First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga

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First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga Page 19

by Berg, Michael

  Jenna was feeling more relaxed during this conversation, “When I think of all the events so far since Lyle and I were at the Space Station, I can see there is a link. It is as if there are workings going on without any conscious effort or decision to make them happen. Coincidences often occur and we can be too casual in our acceptance of them often just putting them down to chance. But, if you look at the word co…incidence, then one could easily read it as co being cooperative, and incidence being incident. Put them together for a cooperative incidence.”

  “That’s a step for you,” Raynie giggled a little jabbing Jenna in the ribs.

  “Yeah…I am learning to go outside the confines of orthodox scientific approach. But don’t turn me into one of those crazy people often rebuffed by the establishment over the years for suggesting science fiction as science fact!”

  “Don’t worry,” Lyle added in an assuring tone, “We can all go together. Now…the mudras linked to the statue and the images we could see in ultra violet light in the lower chamber tie in with this even more strongly now. Our study of the images we took inside the chamber, correlate with what was on the paper the owner gave us. The gestures are to stimulate a response not a reaction. The very nature of this information is based on intentions and through these, being aware sufficiently to see how they connect, which is the response through your gut feeling. I have studied several culturally significant historic sites, which align with this way of thinking. I might add, in several different continents as well.”

  All four of them were standing outside the vehicle in the middle of the road, confronted with a decision on which highway to travel. To the south lay the great expanse of the Himalayas, the highway first traversing the Qaidam Pendi lands to Golmud, before winding through the towering mountains to the city of Amdo, and beyond to Tibet. To the west lay the desert highway, skirting the Altun Shan and Kunlun Shan mountains, passing through remote settlements on its way to Hotan and further to Kashgar at the outer reaches of China.

  All of them felt a strong urge to travel south into the high peaks and the roof of the world, but their senses and studies told them to continue west along the desert road. At first struggling with their desires to experience the wonders of the Himalayas, they then reached a decision and then took time to eat and rest a while. As they sat beside the road, each of them went into their own world, dreaming of the scenes to the south and the sheer majesty of the mountains. To their west lay uncertainty but this seemed to bother them less and less as uncertainty or mystery had become such a feature of their travels so far.

  Chapter 20

  It was eleven at night as Steve McCray stood patiently watching as the HAARP installation was powered up. Standing patiently was rare for him even when in full command, and now as he was not in control of proceedings, it would normally be even more distant a state of mind. But he had been informed well enough in this instance to quell his usual anger with this issue. The team had arrived from Anchorage, linking up with those already present, and all were now testing whatever it was they had built. He still did not have precise details and this irked him, but he was now under direct orders to keep his mouth shut and command his side of the operation. Until this time he was unaccustomed to such blatant orders as he had often considered himself at least on the fringes of those in higher office who made the big decisions. This time though, he had felt the full weight of their influence and without remorse, those in high office saw him as just another field operative.

  The hum of the antenna array began to build as its’ transmitter wave generators came on line. It created a type of vibration in the air and all present stopped for a moment when they felt this. Five minutes later, the antenna array was operating at one hundred percent with a projection vector restricted to one thousand feet. The projections could be sent out over thousands of miles, but now it was delimitated to a short incursion for testing purposes.

  “HAARP Alaska communications, this is HAARP Norway here. We are monitoring your situation and advise all is nominal.” This was a standard procedure for both HAARP installations where one would monitor and advise the other during all operations.

  “OK Norway,” Steve responded. “Standby for power up of the booster systems.” It was his best description for the cache of weaponry the specialized team had deployed. Whilst not apparent as a weapon in its’ appearance, it was specially designed to be exactly that - unbeknown to most of the scientists who had been involved with its development and who were now carrying out deployment.

  Mark Bolden and his first officer had been brought along, though neither of them really had a part to play in this latest objective. The authorities had included them in order to maintain surveillance and ensure they could not leak any information about the cargo they had brought from Japan to Alaska.


  “Yeah Mark?”

  “What do you think of this? I mean personally not officially?”

  “I think it stinks…a lot! They are up to something I am sure all of us will not like regardless of service or science or citizen. This type of thing cannot be good for any of us.”

  “Yes. I am in agreement there. Some of the components were developed from discoveries they made at Cern using the collider. Even a large portion of the general public knows there is some very high end work going on there. Further, I can imagine there is some unrest back home in mainland USA and it worries me. Due to the secrecy attached to this mission, I am not even allowed to contact my wife.”

  “Yeah. I hate that! There is always an element of undesirable conditions attached to these operations.”

  “A downside to the service and to science. The powers to be don’t want any information leaking out. They think the masses of consumers should go on relatively and blissfully unaware. Personally, I think there is always an element of inherent danger with blind faith in anything.”

  “Too right…” Steve trailed off thinking of his official position and how he himself had been blindly holding faith for officials in higher office regarding him as anything more than a field commander operative.

  “This is special operations team leader to Steve McCray. We are engaging our booster system. Stand by for further advice.”

  Steve immediately snapped out of his thoughts, into officer mode, “Acknowledged team leader, standing by.”

  The area around HAARP was already aglow with the antenna array at one hundred percent. As the booster system came on line, the glow intensified to fill the entire valley surrounding the installation. At its’ center, the array was too bright to look directly at with the naked eye, so all present donned their protective goggles. The glare then rose to a steady intensity as the system was extended to one hundred and fifty percent.”

  “This is team leader. We have established booster equilibrium and will now proceed to three hundred percent. Stand by.”

  A loud winding noise similar to a large electric motor rapidly increasing in pitch took over the base startling nearly all personnel. In an instant the system was taken to three hundred percent resulting in a massive lightening type spike erupting from within the glare that was accompanied by a sound like thunder as if matter was tearing apart. Within seconds, the glare had subsided and the test was over.

  “Team leader here. Test complete. Return to nominal operations.”

  Immediately Steve flicked a switch bypassing the booster systems and returned the array to its’ regular hum and glow.

  “What now?” Mark asked him as they both removed their goggles.

  “Analysis of results and more secrecy I suspect.”

  “Scientific approach, test and analyse. How about some coffee? My shout.”

  “Yeah, that would be great,” Steve said relaxing a little at Mark’s poor joke about it being his shout. The installation was equipped with the latest human service devices and Mark’s shout would be to simply speak his request to the machine and out came the coffee.


  “One thing puzzles me,�
�� Raynie said as they drove on through the night under a brilliant starry sky. “If Chan opened up the lower chamber then I wonder why he allowed others in to examine the chamber.”

  “I too have thought similar,” Lyle responded. “He alluded to the danger of this information in San Francisco, yet he has been instrumental into opening up this to a lot of other people. Sure, it is not been advised to the authorities yet, but those scientists back at the caves will surely say something to someone. Perhaps there are others Chan sees as worthy for seeing this information?”

  “Mis-informing as well maybe.” Jenna added. “There is a lot of that going on in scientific circles. With the general ignorance for the public being the policy of the authorities, we have released inaccurate information merely as a gesture to keep the masses placated.”

  “Yes, I thought along those lines too. Lyle…” Raynie said leaning towards him from the rear to the front seats, “Do you think we are still being followed?” She suddenly felt angst at the prospect of this - something they had all lost a little sight of during their conversations over the meaning behind the information they had been given.

  “You can count on it. I suppose Chan could be looking out for us wherever he is. He is playing two parts in this I think. One to help us help him, and the other to distract those who know some of this information. The danger he spoke of is real. From his perspective those who seek to do wrong are appreciating some of the wealth this information provides and no doubt they will strive to use it for manipulation. If he can lead them down the wrong path convincingly enough, he may be buying the time we need. Perhaps then, by opening up the lower chamber to others, he was acknowledging the awareness some have of this information. It is obvious now for us to have entered the chamber and feel its presence and this is of sufficient importance for him to take a calculated risk. He did say feeling was important to being aware and how it is relevant to us on this journey.”

  “These guns we have.” Raynie still felt troubled, “When you said before about the intentions and those with guns could likely meet an end by gun I became uneasy. I know they are for our protection but they scare me.”

  “Well, think of it this way. A lot of people hold guns as they come from a sense of worry or even paranoia they will need to defend themselves. In this sense you could be attracting that very need. We however…well I would like to think, would only use them as a last resort. I don’t feel paranoid and neither should any of us. There is an element of chance also operating here. We need to keep focus on what we are learning to guide us in conjunction with decisions we make based on our feelings. Think less of the weapons and more of what our intentions are, as hazy as they seem at the moment.”

  The four of them then fell silent, yet despite their conversation, they picked up their senses to guard against any intruder. As dawn began to break, they approached the desert city of Ruoqiang located on the edge of the flat expanse of Taklimakan Desert nearby the foothills of the Altun Shan Mountains. Their journey from Dunhuang had been swift, mostly at one hundred miles an hour, and without incident. The city lights of Ruoqiang twinkled, with the distant snow laden peaks shining brilliantly in contrast to the grey and amber colors of the morning. They entered the city and found an establishment where they could buy a meal and some coffee.

  “John?” Jenna was calling using her holographic phone.

  “Yeah. How are you? And the others? We thought we would hear from you by now. What’s going on?”

  “Sorry. We have been so caught up in all this, we overlooked a few things, including calling you and Tobias.”

  “No problem. I figured you must be onto something. Are you looking after yourselves? Not too much action?”

  “Yes and no. Yes we are looking after ourselves, and no, there has been some action. All has been mostly good but for an incident on the way to Dunhuang.” She went on to describe their journey so far.

  “Interesting how you mention this state of flux in respect to understanding concept,” John replied. “A bit un-scientific for you.”

  “No. Not entirely. I do know a bit about what you are working on. So how is it going?

  “Good. Tobias and I have made significant progress and…”

  “And what?”

  “We have met two others, Asper and Lorraine. They have been helping us. It turns out they are from a group who oppose this technology overdose into everyone’s lives like we do.” John went on to explain how Tobias and him had met he two women, their conversations and their trip to the high rise.

  “Seems like you have been very busy…um,”

  “Yeah,” John interrupted. “There is a bit of a thing going on. You know, Tobias and Asper…”

  “And Lorraine?”

  “Hmm…maybe,” he trailed off laughing knowing Jenna was alluding to potential relations between them. “Where are you going or don’t you know?”

  “We don’t know exactly, but we feel as if we are heading in the right direction.”

  “No doubt. I have always seen you as a person with direction Jenna.”

  “We are going to work on detailing our journey ahead a bit more today. Our stay here will be for at least twenty four hours so we can work on it.”

  “OK. Anything else?”

  “No, not really. Just keep you head up. We are being followed so we will contact you again next as we have our holographic phones switched off when we travel.”

  “You know me. Always alert. Make sure you all stay safe.”

  Jenna returned to the others who were seated in the café booth where Lyle and Raynie were sipping on green tea and Jake was being brought a coffee. The smell perked her senses and she greeted them asking why they had started without her.

  “The smell was too good to wait,” Jake said looking up as Raynie and Lyle continued to drink.

  “Well let me have some!” Jenna took an empty cup and poured herself some tea from the pot on the table.

  “Let’s go to the city gardens and talk about where to go,” Jake said after they had finished.

  “Good idea,” Lyle replied. They paid their bill and left for the short walk down the street to the gardens. The view to the mountains was visible throughout the city and during their walk, their minds returned to thinking of what lay beyond in amongst the peaks and higher, upon the Plateau of Tibet.

  Seated on a bench under a sprawling tree they felt a degree of relaxation amongst the setting – the first they had felt for some time.

  “What a beautiful stark contrast,” Raynie said breaking a temporary silence.

  “A reflection of the world we live in. Such beauty which at times can be in stark contrast to the goings on of its’ inhabitants,” Jenna replied.

  “Reflection!” Lyle exclaimed.

  “Huh…no not again. These surprise outbursts are starting to become regular for you Lyle. What is it this time?”

  “Reflection. Jake where is that piece of paper?”

  “Right here,” he said taking it out of his pocket. “Here.” He handed the paper over and Lyle examined it for a moment.

  “See this symbol?” He pointed to one that appeared to be on the left hand side in a border surrounding a central symbol. “The symbol in the middle represents the Torus surely. But…if you look at it as infinite then there is no left or right side. This depends on your natural inclination on how to hold the piece of paper. Turn it a little and presto, it appears as if it is on the bottom.”


  “Well look. We thought the imagery looked like two eights side by side, an eighty-eight, just with additional lines curving off them. Until now it meant almost nothing that we could determine. But looking at it now, it appears as two infinity symbols with the lines curving away. Think about this in the context of what we discussed earlier of other dimensions, including string theory and the rest.”

  Suddenly what he was meaning became apparent to the others. They leaned in close together and Raynie gave Jake a quick kiss on the cheek.

Back to this,” Lyle said. “See those curves as strings, links if you will between dimensions. There is infinity there and another in parallel with those lines apparently leading off to nowhere. If you see them as connections beyond what can be illustrated on a page, then you might get your mind around it.”

  “Why two though?” Raynie asked.

  “I figure there are two because one leads to another and the other is infinity within our grasp. Perhaps it is like a parallel universe but not so. See it as something we are directly involved with in a sub-conscious way. Maybe it represents our intentions, the underlying energy, which gives rise to our actions that in the end can end up as our single interpretation of infinity. This is life, as we know it, experience, and conceptualizing being the way we have direct control over things.”

  “OK so what does it mean to us now?”

  “Well beyond our range of concept there must exist energies which are there for the taking so to say. They are waiting for us to become aware of them more cognitively and to make use of.”

  “I suppose that backs up most of what we have discussed in relation to intentions and going with gut feelings,” Jake added.

  “Yes, and more! We are on a journey of discovery of those energies or fields…whatever they are. This symbol is a motivation. See how the mudra here indicates motivation to seek higher understanding and to apply this learning?”

  “Yeah, but you said reflection,” Jenna stated feeling a little confused.

  “I am getting to that. The reflection is where the other dimensions are affected by our intentions and thus set up the energies to allow them to manifest in our physical reality. So they reflect back at us similarly to how we discussed quantum physics where the particles react to being analyzed or examined.”


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