Beautiful Liar

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Beautiful Liar Page 15

by Cin Medley

  “Not sure, she’s changed a great deal since the last time I’ve been with her. How do you like your eggs?”

  I smiled, I didn’t have the heart to tell her I hated eggs. “Scrambled is fine. Can you put some cheese on them?”

  She giggled, “Of course. So, are we going to talk about what’s going on?”

  “Not right now we’re not. Right now, I’m going to sit here and watch my woman cook for me.”

  She laughed, and I mean laughed. “So I’m your woman now?”

  “Fucking right you are.” I smarted.

  “Uh, momma, Paul said a naughty word.” I heard from behind me.

  Victoria came around the island, “He did indeed. Should we put soap in his mouth?” I watched as Jo made a face and shook her head. “Come on, Paul wants cheese in his eggs, would like cheese on yours as well?”

  “Yes, please.”

  She sat Jo next to me. I leaned down, “I’m sorry I said the naughty word. I feel bad.”

  She smiled, “It’s okay. Ruth’s friend said a lot of naughty words.”

  I looked at Victoria, she was frozen. Turning back to Jo, “I’m sorry that her friend said those things.”

  “He would hit her too. She would cry. I drew momma pictures. I didn’t like him, he said his name was Uncle John. But he was mean to me.”

  I picked her up wrapping my arms around her. “Well Ruth’s friend isn’t going to be mean to you anymore, cuz I’m here now, and I am not going to let anything happen to you or your momma.”

  She smiled at me, “It’s okay Paul, momma sent him to heaven.”

  “How do you know that?” I was riveted to my seat. I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

  “I just do.”

  I sat her back in her chair and got up to get all of us orange juice. Victoria was just standing by the stove. “Hey, you all right?” I whispered to her.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “It’ll be fine, we can talk later. Come on,” I whispered to her.

  When she picked her head up and looked at me I nearly lost my breath. She knew as well as I did, that there was no way Jo could have known that. Something was very wrong.

  “Excuse me,” Denny said from behind us. Both of us turned. “Mr. Simon can I talk to you for a minute.”

  I turned to look at Victoria, she nodded. “Hey beautiful, you want to help me butter the toast?” She asked Jo. I helped Jo off the bar stool and watched her toddle into the kitchen.

  I followed Denny down the hall to what will become Jo’s room. Max was standing in the hall way. He handed me a note.

  We need to talk, someplace else. You shouldn’t stay here right now. Take them and leave. The Season’s. The guys already have the Presidential Suite, swept and ready for you.

  I looked up at him. He looked a bit freaked out. I just nodded and went back into the dining room where the girls were waiting for me to eat. We sat down and had a lovely breakfast. “Why don’t you two get dressed and let’s go out for a bit?” I looked at Victoria, and just nodded towards the bedroom.

  I watched her body change. She took Jo and got up headed to her bedroom. Max met her in the hall way, handing her one of the new dresses for Jo. He slightly shook his head. I followed her into the bedroom, getting Denny’s gun out of the drawer and then we left. We didn’t drive, we walked for a bit, and then got in a cab and headed to the Season’s. Neither of us said a word about what was happening, I didn’t know what the fuck was happening. We pulled up at the Season’s and one of my men met me as we walked through the lobby handing me a key.

  We just hung out and watched some cartoons until Jo fell asleep. I carried her to what would be our room and laid her in the huge bed.

  My mind has been racing all fucking day. How the hell does she know? Something is so very wrong here. Why are we here? What the hell were Max and Denny doing in the apartment? I waited for Paul to walk out of the bedroom. When I saw his face my heart stopped. He was just as scared as I was.

  “What hell is going on?’ I whispered.

  He shook his head. “I asked Max and Denny to clean house. I had them start in Jo’s room. I hired a decorator to come in and replicate her room. I thought if it was like her room at the cottage that she would feel like it was her home.” My heart swelled for him. “But he told us to leave. He gave me this.”

  He handed me a note. “What the hell does this mean?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Is it safe for us here?”

  He reached out and took my hand leading me onto the balcony, pulling me into a hug. “Something is going on. Victoria, do you know who Andy Marciano is?”

  “I do. But Paul, we can’t touch him.”

  “I don’t want to touch him. I want to say this to you and I want you to be honest with me. It’s someone you love, isn’t it?”

  I nodded my head into his chest as the tears started to fall. “I don’t think he would hurt me. I think Steven and John were the ones who killed my brother. Steven said a few things to me before I killed him.”

  “Victoria, do you know what this is about. Why we are here?”

  I closed my eyes, I hated to lie. “No.” I knew damn well why we were here. I can’t do this to him, he is not innocent by no means but he isn’t part of this.

  He pulled back from me looking into my eyes, “I know you know,” he whispered. Hugging me again, “It’s all right. I understand you need to earn trust. But please don’t run. Please don’t take off on your own. Promise me.”

  I nodded into his chest. A knock on the door separated us. I watched as Paul walked in and opened the door, Max came in and followed Paul onto the balcony. He looked right at me. “We found canisters of poison gas in her room. Along with two cameras and three of these.” He handed me a small jar of liquid. Inside were three small squares. I knew them instantly.

  “What about the rest of the house?” I asked.

  “Denny is working on it.” He said to me. I nodded and turned to look out over the city.

  “I want you to secure my closet as a safe room. No camera’s no listening devices. We need a safe place to talk. How long until we can go back?” Paul asked him.

  “We will stay on it, but not until morning. There’s one more thing Victoria.” I turned to look at him. I watched as he pulled out a small, what looked to be a phone. Handing it to me, I realized what it was. Looking up at him, he nodded. I moved into the room and then the bedroom. Paul and Max followed me.

  My hand was shaking, I didn’t want this to be truth, but deep inside I know it is. I turned on the machine and started to scan my beautiful niece. It was silent until I reached her neck and then a beep and a little red light. Closing my eyes, I walked out of the bed room. Once in the living room I handed the machine to Max. As he moved it around my body, I heard it beep at the same place as Joanna’s. But as he continued down my arm it beeped three more times. I couldn’t stop the tears.

  Looking up I saw the sorrow in Max’s eyes. “Don’t,” I whispered. I couldn’t bring myself to look at Paul. I knew what was going on and I couldn’t tell him. I just couldn’t. “I need a medic,” I said softly to Max. “You were a SEAL right?” He nodded. “I’m sure you know someone who can be trusted.”

  Softly he said, “I know quite a few someone’s.”

  I nodded, and walked away. I went in the bedroom, not saying a word to Paul and crawled into bed with Jo. There is no way this is fucking happening. I cannot believe this. Bastard, and he will pay for this. I don’t care anymore. I’ve got a few weeks left and this is going to end.

  I watched her walk off the balcony. Looking at Max I said, “What the hell is going on?”

  “Jo and Victoria both have trackers in them.”

  “What do you mean in them?”

  “Under their skin. I think the beeping in her arm is something else. Sir, we need to get her someplace that is safer than here. What about your lake house? I have a buddy who does private security. I’m going to call him, he’s expensive
but him and his brother are the best at what they do. I think we need a secure place.” I watched as he leaned in, “I don’t think what’s in her arm is safe. We need to operate on her arm.”

  I closed my eyes, “Get it done Max. I don’t care how much it cost. Get it done. She needs to be free of this shit.”

  “Already on it.” I looked at him, “Hey what can I say, the little one won my heart and her mother, well you have to like anyone that size who can kick your ass.”

  I chuckled, “Yeah, I suppose so. Just let me know when and where.”

  “It’ll be sooner rather than later. I’ll pick you up. Joe will be here soon. He was in Chicago doing business. His name is Joe Blackshaw, Blackshaw Security. I told him to meet you here. I’m going to head back to the apartment.”

  I nodded, “Max, what was in the canisters?”

  “Some sort of toxin. I handed it over to FBI. This is bad shit she’s into. But I’m going to do everything in my power to get her out of it. No child should have to live like that. And it pisses me off when people threaten and or hurt them.” He let himself out as I walked into the bedroom and stood by the door looking at them. Both of them deserved a great life. I am so lucky to have been given this chance twice. Crawling into bed with them, I closed my eyes just as her hand found mine, and sleep came.

  When I woke up Paul was lying next to Jo, cocooning us both. His eyes opened a few minutes after mine. I know he felt my body change. I love you. He mouthed to me. Smiling I mouthed it back to him. I so want a life with him, but I’m not so sure that we are going to be able to have it. If anything, he will have Jo. I need to legally make this a fact. He squeezed my hand and motioned for me to get up. We untangled ourselves from Jo and moved to the living room part of our suite.

  His arms came around me, his lips sealing themselves over mine. So sweet and gentle our kiss. “I’m so scared, Paul. So very scared.”

  “You and me both beautiful. Max has a friend who works in Security. He is on his way here now. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

  “You and I need to have a serious conversation. One where no one is going to be listening in.”

  He laughed, “Oh I know,” he wiggled his eyebrows at me, making me giggle. There was a knock on the door. “That would be Joe.”

  I watched him walk to the door. God, he is so fucking beautiful. I can’t believe he wants me, loves me. Wants Jo. It’s going to hurt leaving him, leaving her. But I have to do it. I have to end this. Why do I have a fucking tracker? Why Jo? Who put the canisters in Paul’s house? Maybe it was Kathy but how did she manage to get them into the country? I think it was done before hand. Maybe it was Steven, maybe his plan was to end Kathy all along, end her with Jo and Paul. How did this life get so fucked up?

  I hear talking, looking up two very large men were walking into the room. My hand naturally moved to the back of my jeans. “Victoria, this is Joe Blackshaw from Blackshaw Security and his brother Al.”

  “Gentlemen.” I nodded.

  Joe reached out to shake my hand and I just smiled at him. “Max seems to trust you and I only have one person here I can trust and that’s Paul. So if you would excuse me if I’m not so trusting.”

  He smiled at me, “Understood. Listen, Max explained a little about what is happening. We need to get you to a secure location.” He looked at Paul. “I have a crew of men at your lake house securing the location. It should be fine by the time we get there. We should get moving.”

  Paul turned to me, “Tell me what you feel. Do you think this is what we should be doing?”

  “What else do we have? I mean we have trackers in us. They need to be removed before we go anywhere.”

  Al moved closer, “I have this here, that will fry the circuits in them until we can get them out.”

  “Well according to Max mine is in my neck,” I reached behind my head, “Right here.”

  “May I?” He nodded to me.

  I turned around and he placed a small cold metal box on my neck. “That should do it.” He slipped another thing out of his bag of tricks, and scanned my neck, there was no beep. “See, all gone. Mr. Simon, where is yours?”

  “It’s Paul, and it’s not me who has one.”

  “It’s my daughter.” I said quietly as I moved towards the bedroom. Al followed me. He walked through the bedroom door and I nodded to the bed.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “Nope, and that is fucked up.”

  I watched as he quietly made his way to the bed. He put the little box on her neck. Looked at me and nodded as he placed the other one on her neck. We moved back into the living room. “How old is she?” He demanded.

  Paul looked at him. “Three.”

  “Who the fuck does shit like this?”

  “Fucked up people. We need to go. I need a place to talk and I need to find out what the hell is in my arm.”

  “I’ll get Joanna.” Paul said. He walked out carrying her, we all left together.

  Once in the car, we didn’t say much. I sat with Jo in my arms and Victoria’s hand in mine. She was in her own head. Who the fuck would do this shit. I needed to pay attention to Joe.

  “I just got an all clear on your lake house. Nothing out of the ordinary, no camera’s not listening devices. So we should be safe there. You have a boat house?” I nodded. “I have our medic setting it up.” He looked at Victoria, “We will get whatever is in your arm out. Do you want to fill me in on what I don’t know?”

  Victoria looked at Jo, “Not now. When Max gets to the house.”

  “He is on his way there with Jo’s things. He can hang out with Jo while we talk.”

  Victoria giggled, “I’m sure he doesn’t want to play with a three-year-old.”

  Al looked at her in the rear-view mirror, “Well if he doesn’t I will.”

  I watched Joe smile, “My brother has a soft spot for children and abuse women.”

  It took about an hour to reach the lake house. Max met us there and Jo was awake and ready to go. Max took her down to the beach while Victoria stood on the patio watching them. I assured Joe that she would talk when she was ready. We all just kind of stood around waiting.

  “My name is Victoria Holmes. But that’s my married name. I am, or was MI6 special ops. My twin brother Johnathan was my partner. When I became pregnant six years ago, I quit. I was in a horrible accident which ended my unborn baby’s life as well as my ability to have children. I suppose that’s irrelevant in the big picture of this fucked up scenario. My brother and his wife were murdered, along with Paul’s wife. My sister-in-law was pregnant. Somehow the baby survived, so I left my husband and took the baby and went into hiding.” She nodded towards the beach. “My daughter Joanna is that child. Two years ago, MI6 came to me telling me that they now had a name and a lead to who killed my brother, along with Paul’s wife, but at the time I didn’t know that. So I left Joanna in the care of a woman named Ruth Jacobson. A woman who was a retired agent, older, sent by MI6. Who better than to trust the only real thing I had left in this life with. I knew there was a contract on my life, I know it’s still out there, but no one ever knew what I looked like. I can change my appearance rather easily. So I was reinstated at MI6 per my request, and I left the only person I had left in this world. I started my investigation. I became the job. Persona after persona, lie after lie. I worked my way to Paul’s brother’s accounting firm. I was following the paper trail, the money of the man who killed my brother. That is where Paul and I met.”

  “I wasn’t such a nice man.” He smiled.

  “I have skills that I don’t even want to have. My father always told me I was a natural. I excelled in everything.”

  I chuckled, “I’ve seen her take down two of my men without losing her breath. She is definitely a force to be reckoned with.”

  Victoria turned and looked at me. A small smile crossed her perfect lips. “When I’m mad, I have a hard time controlling it all.”

  “So, what brought us here?” Joe sai

  I noticed Al sitting there his eyes riveted to her. Not sure I felt comfortable with it.

  She turned and looked at Jo and Max for a few minutes before she continued. “I have an eidetic memory. I remember ever thing I see. It’s bothersome most of the time. But apparently while I was doing the books for Paul’s brother I uncovered the identity of this man who killed my brother. But it was all a set up. I wasn’t there to find his identity I was there to make sure his identity was never found. My ex-husband, orchestrated the whole thing. Everyone involved with the op was being blackmailed by him. I’m pretty sure they are all dead now. I know John Simon and Steven Holmes are dead, because I killed them. As for the rest of them, I’m not sure. Anyway, it was all a set up. John wasn’t this man; he was just the enforcer. He killed my brother, his wife, and Paul’s wife. I’m pretty sure he was the one who put the tracker in Joanna. I can’t figure out when mine was put in. But it all makes sense now, how Jacob could always find me.” She said under her breath. “Anyway, Steven’s new wife, is or was my oldest friend. I gave her Jo to bring to Chicago for safe keeping while I dealt with the man I believed to be the man who killed my brother. Her plan was to kill Jo once I was out of the picture. She’s pregnant with Steven’s child. We have her stashed someplace.”

  “Will she talk to us?” Joe asked.

  “I don’t think so. She has a blood lust for me, and the fact that I killed Steven might make her have a death wish for me. But since we’ve returned, my mind has brought everything to the surface and I now know the true identity of Andy Marciano, the man who killed my brother.”

  “Would you be willing to tell me who it is?” Al asked.

  “It doesn’t matter, in the big picture. He is untouchable by anyone but me, and I’m pretty sure now that we have gone off the grid by disengaging our trackers, the chances are even less of me being able to get close to him. But I have one last card up my sleeve, and I am banking on it to get me close to him.”


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