Beautiful Liar

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Beautiful Liar Page 4

by Cin Medley

  I opened the tissue paper and inside were two of the loveliest tan suits I have ever laid eyes on. Shaking my head, “What the hell?” I said to the room. Looking at the card.

  I hope to make amends by this gesture, and I hope you might reconsider perhaps sharing a meal with me.

  Paul Simon

  I put the lid back on the box, picked it up and walked out the door. I grabbed a cab and headed to the office. Once there I just walked into Mr. Simon’s office. I sat the box on his desk. “Please tell your brother, that I am not interested in being bought.” Turning I walked out and headed to my office.

  “Good Morning Miss Costello.” My secretary said.

  “Good Morning Sherry. I’m going to be busy this morning so if you could hold my calls until after lunch that would be great. Also, could you make dinner reservations for two at Acadia for seven.”

  “Miss Costello,” she said as I walked into my office. Low and behold Mr. Simon was sitting in a chair in front of my desk. “You have someone waiting in your office.” I heard as I walked away.

  “Why are you here?”

  He stood up, buttoning his jacket as he turned. “I was hoping to talk to you.”

  “Make an appointment. I have a busy day. Mr. Simon please don’t waste my time.” I stood by the door waiting for him to leave.

  He just stood there smiling at me. “Miss Costello, I have apologized time and time again. More times than I have ever apologized to anyone.” His tone sharp.

  I stood there looking at him. Did he just threaten me? “Am I supposed to feel something here?”

  “Yes,” he chuckled.

  “Oh well then, what exactly should I feel?” I couldn’t wait to hear his explanation.

  “You have dinner plans this evening? Do you have a boyfriend?”

  “None of that is any of your business. What do you want?”

  I saw Sherry move and I turned to look at her. Her mouth hanging open. I closed my eyes shaking my head. I felt him before I smelt him. When I opened my eyes, he was standing right in front of me. “You are very beautiful Miss Costello,” he whispered. His hand moved to touch my face and I stepped back.

  “Don’t touch me. What do you want?”

  He smiled, “You, of course.”

  I think I actually saw a bit of softness in his eyes. There is no way this is happening. This man wants me. Al is fucking crazy if he thinks I am getting close to this man. “I am not for sale Mr. Simon. Nor am I available to you. Please just leave. I have work to do.”

  “I was hoping perhaps you would change your mind and have dinner with me.”

  “I already have plans this evening.”

  “Well perhaps tomorrow, it is after all Friday. Maybe we could go to my lake house and spend some time getting to know one another. I am really not a horrible person.”

  I actually had to stifle a giggle. “Mr. Simon, I will not be going anywhere with you, especially to your lake house, for any amount of time.” I looked him right in the eyes, just so he would know I wasn’t kidding, I even leaned in for effect. “I am not available to you. Not tonight, not tomorrow, not ever.” What I didn’t expect was his response.

  He grabbed my face and kissed me. My god did he kiss me. I was in shock, the power of his touch sent me careening off a preverbal cliff. I was so stunned it took me a minute to get my brain to function. I bit his lip, hard. When he pulled back I slapped him across his face as hard as I could and I ran out. I didn’t stop moving. I didn’t wait for the elevator I hit the stairs. The tears coming in waves. There was nothing I could do to stop them.

  When I came running out of the stairwell I was sobbing, people stopped to look at me. A security guard well two actually, came running up to me. “Miss Costello, are you all right? Has something happened?”

  I couldn’t say anything, I just nodded and then shook my head, pushing past them I ran out the door right into his driver. He put his hands on me to steady me or stop me I don’t know which. I didn’t care, I shoved at him, but his grip felt like my arms were clamped down with steel bands. I reacted and slammed the heel of my shoe into his foot. He let go and then I kicked him in the balls and took off. I found a cab about a block away and got in it.

  “Please take me to Oak Street Beach,” I asked him. Twenty minutes later I found myself sitting on the beach crying. No man except for Steven had ever kissed me.

  I was so turned on I had to do it. I just wasn’t prepared to feel what I felt when I did. Nor was I prepared for the aftermath. “Fuck!” I yelled.

  Her secretary came running in, “Oh my god, Mr. Simon are you all right?” She looked out the door watching her run away.

  “I’m fine Sherry. Did you see where she went?” I started out the door. Fuck my jaw hurt. I have never been slapped by a woman in my life. I would love to show her who was boss.

  “She headed down the stairs.”

  “Thank you,” I said as I pulled out my phone. “Max, Miss Costello is headed down, she is in the stairwell, would you please stop her from leaving I would like to talk to her.”

  I headed to the elevator. When I walked out I saw Max lying on the ground. I couldn’t help but smile, she kicked his ass again. When I got outside he was getting up. “I should hire her to drive me, perhaps make her my body guard. What did she do this time?”

  “Fucking slammed her high heel into my foot than fucking kicked me in the balls. The fucking bitch is crazy. I swear I’m going to hurt her when I find her.”

  I laughed, “No Max, you’re not.” I looked around. “Did you happen to see where she ran off to?”

  “Ahm, lying on the ground in pain. No sir, I didn’t.”

  “All right, if she comes back call me. I need to go talk to my brother.” I turned and walked away rubbing my jaw. Damn she hits hard.

  Walking into my brother’s office I sat in the chair not saying a word. He walked over and laid a box in front of me. “What are you doing brother?”

  “Fucking your life up. Not intentionally. What’s this?”

  “Miss Costello brought it in, she told me to tell you that she wasn’t interested in being bought.”

  “Fuck,” I said dropping my head into my hands.

  “What the hell has gotten into you? I asked you to stay away from her, and what the hell happened to your face?”

  “Miss Sue Costello happened. John, I stopped by her office to ask her to reconsider having a meal with me, and to see how she liked the suits. One thing led to another and I kissed her. She didn’t take kindly to that and she fucking jacked me and ran out. I tried to get Max to stop her so I could talk to her and apologize to her, but she beat the shit out of him again.”

  John laughed, “You should get a tougher driver and body guard.”

  “I know right, that’s what I said to him. John…” I took a deep breath, “Something happened when I kissed her. I can’t explain it, but fuck if she isn’t in me. I don’t know what to do.”

  “How about you leave her alone so I can end this. How about you stop apologizing to her and stop bothering her.”

  “I don’t think I can. Do you know I haven’t been with anyone since I met her? I don’t want anyone but her.”

  He chuckled, “Out of all those beautiful women in your club…”

  I put my hand up, “Not my club anymore.”

  “You can’t find one woman to fuck?”

  “Oh, I can find many. But…awe fuck it. I’ve got work to do. Can you have your secretary return those for me?”

  John slapped me on the back as I walked past him. “It’ll get better Paul.”

  I felt beaten down. I had a business to run. I didn’t know who this woman was or why she was under my skin. Looking at John, “She has gotten under my skin John. I’m going to need your help with this. It’s been so long. I’m so used to taking what I want.”

  He looked at me, “Paul, she isn’t the taking kind. She’s like Sylvia, you need to earn her respect. You’ll figure it out.”

k you, brother.” I walked out of his office feeling a bit better about it. I know I am going to have to work at gaining her trust and respect after that kiss. But fuck me if she didn’t set me on fire. She kissed me back for a few seconds. I reached up to touch my jaw. The smile was automatic. When I got in the car I called my secretary, and had her make reservations at Acadia for seven thirty. I need to see if Kathy my VP will have dinner with me. I could make it under the pretense of a business meeting. Miss Costello doesn’t need to know otherwise.

  I sat on the beach for a few hours, then made my way back to the office. I spent the day locked in my office working. I needed to end this. That man wasn’t going to derail me. I want to go home, and I want this behind me.

  Sherry buzzed me, “Miss Costello, I’m heading home now. It’s six and you have dinner plans at seven.”

  “Thank you, Sherry.”

  I shut down my computer and headed home. At six-forty-five, a knock drew me out of my lovely day dream. I cannot wait to go home. I just needed to be very careful. Being side tracked could mean a death sentence. When I opened the door, I was taken back by the sight of the man standing there.

  “Miss Costello,” he smiled. “I’m Jacob Miles.”

  “Sue, and come on in.”

  “Well we are going to be late, so perhaps we should head out.”

  I nodded and we left. We both knew we couldn’t talk until we were out of the cab. On our way into the restaurant he handed me my ear piece and said. “We have a great deal to discuss.”

  I smiled, and nodded slipping it into my ear. The oh so familiar voice that usually whispered in my ear was there to greet me.

  “Good evening Victoria. There is much to tell you. Your Mr. Simon is a very powerful man. One of the richest in the country. His hand is in many pots. Over the course of the next hour you are going to learn a great deal, and perhaps you will understand the necessity of you getting closer to him.”

  I smiled at Jacob as we were shown to our very private table. He ordered a lovely and expensive bottle of red. “I’m sure the voice has given you the run down so far?”

  I always loved how everyone referred to him as the voice. I couldn’t stop the giggle. “This spy shit is ridiculous.” I know he could hear me.

  “Yes, but it is necessary Victoria.” The voice in my ear said gently.

  The waiter returned with our wine and we went through the process of tasting it. I smiled and went along. When he left Jacob looked at me. “I would assume that this was set up as a date for a reason.” He reached out and took my hand. “For the sake of eyes upon us, you should move a bit closer to me.”

  I looked at him, “What eyes?” I immediately scanned the room. Yep. Mr. Simon’s eyes were definitely on me. “Are you fucking kidding me,” I whispered as I moved over a bit in our booth.

  “Victoria, the man has been running check after check on you,” the voice said. “Having a back ground developed was probably the best thing you did before we started this. At least you know the background you developed. Because from my experience you are going to be questioned.”

  Jacob smiled at me and picked up my hand kissing my fingers. “Play this right Victoria, we are supposed to be dating.”

  I leaned in, “You kiss me and they will need to pick you up off the floor.”

  He laughed, “I’m not a stupid man. I reviewed the tapes, I know what you are capable of.”

  Our waiter came over and Jacob ordered for us. I had no idea what he ordered, I was listening to the voice in my ear.

  “Victoria, our research has indicated that Paul Simon could very well be Andy Marciano. You might be right in thinking the name was fake.”

  “Why would you think that?” I whispered.

  Jacob leaned in like he was going to kiss my neck. “Your Mr. Simon just pulled up out front,” he said softly.

  I brought my hand up and curled it around his neck. “I suppose then that we need to make this look good.”

  The voice said, “Victoria, you are playing a dangerous game with this man. Jealousy is not something a decent man could handle. He is, or was up until a few days ago the owner of one of the biggest BSDM clubs in the city.”

  I whispered in Jacob’s ear, “Are you telling me he likes to tie women up and beat them?” My eyes shifted towards the door as he walked in. I watched him scan the room, his eyes coming in contact with mine as I slowly closed them kissing Jacob’s neck. “It’s a go.”

  He pulled back, his hand coming to my neck, his thumb brushing my cheek. “Please don’t kick my ass,” he whispered while looking deep into my eyes. I think he saw the anger boiling in them.

  I smelt him before I heard him clear his throat. Jacob slowly leaned in and kissed me sweetly on the lips. I grabbed his thigh squeezing it hard. He chuckled and released me.

  “Miss Costello,” Paul said rather angrily. I could feel the rage pouring off his body.

  I looked up at him, “Mr. Simon, what can I do for you?”

  Jacob’s hand found mine and he entwined our fingers, picking up his glass he took a sip of his wine. As he set it down he lifted his head in a confrontational way. “Yes, Mr. Simon, what can we do for you?”

  If he could kill Jacob with a look he would have. His eyes shifted back to me. “Could I have a word please?”

  Jacob answered him, “I’m sorry Mr. Simon, but we are having dinner. If you need to talk to Sue, you can do so during regular business hours. Now if you’ll excuse us.”

  The voice in my ear said, “Reign him in Victoria. He is going to get himself killed.”

  “Jacob, I’m sure it’s fine. I’ll be back in a minute,” I said softly.

  He turned, bringing my hand up to his lips kissing it gently. “I’ll be right here if you need me.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  The voice said, “Be careful Victoria. From what I can see, Simon is on the cusp of exploding.”

  I walked away from our table, “What do want?” I was so rude.

  I could see he was struggling, “I wanted to say I was sorry for what took place in your office. I had no idea you were in a relationship.”

  “Mr. Simon…”

  The voice interrupted me, “Victoria, be careful.”

  “My personal life, hell my life is not your concern. I work for you and your brother. My time in the office is your time, you pay for it. But anything beyond that is my life. You don’t own me; you don’t decide for me.”

  “I’d like the opportunity,” he said so softly I almost didn’t hear him.

  “This is your chance,” the voice said.

  I just stood there looking at him. I watched a range of emotions move through his eyes. “I don’t know what you want from me?” I said softly, my eyes never leaving his. Either he was telling the truth or he was the greatest liar on the planet.

  “I would just like the opportunity,” he said.

  The voice, “Be ready, Jacob is moving into place. This is your chance.”

  Jacob walked up to us, “Excuse me,” he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me to him. “I think you’ve had enough time with my date.”

  I watched rage boil up in Paul’s eyes, when he pulled me up against him. I put my hand on Jacob’s chest. “I’m fine, please give us one more minute.”

  “No, you are here with me. I don’t get enough time with you as it is,” he said as he tried to pull me away.

  “Jacob!” I said rather sternly. “You need to stop. We talked about this.” Lowering my voice, “You don’t own me.”

  Paul reached over grabbing his arm, “The lady asked you nicely. Let her go.”

  I put my hand on Paul’s chest, pushing on him gently, “Please,” turning to Jacob putting myself between them, with a huge smile on my face. I put both of my hands on his chest. “I’m fine. Would you please give me a minute? I’ll make it up to you later.”

  The voice, “Victoria, please be careful.”

  Jacob smiled, his hands coming to my hips, he pulled me flush with
his body. “You have one minute.” Turning I watched him walk away. I had to wipe the smile off my face. I turned around to face Paul.

  Every fucking nerve in my body was on hyper aware mode. To see him touching her, I felt rage like I had never known. When she gently placed her hand on my chest I wanted nothing more than to take her in my arms and kiss her.

  When she turned around to face me, I watched that fucker walk away, she said softly. “Mr. Simon…”

  I interrupted her, “Paul.”

  Smiling she said, “Paul, I cannot be an option for you. I am an employee and my contract strictly forbids fraternization between colleagues. I’m pretty sure that includes my boss. I have a relationship with Jacob.”

  I chuckled, “He’s a tool. I would just like the opportunity to get to know you better. Nothing more.”

  She giggled, I suppose that’s a good thing, at least she isn’t hitting me. “Ah, but Paul, you and I both know that there is something more, and I’m afraid that I am unavailable for something more.”

  “Does your date know that?” I spat out.

  “Be careful Paul, your fangs are out. Yes, he knows and is accepting of it. This is all redundant, it isn’t going to happen.”

  I felt my resolve slipping, I actually felt like I was drowning. “At least have dinner with me and then you can decide. I’m really a nice guy.” God why am I doing this? Standing here looking at her in that fucking dress, every god dam curve, the swell of her magnificent breasts. I think right now I would get on my fucking knees. I am trying with all that I am not to scan her beautiful body.

  She just stood there looking at me. Tilting her head, she whispered, “Fine.”

  My heart jumped. “Tomorrow night?”

  I watched her as she turned her head to look at her date. Then back to me. “I have plans. But I’m free on Saturday.”


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