Deadly Deception

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Deadly Deception Page 21

by Marissa Garner

  “It’s almost midnight. Aren’t you coming to bed?”

  Your bed? The damn thought popped into his head as he opened his eyes.

  Wearing a short gown, Jess leaned against the doorjamb. Her rich brown hair hung loose on her shoulders. Dark shadows underscored her chocolate eyes. If he didn’t know the source, the image could’ve been sultry. As it were, he marveled at her ability to even stand upright.

  “Yeah, as soon as I finish my beer.”


  How could one syllable, two simple letters, pack such a punch?

  Sean didn’t break eye contact while he deliberately set the almost full can on the table without taking another drink. Then he stood up slowly and stalked toward her.

  Stopping close, gazes still connected, he cocked his head. “Where are you sleeping?”

  * * *

  Jessie gulped. “With…you.” She stepped away from the door frame and into his arms. “I feel like I’m going to shatter into a million little pieces.”

  “If you do, I’ll glue every one of those pieces back together. I’m here for you, Jess.”

  He held her tightly against him and rested his chin on her head. The warmth of his embrace seeped into her very core. Strength and courage seemed to transfer by osmosis from his body into hers. “You know, I believe you.”

  “Damn straight. Now, what was that about sleeping with you?”

  Without waiting for a reply, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the home office. After shutting the door, he leaned against it and watched her remove the gown. His hazel eyes darkened with desire, igniting her own lust. Was their chemistry as insatiable as it had been eight years ago?

  Not likely. Highly improbable. Nearly impossible.

  Eight years was a long, long time, after all. Back then, they’d been young and carefree. Sex was still new, exciting. Sean had been her first lover, so of course their lovemaking held a special place in her heart.

  Their early awkwardness had progressed to more skillful techniques. She remembered always being satisfied but also even more eager for the next time. Last night, Sean showed he’d acquired a few more skills over the past eight years, and the sex had been mind-blowing. The most amazing part, though, was how she’d been left with the same combined feelings of total satisfaction and the insatiable need for more.

  Seriously? How could a twenty-nine-year-old single mother with the weight of the world on her shoulders even care about sex under these circumstances, much less ache with desire? But there it was. As she watched Sean get naked, her whole body throbbed with need. For him and only him.

  He’d barely tossed away his boxers when she rushed to him. Clasping her hands behind his neck, she jumped up to wrap her legs around his waist. He smiled with surprise that quickly turned to understanding. Supporting her bottom with one hand, he used his other to guide his engorged dick into her hot wetness. She groaned and arched her back as he filled her.

  “Ride me, Jess,” he whispered.

  And she did. With wild abandon. His hands cupping her butt cheeks and his hips pumping in time with her rise and fall, she rode him into oblivion. She had to bury her mouth in his neck to keep her scream from ricocheting through the apartment and waking Callie.

  Without pulling out, Sean lowered them both to the futon. His dick swelled even more inside her, and she gasped.

  “Not…yet. Too…sensitive,” she said.

  “No rush.” He passed the time by assaulting her lips with a demanding kiss, stealing her breath and rekindling her desire.

  His mouth moved lower to her nipples. He licked and circled and sucked, sending shock waves through her. Then he trailed hot kisses across her breasts and back up her neck.

  By the time he reached her mouth, she barely had time to say, “Ready,” before he claimed it again.

  He eased almost all the way out and then plunged in deep. Slowly out, fast thrust. Again and again and again. She coiled tighter and tighter.

  He chuckled near her ear. “Come already. You’re about to cut off my circulation.”

  With one more thrust, he pushed her over the edge.

  “Your turn,” she breathed as she floated all the way down.

  “As you wish.”

  He clasped both her hands in his large one and held them on the futon above her head. Supporting himself on his other arm, he peered down at her while his hips pumped double-time. His eyes darkened. His neck muscles strained. He felt so huge inside her that she marveled she didn’t burst.

  He changed his angle slightly, catching her by surprise, because amazingly, she was right there with him, hanging by a thread. Again.

  “Now,” he gasped, and muffled her cry with his mouth.

  * * *

  His eyes closed, Sean reveled in the natural feel of Jess draped across him. They’d recuperated from the first round of mind-blowing sex only to rally for a second, albeit less strenuous, round. He didn’t think he could ever get enough of her.

  Just lying here with her, no words necessary, his world was complete. A peacefulness he hadn’t experienced in eight years calmed his soul.

  “When do you leave?” Jess asked, her head lying on his chest.

  He blinked, the heavenly bubble burst by reality. He swallowed hard. “Probably Sunday. I have to work Monday.”

  “I see.”

  He waited for more. But silence stretched on.

  That was it? Two words? What about “Don’t go” or “I’ll miss you”? Even, “It’s been great seeing you again.”

  Maybe he should say something. Like the “great” or “miss” sentiments he had hoped to hear from her. What if he asked Jess to come live with him? Shit, that wouldn’t work. And the invitation would probably make her mad because he knew how much she hated LA. What if he told her that he liked her and wanted to keep seeing her? No, that sounded too much like a proposition for a friends-with-benefits thing. His throat tightened. What if he confessed he…loved her? Because he did, damn it. Despite his brain knowing it was a horrible idea, his heart had torn down the walls he’d built around his old feelings for her. And now those old feelings were his new feelings. How would Jess take the news? Only one way to find out…

  “Jess,” he whispered, “I love you.”

  Slow and steady breathing was her only answer.

  Chapter 21

  Jessie fought to keep her breathing soft and regular. Not an easy task with her heart in her throat.

  Had she heard Sean correctly? Had he really said he loved her? How could that be true?

  So many years had passed. So much had changed. So many problems complicated her world and weighed her down.

  That’s why she wasn’t soaring with joy, right? That’s why she didn’t open her eyes, fling her arms around his neck, and tell him she loved him, too.

  How could this be happening at the worst possible time? In addition to all the current crises, Sean would be leaving in six days. He’d go back to LA, to his career, to his friends, to his life…without her. He’d be so busy that he’d probably even forget to call. In no time, the little town of Ramona and unsophisticated, small-town-girl Jessie Hargrove would fade from his thoughts.

  Their second chance was going to end in failure. And it would be her fault. But she had no choice. She was first and foremost Callie’s mom. A primal instinct stronger than romantic love ruled her life now: a mother’s protectiveness of her young. She choked back a sob.

  Sean let out a soft groan. She held her breath.

  Once she was sure he was asleep, she slipped out of his arms, rolled off the futon, and found her gown. Standing at the door, she let the tears fall as she watched him. The man she had loved and lost, loved now, and would soon lose again. Fate was so damn cruel.

  She turned away and closed the door, literally and figuratively.

  * * *

  “They’ve got a search warrant already?” Sean said, gripping his phone tighter.

  He sat with Jess and Callie at Glenn’s kitchen tab
le on Tuesday morning as the little girl inhaled a bowl of cereal. They both looked up at his harsh tone. Jess arched her eyebrows.

  “They gave the case to some hotshot new homicide investigator from LAPD who just joined the sheriff’s department. Folks say he’s trying to make a name for himself. The jerk acts like he’s smarter than us just because he came from a big…” Luke’s explanation trailed off.

  Sean let Luke squirm in his own words for several strained moments. “Yeah, I know the type. But how could he have had time to go over the file?”

  “Shit, how do I know? Don’t shoot the messenger. I could get in big trouble for this heads-up.”

  “Sorry, buddy. Anything else?”

  “Yeah, it’s all three properties: the Freeman’s, Nate’s, and Chad’s.”

  “Well, sh—” Catching himself just in time, he slanted a glance at Callie, her mother’s “Big Ears” warning rising to the surface. “Hang on, Luke.” He left the kitchen table, moved to the living room, and lowered his voice. “Nate and Chad aren’t even home. After checking to make sure the old homestead was still in one piece, they headed down to Lakeside for some concrete work.”

  “Might want to warn them so they can hoof it on home.”

  “Will do. Any sign of Hal’s truck?”

  “Not yet. Oh, and the new guy’s getting a court order for access to Hal’s credit card and cell phone records to see if they can locate him through a charge or call. And he wants their bank accounts frozen.”

  “I figured that. Sounds like he wants it both ways.”

  “How’s that?”

  “Hal’s alive and on the run for killing Molly, and the three suspects knocked him and Molly off for the inheritance.”

  Luke snorted. “Covering all the bases and his ass.”

  “Yeah, but he’s at a disadvantage because he doesn’t know the family like we do. You gonna be part of the search team?”

  “Not a chance. The guy’s already figured out I’ve got a conflict of interest and doesn’t want me near his case. Besides, I’m not on duty. After I catch a few Zs, I’m heading down to San Ysidro to put in some time searching for Hal and his truck. As a private citizen, of course.”

  “Of course. Good luck.”

  “Thanks. Gonna need it. Same to you and Jess.”

  Sean blew out a long breath as he stuffed the cell phone in his pocket. Foreboding prickled the skin at his nape. This could be a bad, bad day.

  Jess hurried into the room, interrupting his depressing thoughts. “What’s happening?”

  “I’ll tell you in a minute. I need to call Nate and Chad ASAP.”

  After Jess gave him their numbers from her cell phone, Sean went to the bedroom and shut the door. He called Chad to warn him and Nate about the searches of their properties. As expected, they were really unhappy with the turn of events.

  “What the hell do they expect to find at my place?” Chad demanded, the rumblings of what Sean guessed was the cement truck making it hard to hear him.

  “They’re looking for any clue as to what happened to Molly or Hal.”

  Chad snorted. “Like I know? They should be searchin’ down in San Ysidro or across the border in Tijuana, if you ask me.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not sure the detective’s buying the family’s story. I expect he’ll want to separately question each of you himself.”

  His statement was met with silence.

  “How soon can you be back to your place?” Sean asked.

  “My guy Jimmy rode down in the truck with me. I’ll leave him to finish up. I can catch a ride with Nate and be in Ramona in, say, forty minutes.”

  “Make it thirty. Call me when you get home. Have Nate call me, too.”

  The bedroom door swung open, and Jess stood in the doorway. “I put a movie on for Callie. What’s happening?” She dropped onto the bed.

  “The sheriff’s department got warrants to search all three properties.”

  “What does it mean?”

  Sean sat down next to her and took her icy hand in his warm one. He pasted on his most reassuring smile. “Nothing more than standard procedure.”

  She looked him directly in the eye. “For suspects, right?”

  He exhaled. “Yeah. They need time to conclude you guys are innocent.”

  “Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? In the meantime, Hal’s getting away in Mexico.”

  “We don’t know that. Coyotes charge big bucks to sneak people across the border. They deal in cash, not checks or credit cards. Hal can’t get that kind of cash from an ATM. Most coyotes aren’t totally stupid either. A gringo wanting to sneak into Mexico is gonna raise some eyebrows. They might not take him across if they think it’s too risky for them.”

  “Can the sheriff freeze Mom and Hal’s accounts so he can’t get the money?”

  “They’re on it.”

  “What if…?” She gulped, and her voice dropped to a whisper. “What if they search the darkroom and find the bomb shelter?”

  He tried to think of a way to soften the blow. The dark Freeman family secret is out of the bag didn’t sound very supportive, but it was the truth. “Assuming Hal took pictures of Callie before you guys interrupted him, the photos are gonna be on his camera. I don’t know how you can deny the pornography issue then. The silver lining is that it would provide motive for Hal murdering Molly.”

  “I want it proved some other way.”

  “I know. But you can’t make the darkroom disappear. They’re going to search it. Today.”

  * * *

  Karla had just left with Callie to babysit her at the beauty parlor when a patrol car pulled into the Freeman driveway. Probably a good thing, since a long wait would’ve driven Jessie up the wall. Of course, being separated from her daughter brought its own worries.

  Sean stood behind her as she opened the front door.

  “Ms. Hargrove, I’m Deputy Lungreen, and this is Deputy Anderson. We have a search warrant for this property,” the older one said, handing her a paper.

  She passed it over her shoulder to Sean. “Only two of you?”

  “Yes, ma’am. We’re just gonna keep an eye on things here while the team searches the other two properties with Detective Cramer.”

  Sean’s phone rang, and he walked away from the door to answer it.

  Jessie squared her shoulders. “So, how does this work?”

  “Deputy Anderson will wait inside, and I’ll stay out here.”

  “Okay.” She moved aside so the younger deputy could enter. He stepped around her but didn’t go any farther. Then she offered them both something to drink, but they declined. After shutting the door, she gestured into the living room. “Have a seat.”

  “I’ll stand, thanks.”

  The deputy set his feet in a wide stance and clasped his hands behind him, looking like a soldier. Appropriate, since Jessie felt embattled.

  Sean motioned her to the kitchen doorway.

  “That was Chad. Detective Cramer and his search team just arrived. I’m going over there to observe.”

  “You’re leaving me here? Alone? With them?”

  His gaze darted to the deputy and back. “If you’re comfortable with them staying here without you, I don’t think they’d object to you going with me.”

  “What if…?” she whispered.

  “They’re not going to do anything until the boss arrives. Trust me.”

  “If we leave, will both deputies wait outside?”

  “That would be my guess.”

  “Will they think we’re…uh…running?”

  “Nah. The property will eventually be searched even if we never come back.”

  “I see.” She released a shaky breath. “Let’s go, then. It’ll drive me crazy just waiting here.”

  After they explained to Deputy Lungreen where they were going, the deputies settled in the patrol car. Jessie locked the house and also checked the outbuilding doors. She’d known they were locked, but she couldn’t help herself.
  When they arrived at Uncle Chad’s, the search was in full swing. She counted five deputies in addition to the detective, who introduced himself immediately before leaving to supervise the inspection of a shed.

  The five-acre property included several small structures in addition to the modest two-bedroom, ranch-style house. Eucalyptus trees dotted the land, but there wasn’t a grove of fruit trees or a garden. Not since Aunt Sally had died, at least. Jessie’s aunt and uncle had lived here for as long as she could remember. Since they’d had no children, they’d borrowed her and Nate occasionally for the joy of spoiling them rotten. The warm memories seemed a lifetime ago, and she had to fight back tears.

  “Never thought I’d see the day,” Chad muttered, shaking his head. He jammed his hands into the pockets of his work overalls. “Sure as hell don’t like bein’ made to feel like a criminal.”

  Jessie gave him a hug and stayed at his side. “It’ll be all right.”

  “They should be putting their effort into looking for Hal,” Sean said.

  Jessie nodded.

  Suddenly, ferocious barking came from inside the house. A wide smile lit Uncle Chad’s face.

  “Wait for it…,” he murmured.

  A deputy rounded the corner of the house at a trot. “Mr. Brown, we need you to restrain your dog.”

  “What’s the problem? Buster loves everybody.”

  “Not us. He’s growling and barking something fierce.”

  “You boys do somethin’ to piss him off?”

  “No, sir.” The deputy grinned. “Bet he was a damn good hunting dog in his younger days.”

  Uncle Chad puffed up with pride. “That he was. Still got a damn good nose, though I don’t have much use for it these days. Gave up huntin’ when my hands got unsteady.” He turned to Jessie. “I’ll be right back, baby girl.”


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