Return to Me

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Return to Me Page 16

by Jacquelin Thomas

  He pulled out a chair for her.

  After she was seated, Austin sat down in the empty one beside her. He didn’t say anything as he listened to the easy camaraderie between his family.

  Etienne blessed the food.

  “Amen,” they all said in unison.

  Austin handed her a plate of hot yeast rolls. “Aunt Rochelle made these from scratch. I have to warn you—you can’t eat just one.”

  “I’ll try and restrain myself,” Bree responded with a chuckle. “I intend to leave some room for dessert.”

  Surrounded by the chatter of family, Austin’s thoughts landed on his mother. He couldn’t help but wonder how she was faring on this day. For many years, it was just the two of them and a few close family members during the holidays.

  “Are you okay?”

  He could feel the heat of Bree’s penetrating gaze on him and glanced over at her. “I was just thinking about my mom.”

  “Have you spoken to her?”

  “I called her earlier but she was at work. I’ll call her after we leave here.” Austin gave her a tiny smile before returning his attention to his plate.

  He reached for the macaroni and cheese and spooned some onto his plate. Austin then picked up the platter piled high with ham, and placed a couple of thin slices on his plate.

  Bree reached over, squeezing his hand.

  After the entrée and before dessert was served, Etienne stood up to make a toast.

  Austin excused himself moments later to check on Emery. He found the children laughing and teasing each other.

  Emery spotted him and waved. “I have fun.”

  “Finish up your corn, buddy.”


  “Did he eat all of his food?” Bree asked when Austin returned to his seat.

  “He’s finishing off his corn now.”

  That evening when they returned to Bree’s house, he helped Emery get into his pajamas.

  “Au’tin, I can do it,” he fussed.

  “Okay,” he said. “I was only trying to help you, but I see that you’re a big boy.”

  Emery grinned. “I’m big boy, Au’tin.”

  He heard footsteps and looked up to see Bree enter the bedroom. “He dressed himself,” Austin told her.

  “I’m so proud of you, sweetie.”

  “Me, too, Mommy.”

  They stayed in the bedroom with Emery until he fell asleep, and then tiptoed into the hallway.

  Austin wrapped an arm around her. “I’m in the mood for a movie. How about you?”

  “It’s my turn to pick what we watch.”

  “No, it’s not,” he countered. “You picked that last movie, which was boring. It’s my turn.”

  Bree turned to face him. “I’ll be your best friend if you let me choose.”

  “That only works with Emery.”

  She laughed. “Hey, it was worth a shot.”

  In the family room, Austin placed a call to his mother, but didn’t get an answer. He left a message for her.

  He returned his attention to Bree and the movie they were about to watch.

  “You still can’t reach your mom?”

  He shook his head. “I’m going to try her again when I leave here. If I can’t get her then... I’m flying to Dallas to find out what’s going on.”

  Irene called him back an hour later.

  “Mom, where have you been?” he asked.

  “I was out with a friend. Honey, I’m fine.”

  He reached over and gave Bree’s hand a gentle squeeze. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  She snuggled against him.

  Austin talked to his mother another ten minutes, then hung up.

  “Now that we know your mom’s okay, we can focus on each other.”

  He kissed her.

  “You’re welcome to stay here tonight,” Bree said.

  He normally spent the night whenever Emery wasn’t home. “I need to get an early start on Christmas shopping. I’m actually going to the mall when I leave here.”

  “You’re a brave soul,” she responded, walking him to the door. “I don’t have the energy to fight through the crowds. In fact, I’m making most of my purchases online.”

  Bree released a small moan when Austin’s mouth drifted across hers, and for a moment she softened in his arms, her fingers trembling against his chest.

  Austin pulled away and looked down at her tenderly. “I love you so much.” As his lips touched hers once more, it was like oxygen to a fire that had been smoldering for years, but now blazed into a raging wildfire.

  Desire overtaking them, Austin and Bree retreated to her bedroom, where he freed her of all clothing.

  Bree couldn’t hold back a shiver at the torrent of sensation pouring through her.

  He paused, concern evident on his face. “Are you cold?”

  “No,” she murmured. “Everything is perfect.”

  Bree reached for his face, drawing him closer to her, and kissing him fiercely.

  Austin groaned and responded with the same hunger, his mouth tangling with hers, his hands exploring her curves. He clutched at her, pressing close even as Bree pulled him closer still.

  It wasn’t enough for either of them.

  Heart racing, breath ragged, he couldn’t think of anything other than being with this amazing woman—his soul mate.

  * * *

  Mail in one hand and a shopping bag filled with wrapped gifts in the other, Austin was looking forward to spending his first Christmas with Bree and Emery. He dropped the gifts near a stack of presents, then scanned through the stack of envelopes in his other hand. He read the label of the large manila one.

  Austin tore open the envelope and pulled out the single sheet of paper. He unfolded it, and stared down at the results. Sitting in his stomach was suddenly a boulder, stony and painful. It pressed his lungs until he couldn’t breathe. “Dear Lord...” he uttered. “How could this be?”

  His temper flared and curses fell from his mouth. Jasmine. Apparently, she had been cheating on him.

  It wasn’t something he’d ever considered. Although it certainly explained a lot. She started to change during the last six months or so, leading to their breakup.

  He still had her phone number, although he’d meant to throw it away. Austin squeezed his eyes shut, as if willing back further tears.


  “Jasmine, we need to talk.” He spat out the words contemptuously.


  “I need the truth from you about Emery.”

  He heard a soft gasp.

  “W-what are y-you talking about? What truth?”

  “I’m not in the mood for games,” he stated sharply. “I know where Emery is and I know that his blood type does not match mine. There is no way he can be my son.”

  His words were met with silence.

  “Jasmine...” he prompted.

  “I’m here.”

  “When I saw you a few months back, why didn’t you set the record straight?” Clenching his teeth, Austin was furious.

  “That’s why I wanted to meet for dinner, but then you called me and you were so angry... I just couldn’t.”

  “You didn’t think I’d find out?”

  “I guess I hoped you wouldn’t. That’s the real reason I left town with Cheryl. I was scared that the baby might not be yours.”

  “Who is that boy’s father?”

  “This guy I met one night at the club. We’d had a fight and you wouldn’t return my calls, so I got drunk and had a one-night stand. To be honest, I don’t remember much about the guy—not even his name. I think it was William...don’t think I ever got his last name. I was ashamed and I just wanted to forget that night.” She paused a moment, then said, “If I was sure it was your child—I
never would’ve left, Austin. You are the only man I’ve ever loved. I couldn’t risk you finding out that the child you thought was yours was actually someone else’s.”

  “Which is exactly what happened.”

  “You found Emery?”


  “Is he happy?”

  “He is,” Austin confirmed, his voice cold and exact.

  “I’m glad.”

  “Thank you for telling me the truth, Jasmine.”

  “I’m so sor—”

  “Save it,” he interjected vehemently. “I’m beginning to realize that I never really knew you. I don’t know how you can face yourself in a mirror.”

  She was crying.

  “You did the right thing by giving him up,” he replied with contempt that forbade any further argument.

  Austin ended the call and blocked her number. He knew her well enough to know that she would try to reach out to him again.

  He crept down the hall like a ghost to the room he was decorating for Emery, and hovered in the doorway.

  It had all been a waste of time, money and energy because he didn’t have a son. The thought was like a punch in the gut to him.

  Austin’s eyes grew wet with unshed tears.

  He picked up the football and held it close to his aching heart.

  Austin dropped down to the floor, his mind releasing all the dreams he’d had for his son—all the things he was looking forward to doing—tee ball, basketball, when Emery was older... Everything crashed down all around him. His breath came raggedly in impotent anger and he bristled with indignation.

  His cell phone rang.

  He glanced down at it.

  It was Bree.

  Austin couldn’t talk to her right now. His thoughts were racing dangerously. He couldn’t talk to anyone.

  Chapter 21

  Austin didn’t go to work the next day. He stayed in the condo, wrapped in a cocoon of anguish until he figured Bree had left the office and was on her way home.

  “Hey, I was getting worried about you,” she said when he arrived at her door. “You haven’t returned any of my calls.”

  “I’m sorry,” Austin responded. “I just got the results of the paternity test.”

  She smiled. “That’s wonderful. Now you can have your name placed on the birth certificate.”

  Austin sank down in a nearby chair. “Actually, I can’t.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.”

  “Emery is not my son.” He felt an acute sense of loss in just saying the words. “Jasmine was cheating on me and I had no idea. Now that I think about it—I guess this is why she was in such a hurry to leave town. She knew the baby wasn’t mine.”

  His face showed no reaction, which scared her most of all. It was like someone had turned off a switch. It had to be shock. “Austin, I’m so sorry.”

  Tears in his eyes, he shook his head. “All this time... Bree, I love that little boy.”

  Austin’s features filled with so much emotion that his look almost brought tears to her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry.” Bree tilted up his chin. “Let me help you.”

  He pulled her down until she sat on his lap, while the chair leaned back with a resonant creak. Bree’s hands fell instinctively over his shoulders, and wordlessly he looped his hands around her hips, holding her close. “What can I do to lessen the pain?”

  “Just this,” Austin whispered.

  She wanted to ask, but didn’t want to force him to talk if he wasn’t ready. Bree kissed his cheek. “Hon, everything is going to be okay.”

  Austin gestured for her to get up and rose to his feet. “I’ve gotta get out of here,” he said.

  “Don’t leave,” Bree blurted. “Please, Austin, I’ve never seen you like this. In your frame of mind, I’ll worry about you driving.”

  “I’ll be fine.”


  He shook his head. “I have to go. I’m sorry.”

  Bree’s throat closed as she watched him walk away. Shoulders squared, back straight, his dark suit, a shadow of pain clinging to him.

  She continued to watch until he drove away.

  Her heart ached for the man she loved. She had never met his ex-girlfriend, but imagined she was nothing but a manipulative witch. Who else would play with someone’s feelings like this?

  He had been looking forward to his first Christmas with Emery and now this... Bree wished that the results had not come until after the holidays. It was then she fully understood why Austin delayed giving her the news about Emery. He was trying to protect her in the same way he wanted to protect him.

  Regardless of what the test results said, Austin was a father to Emery. Having the same blood did not necessarily make a person family. Bree knew this from firsthand experience.

  She would give him some time to deal with the shock, but she wasn’t going to let him stay in this space. They were going to celebrate Christmas as a family. Bree wasn’t going to accept anything less. This time she would be the one fighting for her family.

  * * *

  “Bree called me,” Jordin stated when he opened the front door. “She thought you might need some company.”

  Austin stepped aside to let her enter. His sense of loss was beyond tears.

  They sat down in the living room.

  After a moment he uttered, “You didn’t have to come all the way over here, Jordin. I’m fine.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  He met her gaze. “I feel like a fool,” Austin said after a moment, shaking his head regretfully.

  “Why? You had no idea that you’d been given wrong information. Jasmine’s friend brought all this to you.”

  “I’m sure she was only going by what she was told. Cheryl wasn’t a messy person.”

  “I find that surprising that she didn’t know Emery wasn’t your child,” Jordin said. “Especially since she was Jasmine’s best friend.”

  Austin considered her words. “I guess you’re right. I hadn’t thought about it that way.”

  “You told me that the last time you saw Jasmine, she wanted to talk to you.”

  “Yeah,” he responded. “Over dinner.”

  “Maybe that’s why Jasmine wanted to meet you that night,” Jordin suggested. “Maybe she was going to tell you the truth. She had to know that you wouldn’t just walk away from your son without a fight.”

  “Sis, it wouldn’t have mattered because I wouldn’t have believed her. She’s a big liar.” Austin released a long sigh, clasped his hands together and stared down at them.

  Jordin shook her head. “I really don’t understand women like her. One thing I know for sure is that Bree loves you, Austin. So does Emery. It’s not too late for the two of you to become a family.”

  “I’m still working to regain her trust. Things are good between us, but I don’t think she’s ready to accept my marriage proposal.”

  “You proposed to her?”

  He nodded. “When we were in Georgia, but she turned me down.”

  Jordin smiled. “She was upset then. I’m sure you don’t have to worry about that now. Unless you decide to walk away.”

  His eyes filled with tears. “I have no claim to Emery.”

  “He may not be of your blood, but you’ve acted like a father to that can you abandon him now?”

  “I don’t know what to do.”

  “Do what you planned, Austin. Be Emery’s father. You love Bree and you love that child.”

  “I do love them.”

  “Then you can’t give up on them.”

  “I think Bree’s given up on me,” he responded. “She values honesty above all things and she feels I wasn’t truthful with her. Jordin, I have to accept my part in all this and it’s cost me a great deal.”<
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  A lone tear slipped down his cheek.

  “I don’t believe that,” Jordin murmured as she embraced him. “Bree still loves you.”

  “I never knew love could hurt this much.”

  Jordin walked into the kitchen and made him a cup of tea. She brought the mug to him.

  “Thank you, sis.”

  “I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but everything is going to work out between you and Bree. You’re not going to lose your family.”

  Austin sipped the hot liquid. “I love them both more than my own life, sis. There was so much I wanted to do with that boy.”

  “And you can still do those things. Does finding out that he’s not your son change your heart?”

  Austin shook his head. “No.”

  “Then go to Bree,” Jordin advised. “Let her know that you still want to be Emery’s father and her husband.”

  * * *

  Bree did not rest well. Her thoughts all night had been consumed with Austin and the pain he was going through.

  After breakfast, she called to check on him. “How are you?”

  “Still a bit numb,” he responded.

  “You know how you always tell me that things are going to work out fine,” Bree began. “Well, you have to believe that this is going to be okay.”

  “Yeah,” was his response.

  “Are you going to the office today?”

  “Yeah,” he answered. “I need to keep busy.”

  “Honey, I hate the hurt I hear in your voice,” Bree said. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

  She didn’t believe his words any more than Austin believed them. She knew he was trying not to fall apart with her.

  “I need to get going,” he said. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  Bree decided she was going to surprise Austin by taking him to lunch. She had to do something to cheer him up. I need to remind him of how important he is to Emery.

  She walked through the Broad Street entrance of the building that housed the law firm a few minutes after 1 p.m. Bree knew that Austin never went to lunch before then.

  She called him from the reception area. “Hey, I’m here.”

  “This is a surprise.”

  “I’d like to take you to lunch.”


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