when Flannery and I both got a text from him before the guys got back.

  Sam: All’s well. They are safe. Hookers looked clean but I’d have them tested anyway.

  “Jerk.” Flannery giggled the sighed. “I miss him.”

  “Me, too.” Since he left the year before he’d been the missing piece of our puzzle.

  Adam and Cain came to a stop in front of us. We’d been so busy giggling about the text that we didn’t see them approach.

  “I would’ve thought they missed us a little bit.” The smile was heard before seen. The weekend had really let Cain blow of some steam. He’d always been easy going but living the life of a grown-up took its toll.

  “I guess we were replaced by a phone.” Adam snatched mine out of my hand. “Scratch that. A text from fucking Sam.” Then he read the text, laughed, and passed it off to Cain who did the same thing.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Saturday morning arrived thrusting us into a world of activity and excitement. Flannery didn’t believe in the “not seeing each other before the wedding” thing so the five of us camped out at their apartment Friday night. But the guys left before she and I were awake. Who knew why.

  I made her breakfast in case she was too worked up to eat later but much to my surprise there was no sign of any nerves. We both showered, packed up any last minute items we might need, then headed to the Dorsey’s. That place was even worse. There were people everywhere. It seemed everyone had a job and were intent on doing it right because they pretty much ignored us when we came through the door. Linda and Jennifer met us as soon as we arrived, both talking a mile a minute until they dropped us in the guestroom.

  “Holy crap.” Flannery sagged when I shut the door to block out the rest of the world.

  “Hey, it’s not every day Momma’s little baby gets married.”

  “Thank God.”

  Adele’s friend, a high-end hairstylist, arrived with her assistant to get started on our hair. When Ava showed up, the party really got started. She’d go last in the hair department because honestly, she didn’t have that much to worry about.

  Since we had longer hair, the wedding was outside and frankly it was just our style, Flan and I had loose curls hanging over our shoulders and down our backs. We did our own makeup because we wanted to look like us and not over done versions of Broadway actresses.

  Ava and I helped Flannery into her dress, zipped her up, then fluffed it out to make sure it hung just right then got into our own dresses and the three of us were ready to go.

  Cain’s parents spared no expense when they insisted on paying for the entire thing. The minute we could see down the stairs, it was obvious that not one square foot had been untouched since people would be coming in to use one of the two restrooms downstairs.

  With the ceremony taking place in the backyard, it had been groomed into submission and they brought in a large white tent that attached to the one side of the house for easy access where the reception would be held. It would be the perfect combination of Flannery’s sweet low-key attitude and the Dorsey’s upscale budget.

  To top it off the tent was fully air-conditioned and at least the size of my apartment. We could hear the small band that had been hired for the ceremony softly playing as the guests got seated. I could just see through the French style patio doors that people were still milling around out there but could see nothing of the arch where they would be married or if the guys were already out there.

  “This is pretty awesome,” Ava said with a big smile just as Rob passed through. We hadn’t actually met him yet but when she pointed him out, the both of us nodded and smiled our approval. The man was “holy-shit-hot” like she’d said. “Ready to do this?” Ava asked once the delicious marine had made his way outside and we saw the guests taking their seat. The music shifted as well, another indication that the show was about to start. Flannery nodded, a small smile playing on her lips.

  “Ok, Ava, you’re first,” I said, wanting to ease any last minute nerves any of us were feeling. “You set the tone. If you fall, we are all going to fall or piss ourselves laughing.”

  “I’m not going to fall. You know, I haven’t called you a walking STD recently.” Her words along with the sparkle of amusement in those blue eyes brought the giggle fest.

  The wedding coordinator came halfway up the stairs as a signal for us to get our shit in gear. As we headed down, I peeked through the French doors again to see the maybe one hundred people filling the seats. Flan had wanted it even smaller than that but the reality was Cain had grandparents, aunts and uncles, as well as friends of the family that couldn’t be ignored. I’d asked her if it was upsetting that she had only two people from her family there to witness this. She said no but it sort of looked like it bothered her so I told her she could have Rob as one of hers. That made her feel better she said with a giggle.

  The sound of the music changed again and Aria (the coordinator) waved us down. On her command, Ava started out setting the right pace for us all. Those French doors swept open at the last minute drawing everyone’s attention and out she went.

  Next, I was up. When Aria gave the nod, I took my first step into the warm, late Michigan summer afternoon. I could feel the smile on my lips and vaguely acknowledged how nice Sam and Cain looked but I was hard pressed to take my eyes off Adam. The suit we picked out fit them each spectacularly but clearly him the best. His hair had been tamed but was still so Adam and his expression matched mine until he gave a little nod, mouthed the words “wow,” then freaking winked at me. He made winking look sexy and my smile spread a little.

  The white arch the judge friend of Paul’s stood under as he prepared to marry Cain and Flannery was beautiful with a band of light purple daisies wrapped around the sides as well as linking the rows of chairs together to denote the aisle. Everything else was white as well, the chairs, the runner we were walking on. It was understated, but absolutely beautiful like Flannery. We hadn’t seen it all put together. Flannery put her trust in her future family and the wedding coordinator and it paid off in spades. I could feel someone watching my trek down the aisle. Instinctively, my eyes shot to Adam who was in fact still taking in every movement I made. It was really hard to look away especially when I didn’t want to.

  Forcing my gaze from him as I took my place beside Ava to wait for Flannery was extremely difficult because I could feel him on me, taking inventory, looking me over. The music changed again and everyone rose from their seats as Flannery started her trek down the aisle on her mom’s arm. No one even thought a thing about the fact that Jennifer was giving her daughter away because for Flannery it just made sense. My fingers tightened around the white daisy bouquet I was holding. I knew then that when it was me, I’d be walking alone. Whoa, where did that thought come from? Obviously all this wedding stuff was making me far too comfortable with the idea of being married. But there was no way I’d have my father walk me down or my mother for that matter. Then again, there was Kevin. I wasn’t sure I wa
s comfortable with the idea of marriage or him giving me away or any of that, but I wasn’t as uncomfortable as I would’ve thought.

  When Jennifer took her seat next to Larry, Flannery’s stepdad, the bridal party turned to the judge friend of Cain’s dad. Before I made the complete rotation, Adam caught my eye once again with a look on his face, a heat in his eyes burning me to my toes, that made me blush with what I hoped was a faint pink so everyone wouldn’t know what we were thinking. My hopes dashed slightly when Sam nudged him with an elbow to draw Adam’s attention back to the ceremony.

  The ceremony went the traditional route but I could hardly focus on the words. Flannery had decided to give their parents that. Kind words were given on the commitment they were about to make, vows were said, and finally they were pronounced husband and wife. Cain gave her a hot kiss that no parent should be forced to watch. It wasn’t trashy by any standard but just enough to be a reminder that they were having sex that night. In that moment, Flannery Tate became Flannery Dorsey.

  Arm in arm they headed back up the aisle followed by Sam and me then Adam and Ava where we waited for everyone to move into the tent so we could all be announced.

  “I can’t believe it’s over already.” Flannery sounded winded possibly due to the air sucking kiss her husband had given her. Husband. That was weird.

  “Thank God.” Cain adjusted his tie. She playfully punched his abs.

  We did a round of hugs of congratulations to the newly married couple then erupted like schoolgirls until it was time to enter the reception. The three females in our group cackled about how beautiful everything was and how weird it was that they were married.

  Music pumped from the DJ that had been hired because Flannery thought having a band would be creepy. I don’t know about her sometimes. Dinner was delicious. Not that I expected anything less. We waited for the first dance but the entire day was so on schedule we didn’t have to wait long.

  First, Mr. and Mrs. Cain Dorsey took the floor, followed by me and Sam then Adam and Ava when the first notes of that song Flannery sang (badly) to Cain at the baseball game to win him back lofted into the air.

  “So things are good?” Sam asked quietly with his cheek rested against mine.

  “Yeah, things are good. You?” He shrugged. I pulled back to get a look at his face. Make sure those dark eyes weren’t hiding anything from me. “Hey, what’s up?” It wasn’t like Sam to be serious.

  “Nothing really. I’m thinking about making some changes. I miss you guys while I’m out there. Now they’re married.” His head tilted to indicate Flannery and Cain. “You and Burger will be eventually. It’s got me thinking that’s all.”

  “I know it’s so weird. Kind of like being grown-up. And if you would’ve told me even at graduation that I’d be in a real relationship, not almost married by the way, I’d have kicked you in the nuts.”

  “Kendra.” He sighed my name, turning me slowly. “You’ve been in a real relationship for over two years. You just wouldn’t admit it.”

  “True.” I hated admitting that he was right.

  “You know how I know this?” My eyebrows quirked up because that was definitely something I wanted to hear. “You and me are cut from the same cloth. It’s why I never tried to fuck you.”

  “I’m not sure if I should be offended or flattered.”

  His laugh barked out a bit too loudly. “Flattered. I’m awesome. At everything.” Yeah, yeah, I got his meaning.

  The song must have ended without us noticing because we were still moving slowly until suddenly we were surrounded by four other people.

  “Are you putting the moves on my girl?” Adam asked, catching our attention.

  “Nah.” Sam stepped back. “I’ve still got my eye on this one.” His hand shot out, grabbing Flannery by the arm then yanked her to him where she slammed into his side. She hadn’t been prepared for that.

  “Watch it, buddy, she’s married now.” Cain smiled at his best friend.

  “I know, I know. You’ll make an excellent first husband.” The six of us giggled our way off the floor so the rest of the guests could enjoy the new, faster song.

  “Have I told you that I’m glad you and Adam worked things out?” Ava asked as if he weren’t sitting right there running his hand up and down my thigh.

  “No. Why is that?” I smiled, waiting for her answer.

  “Because when I saw your meltdown in New York I thought you were losing your fucking mind.” Next to her, Rob laughed at my pain. “I just didn’t want to have to take care of a crazy cat lady you when we’re old and gray. Now you’re his problem.”

  “Challenge accepted.” Adam kissed me softly on the lips.

  Cain and Flannery had to mingle and Sam got hijacked to dance with his sisters. All he did was try to embarrass them with his full body seizure type moves. He had moves. I’d seen them so I knew he was doing it on purpose. Ava and Rob were laughing so hard that they decided to join him leaving Adam and me alone for the first time that day.

  “You look beautiful today,” he murmured into my ear.

  “You clean up real good too.” He snorted.

  “So I found this note in my pocket when I got dressed.” He leaned back so he could see my reaction. I had none. “Know anything about that?”

  “A note?” I shook my head softly. As I did, he caught one of the curls in his hand. “I saw Cain’s grandma up there this morning. Maybe she’s got a crush on you.” His chucked filled my ears and made my stomach drop.

  “If that’s the case and she can do everything that’s in that note, I might have to dump you.”

  “Gross.” I groaned then decided to put him out of his misery. “Fine. I confess. It was me.”

  “I thought so. Not many girls have a mind that dirty.” He said that as a compliment because I’d often thought that somewhere inside I was a party boy. “Well, thanks for that. I was hard through the entire ceremony.”

  “Aww … poor baby.” I nipped at his lips until he gave in and kissed me.

  Before it got too late, Cain and Flannery made their exit. They decided to spend their first married night at a swanky hotel in the city so they’d be able to make their flight more easily. She and I had packed her luggage days before and everything was already in Cain’s car. I told her I’d take care of anything that was left behind since I was staying at their place a few more days to pack the rest of my crap before moving to the apartment I’ve had for a month and spent one night at.

  Sam had decided to crash at his parents figuring he’d be too buzzed for any other option. But since Cain and Flannery were flying commercial through LAX on their way to Hawaii, Sam had booked himself on the same flight. Actually, Flannery insisted he do that so they could have a few more hours together. With tight hugs for both of them, a joke to Flan that it was now ok for her to touch it, they were gone.

  A set of arms wrapped around my waist. Strong arms that I immediately recognized. Arms that had become my home.

  “Ready to head out?” Nodding, we made the way around to say our goodbyes then hopped in Adam’s car for the quick drive back.

  Inside the apartment that I’d be sad to leave tomorrow or the next day, Adam’s hands immediately went to my shoulders, pulling me into his space just a little.

  “This is a beautiful dress. There’s just one thing though.” I looked down to see what the problem was but didn’t find one. I loved this dress. It looked great, hugged my body in all the right ways. Was freaking perfect.

  “What wrong with my dress?”

  “As beautiful as I think you look in it, I think it will look better off you.” Now I got where he was headed. Turning on my heel, I toed off one shoe then the other before walking slowly down the hall, slapping my feet a little extra against the hardwood.

  “Maybe that’s something you could help me with.”

  He was on me in an instant, wrapping his arms completely around my body. “You don’t have to ask me twice.”

  Because we were so
happy to be back together, we’d been rushing through things spurred on by need. A physical itch that needed to be scratched and a burning desire for the other to know just how we felt. But this time it was like everything moved very slowly.

  I took my time unbuttoning his shirt then sliding it down his arms. My hands covered as much real estate as possible while sliding the undershirt he was wearing up his body and over his head. I wanted him naked. Dropping to my knees in front of him, I went to work on his belt and pants. He groaned the second my fingers grazed the erection straining to be released. I don’t even think he knew that his fingers tangled into my hair but they did and I wanted them there.

  Once that last layer was gone, I couldn’t help but tease him with my mouth and tongue a little. Running my tongue up the length of him then sucking just the tip only lasted a few seconds because he pulled me to my full height.

  “You’re going to be sorry if you keep that up.” His voice sounded gravelly with desire.

  “You’re probably right.” I sighed.

  Adam didn’t use nearly the amount of time to get me naked that I did with him. He started out that way but I think the anticipation wore him down. I love that I did that to him. Although he did it to me as well because while he was determined to take his time memorizing the landscape of my body again, I wore him down when I just couldn’t take another minute. He didn’t seem disappointed with my need to have him inside me and continued to tease me with his long languid strokes after sinking deep in one movement. He wouldn’t be satisfied until I hit the euphoric moment that gave me a glimpse of nirvana. I giggled at the thought. What a different girl I turned out to be.

  Tired and happy, I laid there unable to move until my body stopped humming. Once my legs listened to my brain, I went for drinks, throwing his undershirt on even though it barely covered my ass while he went to the bathroom. When I got back and we both took a nice long swallow of the cold water, we snuggled into the bed that I was about to abandon. I was almost asleep when Adam said something other than that he loved me because he’d been whispering that into my ear for the last few minutes.


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