First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga

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First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga Page 24

by Berg, Michael

  “And this type of dependency, as you said just before, is not the way of natural life for people.”

  “No it is not. Now turn off that device and get the last paper message out that I gave you, we have much work to do.”

  They spent the next two hours discussing the images Chan had drawn on the paper. Each image depicted a basic meaning of the Buddhist Mudras they had studied, along with a rendition of the Torus seen at the restaurant in Dunhuang.

  “Within the Torus is the essence of eternity,” Chan said. “See how these curves lines interact with each other yet they are not connected directly? This is vital to your understanding. It is not a lineal passage of one event linking to another, but more a lateral vision for how realities and energies can interact given the opportunity.”

  Jenna had noticed a mathematical construction within the Torus, “I can see the interaction as if it was a formula for the building of momentum. These equations, so I will call them, indicate the passage of time and yet not. They almost appear as though there are instances in parallel as indicated by those curving lines, yet those instances interact.”

  “Yes, a very good analogy. Much of the information contained within the Torus can be interpreted in this way and so to people who do not properly understand, reason with it as if it is a lineal process. Thus…they do not see the meaning of how intuitions can open up knowledge and activate other equations within the Torus without seeming to give them direct attention.”

  “So it is not a puzzle where one thing leads to the next, then onto the next and so forth. It is more of a guide and if understood correctly then the others perhaps just fall into place though natural progression.”

  “Very good. You are getting much closer to the meaning behind this image. Your conversation about parallel infinity whilst seeming impossible to the lineal mind, is actually an indication of the premise by which activation of the true harmonic heart energies can interact and play out to create realities or situation on levels you do not normally see. It is this type of energy the authorities fear most, and it is through their modes of constructing dependency that they influence and manipulate the minds of many hoping people will forget or not even consider anything other than the prescribed life they have in store for them.”

  “But what I don’t understand is how we are going to do anything with this,” Jake interjected. “I can understand the potential here, but how can it be applied in the material world we see around us?”

  “There is no need to apply it in such a way. That too is a lineal approach. The essence here is what counts for the results of activation of this Torus. It is through its nature where its resonance travels like a wave, yet the wave is always there. Such interpretation is difficult to describe as our words are mostly centered on the lineal approach but look at it this way if you will. It is a memory. A memory that has resided within you since before your birth. It is within the very construct of reality and has been there since your atoms were born in the stars. Does this help? Picture a field of intention, much like the burgeoning technology being developed using Tacheons and teleport. Yes I know of these things. They are but a reflection of the intentions and discoveries the human race is making. A reflection of more understanding and as they study them, the energies reflect their minds and intent.”

  “Human beings invent and discover technology for two reasons. One is to explore as many pioneers have done previously - it is within our nature and as we explore our consciousness, we construct representations of our inner discoveries. But the other…it is not so great. In recent times over the past century or so, technology has developed at an astounding rate compared to that throughout human history prior to the middle of last century. And along with this has also been a strengthening desire among the few who control the technology, to build dependency on it for the masses and so their intentions are not reflecting intuition other than how to manipulate people through technology for the sake of economics and other power struggles. We are now at a time where the human race will have to decide and many seem to be making poor decisions.”

  “Is that why this is so urgent now? You mentioned there will be a loss of liberties for people,” Jake asked.

  “Indeed. The movement on this is very strong and will come sooner than many realize. People are at risk of losing this contact with their true authentic selves.”

  “But why? People seem content and the authorities appear to be in control.”

  “Yes they are but there remains too much uncertainty for those in power to continue this way. Also, this is why I met you at the Mozart museum, as there is still too much individual genius and that can only lead to dissent in their minds. Geniuses have always stood out from the majority and have often been ridiculed for their ideas many times throughout history, only to later be understood and often revered for their insights. You are amongst those who are geniuses, in fact most people are - they just do not realize this.”

  “Genius is seen in the sense where an individual makes accomplishments based on their strongest intuitions of what they know, and then they go about acting upon them or responding to them from an inner sense. This in turn fulfills their expectations of what they see as their role or place in life. It is what they have to do, without any sense of doubt raised primarily through learned ways shaped often by manipulation and the strength of ego. This doubt is very much associated with ego and so too is the struggle for power this world has endured for many centuries.”

  “Egotistical struggle is at the foundation of many failures and serves to make known, insecurities to others. But, in actuality, there is no need for insecurity. No need to worry and no need to have power over another. Such things separate people from each other and create competition. Look at the great cities now, full of people trying to outdo each other for the sake of status. This is not progress - it is repetition of the same mistakes made so often…” Chan trailed off appearing for a moment to be lost to his own thoughts.

  “In a way, this ego thing is disharmonious to the good of the world,” Jenna said breaking the temporary silence.

  “Yes, so see why I have helped you to understand the place of sound. Sound is part of the harmony of existence and you…people need to understand all the energies at work for real progress.”

  “Back in San Francisco you mentioned the moon demon and the statue in Fong’s restaurant,” Lyle said, his mind taken to his up and coming mission, now only a few weeks away.

  “Ah Fong,” Chan smiled. “He has guarded that statue for a long time. His customers just see it as another piece of traditional Chinese art culture, but it is much more.”

  “What significance does it have? And also the springs we stopped at after visiting the White Pagoda on our way to Dunhuang? I am going to the Moon in a few weeks…”

  “Yes of that I know also. Your mission there is very much a part of this as anything. I cannot say why for again it is up to your intuitions to determine and respond. But I will say to think of how the Moon is seen in Chinese culture and in many others. This common thread associates the moon with divine powers and has been worshipped through time from ancient to the present. Often the moon is seen as an entity that gives way to the birth of the sun and this light in turn gives birth to life. Our intuitions are often mistaken as myth or dreams, discarded in the face of science where the Moon has been broken down into a physical body only, made up of this mineral and that element. So much has been overlooked and even forgotten in the name of science.”

  Jenna looked a little uncomfortable and Chan noticed. “Do not struggle with this Jenna. There is no fault of your own. You are in no way responsible for these scientific explanations. In fact the science is just another part of human kind’s holistic understanding of the Moon. Now…consider what the Moon actually gives to the Earth and those who reside upon the Earth. So strong it is influencing behavior - the tides, and the very place the Earth has in the solar system. Without it, our world would be very much a different place, but it is there and tha
t is our focus.”

  “Within each of us resides iron, so elementally affected by the force of gravity. It is in our blood, what we create, and in our food. Thus the affect of the moon is very great as an attractor magnetically. This attraction is a balancing act in a way and so without our conscious thought, the Moon maintains an element of balance within us and all around us. You must know how it seems people tune into the cycles of the Moon and how it correlates with the cycle giving rise to birth and creation.”

  “Which is what we seek…to activate?”

  “Yes, you are understanding this well. With such balance as key to our intuitions away from the ego, we require a steadiness in order to be able to focus. Imagine if such energies were highly erratic. People of the Earth may well reflect this with erratic behavior…”

  “But they do,” Raynie interrupted him, “sorry Chan.”

  “No need for apology, you are correct and this is where I round off this point of understanding to you. As human kind has moved away from intuition and reacted to their world, they have become very much out of balance, mostly due to this ego, which in turn generates fear. But do remember, the projection of self is perfectly appropriate through all life.”

  “So we see some cultures regarding the Moon as evil or the like,” Lyle said.

  “Again yes. So now perhaps you see the significance of the statue at Fong’s restaurant. The demon is telling people there is evil involved with the Moon and so is a distraction away from the balance it offers. For those aware of these things, the statue Demon is a stimulus into recollection of their true nature. This is not a purely physical thing, for much of human psychology revolves around the consequences of the Moon, it is just that mostly they do not see this.”

  “The legends of werewolves and other evil creatures associated with the Moon are a distraction too?”

  “Lyle, you are indeed making progress…for all of us.”

  “So the relevance of the Moon is merely concerning understanding balance of humanity within the picture of…reality or awareness, um…or consciousness? But why is my mission important? It seems like we are getting this as we talk here in Vienna. The need to travel there seems irrelevant.”

  “No. It is most relevant and that will become apparent to you in time as your travels now have allowed you to explore the recollection of your feelings.”

  “Um, back to the Torus. What actually is it? Is it a thing, a relic? Is it on the Moon?”

  “I do not know where it is, or if it is a relic. It is a thing, but not how you would imagine. Consider life as a torus, and also the Earth and the entire universe. Study of its’ shape reveals the eternal cycle where there is no beginning or end. Also, you were given information in Dunhuang about it being eternal. Well that is what it is. More than that I cannot say for even I only know of it as an intention. No person has ever seen such a thing as an instrument or as a relic, but knowledge of it is very strong. Perhaps you may find it in a physical sense, I cannot be certain. But I do know this. You are instrumental in its activation for its energies have largely remained dormant for a long time. It is now in these recent decades that we have felt a sense of its presence, or…its’ need to be felt. It is as if it is sending an unconscious request.”

  “That is pretty hard to grasp. I thought we were going to find an actual physical thing.”

  “You may,” Chan replied, “but once again, you are seeing it in a lineal sense.”

  “Well how would the authorities use it to manipulate people?”

  “That is something I cannot answer other than to say if they become sufficiently aware of its energies in a capacity beyond their current knowledge, then they will react to such a discovery and this may lead to them developing a means to utilize the energies for their purposes or goals using a vortex amplifier. Such a device could open vortexes providing almost endless energies for them to manipulate. For now our work is done, there is nothing more we can align here with in Vienna for you have the purpose and feeling of this meeting. It is imperative for you to have travelled to experience this, otherwise it may well have just been a sense of cognition, a thought somewhat bereft of the feeling. This feeling is energy and you are so very able to connect it yourselves, though you have probably been mostly unaware of this in your lives until now. More will come to light as you travel. Take your genius energy, and your intuitions with you.”


  “A most unlikely destination. You must travel to Africa and visit the ancient town of Timbuktu in Mali. Information can be found there that was the very reason for trouble in the second decade of this century. Some people knew of its significance and they did what they could to suppress this information, even to destroy it in their plight against enlightenment. But fortunately they did not prevail. Enquire of the Dogon people. They sought a harmonious way of being despite their internal struggles. From this experience you will gain more feeling and insight which is vital to your engagement and activation of energies. Be mindful of how this may not be clear to you, but in a manner similar to your sub-conscious, it is activation for others who will tune into these energies.”

  “When should we go?”

  “Very soon, but take a few days to consider what we have discussed and then make your way. You will find it very interesting.”

  “Are you going there? It seems as though you have been following or traveling with us.”

  “You may need me. That I will determine through the passage of time. You must trust yourselves. One last thought to help you on your way. Consider the notion of spirit setting the path for light to follow. These are your intentions and light is traveling behind them. All light is a vision from the past, no matter how small amount of time the past can seem to be.”

  The following day they arranged for the next available HyperJet flight from Vienna to Nigeria, due to depart two days later. From there a connecting flight in conventional aircraft would take them to the desert town in Mali. “Well that’s out of the way, what next?” Jenna said as she completed the booking.

  “Ah, Raynie and I have an idea,’ Jake said broadly smiling.

  ‘What is it? You look mischievous.”

  “Of course I do. When you think about things you love to do, it brings out such things.”

  “Well, do tell.”

  “How about some summer snow skiing?”


  “Yes, summer snow skiing. Raynie and I checked out the glacier skiing conditions and there are runs open. We could all go up. It will only take a couple of hours to get there. We could stay the night, do another day of skiing, and then return in time to make our flight.”

  “We love the snow,’ Raynie added. “Come on, let’s give it a go.”

  “Sounds OK to me,’ Lyle added.

  “OK then,” Jenna agreed.

  Skiing in the European Alps was a passionate love for both Raynie and Jake and they took to showing the others what it was all about. “I know you have skied before,’ Raynie said as their flight took them high into the mountains. “Just remember what to do and it will all come back to you.”

  The view from the drop off point high on the glacier was spectacular, taking in the sheer majesty of the mountains as their pinnacles of snow laden ice and rocks stretched to the horizon in all directions. They skied all that day and the next buoyed on with enthusiasm, and sharing many moments of stimulation, both physical and comedic as they laughed at each other’s harmless skiing mishaps. Carving lines in the snow made their adrenaline pump, for a while being a distraction from their journey and tasks ahead. Unbeknown to their apparent conscious, this experience was releasing more of their momentary energy which would serve to heighten almost all of life’s experiences and encounters. They spent two traditional nights in the ski area - eating and drinking, and talking of their trails and adventures during the day. Raynie and Jake were at home among the après ski activities – mostly concerned with crowding into bars and sharing the delights of time on the mountain. Raynie was
especially pleased with how Jenna and Lyle seemed to fit right in, adding to hers and all of their enjoyment of this time.

  After returning to Vienna and boarding their flight to Nigeria, they left the majestic mountains behind, first crossing Italy and then the Mediterranean, before continuing on over the Sahara Desert to the West African nation. From such a high altitude the patterns of sand dunes were a spectacular sight as they flowed along the lines the desert winds traveled. In the evening as their connecting flight touched down in Timbuktu, they marveled at the ochre light cast across the seemingly endless sea of sand. A porter met them outside the airport terminal requesting they use his services to find the best accommodation in town, and by dinner they were comfortably seated in a restaurant sampling the local cuisine.

  Chapter 23

  “What do you think Chan meant when he said spirit sets the path for light to follow?” Jenna asked as they enjoyed coffee after their meal. “Sounds something like Tacheons to me.”

  Lyle replied, “Maybe it is. Remember when he said what we create is an expression of our awareness? If you look at what he said and align it for a moment with that, then you can see the similarity. Being true to our spirit, who we actually are when we are not affected by some of the trappings ego has to offer, then we naturally express spirit through our intentions.”


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