The Risk: Scott's Story (Runaway Love Series Book 2)

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The Risk: Scott's Story (Runaway Love Series Book 2) Page 5

by Washington, Pamela

  I look at Maxine and I want to laugh. How can she not see that she will never be on par with a perfect woman such as Grace?

  “Maxine, you and Grace are two different people. The reason why we can’t be together is because you keep trying to compare yourself to her when there isn’t even a comparison in my mind. I’ve never told you not to date anyone else, so please don’t use me as an excuse not to see other guys. Besides, I can’t even trust you – you run and tell your dad everything. The last thing I want is for your corrupt father to be even more involved in my life.”

  I know I sound a little harsh, but Maxine’s heard worst shit from her father. I know I shouldn’t treat her like that. Shit. I watch her close her eyes and purse her lips together as if she’s trying not to cry. I know she’s upset, but she’s brought this all on herself.

  “I’m sorry, Maxine. It’s just I care for you differently than Grace,” I mumble out in an attempt to help her feel a little better.

  “I also came here to tell you that my dad said he wants to meet you in person on Monday. You have a few days to get your head out of your ass and get back to England.”

  Maxine starts to open the door, but turns back to have the last word.

  “You and Grace are both fucked up in the head, and that’s why you’ll never be with her. When you realize that y’all are not going to work, I’m going to be right here waiting for you.”

  So Maxine thinks that Grace and I aren’t going to work out? I don’t believe it. Grace and I can balance each other out because we love each other. True love can win this whole thing. I open a drawer and look at the necklace I bought for Grace at the mall. I wonder when and how I’ll give this to Grace.

  I call Grace several times that day, but she doesn’t answer. I choose not to leave the room because if I do, I know I’ll end up at Grace’s house. With my last attempt, she finally answers the phone. She sounds mad at me once again. I don’t understand how she can be mad with me again when she’s the one who left me this time.

  “Hello, Scott, what can I do for you?” Grace says with an obvious chip in her voice.

  “Don’t be like that, Grace. What’s wrong? You avoid my calls after you leave in the middle of the fucking night after the most amazing sex I’ve ever had?” I’m pissed, and I’m not afraid to let her know it.

  “I’m wrong for allowing us to do what we did. I’m a married women, and I feel guilty for cheating on my husband.” I suck in my breath sharply. Shit. I was afraid her feelings for Tony were the reason she left. I have to try to get her back, though. I have to make her see she belongs to me.

  “Grace, I understand that. But do you have any idea how much I fucking love you? I wish with all my might that things were different. You should be mine. I’m not sorry for what happened that night. It was meant to be, and you can deny it all you want, but deep down you know I’m right.”

  “You say you love me, but what about you and Maxine?”

  I laugh at what she’s thinking, and explain, “You must have seen the video on TV. It’s all a front, baby; it’s not what it seems. I was really sick after you left. I wanted to come to your house and take you away with me once and for all.”

  “It’s not funny, Scott! Do you have any idea what that video did to me? What I did after I saw that? Well, I’ve been sick also, Scott! Since you came back into my life, things just seem to be off-balance, and I don’t know what the hell to do. My heart is hurting in so many ways!”

  “I’m sorry, Grace. I didn’t want to cause you any more pain. If you would’ve answered your phone, I would’ve explained about Maxine. I was dying inside the entire time I was with her because I couldn’t get you off my mind. I have an image to uphold, and me being a blubbering pussy isn’t part of it. Maxine’s just doing what needs to be done for my career. Listen, I need you to know that I’m leaving tomorrow to handle some things back in England. Would it be possible for you to come by and see me before I leave?”

  My phone beeps to inform me Grace ended the call. What the fuck? She seriously needs to stop disconnecting our phone calls when she doesn’t want to deal with what we’re talking about.

  I give up on being the nice guy. I’m going to fight for my woman, for my heart, for my future. I’m going to go to Grace’s house and pray Tony isn’t there. She’s going to speak with me and understand that I love her, and I’ll give up everything to be with her, including soccer. I’ll do whatever makes her happy because I love her and action speaks louder than words.

  I get dressed and grab the necklace before heading to the car. I drive to her house and I’m relieved when I don’t see Tony’s car there. Right when I’m about to knock on the door, Grace opens it and pretty much runs into me. I’m guessing she was coming to see me, and all I can do is smile.

  “Hey, babe. Fancy meeting you here,” I say, trying to be humorous. The look on Grace’s face tells me she is anything but happy to see me.

  “What the hell are you doing here? Come in before anyone sees you!” Grace pulls me into the house. She closes the door and stands near the door watching me walk around. I can feel the love in this home, and I almost regret coming here as I look at the photos she has displayed. I pick up one of her, Tony, and Scottie.

  “I see you have a happy family. Could we have had this life if I stayed?” I turn to look at her, knowing she can see the wistfulness in my eyes.

  Grace doesn’t answer me. Instead, she walks into the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine. I walk up behind her and press my body against hers on the counter.

  “You’re not happy to see me, Grace?” I run my hands down her arms. She shakes her head no, but not before I feel her body tingle from my touch.

  I watch as she continues to sip her wine before she moves away from me to sit down on the other side of counter and down the rest of her glass of wine. I lean toward her and look into her eyes.

  “I don’t know why you’re not talking, but I’m leaving for England, and I need to know if you want me to give up everything and move here or stay there and continue my soccer career?”

  “I…I don’t know Scott. It isn’t my place to answer that.”

  Grace doesn’t fight me when I reach out and take her hands in mine.

  “Yes, Grace, you hold all the cards right now. However you deal the cards, that’s how I’ll play them.”

  I think she’s going to answer me calmly when she bursts out, “No! What the fuck is going on with you and Maxine?” I laugh, which only makes her even more upset.

  “I told you, Grace, she’s a friend. She’s Mr. Rivers, my manager’s, daughter. I won’t lie - we did have sex from time to time, but there was nothing to it other than filling a need for each other. We’re just friends. I promise you that.”

  “Okay, so she’s your fuck-friend then?” Grace stands up and crosses her arms as if daring me to contradict her.

  “I guess that’s what you could call her, but not anymore. She already knows about you. I told her when I first moved to England.”

  “Why are you here? Are trying to cause conflict between me and my husband?”

  I take a deep breath. Now is my moment to win my girl back.

  “If I just wanted to cause conflict, I would’ve told you right away that he called me after you gave birth to your son.”

  “What did he tell you? How did he know about you? What if he knows about you being here now? In this house, in this very room?” Grace is hysterical and beyond the point of reasoning. She pushes away from me. I was expecting a reaction, but not to this level! I knew it may have been too much for her to handle knowing her husband kept something like that from her. But hell, if she decides to leave him, I’ll take care of her and her son.

  “Grace, relax. He only called me out of concern for you. He wanted to know if I hurt you. I was shocked by the call as well.”

  “Scott, you must leave. I don’t know what’s going on, but you must go. Now.”

  “Grace, if I
leave, you still hold the cards, but you need to come to me to deal them. You need to email me or call me and let me know what you want me to do. I’m leaving tonight.”

  I back her up against a wall and kiss her as passionately as I can. She opens her mouth, inviting my tongue in to explore. I hear her moan as my hands roam her body, squeezing her amazing ass and cupping her perfect breasts. Grace feels so good, so perfect, in my arms. I feel a sense of emptiness when she breaks our kiss and steps away from me.

  “Okay, Scott, you must go and I’ll email or call you when I’m ready.”

  “I love you, Grace. You will always have my heart.” I don’t want to leave, but I know Grace needs some time to think. I can only hope that she makes the right decision.

  When I told her that Tony called me, I could see all the hurt and emotion etched in her face. I’m guessing Tony didn’t tell her that I knew about her giving birth. I want to laugh but I can’t do that right now. I have to get Grace to calm down because she’s on the verge of losing her mind. I can imagine how it feels knowing that her husband knew about me after she’d been looking for me.

  I get into the Range Rover and open the glove box to look at the necklace. Now is not the right time. I close it and start the truck up and pull out her driveway. I start to drive down the street and am surprised to see Tony’s car parked on the corner, watching the house. I don’t think he knows that I know it’s him, but I smile and head back to the hotel. I’m glad he knows I was at his house with his wife. Let him figure out what could’ve happened.

  I pull up to the bed and breakfast and realize my work is done. If Grace wants me, she’ll get in contact with me again. I’m going to leave today. I walk to Maxine’s room to let her know that we’re going back home. She nods at me, but when I look at her eyes, I realize they’re a little puffy. I can tell she’s been crying, but I don’t care enough at the moment to stick around to talk about it. Instead, I add it on my to- do list to speak with her on the flight

  I send a text message out to Mr. Rivers letting him know we’re heading back. He replies that the jet has been on stand-by since yesterday and proceeds to go on about how he knew things weren’t going to work with me and Grace. I wish he could see me roll my eyes. I don’t respond to him. I pack my suitcases and head downstairs to load up the truck. I look inside and notice Maxine is already there pouting like a little girl. Hell, I thought she would be happy.

  As I’m about to get in, I hear someone call my name. When I look up, it’s Grace. My bodyguard blocks her, but I let him know it’s all right. Grace chose me! I’m elated, but then I think of Scottie. Where is he? How’s he going to feel about his mom leaving him? I try to put my negative thoughts to the back of my mind for now. We’ll deal with everything later, but for right now, I need to relish in the fact that Grace is here.

  “I’m coming to England with you!” Grace excitedly informs me when she reaches me.

  “What? Umm…What about your husband? Your son? I don’t like this, Grace.”

  “Listen, I’m a fucking adult, and I want to come with you. Only for the weekend. Tony and I got into a fight over you, and I need this trip to figure everything out. Please, let me go”

  “Get in the car.”

  Damn my guilty conscience, I just say fuck it and focus on her being with me. Once we get inside, Maxine’s pouting turns into an annoying groan. I know she doesn’t like Grace, but she won’t even at least try and hide it. Grace doesn’t seem to notice or care. She seems almost relaxed, like this is what she wanted, but I get the hint that she isn’t ready to talk yet.

  We go through security before we arrive at Mr. Rivers’ private jet. I sit across from Grace so I can easily keep my eyes on her. I’m a little afraid that I’ll wake up and she won’t really be here. I listen to the flight attendant go over everything and get ready to take off. I order some whiskey and look out the window at the world underneath us.

  Is this what I want Grace to go through? Do I really want her to divorce her husband to build a family with me? Can I make her happy or is this just old love? What about Scottie? Is he going to hate me for breaking up his family? Ugh, so many questions and with each question, I drink a little more. I look over at Grace and am pleased that she’s sleeping like a beautiful baby. I feel at peace until I look at Maxine’s hard stare before she shakes her head and goes back to her phone.

  I watch Maxine, and I can see us being together. She really does have an amazing personality when she chooses to use it. I close my eyes and remember when we used to take vacations together. I would keep a tank top on just to please her because I wanted to make her happy. Why the fuck am I thinking about Maxine now? It figures my mind would choose now to second guess my future with Grace! Hell, if there will be a future, this weekend will tell. I take a breath as I realize this is all my fear talking. This weekend is going to be a turning point in my and Grace’s relationship, and I’m scared shitless of whatever the outcome will be.

  After landing, we head to my home. I know Grace will be shocked to see my personal and private home. It’s pretty damn amazing, if I do say so myself. I guess Grace thought Maxine was coming in with us from the look on face, but once Maxine makes it clear she isn’t coming in, I smile at the relief in Grace’s face and pull her into my home to show her around.

  I can’t sleep in the same room as Grace because that’s not why she’s here. This is more of a reflection trip for her and me. I leave her in my bedroom and close the door. The minute I close the door, I can hear her crying. I keep my hand on the knob. I want to just go inside and comfort her, but I can’t. We both have to figure out what is happening between us. I walk into my study and pour myself some whiskey and pull out my phone. I didn’t realize my phone’s still on airplane mode, and the minute I click it back on normal, text messages from Tony start coming through.

  Why the fuck did you tell Grace?

  Do you think Grace will be with you at the end of the day?

  YOU left her, YOU broke your promise to her!

  I love her get over this whole thing.

  Tony sounds pretty hurt from these text messages, and in a way, I don’t blame him. I send him back a text:

  She’s just here in England for the weekend. You have nothing to worry about. She’ll be back home. I’m getting her car driven back to the house. I know Grace loves you more than me, but just remember I will always be first.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have added that last part, but he should know. It’s probably the whiskey talking. I wait to see if he will text me back, but nothing comes through. I must doze on the couch in the study for a little while because when I open my eyes, it’s dark outside. I get up because I need to go and tell Grace that I’m sorry for leaving her alone in the room. She’s lying in my bed, still awake, when I join her. She melts into my arms, and we both fall asleep without saying a word.

  The next morning, I reach out for Grace, but I don’t feel her next to me anymore. I begin to think yesterday was a dream when I smell breakfast being made. I smile and tip toe downstairs where I find Grace dancing around with earplugs in her ears. She looks so carefree and like a different Grace moving around in the kitchen. I lean on the wall until she turns around and notices I’m watching her. She jumps and blushes as I walk over to her.

  “I didn’t know you liked to dance!” I smile at this new revelation.

  “Yeah, I always wanted to be a dancer, but I didn’t bother with it because I was always told I wouldn’t be anything.”

  I give her a peck on the lips and tell her she can do whatever she wants to.

  “So, is shopping fine with you today?”

  “Shopping? Yes! Plus, I would like to see where you live in the daylight.”

  “Okay. Let’s eat first and then we can figure out where you would like to go.”

  I set the table and watch her place the food on the table. I love that she’s so comfortable in my home and it feels good. While we eat breakfast, Grace talks about all
the places she wishes she can visit, and I tell her maybe we can or she and Scottie will go to the different places someday. I don’t even mention Tony because he’s not in the picture right now.

  I clean the dishes while Grace gets dressed. She has to wear one of my shirts until we can buy her some clothes of her own. We walk along the street of stores in my town. Grace seems in awe of everything – from the gorgeous English architecture to the quaint English shops. I’m not surprised that the first thing Grace finds to buy is a cute little toy that Scottie would like. A boutique catches her eye, and I know my wallet is about to get a major workout. I sit by the dressing rooms and watch Grace try on every single dress and shoes. I tell her to buy whatever she wants, but she ends up buying only a couple of things and a book bag to last her through the weekend.

  I take Grace to a nice restaurant to eat, and she’s so shocked at how different my lifestyle is now. A few people recognize me and ask for my autograph. Grace eyes widen as she takes everything in; I don’t think she realized how famous I am over here. I wish I had more than a weekend with her.

  “Scott, how do you get used to this?” I watch her look around.

  “It took some time getting used to, but I love the feeling”

  “I can tell. I’m glad you chose to do something you enjoy. I know how important soccer was to you and remember how amazing you were on the field. You know, I used to love sitting at the window watching you and the other kids play.” She smiles and continues eating her food.

  All I can do is smile because she appreciates how much I love soccer. I feel a little better at the decision I’m going to make. Today is the last full day I have with Grace, and I will end it with a special moment.

  We finish eating and head back to my house. We chill out by the pool and drink some tea that Maria, my housekeeper, brings outside for us. I tell Grace this is what English people do; drink tea. I watch as she lights up with a beautiful smile on her face. Maria comes outside and drinks some tea with us. I explain to Grace how Maria’s something like my savior. When I bought this house, Maria pretty much came with it as she and her husband had lived and worked here for many years. Maria’s husband passed away shortly before I bought the house, and even though he left her with several gorgeous properties that they’d invested in, Maria only considered my house her home. She’s an outspoken lady who looks good for her age and has heart of gold. Maria clears the table, and I take Grace’s hand and lead her into the living room. This will be the hardest conversation ever, but we need this so we can move on.


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