First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga

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First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga Page 46

by Berg, Michael

  “What is very important to consider is the choices many have made at these times and in times past. They have lived lives of fear, as we have discussed. It is this fear as a choice, which is most difficult to understand. A simple question is ‘why would a human being choose a life of fear based on dependency?’ There is so much giving happening at all times – it is this energy waiting to be re-activated within. Dis-easement is not easement and so it manifests in many forms. There is foundation understanding here to see this place is not aligned, and it is simply being reflected in human awareness as not in easement.”

  “But can you take this to mean all illnesses humans can suffer?” Jenna asked.

  “No, that is not the only understanding. There are things affecting life found in many different forms. These are part of the life processes that are in elemental intentions. Their natural energies are of these ways, and so you might see an animal afflicted with disease. This is the natural course of all of the waveforms involved with this manifestation. It is the way of being for this situation as a variation in nature. So too it is for all life. Where there can be dis-easement, is in the choices made when made under duress and to manipulate without consent. This leads to a simple un-balancing of intentions in many places and people, and this is often shown as an affliction.”

  “So a simple example would be a person who is suffering a mental illness and due to this suffering they do not eat the correct foods or do adequate exercise to maintain a healthy body.”

  “A good example. It is clear in many of these instances where it has been said some people can eat through boredom, and then they eat poor quality foods. This furthers the disruption even more. The perception of boredom and the reaction is not aligned with the giving nature of elemental understanding – where forces as waveforms and geometry, respond.”

  “And so too is the connected ego a variation in nature as it manifests the elementally aligned intentions of an individual. Many times the ego can say to an individual all is well and perfect…” he thought about that word, but then continued considering they were likely to understand. “But it is reaction rather than response, when there is the affliction of power or manipulation. These things cause many interruptions to the happiness, to the health, and to the capacity of people to actually grow and take on further understanding. Such distractions are in place now as they have been, to divert people from such things as simple as the melting snow we have just observed.”

  “And divert them from being aware of the giving forces they are actually a part of.”

  “Yes. For without the need, then there is no power. There is no requirement for people to strive for status based wealth because such a system holds them…hostage. There is no need to have these fears of losing, for it also comes at a very high price. People see priorities in extreme amounts and so we now have this move by the authorities to further this with focus in place to continue their suffering.”

  “Suffering has for so many cycles, been much a part of the human experience. It is said that suffering can teach you what to value most, and for a lot, this can be true. But it is the human suffering going on that is almost unspoken. It is the suffering from the loss of connection to the elemental intentions inside and about them. They suffer the drawback…of these things they consume to feel good, and soon see they begin to want another then another. Yet, what they are bound to do and the very complex rules governing this existence cause much suffering.”

  “Parents spend time away from their children and leave them often in the care of strangers. These are times for children during this stage of life, where bonding takes place and so in pursuit of status, they tender their children out and interrupt this bonding. And one must be alert to the variations in waveforms in these instances. There is joy to be felt in each instance where the parents are re-united with their children at the end of their working times each day. Do not overlook the surge in emotion here. This time is their intentions speaking to them, yet they think they are listening but they do not in many instances.”

  “This surge is both the elemental intentions doing what they can to align back to their proper forms after the interruption of the separation of child and parent. These are beautiful things and they bring much love and physical stimulation in touch and embrace. It is to remember, the interruption for the sake of status that is the focus for this issue. They are failing also to see through the fear foundation intentions of the controlling egos, that giving is all around them and so they need not carry such fears…for safety, for comfort, for…something to do. This is a natural elemental intention based thing. It is a flow and when one is not seeing and feeling this, it is difficult for them to imagine and so they conjure up an opinion. This is not an opinion, it simply is. And now as in times past, they seek reliance on machines more than they realize. This is opposition to machines being complimentary to life. And so the authorities through this can continue to herd people in their direction and what they want to see future human evolution become.”

  In the evening they gathered a stock of fire wood and tidied up around the house. A much stronger storm was forecast, and this time it would come as a near gale force with much more snow. After failing again to contact the others in London, they felt resilient to focusing on anything negative and decided yet another attempt the following day, would be the best idea.

  They were sitting in the library again reading, except Jake who checked the holographic news broadcast to see if anything else was being announced, but turned it off when it was just a message advising that identification chip injection time had now expired. Raynie had found a title amongst the hundreds lining the walls and asked if the others might like to see.

  It was an old book and looked like it had seen a lot of use since its first release in late in the twentieth century. She then turned it around to show them what was written on the back – water is a mirror reflecting our mind.

  “Yes indeed,” Chan said. “For our mind is the instrument to carry out our intentions.”

  Raynie flicked through some of the pages, looking for something to show when she came across an image catching her attention. They gathered around the table, where they saw it was a series of images, showing the reformation of the naturally elemental shape of water crystals. The water went from a highly disrupted form, to become aligned crystal patterns during the time people of the location they were sourced from, became aware of its environmental problems.

  One interesting experiment detailed within the book, showed the disrupted state of water when it had been subjected to negative thoughts and sound waves. Chan confirmed this, “See this inside of people who are experiencing negative. Elemental disruption is evident.” He took control of the book, “See here? The water responds to music - there is a change to its crystal properties. And this!” He showed them a water crystal subjected to audio of a Tibetan Sutra. It had facet upon facet of hexagons and seemed to go on forever in alignment.


  Steve was ready to meet Agent Eight. Rendezvous with the ship was just seconds away as he strode the last yards to the docking port. His assignment detail was to imprison the Agent for the remaining flight, in the ships’ brig.

  The big drawback would be that Steve now had twelve duty hours per day, guarding the Agent. Steve was dreading the long boring hours ahead – never had he been put in such a least since his early days in the service.

  He heard the hiss of the docking port tunnel being pressurized for transfer without spacesuit as the Agent arrived. He heard the footsteps as Agent Eight walked the twenty-foot long tunnel, but there was no window into the walkway, so he really didn’t know what Agent Eight looked like. Sure, the holographic banks could give you an idea, a projection, but they lacked the life experience of physical sight. Steve liked to get an impression of people when he first saw them, as it had become his style during so many years of command. When the port door did open, he saw a man who immediately gave him a bad impression.

p; “Agent Eight. I am to refer to you that way as instructed. You are to be escorted to the brig where I have the unfortunate duty of guarding you until you are relocated via Mars Station, to the Asteroid Belt, then for service as a guard. In my official capacity as escort for your successful delivery to said destination, I am obliged to inform you that I am not required to answer any of your questions in detail. You may ask them, but I probably will not answer.”

  Agent Eight remained silent – he had been this way almost entirely since lift off from Edwards Air Force Base. His only words were forced out of him when his escort aboard the new official looking spaceship had ordered him to acknowledge his conditions of transit, rights, and facilities available. He walked a little in front of Steve now, his head down, and his hands in holographic handcuffs.

  Steve felt no sympathy for how pathetic the man looked – a man who had committed murder. He watched the way he walked and it seemed like he barely knew how to do so. Every step looked like a step at the edge of something, but Steve would not catch him if he fell. Steve was not a cruel man in any instance - he could just not help a murderer.

  He showed him to his cell, and told him about what was available for his use…basically nothing. These ships were not equipped well for prisoners and the cells were fairly basic. He told him he would get two meals per twenty-four hours, and then left, engaging the holographic cell bars before disappearing into a small office where he could watch him without being seen.


  The dark group Chan had described was amongst many who held rituals over the two days of the injection deadline as it came into force around the entire Earth. People were rejecting it in their own way - some with age-old druid type ritual, others in shamanism states of awareness dancing erratically, and people of religious and pagan beliefs holding prayers and ceremonies. Where native rhythms sounded deep in forest and in cities, they held people to their rhythmic flow, compelling all present in earshot to join in effort against what they saw as darkness. They saw images of death, of destruction, of light, and of replenishment, but they were few in number as they had always been, with the majority of people only giving the passing deadline the slightest of notice. Those few who were outcasts roaming the remnants of the old streets with no established residence, would be eventually arrested and given chips if seen as efficient. Otherwise they would simply disappear.

  “Authentication system has reached one hundred percent online.” A computer voice made the announcement at headquarters as the final deadline passed west of Hawaii. The holographic monitoring banks were a huge array of projections featuring readouts, maps, and streaming commands. Periodically reports would flash alerts, with their contents showing details of people who had not received their injection. An entire team was set monitoring these reports and Agents were regularly dispatched when the people were arrested and taken to the facility.

  The officer in charge went busily over the entire holographic bank – settling on a live street view. He could see people walking the streets, the majority appearing normal as they filed along in the left and right lanes the pavement was divided into. It was all quite mundane to him in comparison, and he was about to look away, when he saw something he could hardly believe – nor could those in the street view.

  As if from nowhere, a twenty one foot tall robot had emerged from the wall of a building and seized an outcast person. It immediately apprehended the person, restraining them until the officers it had summoned prior to apprehending the human, could attend the scene and take them away. The appearance of triple sectioned ant like body robot walking on insect like legs holding a man with fully dexterous insect like hands was not the most startling aspect of the event. It was its’ appearance seemingly out of nowhere which held them aghast.

  The robot had been positioned for weeks in fact, waiting ready to be fully activated. Until the deadline time, it had been in situation on the side of the building, at minimum system status – just enough for it to maintain invisibility. Then as the systems came online, it remained invisible ready to apprehend any person who checked out as not having the injection. Fully automated systems were in place for real time updates and so it did not need to be operated by someone – it was totally autonomous.

  Within its construct were the very protein strings Jenna had helped develop, now adapted as processors for the machine, and far from the intentions she ever had for the technology. It was equipped with regenerating nano technology and could last for years on a single internal and very small power cell. Operating on such power, it was uncompromising to its captive. As soon as the officers led the apprehended person away, the machine then went back to invisibility and nobody knew where it was.

  The officer in charge had noticed the look of astonishment on the faces of those around the scene and he too mirrored their look, until he was alerted to the report for the very person he had witnessed being arrested. His attention then immediately went to complying with the orders, and so he ensured his subordinate dispatched an agent on the case. ‘They are going to need more agents,’ he thought as more reports began appearing.

  The authorities knew they would need many more, and were recruiting them now from the streets. A simply device could be implanted into their brains, interrupting the synaptic conversions for identity awareness, and after some re-alignment sessions, they would become agents. This was not the way Agent Eight had joined the services. The authorities were now using their research into human patterns of behavior for this purpose.

  But they wanted more. They wanted the key elements to flux mechanics for transgressing beyond mere artificial intelligence and so they continued to probe John’s mind, and he continued to fight. He no longer had any interrogation sessions - instead he sat out each day with the others in the cell, focusing his mind to keep the probe at bay. Nobody came to see them except for the guard who brought them food twice per day, and they had no news of the outside world and of their friends in Australia. They had talked about them often, and about what they had experienced and learned before they had been apprehended. But it was in very low tones for they knew surveillance was in place. Their conversations however subdued, kept them from losing their minds in the bland cell bathed continuously in cold light.

  When finally somebody else came to see them and advised they were to be given a holographic projector for viewing broadcasts, it offered very little to appease their situation. All they saw were regular messages based in propaganda, thinly disguised as words of assurance for the population at large. The commander at the facility had decided they should begin their rehabilitation for it was the least he could do to help them. He laughed when he told them this during installation of the device, thinking he was not helping them in any way.

  Chapter 42

  Agent Eight was neither making it difficult for Steve, nor easy, Steve was just bored and Agent Eight knew this. He also knew that when people get bored, they get distracted and so without Steve being aware, Agent Eight was watching him a lot more closely than he would have liked. There was no conversation from the Agent – just silence and watching. He could not actually see Steve in the office, but he knew when Steve had been there for long periods, and he took note of when Steve came and went. Then during the hours Steve was not on duty, he would consider any options he might have, under the gaze of only the security cameras. This was the weakness in the chain of guard over him, even more so than Steve’s boredom. Whilst there were the eyes of the security cameras on him, there were often tired and bored people watching and looking away from the holographic images they produced, particularly during the hours when most people on board the ship were asleep.

  Towards the end of Steve’s fourth twelve-hour shift, Agent Eight spoke to him for the first time. “McCray?” His voice startled Steve, as he had never heard it previously.

  “How do you know my name?”

  “I heard it spoken by others.”



t do you want?”

  “Holographic projector. I need something to do. I like official broadcasts.” He was lying.

  “I didn’t think you had any needs.”

  “None other than the projector.”

  “Why should I get it for you? Look at yourself.” This was metaphoric as the cell had no mirror and the metals were dull, offering no reflection.

  “You don’t have to.”

  “I know that!”

  Agent Eight said nothing further leaving Steve to think about the conversation – to think of what it was like to talk to him, and to consider being startled by his first words, and to deal with his request. Behind the one-way glass, Steve was doing just that. He had been deprived of interactions and had grown bored on the long journey into space, so now the Agent’s words sank into him further than he anticipated. His thoughts turned to thinking of the Agent, his mind processed the Agent, and his decisions were activated to consider giving to the Agent.

  “Not now,” Steve finally said.

  Agent Eight did not reply. He had affected Steve as he had planned – for he too was aware of the human need for communication after long stretches of time almost alone. The Agent knew the other occupants of this vessel, of which there were six, would be busy at station or asleep, they too suffering the tediousness of space travel, and therefore would offer little in respite for Steve’s position. And Steve said ‘not now’, which could mean later.



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