C&A Novella (Marked Heart #2.5)

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C&A Novella (Marked Heart #2.5) Page 2

by M. Sembera

  "Oh, so you are telling me what to do."

  Waiting for the snap, Auggie nodded, adding, "Damn right."

  Pulling onto his cousin Jackson's property, he stopped his truck right outside the gate and turned to look at Charlotte.

  Her eyes were wild and her face was flush. It was a beautiful sight, one that instantly caused his muscles to tense and his heart to pound in his chest. Whether he was bringing her to the point of unbridled anger or ecstasy, it held all the passion that she loved him with.

  Shifting his truck into park, he scowled at her.

  "You listen here, Augustus Caffrey. Putting a ring on my finger doesn't give you any authority over me."

  "Is that right?" He questioned, finding it a bit hard not to smile at her at this point.

  Narrowing her eyes at him, she continued, "That's exactly right and don't you even think for a second that it does."

  "Ya done?"

  "Not even close."

  Reaching for his door handle, Auggie teased, "Well, could you put your little fit on pause for minute so we can go get congratulated."

  "Are your serious right now?"

  Growing frustrated with her, Auggie sighed; "Are you?"

  Just as she was about to start shouting, he opened his door and jumped out, slamming it closed before she had the chance.

  Stomping to the gate, Auggie growled under his breath at her. He pulled the pin to unlatch the gate before walking it open. This woman was going to give him hell for the rest of their lives together. As he walked back to his truck, he could only shake his head at himself. She was an infuriating pain in the ass, and he'd be damned straight to hell if he had to spend even one day without her by his side.

  After climbing back into his truck and pulling up past the gate, Auggie stopped the truck again and turned it off.

  "You comin' in?" He asked noticing she still had her seat belt on.

  Without looking at him, Charlotte questioned, "Is there something you wanna tell me?"

  "There's a hell of a lot of things I'd like to tell you right now." He fussed at her.

  "Do any of them include the real reason we're not going to your mom's?"

  Auggie stared at her, quickly realizing this was serious.

  He knew he should have told her the truth to begin with but he didn't so now he was stuck trying to cover his own ass, hoping she didn't find out.

  "Why are you all of the sudden wanting to visit her? You don't even like her."

  Appearing offended, Charlotte replied, "I don't dislike her."

  "Okay, let's just pretend that's true." He started before she cut him off saying, "It is and I honestly don't care how she feels about me."

  "Then what's the real reason you're mad?" He sarcastically asked.

  "Because I do care how she feels about you."

  Now Auggie just felt like crap.

  "You have a close family and I don't want to be someone that comes between y'all."

  "Look, Lotte, everyone's had their turn at being on mom's bad side. This just happens to be mine."

  A soft smile formed as she replied, "You swear she'll get over it and be at the wedding?"

  "I sure do and ya know I'd be nice next time if you would just say what's on your mind instead of doing that woman thing you do."

  In an instant, her smile was gone.

  "Excuse me?"


  Angry all over again, Charlotte popped the button on her seatbelt and flung it off her as she swung the door open snapping, "You're ridiculous." While climbing out of his truck.

  Auggie gave a loud sigh and opened his door as hers slammed shut.

  Catching up with her at the front door, Auggie wanted to calm her down before they went in. He didn't mind her being mad at him, she'd get over it like always, but he knew Ren would instantly take her side and then he'd have two crazy women ticked off at him.

  Just as he was about to try and make things right, the door opened and Ren chirped, "I can't believe ya'll are getting married."

  "I can't believe what a damn jackass he is." Charlotte replied as she stepped in.

  Ren looked up at Auggie with a disapproving glare before turning and walking with Charlotte into the living room.

  With a wide smile, Jackson patted him on the back laughing, "Congrats, and good luck. This is only the first day."

  Shaking his head, Auggie couldn't help but let out a laugh of his own as he reached over and shook Jackson's hand.


  Once Liv texted back that the movie she and Kieran were at was almost over, and that Charlotte and Auggie could let themselves in to wait for them, Charlotte followed Auggie into their house.

  Making herself comfortable on the couch, Charlotte was glad this was their last stop. Even though Auggie had been an ass most of the day, she looked forward to going back to his house.

  As Auggie sat down next to her, Charlotte asked, "Did you have a specific date in mind?"

  "For what?"

  Rolling her eyes at him, she replied, "Our wedding."

  The side of his faced scrunched up into a smile as he replied, "I'm ready whenever you are."

  "Amila said The Society is involving themselves."

  Leaning closer, he teased, "I knew getting roped up with you was a bad idea."

  The corner of her mouth curled into a smile as she agreed, "Worst idea ever."

  "Nope, the worst is you agreeing to marry me."

  Letting out a little laugh, Charlotte asked, "Is that so?"

  "You're stuck with me now."

  "That's where you're wrong." She assured before inching closer as she shared, "You, sir, are stuck with me."

  "Ah, hell." Auggie griped, before smiling at her again and giving her a quick kiss.

  The moment he did, Liv and Kieran walked in.

  Charlotte and Auggie both stood to greet them as they strolled into the house.

  Reaching out his hand to Auggie, Kieran laughed, "Never thought you'd actually do it."

  Charlotte shook her head at them as Auggie replied, "What can I say, she got me."

  Liv clapped her hands together taunting, "Ha! I never thought she'd say yes." Before patting him on the shoulder saying, "Congrats Auggs." As she winked at Charlotte.

  A whole new level of excitement filled Charlotte as she realized, now that everyone had been notified in person, it was official. They were getting married.

  As Charlotte and Liv stepped away from Auggie and Kieran, she decided the wedding wouldn't be complete without Liv being a part of it.

  "So, Penny's going to be my maid of honor. Will you be one of my bridesmaids?"

  Liv quickly let out a laugh before declining, "Nah, I don't do that."

  Charlotte was about to ask her what she meant but was side tracked when she heard Auggie say, "Best man?"

  When Kieran accepted by saying, "For sure," Charlotte turned and questioned, "Kieran's your best man?"

  "Yeah, who else would it be?"

  Charlotte glanced at Liv who appeared just as surprised before the both blurted, "Braden," in unison.

  "Pretty sure best man requires a man." Kieran laughed, earning a hard glare from Liv.

  Auggie smiled at his cousin's remark before informing, "It's Kieran."

  Even though Charlotte felt he was wrong for picking his cousin over his brother, she really couldn't argue since she picked Penny over her own sister.

  Auggie and Kieran made their way outside to the porch, closing the door behind themselves.

  As soon as the door shut, Liv shook her head mumbling, "Stupid ass."

  Following her to the kitchen, Charlotte asked, "Are ya'll any better?"

  "Hell no." Liv snapped before sliding onto a barstool beside her island, sharing, "I get that it's a big deal. He feels bad for marking Braden but it shouldn't be affecting us."

  "Us as in..."

  Shaking her head Liv answered, "It's like he's just going through the motions, ya know."

  Nodding, Charlotte stayed silent.
  Quickly changing her disposition, Liv laughed, "You and Auggs are for real, huh."

  "As real as it can get." Charlotte replied with a smile.

  "That's cool. You're good for him. Even though, it doesn't make a whole lotta sense."

  "What do you mean?"

  With a smirk on her face Liv replied, "It's Auggie. I just don't get it."

  "He's the best thing that ever happened to me."

  "You musta had one hell of a rough start for that to be true."

  Drawing in a deep breath, Charlotte nodded before sharing, "There's a lot more to him than a scruffy beard and plaid shirt."

  "If you say so."

  They both started to laugh as Auggie and Kieran stepped back into the house.


  Running up Charlotte's apartment steps, Auggie was amazed at how fast Charlotte was able to move in those heels of hers. The session at the photography studio, to have their engagement photo in The Society Newsletter, turned out to be one of the most miserable experiences of his life. Not only did he have to wear a damn suit and tie and smile for an hour and a half but Charlotte kept whispering things in his ear. Things that made it hard for him to concentrate on what they were doing and crave the moment they were finally alone.

  Now, it was time for her to make good on all those dirty little remarks she kept taunting him with.

  "You know how hard that was?" He questioned in a low tone as he closed the door behind himself.

  In a sleek black dress and her black stiletto heels that drove him crazy, she wore a wicked grin as she slowly walked backwards into the kitchen.

  With a curious tone she teased, "Was?"

  Following her, he stepped out of his dress shoes and unfastened his slacks, leaving them and his boxers behind along with his jacket and tie.

  "You're fixin' to find out." He swore, unbuttoning the first two buttons of his dress shirt before pulling it over his head and tossing it on the table.

  Wrapping his arms around her, Auggie backed her up against the side of the kitchen table.

  Auggie's hands slid down her sides before grasping at her hips as he kissed her deeply.

  "Turn around." He whispered needing to touch her skin that her dress was covering.

  His hands never left her as she turned her back to him.

  Slowly unzipping her dress, he pulled it down her body until it fell to the floor mumbling, "Damn," when he noticed she wasn't wearing any panties.

  Slightly leaning forward, Charlotte placed her hands against the table breathing, "I want you, now."

  Taking a moment to appreciate the sight of his beautiful fiancé in nothing but her heels, bent over the table in front of him, he wrapped his hands around her hips and pulled her to him.

  With Charlotte's appreciation echoing through the kitchen as Auggie met her demand, the sound of the apartment door opening didn't register in his mind until he heard his sister's voice.

  "What the hell!"

  Swiftly pushing away from Charlotte and pulling her behind him, he saw Penny with her hands over her eyes quickly leaving the doorway.

  Auggie grabbed a placemat off of the table to cover himself as Liv blurted, "Damn Auggs,"and Penny shouted from the other room, "Shut up, Liv!"

  Eyeing him, Liv shared, "Ah, now I get it." Before catching on to his get the hell out glare and excusing herself saying, "I'll just go make sure Penny's not going to harm herself."

  As what had just happened started to sink in, Auggie felt Charlotte shaking behind him.

  Turning to her, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight.

  "Did they see everything?"

  Kissing the side of her head, he quietly replied, "No."

  Shaking her head into his chest Charlotte questioned, "Are you sure?"

  Reaching for his shirt, Auggie let go of her just long enough to slide his dress shirt over her head and button the top two buttons.

  Taking her face in his hands, he forced her to look him in the eyes as he shared, "Liv got an eye full of me but that's all she saw. I promise."

  Charlotte nodded with her eyes full of worry before stepping away from him so he could retrieve his slacks from the living room floor.

  Auggie knew Charlotte would never believe her entire body was beautiful no matter how many times he told her. It had taken months for her to let him touch her all over without tensing up or flinching. Her scars were brutal but at the same time they were beautiful to him because they were a part of her. Truthfully, he was just as concerned about her being exposed, not because of her scars, because seeing all of her was a privilege in his mind and her incredible beauty was for only him to see.

  Once Liv assured both Charlotte and Auggie were decent, Penny stepped into the kitchen.

  Noticeably avoiding eye contact with them, Penny held up her hand announcing, "The two of you have violated the sanctity of my kitchen."

  Liv started to laugh at her outlandish display then quickly admitted, "Sorry," when Penny glared at her.

  "Here is what's going to happen," Penny continued before pointing to the table stating, "I want that abomination destroyed."

  Clinching his back teeth together, it was getting hard for Auggie not to start laughing.

  "And we are never going to speak of this horrific day again."

  "Penny, I..." Charlotte started to say before Penny cut her of blurting, "Never ever!"


  Charlotte was relieved that it only took a few weeks with no eye contact for Penny to recover from the kitchen situation. It made talking to her so much easier.

  Marking off a few more items from her bridal to do list, Charlotte was more than happy The Society had involved themselves in her event. It was such a relief to have them handling everything, just picking out what was needed was overwhelming enough.

  "So what's left?"

  Charlotte let out a loud huff as she replied, "I still have to pick a bouquet, place settings, linens, flowers, the wedding song, playlist for the reception, special order Auggie's vest and tie for his tux, and my dress."

  Frowning at her, Penny questioned, "Why isn't my brother helping?"

  "Every time I mention anything wedding related he either changes the subject or says 'that sounds perfect'."

  "You should tell him he needs to get with the program."

  Pausing for a moment, Charlotte hesitantly asked, "Why do you think he wants to get married?"

  "Umm, because he's in love with you." Penny laughed.

  "I know he is but do you think he's marrying me because I won't live with him or because he wants to be married."

  With a curious expression, Penny replied, "Neither, I think Auggie is marrying you because he wants you to be his wife."

  "Can I be honest with you?"

  "Always." Penny swore with a serious expression.

  Charlotte glanced away deciding if she really wanted to confide in Penny.

  "I'm not so sure I'll be a good wife."

  A compassionate expression formed as Penny asked, "Why would you say that?"

  "I can't give him kids."


  "What if he wants them?"

  "Does he?"

  Charlotte admitted, "He hasn't said but what if it's because he knows I can't."

  "So ask him." Penny all but demanded.

  "I don't want the answer."

  Hopping off of Charlotte's bed, Penny warned, "We both know ignorance isn't bliss."

  Nodding, Charlotte watched her walk out of the room.


  Sitting behind her desk at The Dog House, Charlotte appreciated Penny's advice, knowing it came from her heart, but felt like Liv might be the better one to talk to.

  Picking her cell phone up off of the corner of her desk, Charlotte sent Liv a text.

  C: Hey, you up?

  It only took a minute for Liv to text back.

  L: Yep. Reading.

  C: Oh, what are you reading?

  L: Porn

  Letting out a laugh, she
texted back.

  C: O.O

  L: 5 ways to fix a marriage.

  C: And one of them includes porn?

  L: Ha! Nah, I'm reading 5 ways to fix a marriage.

  C: It's that bad?

  L: It's not getting any better.

  Taking a deep breath, Charlotte decided not to bother Liv with her problem since she had enough to deal with in her own relationship.

  C: Sorry...

  L: Eh, it is what it is. Did you need somethin'?

  C: Just wanted to say hi.

  L: Hi! Catch ya later ;)

  C: Bye :)

  With a loud huff, Charlotte set her phone back on her desk and leaned back in her chair.

  Not long after texting with Liv, Auggie walked in her office.

  "You comin' home with me tonight?" he asked with an in inviting smile.

  Closing out her computer screen, Charlotte replied, "I better go home so I can keep an eye on Penny."

  Scowling he griped, "What for?"

  "She's stalking the neighbor."


  Nodding at him she replied, "With muffins."

  Laughing, Auggie shook his head saying, "Well, alright."

  Charlotte laughed with him for a moment before standing up and walking around to the front of her desk.

  Tilting her head to the side she flashed a mischievous grin.

  "But, we can always say goodnight here before we go."

  "Right here?" He questioned, stepping closer to her.

  Sliding her hands up his chest and around to the back of his neck, Charlotte asked, "Are you all closed up?"

  Auggie nodded as his hands circled her hips.


  What started out as an amazing day of finding the perfect wedding dress, progressed into disappointment and then irritation before ending in an all-out mess for everyone.

  Initially, Charlotte had been upset with Liv for bailing on her at the bridal shop. Then, when she showed up at The Dog House, for no other reason than to drink her marital problems away, Charlotte felt bad for being selfish.

  She was excited to see Penny's stalking had finally paid off enough for Seth to show up with her and even though Auggie couldn't keep his big mouth shut they seemed to be getting along fine. That was until Brooks walked over to them. Then, everything went bad.

  Seth left and Braden's ex Lily showed up. If it had been up to Charlotte, both Lily and Brooks would have been limping out of the bar for hurting Penny but instead, they both walked out unharmed after the trouble they caused, leaving Braden more broken than he already was.


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