Birches, Cowgirls & Angels

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Birches, Cowgirls & Angels Page 8

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  She didn’t bother to look around. She knew everyone was watching; and still she refused to feel any embarrassment. As though the scene was no big deal, she stood up, pulled her jeans back around her bottom with a wince no one could see, and then moved inside the stables.

  The air inside was stifling. Rather than finding Jake in the office, he was puttering in the tack room, cleaning up a mess of bridles that had at sometime been thrown in a heap and never sorted out.

  “You have more to say?” she asked.

  He stared up from where he was crouched on the ground.

  “Damn good display. I’m not sure I won’t have to repeat myself before you get the chip off your shoulder.”

  “There is no chip on my shoulder!”

  “Yeah, sure. It’s been there since you began this thing, and though I have to give you credit for trying, today’s explosion is a sure sign that you haven’t much accepted what’s happened. Do yourself a favor and either submit, or get out.”

  “I thought we agreed to bury the hatchet?”

  “Words, Amanda, they were just words. Good ones, but something is eating your heart out.”

  “Yes,” she said, afraid of exactly where this was headed, and still she couldn’t stop. “It’s you.” She practically made it an accusation.


  “I told you earlier that this was about you. But I did lie about one thing.”

  “And what’s that?” he said rising so he could look her in the eye.

  “It is a romantic thing. I know that sounds totally stupid considering how I feel about you half the time—it’s just that the other half…” she stopped. “So, you have your answer, the real answer. Maybe now we can both get over it.”

  Until that moment, she hadn’t realized how much her ass hurt. Her feelings were bruised and her skin was raw, roughed up by the jeans as they rubbed the surface when she walked. She had a feeling this would be a miserable night, but she would get over it.

  “I’m sure I’ll be all right now, Jake. I’m already feeling much better.” Figuring she’d said enough, she walked out.

  An hour later there was a knock on the back door of the ranch house. When Amanda answered, she found an agreeable looking Jake standing on her porch.

  “How about we go out tonight, and take care of the rest of what’s going on?”

  She thought a moment. “No. I’d rather not go out. But I am making chili. Why don’t you join me for dinner?”

  Amanda and Jake didn’t get to the chili simmering on the stove until nearly ten o’clock. It had almost burned because they hadn’t paid attention.

  She had stood with her back to him as she added the last of the onions and peppers, turning down the kettle to let it cook slowly. One kiss on the back of her neck, the resulting shiver made her turn around, and the clinch that followed was brusque, driving them into the living room where they silently tore at each other’s clothes until they were groveling naked on the floor between her couches. When he pulled her over so she was on hands and knees, he fucked her doggy style, slapping her ass back to its painful burn. She liked the ending best, however, on her back, her legs over his shoulders, his cock riveted to her spasming cunt, the sopping thing juicing all around it. She grunted as she came, while he let out one passionate release. With that, their first fuck was over. There would be two more—nearly equal in vigor, all silently executed, before they’d get to the simmering chili.

  Chapter Seven

  Friendly Fireworks

  When the county pick-up pulled into the yard of Grey Gulch Ranch, Jake was rocking on the back porch with a beer in hand. “Howdy!” he called to Garth as the Sheriff pulled himself out.

  “You’re looking mighty relaxed.”

  “Happy as a clam,” Jake retorted.

  “Bet you are. Hear you and Amanda Plover have been dating?”

  Jake grimaced playfully. “In our weird sort of way.”

  “Weird?” Garth didn’t get the joke.

  “We have our moments.”

  “Maybe like mine with Cissy?”

  Jake nodded. “Maybe.”

  “So, is Cissy here?”

  Jake shook his head. “Haven’t seen her, guy. You have a date?”

  “That was the plan.” The Sheriff shuffled up the steps.

  “You check the stables?”

  “She said to pick her up here.”

  Jake looked at his watch. Eight o’clock. He had a hunch that his cousin was in some kind of scrape. The little tingle at the back of his neck usually forecast Cissy’s exploits. For reasons unknown to him, he’d hooked into her several years ago and almost, without fail, could predict her moods—the flighty, reckless episodes that ended with her over his lap, or lying with her face down over the workbench in the barn getting her ass paddled. “Could be she just got tied up with something.”

  That was a wasted excuse and they both knew it.

  Garth shrugged. “Mind if I cool my heels here for awhile?” he asked.

  “Not at all, have a seat. There’s beer in the fridge.”

  Garth moved into the house to find a brew as Jake spotted Amanda Plover’s red Jeep appearing in the distance. His cock and even his heart leapt pleasantly aroused by the sight, especially when her suntanned face came into view so he could see her eyes. Jake had trouble deciding which feature he liked best about Amanda—her eyes, her hair, then, of course, there was her ass. She was wearing blue jeans, the way he liked to view it best—at least until he pulled them down and he dove for that expanse of flawless skin.


  Great to see her smile—a feat sometimes pretty tough for the often testy brat. She was learning, though. He had to give her credit. Anymore, a penetrating stare just about always vanished her crabby disposition and put a warm smile on her face in seconds. In the three weeks since they started dating, he’d managed to curb several testy moods, which left their sex to the vigorous explosions like their fast fuck the night the chili almost burned.

  Dashing up the porch steps, she plopped herself in Jake’s lap giving him a passionate kiss—just before Garth returned.

  “Oh, I didn’t know you had company.” She looked almost embarrassed to be seen in such a vulnerable position.

  “He’s looking for Cissy.”

  “Really?” she looked at him quizzically.

  “You know something about where she is?” Garth asked.

  “Just that she left the stables with Midge after work. I thought they were going shopping in Little Creek.”

  “Little Creek?”

  “That’s what they said.”

  Garth thought a moment, took a second swallow of beer, and took a seat. “Either I’ve been deliberately stood up, or Cissy forgot.”

  “And which are you betting on?” Jake asked.

  “With Cissy you never know.”

  “I told you, Garth, the only way to keep the brat in line is with a hairbrush or your belt. Don’t even bother with the palm of your hand, she won’t get the message.”

  “Actually, I was thinking of taking her into the woods,” the lawman glowered as he motioned that way, “give her the taste of birch on her bare ass. See how she likes that.”

  “Damn, that would cut like a knife,” Amanda turned up her nose.

  Jake smiled at her playfully. “That’s why you’re behaving yourself,” he said as he tweaked her nose.

  “You better not try that with me,” she pulled back looking very bossy.

  “Yeah?” he chuckled. “I bet you’d like that.”

  “I would not!” she pulled out of Jake’s lap as though she really didn’t belong there.

  Amanda could get her dander up faster than any woman he’d ever seen. “Don’t get so nasty, love, this is only speculation. You want to make it real?” He almost looked serious—at least enough for the blonde beauty to drop the conversation.

  “So, are we going to a movie?” she jumped subjects.

  “Humm, I was thinking about a ride,” Jake

  “It’s almost dark,” she wondered what he was getting at.

  “Just a short one.” The sexy twinkle in his eye was unmistakable. “Look at the stars.”

  “Hey, you two want to be alone,” Garth decided, gloomily. “I’ll just get on. If Cissy gets back here at a reasonable hour, she can call. If she doesn’t, let her know she’s in for a licking.”

  “If she’s past her curfew she’ll get it from the both of us,” Jake added.

  Excusing himself, Garth returned to his truck and started out, while Jake and Amanda waved him on.

  “So, you really want to ride?” Amanda asked. “Look at the stars…” she stared out the evening sky, noting how the black night was quickly creeping in.

  “No, I want to fuck,” he stated happily. Before she could answer back, he’d pulled her into the kitchen going for her clothes.

  Amanda fought him teasingly, trying to wrest herself from his grasping hands.

  “Oh, don’t you try to get away from me,” he advised.

  Managing to break free, she sassed, “And what if I do?” She was prepared to dash into the living room.

  “I’ll spank your behind, Miss Smarty Britches!”

  “Ooo, I’m so scared,” she mocked. Turning on her boot heels, she ran into the other room.

  Thinking fast, Jake grabbed a wooden spoon from the wall and raced after her, finding her in the dining room. They spent several minutes Amanda trying to second-guess his moves. Capture was imminent and Amanda was almost resigned to some nasty smacks to her ass. Just in time, the phone rang.

  Jake almost didn’t respond, but as he naturally lurched toward the telephone, he gave Amanda enough of an out to escape his hands. Dashing for the side door, she took off across the yard to the barn, while Jake ended up answering the phone—it could be Cissy.

  Ten minutes later, Jake took off for the barn with the hefty wooden spoon still clutched in his palm. He found Amanda sitting on a bale of straw, chewing on the end of a piece she’d plucked from the middle.

  “‘Bout time. I was beginning to think you’d never come,” she said.

  “Oh, you needn’t worry about that, Amanda Plover. When you obviously want your bottom paddled I’m not about to renege on that.”

  “Me? Want my bottom paddled?”

  “Looked pretty obvious to me.”

  “Is that so?” she whined a little, but only in jest, obviously baiting him for more.

  Jake, on the other hand, took it calmly, refusing to go after her.

  “You’re just going to stand there?” she wondered.

  “As long as it takes,” he said with a smile.

  “As long as it takes for what?”

  “For you to get your pretty ass over here so I can paddle it.”

  “You think I’d give myself up to you without a fight?”

  “I think you’d better.”

  “And what if don’t?”

  “How about trying a whole bundle of birches on your fat behind?”

  “I do not have a fat behind!” she objected.

  “Those cheeks look pretty plump to me.”

  “Ooo, you are hitting low.”

  “You started this. Are you woman enough to finish it?”

  She was beginning to look smug and pissed off.

  “Don’t you go getting serious on me,” he warned.

  The snobbish blonde considered that thought for a moment, cocking her head like a petulant kid.

  She was damned cute from Jake’s point of view. But he was getting antsy and she would have to make the move. The moment called for a little more force. “Over here, now!” he finally thundered. “You asked for this, you’re getting it.”

  “No way to weasel out?” she wondered.


  “No way to sweet-talk around it?” she said in a cute little voice.

  “No.” His decision was firm.

  Amanda smiled while biting her lip, which made her look so vulnerably kid-like that Jake wanted to pick her up in his arms and love her before the spanking. The feeling was short-lived, however, changing as he watched her eyes dart about as though she was reviewing her options. Suddenly, she darted to his right hand side where there was more room to maneuver.

  But Jake was much too quick. He had his hand on her shoulder dragging her back to the bale of straw with him where she was over his lap and relieved of her jeans so fast she thought it happened by magic.


  The spoon was like a hot desert fire burning the skin.

  “C’mon, Jake, stop! This was supposed to be for fun.”

  “It’s always fun when I punish you, you smart-mouthed little flirt.”

  “Ooo, but that hurts.”

  “And I’m really glad,” he came right back. “Only makes you hornier.”

  “But not this time!” she practically screamed.

  Jake kept smacking her hard, letting up now and then just so she could take a breather, but then he started in again until every square inch on her splendid bottom was glowing like a bright new cherry.

  “Yeeeouch! Please, Jake,” she wailed pitifully as she struggled.

  She ought to know better than to try moving him with such ploys, and yet, this time, it actually worked—that, and his festering sexual desire.

  They fell to the straw in a heap, kissing and clutching while making the awkward struggle out of their clothes. Naked, they began to fuck like animals—Jake on top, then moments later, Amanda—dancing on his dick while her lovely breasts bounced before his eyes. They finished with Amanda on her hands and knees, while Jake poked her from behind, slapping her ass to a new level of heat, as she cried plaintively for more, “Gawd, yes, please, baby, yes!”

  Ah! He loved the sound of her voice, even the guttural depths she reached at moments like this. Fucking her had been heaven for three weeks, making love the most blissful thing he’d enjoyed in a long time. Nope. He held no fancy illusions about Amanda Plover. But he’d damn well enjoy her as long as it lasted.

  Thighs slapping, hair flying—her ponytail was completely undone by now—birds, flies and the horses scared by the onslaught of uninhibited sound. The two came hard with hips grinding. Their bellies spasmed while her cunt squeezed every bit of life she could from his spewing prick. Exhausted again, they fell into a sweaty heap, sticky with dust and straw and sex juice clinging to the surface of their skin.

  “Damn, girl. You’ll wear me out if we keep this up.”

  “I know,” she sighed out of breath. “And I don’t even like you.”

  “Nor, I you,” he quipped back.

  She thought for a moment while Jake remained silently engaged in staring at the stable ceiling. “So, what are we going to do about it?” she asked.

  Pulling out of his post-fuck stupor, he replied, “Hell, I don’t know. Enjoy it, I suppose. We’re bound to hate each other soon enough.”

  “Yeah, can’t wait for the other shoe to drop.”

  “Has the first one landed?”

  “Oh, that was cute,” she said with a twisted grin, rising on one arm so she could see his face. She patted his cheek. “How about we sleep together?” she said, easily remembering how she enjoyed the cozy warmth of him. Sleeping with Jake was security when she wanted to feel secure. His substantial manliness swooped like a big old buzzard and laid waste of her—at least the part that was so often filled with fear. He might not know that fact, but it really didn’t matter. Tonight, she wanted him close all night long.

  “Well, well, well, aren’t you two a sight,” Cissy’s voice suddenly shot out. “Done screwing long enough to answer a question?”

  Jake sat up. “You could have knocked.”

  “Oh. Didn’t know this was your bedroom, too.”

  “Anywhere I choose to make love is my bedroom, little cuz.” He grabbed his shirt, while Amanda scooted into her clothes behind him. “Better remember that.” He stood, pulled up his pants, and pushed Cissy outside.

where the hell is Garth? We had a date.”

  “He came and left.” He consulted his watch. “You’re about an hour and a half late. You expected him to wait?”

  “And why not?”

  “That’s a little presumptuous.”

  “Don’t use those college words on me,” she frowned.

  “A little ballsy then.”

  “So, was he mad?”

  “Spitting fire.”

  She smiled, “Really?”

  “Yes, really. I’d say you’d better watch your ass.”

  “Oh? Think I’d find him at home?”

  “Or nursing his anger in a saloon. Why don’t you try calling first?”

  “Oh, maybe I’ll let him get good and worked up.”

  Jake viewed her with suspicion. “You trying for this?”

  “Trying for what?”

  “Getting paddled.”

  “Me? You think I’d deliberately do something to get spanked for?” Her jaw dropped in amazement.

  “I’d put nothing past you.”

  Exasperated, she shook her head. “I’ve heard of a lot of stupid things from you, Jake Colton, but this is an all time worst.”

  He shrugged. “Just remember, it’s already ten and you have a curfew.”

  “And if I’m with Garth you’ll let me slide.”


  “On what?”

  “On how generous I’m feeling at the time. I rather like having you on probation. Makes my job that much easier.”

  “I bet it does,” she snarled as she walked away, sashaying her ass as though she were looking for tricks on a city street corner.

  Amanda pulled up behind Jake. “How do you put up with her?” she asked.

  “I hardly do,” he said. “But she is good practice for you.”

  “Why you!” she slapped his back, and he turned around, not letting her fight or pout, but holding her, running his hands through her straw colored hair. Even noting how messed it was with stable debris, it felt like silk in his hand, the same way her warm body felt as though it belonged inside his arms. She fell into his chest and seemed to die for a bit—relief, exhaustion, tenderness, perhaps. With Amanda, he couldn’t be sure.


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