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Birches, Cowgirls & Angels

Page 15

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  Hank let her sweat with fear. He made her tense so much she thought she might explode if he went on one more second running the wood against her ass. Her sexual stimulation was soaring through the roof, but sex would have to wait.


  The paddle landed and she shrieked, “Yeooooww!”

  “Hush!” he vented in her ear, and her mouth clamped shut.

  Remaining close behind, Hank continued with a bevy of smacks landing on the centers of her cheeks—the skin quickly aflame. Her muffled protests were sounding so forlorn, and her feet did a tiny jig beneath her—but not too much; that would anger him more.

  Crack! Smack! Blat! “Yeeeeeeouch, noooooo!” she roared when she couldn’t take any more, and he stopped abruptly.

  “I’m counting in my head, Midge. And now, because you won’t be quiet, I’m starting over. You do this my way, unlike you’ve been able to do anything today, and your punishment just might end.”

  “Ouch!” was her silent exclamation—she wouldn’t dare breathe another word, no matter what.

  Hank rained his blows in a methodical rhythm. Though this round seemed less intense than the last, she knew that half the feeling was her body catching up with the stimulation. Her sex began to roar again, and for a few brief moments, she actually enjoyed the feelings of arousal the paddle brought to her ass. Her body joy, however, was short-lived. Hank didn’t want her liking this. This was punishment and nothing more. Raising his intensity, he finished her off with several mean strikes leaving both of them glad that she’d endured her trial in silence since there was another world to conquer tonight.

  “Stay put,” she heard the order and again she wouldn’t budge. With so much fire in her belly and flame on her ass, she was content enough just to experience the aftermath and let that fuel what came next.

  Having left her for several minutes, when Hank returned, he clutched a bag she recognized, the one with the dildos and the grease to prime her ass. Pushing her to his kitchen table, Midge stepped from her shorts. And then bending over, she spread her legs wide, knowing that he wanted her ass vulnerably wide open. The first lunge of the first dildo stunned her. The second larger one was nearly as bad. And the third seemed to open her wider than she’d ever experienced. She hissed, writhing snakelike trying to accommodate the huge staff plunged in her behind and working its way deeper and deeper into the throbbing channel.

  Midge wanted to cry when he withdrew the third dildo. Why couldn’t he just fuck her now? End the battle? Stop the endless expansion right now, and give them both some relief? She could feel his erection harden as it pressed against the crotch of his jeans. When he leaned into her, the throbbing made her almost mad with need. Why couldn’t he stop right here and take her?

  Hank ran the fourth dildo along the crack of her behind, but it didn’t make the rude diving lunge into her ass. Instead, its tip adroitly parted her labial lips below and teased the love knot at her clitoris. “Ah, my lord, yeessss………..” her hiss went on. Everything stirred in her: ass, pussy, and the clenched channel of her rear. She was about to spasm when the Hank’s fourth dildo suddenly submerged itself into her vagina. Just as swiftly, his cock followed, sinking easily into her rectum, down the path he’d greased and worked for weeks.

  Sparks seemed to fly around her as though the air outside was giving up its lightening once again. But this was only in her mind. Her eyes were closed and there was nothing left inside her world but two spasming bodies thrusting joyfully toward a mindless inebriation of the body, rocking on against the other.

  He fucked her hard; driving his long prick as deeply into her ass as it would fit. He didn’t mind her cries now. They rose around him, hers joining his low growling sounds of release. Both holes crudely filled and brusquely worked, the end came like the distant sounds of stallions running the earth like a gentle thunder. This was neither mind-boggling nor earth shattering, but a sensuously resonant orgasm, moving through them and then passing out as the climax peaked and slowly dwindled away.

  Hank pulled from her with his dick still dripping cum. The remains he dabbed on her ass and thighs left a sticky residue, which she wouldn’t wipe away until she showered in the morning.

  Her ass still stung. Hank reminded her of that fact when he squeezed the rounds of flesh as he revived. Then he spanked her into the bedroom with is palm—Midge not really knowing where to go as he chased her from the kitchen; but she found her way on intuition and collapsed to the bed, burying her behind from his attack.

  “You think hiding your butt from me is going to stop me?” he asked—for the first time in a long while sounding almost playful. Certainly, he was more cheerful than he’d been all night.

  “I’m sure it’s not.”

  He actually smiled delivering his next threat. “You’re going to get a repeat performance in the morning, and probably at noon, and maybe tomorrow evening. Defy me, girl, you pay the price!”

  “Oh, my, I have been warned,” she joked.

  “Yes, you have, little brat.”

  “And I guess I don’t care,” she said rather saucily.

  “I guess you don’t,” he agreed. He held her close to him, which was exactly what she wanted him to do and they feel asleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Parting Shots & Unexpected Answers

  On an afternoon some days after the great drenching storm, Amanda requested a general meeting at the stables. Midge, Cissy, Jake, Hank and Sam were all there for her announcement; even a couple of floaters who worked the stables when they needed an extra hand appeared as interested as the others. The gathering was too big for the small stable office so they met informally just outside the door.

  “I’ll be quick,” the lissome blonde seemed less self-absorbed than she’d been in some days. Attesting to her natural power to allure—when she was in the mood—she held the group enrapt with a smile that was all too infrequent. “Thank you for coming.” Her face turned slightly troubled, then taking a deep breath, she moved on, “I’m informing the partners of the Birch Valley Stables that I’ll be leaving in two weeks. My shares have become available for purchase, and I’ve put the ranch house on the market. It’s going to be a tough sell, so I will lease it until I finally get the deal I want. Perhaps the investors would be interested in purchasing it?” She looked toward Jake giving him this information, then stepped back sighing. “So, there it is.” She was inclined to quit right there, though it seemed some further explanation was expected so she went on—”I’m not right for this place. It’s a dream that just doesn’t belong to me and it’s time to move on. I’ll be spending a few months with my brother in Montana. And, if I like it there, I’ll stay.” She didn’t know what else to say so she stopped. Silence becomes endless at this sort of moment. This one wasn’t even tense, just unshakable. “So,” Amanda finally lifted the pall herself, “I guess we should get back to work.” With half a smile, she turned around and headed toward the paddocks.

  “You sure know how to shock,” Jake said, having taken Amanda’s same route outside the building. She was gazing over the fence at three new fillies, so that he couldn’t see her face and the way she was staring so intently into the ring.

  “I guess so,” she acknowledged, “but how do you make that kind of announcement any other way?” She looked on the animals admiringly. “You know these three are awfully pretty?”

  “Yes, they are. Too bad you won’t be here to train them.”

  “Yeah, too bad.”

  He waited for a while wondering if she would say more and when she didn’t, he tried again. “I need to clear the air, Mandy.”

  “Please don’t call me that,” she said with the faintest chill returning to her voice.

  “Amanda, then. I’m sorry this didn’t work out, the best intentions sometimes go awry.”

  She shrugged, her back still to him and he was anxious to see her face. “Some things are just not meant to be.”

  “I suppose not,” he agreed. He shuffled his
boots in the dirt raising a little dust, then leaned on the railing next to her. “Amanda, I lied when I said I didn’t love you. I do love you and I’m sorry you’ll be leaving.”

  “Thanks,” she said rather sheepishly as she finally turned around. “You’re about the only one in Birch County that won’t be glad I’m gone.”

  “So?” he searched her face for an answer before he spoke, “the love part means nothing to you?”

  She shook her head kindly. “I can’t see how we could ever work,” she replied sadly. “I’ve made up my mind, I need to go.”

  “I see. So, why the tears?” he asked. He noted a little trickle down her cheek, one he couldn’t help but brush away with the back of his hand.

  “It’s a private thing,” she answered plainly. She didn’t want to make a scene, her pride had her all wrapped up in a tidy package of control.

  “Okay,” he said. He couldn’t see inside her now. At least they weren’t screaming at each other. A quiet ending seemed better, though it might have been harder to take than another war of words.


  It had been a week since Jake saw Amanda, since her announcement, and their meager conversation at the paddock. He’d been steering clear again, easier that way. Making admissions of love and having them rebuffed, no matter how gently, made it hard to be with her. The one day he’d showed at the stables, she’d been gone. Maybe she, too, didn’t want to run into him.

  It had been a busy week. The announcement of Cissy and Garth’s upcoming wedding was almost as big a deal as Amanda’s leaving. And it sure looked like Midge and Hank wouldn’t be far behind the other lovebirds—though the gentle cowboy with the will of steel was clearly in control of that situation. Even so, Midge seemed happily in love—especially since she’d taken up residence in Hank’s tiny home. Romance in Birch County was blooming like a passel of spring flowers, which left Jake thinking bittersweet thoughts about his brief affair with Amanda Plover. He imagined he’d get over her once she was out of the state.

  “Hey, Jake, I picked out my wedding dress,” Cissy bounded through the news office door with a radiant smile on her pretty face, her red curls glimmering beautifully. “Here look,” she shoved a magazine in front of his nose, and he had to back away to get a good look at the tiny black and white photograph.

  “You’re buying it off a picture?”

  “No, silly. I tried it on yesterday.” She’d just returned from Sacramento.

  “So how was your trip?”

  “Umm, yummy.”


  “Except for…” she stopped.

  “Except for what?”

  She smiled bashfully the way she used to do when she was naughty. Jake had come to fear that smile. “Garth and I had this tiny fight, but it’s all settled now.”


  “About the number of bridesmaids. He wants things simple and my plans just keep running amok of his.”

  “So, who wins your fights?”

  “Garth, of course.” She rubbed her bottom so he’d understand.

  “Needed a little paddling to put your dreams back in line?”

  “Almost did it in the department store,” she tried to shock him.

  “That would be an interesting sight. But then Garth is too proper for that.”

  “But not too proper to spank me in the parking lot.”

  “Really? Panties down, too?”

  “No! But he might as well have. I was so embarrassed, I hid my head until we were out of there.”

  “I’m sure he had good reason.”

  Cissy wasn’t so sure, but she quickly dropped that part of the conversation. “Now, if I can only get Midge down the aisle, things will be perfect.”

  “You stay out of that one, Cissy Riverton. Hank and Midge seem perfectly happy and you don’t need to meddle in their affairs.”

  “Oh, you know I won’t,” she replied. But Jake knew nothing of the sort. He could tell that her mind was working overtime to find some angle.

  “Don’t start, Cis,” he warned.

  “I promise.”

  “You have enough to handle keeping yourself in line with Garth. But let’s get one thing clear.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You may soon have a husband to spank you when you need it, but I reserve the right to do the job if he’s not around.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you would. But I think, at last, Jake Colton, those days are over.”

  “Let’s hope so.”

  The door to the office opened again, Jake and Cissy turning enough to see Amanda Plover peek her head inside the door.

  “You’re busy?”

  “No, Cissy was just leaving, come on in.”

  “I was?” Cissy looked hurt.

  “Yes, you were,” Jake returned sternly.

  “Oh, yeah I was,” she said as though just got it, and she winked at Jake as she walked out.

  “Nice to see you,” he turned his attention to Amanda. Her hair was down, floating about her shoulders. “Did I ever tell you how much I like your hair that way?”

  “Yes, I think you did once.” She was uncomfortable with the compliment and blushed as she replied.

  “And you’re leaving next week?” he went on.

  “That’s the plan.” She stood in front of his desk, twisting a bit—almost as childlike as Cissy often was. Obviously, she was nervous.

  “You need something, Amanda?”

  She took some time to reply. “Just an answer to one question.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Why didn’t you ask me to stay?”

  Jake’s eyebrows raised with surprise. “Is that what you wanted me to do?” Was he seeing tears in her eyes, he couldn’t be sure.

  “I think so, I mean I thought you would…”

  “Fight for you more? Is that what you were hoping?”

  “Yes,” Her face blushed pink.

  “I don’t know why I say anything, Amanda. I suppose I didn’t think you wanted me to. It was difficult enough as it was making that decision without my tugging at you. Besides, I’m a pretty stubborn cuss when it comes to stuff like that. I think declaring love was tough enough, you needed to do the rest.”

  She tried to smile. “You don’t suppose two stubborn mules like us could ever get along?” she wondered.

  “I don’t know, we hardly had much time to try.”

  The words were crowding into her throat, stopping there so she couldn’t spit them out, getting all messed up until she wasn’t sure what she wanted to say until she finally blurted out the truth, “I want to stay, Jake. I don’t want to sell, and I want you. Is that still possible?”

  He looked at her as though she’d just struck him with lightning, “You do come on strong. You really mean what you said?”

  “Yes, I do. I wouldn’t ask you otherwise—you know, it’s not exactly easy for me to say this in the first place.”

  “I know that. And you know what I think?” he went on. “I think we can do just fine—and when we don’t, a good spanking ought to clear the air.” He eyed her amusedly. “In fact, Mandy Plover I’d like to give you one right now.”

  “Is that so?” she said with a sudden devilish grin, her blue twinkling merrily.

  He opened his desk drawer and pulled out a ruler, which immediately made her wince.

  “Yeah, that’s exactly what’s going to happen, but not here.”


  “No,” he shook his head. “Your ranch or mine, take your pick?”

  “Hummm. I think we’ll try yours,” she said. “Fewer interruptions.”

  “And a lot more privacy,” he agreed.

  With the ruler in hand, he rose from his chair; and seizing his brat around the waist he practically carried her to the street and deposited her in his truck, closing the door with a firm shove as though he were punctuating his decision. They drove to Grey Gulch Ranch as fast as Jake Colton dared—just so he could finish what Amanda had started.

>   Seems romance in Birch County was blooming like a passel of wildflowers—even for this headstrong beauty and her old-fashioned cowboy lover.

  Cowgirls & Angels


  The Confessions Of A Sassy Wife

  Shooting Star


  The Urban Cowgirl

  Incident In The Cellar

  Dusty’s Revenge

  The Confessions of a Sassy Wife

  Half of me despised him the day we were married, the other half was passionately in love. I must say, we’ve had a most unusual love affair.

  A month before our wedding day, Rys Montgomery showed up at the ranch, a ne’er do well cowboy with great hips and suntanned forearms, his bleached hair tossed by the June wind. It was the first hot day of summer and he needed a job. My dad needed a man to break horses, so he was hired. Daddy didn’t like him but he was desperate for a decent cowboy, with all the stallions pawing dangerously in the paddock.

  He did warn me first thing after he hired Rys, with his finger wagging in my face, “Stay away from him, Blair. He’s trouble.”

  I gave Daddy my patented smile, deciding that I’d do as I liked with Rys Montgomery, or any other man I met for that matter. Frankly, I didn’t think I’d like Rys in the first place. But seeing that finger in my face, I decided to take another look. If it would piss daddy off, I was game.

  Unfortunately, I didn’t like Rys much better getting to know him—the way he treated me. I’d been breaking horses on my daddy’s ranch for years, considered myself an excellent horsewoman, and to have this haughty scoundrel treating me like an incompetent damsel, pissed me off. If I hadn’t fallen off that horse and broken my wrist he’d have never been hired.

  Still, for all his haughtiness, he had a helluva sexy swagger. He was quite a sight to look at and his smile could make up for a lot of faults. We settled into a gentle war of wills, a tiff or two on the side, but mostly we ignored each other. He thought I was a peevish brat and I didn’t change my mind that he was an egotistical rogue.

  The day I suddenly found myself in bed with him was clearly a jolt to my sense of order. We’d been tussling with words over the “right” way to break the chestnut stallion, suddenly words flying so fast we could hardly spit them out, and then like a textbook romance we were fighting to get our clothes off and scramble upstairs to his bunk. It was a wordless fuck, lots of grunts and groans and the most terrific cum I’d had in months … maybe a year.


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