Dragon Emperor 7: From Human to Dragon to God

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Dragon Emperor 7: From Human to Dragon to God Page 24

by Eric Vall

  I growled and got on top of Alyona while Aaliyah continued to play with my fiancée. Then I thrust my cock inside my bride-to-be’s hot pussy, and I was satisfied to hear her moan my name.

  “Ohhhh,” Aaliyah moaned, turned to her side, and began kissing Alyona’s neck while I fucked her and finger-fucked the lioness.

  Gods, I was ready to cum all over them, but I held on to my climax until I felt Alyona’s walls tighten around my cock.

  “Evan… I’m… Yesss!” She bucked her hips against me, and I watched the waves of her orgasm crash through her. As the princess shuddered and twitched, I released my own orgasm and filled my beautiful fiancée’s womb with my dragon seed. Then I leaned back and barely had my cock free when Aaliyah gripped it in her hand.

  “My turn,” the lion-girl murmured, and she pushed me on to my back so she could climb on top of me. A moment later, she shoved my erection inside her, and we both groaned.

  “Let me help.” Alyona slid between my legs behind Aaliyah and wrapped her arms around the lioness. Then the princess thumbed Aaliyah’s nipples as the Demi-Human rode my cock and grinded her hips against me.

  “Yes, yes!” Aaliyah cried out as she sped up her movements. She fucked me harder and harder, and her claws scratched my chest as she got closer to her climax. Then Alyona slid her hands down the lioness’ torso and grazed the top of her pussy. Aaliyah’s orgasm tore through her, and she nearly roared with ecstasy. Her juices dripped all down my cock, and I climaxed deep inside her over and over again.

  After she regained her breath, Aaliyah rolled off my hips and flopped onto the bed beside me, and Alyona laid down on my other side and threw her arm over my chest.

  I put my hands behind my head and thanked the gods for sending me to Inati. This dragon life was the shit.

  “Are you coming with us to Lumin?” Alyona leaned over me and asked Aaliyah.

  “I was wondering if you’d ask,” Aaliyah sighed. “I want to go and see everything, and enjoy more time with you and Lord Evan, but I’m afraid I need to stay.”

  “Oh,” Alyona pouted. “I can understand that. I just enjoy your company. And I like that Evan enjoys you as well.”

  “I definitely enjoyed my time with both of you!” Aaliyah declared with a giggle. “Especially now that we found somewhere bigger than a closet.”

  “This time was definitely way better,” I laughed. “But back to Alyona’s earlier question, you should consider joining us.”

  “Oh?” Aaliyah purred.

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “The House leaders seemed to have things in order for the most part, and the Green Glass Sect will leave Tikal alone once we leave. Granted, they will be chasing us, but I didn’t think you’d mind.”

  “You do know how I love the hunt.” The lioness flashed me a fanged grin, but then her brow furrowed. “I’ll consider your offer, Lord Evan, but I must talk to my father first.”

  “I understand,” I said. “But even if you decide not to come, I think we can stop back by Tikal when we’re returning to Hatra.”

  “I think so, too,” Alyona agreed with a smile.

  “Well, I’ll leave you two to get your rest,” Aaliyah said as she began pulling her robes back on and walking toward the door. “I’ll see you in the morning before you head to Lumin.”

  “See you in the morning!” Alyona called out, and Aaliyah waved before closing the door behind her.

  Alyona snuggled up into my side and laid her head back down on my chest.

  “I wish she was coming,” the princess murmured. “I like having all these warriors with us. It’s comforting.”

  “Something tells me she’ll change her mind,” I chuckled, but then I frowned as I looked down at my future bride. “You aren’t worried about what that Sect guy said, are you?”

  The last thing I wanted was for Alyona to worry about her safety. There was no fucking way any of those guys, or anyone for that matter, would ever come close to hurting my fiancée.

  “Well, I think it’s normal to worry a little, right?” she mused. “This group of people want me dead, after all.”

  “They won’t fucking touch you,” I growled and got heated just imagining them trying.

  “I know that, my love,” Alyona replied and swirled her finger around on my abs while she talked. “I just think it’s normal to worry a little. If I didn’t worry, I wouldn’t be careful. Just like if you didn’t worry about me, you would have allowed me to go into the jungle earlier, and I would have been right where they wanted me.”

  The princess had a good point, even if I didn’t like it.

  “I just don’t want you to ever think I can’t protect you,” I muttered, since I was a fucking dragon, the most badass dragon in Rahma, maybe even in all of Inati.

  “I have full faith in you,” Alyona murmured against my chest and looked up at me. “I only worry about them trying, not succeeding.”

  My chest puffed up as I mentally repeated what she said. They could try all they wanted, but I would kill any of those bastards who tried to harm my woman.

  “Can we get some sleep now?” Alyona yawned and closed her eyes.

  “Of course, princess.” I kissed the top of her head. “Get some sleep. I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she whispered, and within seconds, she was snoring.

  I couldn’t sleep just yet, though. I knew I wouldn’t learn anything about the Dandelion Gates by just laying around in bed, but I couldn’t exactly research them right now, so I decided to do a little reading on the ride in the morning. I could stay on the wagon for some of the trip and take a few books from Alyona’s collection.

  There was no way I was letting Olivier and his band of shitty men stay ahead of me anymore. I had to learn everything there was to know about Olivier, the Green Glass Sect, and these steps they were taking.

  I briefly wondered about the nexus spell again. Why were the Sect mages studying it? That at least explained why the female mage was able to use part of it when she tried to fight off Aaliyah and me. The mages in the Sect had to be familiar with it. What was Olivier’s plan with the spell?

  I drifted in and out of sleep as I pondered, but one thing I knew for sure, awake or asleep.

  I would find Olivier, and I would make him pay for everything he had done.

  Chapter 16

  I woke up determined.

  Today, I’d make my final rounds in Tikal, and we’d head out for Lumin. I had no idea what awaited us in this new city, but I knew it also took us closer to finding out what the Green Glass Sect was up to. Finding out what they were doing was high up on my priority list, especially since I found out they wanted to get rid of my princess.

  There was no fucking way I’d let that happen.

  I rolled over to see Alyona still fast asleep, so I carefully slid off the bed without disturbing her. Then I slipped on my clothes and boots and made my way downstairs. Nike was already at the table eating a big breakfast, and his plate was full from edge to edge. The noble was always an early riser and ate almost as much as I did.

  “Morning, brother,” Nike addressed me before he shoved a slice of bread into his mouth.

  “Good morning, Nike,” I greeted him as I sat down at the table, and then I grabbed a plate and began to fill it. I was curious about the new fruits I saw on the various platters. It looked like the jaguars had harvested some new food since the river was purified, and I was pumped we got to see the actual fruits of our labor before we left.

  I chuckled at my own pun, but when Nike shot me a quizzical glance, I quickly waved him off.

  As I decided what all to put on my plate, I saw green bananas with a sweet scent, purple berries that reminded me of strawberries, and a delightful smelling flower that was filled with some kind of juice to dip the fruits in. There were also some roasted akulina birds again, and the small wings and drumsticks smelled like chicken with a hint of roses. I even recognized the scent of bread made from the wheat of House Jubatus. I could smell the rich, savory fl
avor of the pearl grains, and my mouth started watering, so I dumped a little bit of everything on my plate.

  I wasn’t about to pass up any of the flavors my people had to offer.

  “Hungry this morning, Evan?” Nike watched me fill my plate with a raised eyebrow and a half-smile.

  “Famished, brother,” I answered with a wink. I started shoveling food into my mouth, and then Jai walked in with several of the various cat warriors in tow.

  “You may grab some breakfast here, but then you must hurry over to House Jubatus to begin your training,” Jai told the Demi-Humans as he gestured to the table.

  The warriors nodded and grabbed handfuls of food before they jogged out the front doors to join the rest of the training group.

  “What a morning,” Jai sighed and dropped his lean body into the chair next to me. “We’ve already had a dozen warriors go to the wrong place to start their training, but it’s just the first day, right?”

  “Yeah,” I chuckled. “I wouldn’t worry too much on the first day, especially since we decided to start everything pretty late last night.”

  “True.” The jaguar sat up and poured a mound of food on his own plate. “I just want it all to be perfect.”

  “Understandable,” Nike replied with a nod, “but impossible this early in your process. Give it time.”

  “This food is pretty damn perfect, though,” I praised as I swallowed a bite of the rosy bird. “Are these new from the jungle?”

  “Yes,” Jai answered with his chin held high. “The hunters caught a few akulina birds, and the servants picked the fruits this morning and cooked the meat. Thanks to Alyona and Ravi, we can eat and drink from the jungle again.”

  “That’s awesome!” I agreed. “The food is fantastic, and I’m glad we could help.”

  Just then, Alyona breezed in from the dorm hall. She looked gorgeous in her long white robes with purple accents, and a purple belt was tied around her waist. Her hair wasn’t tied back like usual, though. Instead, she’d let it flow in waves down to the middle of her back, and her amethyst eyes were wide and bright as she took in the new options on the breakfast table. Then her face stretched into a beautiful smile.

  “This all smells so wonderful!” she exclaimed as she picked up her plate. “I can’t wait to try it.”

  The princess put a dainty amount of food on her plate, and then she sat down next to me.

  I leaned over to give her a peck on the cheek before I returned to my own food. I wanted to finish up so I had time to fly to each of the Houses before we left this morning and make sure all was good to go. I told them all last night I was leaving, but I also wanted to tell them all goodbye in person. It seemed like the diplomatic thing to do.

  “I think I’ll go make sure everyone is awake.” Nike pushed back his chair and rose from the table once he’d finished off his plate. “You know how those dryads love their sleep. Oh, and the wagons are ready when you are, Lord Evan.”

  “Great.” I nodded. “Thanks, Nike. I’ll make my last rounds and meet you back here.”

  “Do you want me to accompany you, my lord?” Alyona asked as she looked up from her breakfast.

  “Yeah, I think that would be good,” I agreed, and I couldn’t imagine wanting her anywhere else but with me. “We can say our farewells and all that for the campaign.”

  “Then I’ll finish quickly.” The princess returned to her tiny plate of food.

  We finished our breakfast in a few more minutes and got up from the table.

  “Lord Jai, I’ll be back to see you before we leave,” I told the jaguar.

  “See you soon,” Jai answered with a wave before his attention was back on his plate. It seemed he’d missed the other jungle food as well.

  I took Alyona by the hand, and we walked toward the front doors of the palace. I studied the halls around us as we went, and I realized I’d miss House Onca’s ancestral jungle seat. My eyes skipped over the luscious vines that were forever falling through the windows, and I watched a butterfly alight on the blue petals of a huge flower that took up a majority of the window sill. This place might have been a little humid at times, and Nike struggled with some bug bites, but it was a truly beautiful structure in a beautiful, diverse city.

  “Don’t you think it would be fastest to fly?” Alyona asked and gave me a shy smile as we walked out the front doors.

  I knew what she was hinting at, and I grinned.

  “I do,” I laughed and ran down the steps in front of her. Then I transformed into my dragon body and stretched out. I knew it would feel good to fly some more today since I’d be trapped as a wagon rider again on our way to Lumin.

  Alyona giggled and ran down the steps to jump up onto my back. She grabbed onto one of my spine spikes and tightened her legs against my scales, and my blood rushed to my lower half as I felt her thigh muscles squeeze against me.

  Once she was settled, I jumped to take flight, and a feeling of warm contentment spread through my chest as I rose above Tikal. I loved the feeling of flying, and it was even better with my princess on my back. I craned my long neck to see a wide smile plastered across her face as her hair flowed behind her in the wind, and she was clearly enjoying herself as much as I was. I could fly her around on my back all day, but we had to make our stops and get on the road.

  So, we flew to House Jubatus to say goodbye to the cheetahs, and I carefully landed in front of the plain palace. Alyona slid off my back and skipped to the side to give me room, and I shifted back to my human form, linked my fingers through hers, and walked up the stairs to the palace.

  The cheetah guards each gave me a small smile before they pulled open the doors to let us in, and it seemed all the people in Tikal were more welcoming to my presence now.

  “Lord Evan! Princess Alyona!” Chax stood in the great hall with a big smile. “I imagine you are saying your farewells to the Houses?”

  “Yeah, we have to get on the road soon,” I replied. “We have many more stops to make in the great land of Rahma, though I’ve become a bit attached to Tikal.”

  “I think we all have,” Alyona gushed from beside me, and a wistful grin stretched across her face. “The food, the people, the different lands in one city… it’s amazing here. We love it.”

  “Oh, thank you, Your Highness.” Chax blushed and bowed to her. “Though we are sorry to see you go, we are so happy that you came.”

  “Leaving already?” Imani called out as she rushed into the great hall. “I almost missed you since I was working with the training groups. I was sure you’d want to rest after the hunt yesterday. I heard it was quite intense.”

  “In truth, we can rest quite a bit on the wagons,” I admitted, “but we need to make some progress toward our next stop.”

  “Where are you going next?” Imani inquired.

  “We are headed to Lumin,” Alyona answered.

  “Oh,” Imani said with a half-smile. “And I thought we were difficult.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked warily, and I wondered if any of the cities on our campaign would be easy to deal with.

  “I heard the creatures of Lumin are incredibly intelligent but very rude.” The female cheetah smirked.

  “Now, now, sister,” Chax scolded Imani. “Don’t spread gossip.”

  Imani shrugged and didn’t say anything else.

  I was curious to hear more, but I guess I’d have to find out more about the Lumin people on my own.

  “Well, do you need anything before we leave?” I asked the cheetahs.

  “No, sir,” Chax replied. “You have done more than enough for House Jubatus. Thank you, Great Dragon.”

  “We’re happy to bring peace and happiness to Tikal,” I declared as I stuck my hand out to Chax. “Once the campaign is over, we’ll be sure to stop by here on our way back to Hatra.”

  “Then we anxiously await your return, Lord Evan,” Chax said as he grasped my forearm and shook it firmly, and then he bowed again to the princess.

  I turned to
Alyona as she curtsied back to him, and we linked arms to walk back outside.

  “Your diplomacy is improving,” Alyona murmured as we stepped outside. “Maybe we should practice more on the way to Lumin, if they’re really very rude.”

  “I’m not sure what to expect,” I admitted with a chuckle. “I suppose we could practice a few options for what I’m allowed to say.”

  “Oh, hush,” Alyona laughed and playfully slapped my chest.

  “Wait here,” I told Alyona at the top of the stairs before I jogged to the bottom and shifted into my dragon form. Then I waved a foreleg at her to get on.

  Alyona smiled and clambered on top of my large body again, and I took off toward House Oel as soon as she was holding on. I floated over the grassy plains of House Jubatus and watched as the grass faded into golden sand. The sun was barely above the horizon, and it made beautiful patterns of blue and yellow in the powder. We drifted over the desert until I saw the pyramid jutting out from the golden grounds, and I set the princess down in front of the palace and transformed into my human shape again.

  We waltzed up the stairs to the golden and crimson palace, and the lions had the doors open when we reached the top. They still weren’t as talkative as the other warriors, but they respected our role, so I couldn’t complain. Then we strode in the great hall, where Kalem was standing just inside and greeted us with a bow.

  “If you’ll come to the sitting area, Lord Kinba and Princess Aaliyah will be right with you,” the advisor explained as he motioned to the chairs under the giant palm tree.

  I smiled at the mention of the lioness’ name. I hope she had given my offer some thought.

  We moved to the chairs and sat down to wait, and I looked up at the tree that stretched higher than any palm tree I’d ever seen back on Earth. It was an impressive sight, and now I was looking forward to all the things we would see as we explored more of Rahma.

  Within moments, Kinba floated into the sitting area with Aaliyah right behind him. Kinba wore his traditional ivory and gold robes that draped to the floor, and he spread his arms open wide as he entered the room.


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