Alien Commander (Zerconian Warriors Book 11)

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Alien Commander (Zerconian Warriors Book 11) Page 12

by Sadie Carter

  Oh god, this was killing her, though. He slipped a finger down to her clit, circling it lightly.

  “Oh, oh.” The tight nub was almost too sensitive, and she rode that edge of pleasure and pain. But then he was fully inside her, and all thoughts of anything fled her head except the need for him to move.

  She bit back her pleas. Then he drew partially out. Back in. Too slow. Far too slow. Suddenly, his pace increased. The finger at her clit pressed harder, moved faster. Little mews of need escaped her lips, barely recognizable to her ears.

  His movements grew more hurried, his hips slamming against her ass. And she pressed back against him, wanting more, needing it. She cried out as she felt herself come again. Her passage squeezed his hard cock, and he let out a loud yell as he followed her over.

  She slumped forward, blackness circling her vision, then overtaking her completely.


  Sophie came awake slowly, feeling disorientated. She felt an ache in her lower body, and for a moment alarm filled her. What had happened? A small noise made her turn, and she saw Toriq sitting at the edge of the masic. His shoulders slumped, unmoving.

  “Did I pass out? Oh God, I’m so sorry.”

  She’d heard that happened when a mating was completed, but she’d completely forgotten. She yawned, catching it in her hand. Exhaustion had turned her limbs to mush, and she forced herself to sit with a dreamy sigh. She felt tired and sore. But it was a pleasant ache. The ache of a woman who’d been well-loved.

  Reaching out, she touched his shoulder, wondering why he was sitting over there. But perhaps he was trying to catch his breath like she was. “Toriq that was—”

  He abruptly stood and moved away from her.

  She watched him, startled. “Sorry, are you sensitive to touch after you come? Some people are, I—”

  “That was a mistake.”


  Her heart stopped for a second, her breath caught in her lungs. She let it out slowly as a sick feeling developed in her stomach. Hadn’t he enjoyed it? Had he been disgusted by her pregnant body? But no, he’d looked at her like she was a sumptuous feast and he was starving.

  So what was wrong?

  “Toriq? What is it?” She must have let out a small noise as she moved and he turned, staring down at her, his eyes blazing red. He was angry? At her? He took another step back as she moved to the edge of the masic, almost as though he were afraid she was going to touch him.

  Hurt filled her.

  “I don’t understand. I thought you wanted me.”

  “I did. But I should never have—” He ran his hand through his hair then moved into the small dressing area.

  Sophie sat there, completely confused. She wished she had the balls to go after him, to demand that he tell her what was going on. Instead, she sat there feeling lonely and lost.

  When he returned, he was dressed once more, a closed-off look on his face. Gone was Toriq, the commanding and sensual lover.

  In his place was Toriq, the warrior.

  “I am sorry,” he told her. “You do not need to worry. That won’t happen again.”

  Before she could even process those words, he was gone.

  What the fuck had just happened?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Toriq stared out at the crashing waves of the ocean. It matched his mood perfectly.

  How long had it been since he had joined with Sophie? Three days? Four? He had lost count. Each morning, he arose before she woke up. He had taken to sleeping on the lounger, unable to sleep with her. He did not trust his control around her. Then he would spend hours training the other warriors.

  Afterwards, when everyone else had returned to their living accomodations, he would run until it was dark and fatigue burned through him. Until he was so tired, he could barely manage to stumble home, let alone think of joining with his mate again.

  He had been too rough. When he thought of the way he had taken her, he felt ill. He had been too harsh, too commanding.

  How she must hate him.

  Fear him.

  It was no less than he deserved. Her hatred.

  What if she wanted to leave him? Like his mother had? Would he then turn into the demon his father had? Thankfully, the mating bond was weak so he could not feel her hatred of him through that.

  “I thought I saw you out here. What have you done?”

  Toriq turned as Dex joined him on the rocks.

  “What?” Did he know? Had Sophie said something? Laid a formal complaint? He would not blame her.

  “I have noticed the long hours you have been training, both the warriors and yourself. And you are sitting here in the dark, alone when you have a mate waiting for you at home. Are you in the dog box?”

  “Dog box? What is that?”

  “Well, from what I gather it is where a dog sleeps. However, it is always where Zoey sends me when I upset her.”

  “She sends you to sleep with the animals?” Toriq was aghast that his Emperor would allow his mate to treat him like that.

  Dex laughed. “No. She tells me that I am in the dog box, and then I attempt to figure out what it is that I have done and I charm her out of her temper. It is more her way of telling me I have annoyed her. So what have you done to Sophie?”

  “I joined with her.”

  Dex did not say anything.

  “I was…I was too rough. I treated her like…I should never have taken her that way. She is my mate. She needs a delicate touch. She needs care and attention. Sweetness.”

  Dex snorted. “Sweetness? Do you know how to give that?”

  “No.” And that was the problem. He was an inadequate mate. “She deserves better.”

  “She said that?”

  “No. No, but I am certain she would.”

  “Would she?

  He could feel the weight of Dex’s stare on him.

  “Have you talked to her since you joined? It happened three nights ago, correct?”

  “Yes.” Toriq looked at him, startled.

  Dex gave him a wry look. “The human females talk to each other. About everything and anything. Zoey told me that you had completed the mating.”

  “Did she say anything else? Did she say how Sophie was?”

  “So you haven’t seen her since?” Dex gave him an incredulous look. “You left her?”

  “I have seen her.” He had kept watch. He was her mate, he could do nothing else.

  Dex let out a sigh. “I saw her today when she came to visit Zoey. That is why I have sought you out. It was either my mate or me, and you do not wish Zoey to find you right now.”

  He nodded. “The Empress is upset with me.”

  “Too right I’m upset with you, you thoughtless jerk.” Toriq turned, startled to see the Empress behind them. The crashing of the waves must have drowned out her approach.

  Either that or he had lost his focus, his mind consumed with his mistakes.

  “Is Sophie hurt?” He dreaded her reply. He had sent Moroco to her immediately after their joining, but all he would tell him was that she was well, and so was the baby. He had felt a tremendous relief on hearing that, but perhaps Sophie had not told the healer everything?

  “Of course she’s hurt. You give her the best sex of her life, make her think that there is something real between you. Make her believe that she means something to you, that unlike her jerk ex, not all men are assholes and users, and then you just up and leave her. And don’t return for days. You haven’t seen her, haven’t spoken to her. For God’s sake, I know you idiots aren’t good at communication but surely even you know that’s not the way to treat your mate. Dipshit.”

  “Zoelle,” Dex warned.

  “He hurt my friend. And she was already vulnerable after everything she’s gone through with her ex. Now she thinks she’s done something wrong. That there is something about her that makes all men treat her like shit.”

  Wait. What? Sophie thought she was to blame?

  “I left because I scared her. I was
too rough. I made demands on her that I shouldn’t have. It was nothing to do with her. Sophie is perfect. I have not spoken to her because I do not wish to see the fear in her eyes when she sees me.”

  “Oh, it won’t be fear you see, buddy. It’ll be the urge to kill you. And what are you talking about? You left because things got a bit kinky in the bedroom?”

  He glanced at Dex, not certain he wished to have this conversation with the Empress.

  “Oh no, don’t look at him, he’s about as clueless as the rest of them, although I’m starting to slowly train him.”

  “Zoey, you will not speak like that,” Dex warned in a low rumble.

  She let out a deep breath. “You warriors are so frustrating. Toriq, I think you need to come clean.”

  “I have not had time for a wash since my run.” He moved slightly, guessing his scent must be offensive to her.

  “God give me strength. No, I mean lay your cards out. Why did you walk out after sharing some mind-blowing sex with Sophie? By the way, she said it was the best sex she’s ever had.”

  He frowned slightly. “How could that be? I was too rough with her. I took control. I should have been more careful, considerate.”

  “Oh hell. Dex, we seriously have to look at getting your guys some lessons on communication. Toriq, did Sophie tell you that you were too rough? Did she tell you she was scared? Did she tell you to stop?”

  “No. She is human, pregnant, fragile. She has been through a bad experience with a male who forced her to do his bidding and then I did the same.”

  “Really? So she didn’t come? She didn’t scream with pleasure? Did she act fearful? Maybe cry or plead with you to stop?”

  “I am not certain I am comfortable with the two of you having this conversation,” Dex said.

  Toriq knew he wasn’t.

  “Sophie enjoyed what you did, Toriq. She loved every minute of it and if you had just thought to talk to her instead of deciding how she should feel, then right now the two of you could be getting as kinky as you damn well like. Instead, here we are. Now, I don’t know about you, but I for one would like to be anywhere but here having this conversation.”

  “I agree with that,” Dex added.

  “She really was not frightened or hurt?”

  “No, Toriq. I think you two need to have a big talk. Go see your mate before she decides you’re more work than you’re worth. Or before Saffron tracks you down because that woman is planning on handing your ass to you and I would not want to be on the bad side of her. That woman could totally have played Annie Wilkes in Misery.”

  Toriq nodded slowly, although he had not met this Annie Wilkes. She must be one of the other women from the transporter. It sounded as though she was ill or hurt, though, and feeling miserable so perhaps she was in medical. But the Empress was right. He should have spoken to Sophie, found out what she thought, how she felt, instead of running off the way he had. But the truth was, he’d been scared. Scared that he’d gone too far and hurt her. Scared that he was going to end up like his father.

  He would do whatever he needed to ensure Sophie’s happiness and safety. If that meant staying away from her, then he would. But he needed to speak to her first.


  Sophie dragged the small side table over to the kitchen area. She was in cleaning mode. She always got this way when she was stressed. Or mad.

  And right now, she was both.

  How dare he walk out on her? How could he give her the best sex of her life and then just walk away as though it had meant nothing? As though she were nothing?

  At first, she’d been sad. Scared that she’d done something to upset him. But as time wore on and he continued to avoid her, she’d grown mad.

  Steaming, raging mad.

  Today, she’d broken down and told the other women what had happened. She blushed, remembering the detail she’d gone into. Normally, she wouldn’t talk about private matters in front of others, but they’d been almost relentless in their demands that she tell them what was going on.

  She knew they were worried about her. The truth was, she was a little concerned as well. She wasn’t eating. Or sleeping. She certainly couldn’t sleep in the same bed where she’d experienced such highs and lows. Was it something about her? Something that made men treat her like shit?

  She’d thought Toriq was different. Sure, he was a bit closed off. He didn’t talk much, especially about anything to do with his emotions or feelings, but that night she thought they’d turned a corner. He’d been different. More open. He’d shown her some of the true Toriq—or so she’d thought.

  She climbed up on the small table so she could dust above the kitchen cupboards.

  Turned out the real Toriq was a jerk. A lying asshole. Men. She was over them.

  “What do you think you are doing?” a deep voice boomed out.

  She turned in surprise, wobbling. She would have fallen to the ground if Toriq hadn’t rushed forward and caught her in his arms.

  “Oh God, oh God.” She trembled as he carried her into the living area and placed her on the lounging chair. “I nearly fell.”

  “What do you think you were doing? You cannot climb things in your condition.”

  “In my condition? In my condition?” She stood, her fear quickly overtaken by anger. “And what condition is that?”

  “You are pregnant.”

  “It is not a condition!” She winced as her voice screeched. “I am pregnant. Not ill. And I will do whatever the hell I please.”

  She made to step past him, but he reached out and grabbed her arm. A zing of pleasure raced over her skin before he snatched his hand back.

  “So we’re back to that, are we?” she asked bitterly as that indifferent mask came over his face.

  “Back to what?” He appeared startled.

  “Back to not wanting to touch me. You know, I don’t understand you. I knew there would be a learning period. I knew that there might be things you did that confused me or I didn’t get or agree with. I knew we might butt heads because you’re a bit overprotective and I’m sensitive about being controlled. But I don’t get it. I don’t get how you can be so passionate and open in the bedroom and yet so cold and standoffish right now. Who is the real Toriq? The one who holds himself closely in check? Who doesn’t let anyone in? Or the sexy lover who gives all of himself?”

  He gaped at her for a moment. Clearly, she had completely caught him off guard.

  She sighed. “Why are you here, Toriq?”

  “To talk to you.”

  She snorted. “Well, that’s going well, isn’t it? What did you come to say? It’s clear that I did something to upset you the other night. Something that’s made you go back to cold, unemotional Toriq who doesn’t want to touch—eek!”

  She cried out as he pulled her against him. His gaze blazed red as he stared down at her. Anger. He was angry. Well, she guessed that was an emotion, at least, although not one she’d been hoping for. She swallowed, feeling slightly nervous.


  “Not want to touch you? All I want to do is touch you! It is all I think of! It consumes me. I cannot think of anything else but you. But I do not wish to hurt you.”

  “Hurt me? What do you mean? The only way you’ve hurt me is when you walked off without an explanation and left me here, alone and wondering what was going on, for days. I can’t, I can’t do that again, Toriq. I’m not strong enough.” She ran her hand over her face, realizing for the first time that she was shaking.

  “You do not need to go through it again. I am not leaving.”

  “No? Am I leaving then? Do you want me to go back to Earth with Rich?”

  “What?” His eyes widened with surprise.

  “Rich wants me to go back to Earth with him to testify, he thinks it will have more of an impact if I do it in person.” Trepidation filled her. She didn’t want to go back. She didn’t want to go anywhere near Maxwell or his family. But if Toriq didn’t want her any longer…

“You will do no such thing,” he thundered, looking furious. “You are going nowhere!”

  “Why? Why do you care?”

  “Because I love you!”

  Toriq was as shocked by his words as Sophie obviously was. He hadn’t even realized until that moment that he loved her. He hadn’t been entirely certain what love was. But if it was putting another person first, if it was thinking about them day and night until your thoughts were consumed by them, if it was being unable to imagine your life without them, then he loved Sophie.

  “Say that again?” she whispered.

  “I love you.”

  She slapped his chest, shocking him. Pulling back, she punched him in the stomach. It didn’t pain him, but from the way she scrunched up her face and held her hand, it had obviously hurt her.

  “Why did you do that?” he asked. He gently grasped hold of her good arm and pulled her over to the kitchen. He sat her on one of the stools while he grabbed an ice pack from the freezer unit. He wrapped it in a towel and placed it over her swollen knuckles. “You hurt yourself, that is unacceptable.”

  “Oh shut up,” she muttered.

  “Sophie?” Had coming back here been a mistake? Should he have left her alone? Had Zoey been wrong?

  She sniffled, and the noise tore at him. “Sophie, what is it? Shall I call for Moroco?”

  “No!” She cried out, looking up at him. “No, I’ve seen enough of him lately to last me a lifetime.”

  His eyes widened. “Why? Is something wrong? I did hurt you, didn’t I? I was too rough, and I harmed you. Sophie, I am so sorry.”

  “What are you talking about? You haven’t hurt me. Well, not physically. You hurt my feelings by being a complete jerk and just walking out on me after I thought we’d shared something special.”

  “Special? You thought what we did together was special?”

  “Yeah. Obviously, you didn’t since you just stormed off and haven’t returned until now. Why are you here?”

  “The Empress spoke to me.”

  She groaned. “Great. So how did she get you to come talk to me? Did she threaten to chop your cock off?”


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