Breaking Beautiful (Broken Series #2)

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Breaking Beautiful (Broken Series #2) Page 10

by Amanda Bennett

  “Please, Gray call me Serena. And the pleasure is all mine. I’ve heard so much about you both.” Her arms came up around my neck and she squeezed me tight. “I’m ecstatic to be here. Thank you for inviting us.”

  “Absolutely. Please make yourselves at home.” I gestured for them to join the rest of the people in the kitchen. I looked around the room at the eight amazingly wonderful people, all who were here to support Bennett and myself. Vince gave me a head nod and I smiled in return. It had been far too long since I had seen my best friend. Him and Cora seemed so happy together. It all looked so easy between the two of them.

  Panic shot through me when I saw Hannah turn the corner in a state of confusion. Her eyes scanned the room, relaxing when they landed on me. A small dutiful smile fell across her lips and I knew it was time. Theo opened the back doors and flipped the switch. All the lights lit up, brightly glowing throughout the house.

  Everybody took his or her place, as did I. I stood at the wooden archway waiting to see the only woman I could ever love. I watched as a sea of white emerged from the foyer. I found her gray eyes among the white and she instantly took my breath away.



  I couldn’t stop running my hands down the white organza bodice. My dress was a stunning fit and flare, with a sweetheart neckline embellished with diagonal lines and cross pleating, helping to hide my burgeoning belly. The skirt was made up of ruffled Vincenza Organza layered throughout. It reminded me so much of my mothers taste, that I had to swipe away a few stray tears.

  Hannah tied the black grosgrain ribbon belt in place and kissed me on the cheek. “You look breathtaking, Bennett.” She kissed my cheek one last time and then headed downstairs.

  I took in a big deep breath, making my way to the landing of the stairs. I could hear soft voices echoing off of the warm golden hue walls, making me all that more nervous. I knew there weren’t that many people here, but it still did nothing to calm my nerves. Hannah had instructed me to wait until I heard the soft sounds of music bellowing through the house, before making my way to the altar.

  I let my fingers lightly graze over the soft white twinkle lights that adorned the railings on the stairs. As I turned the corner to head towards the music, my eyes instantly met his. They were electric blue and piercing straight through me to my soul. Immediately my nerves calmed and my feet carried me out to him. My mind was so focused on him and the way his face had lit up when he saw me that I hadn’t noticed any of the decor or even the fact that I was now standing outside with him.

  The minister gave me a quick hug and then proceeded with the ceremony. We said our ‘I do’s’ and then Gray pulled me into him and kissed me senseless. When I pulled back I finally noticed everything around me. He looked absolutely gorgeous in his light blue dress shirt, black tie and his black dress slacks. We hadn’t talked about our actual wedding much, but he had to of known that I would want to keep it semi-formal and small. The lights and roses spread throughout the house made my heart skip a beat. This wonderful man knew me more than I even knew myself.

  Gray and I walked hand in hand back into the house, our guests following close behind us. I turned and gave everyone a quick hug before excusing myself for a moment. As I rounded the corner to the bathroom, I ran right into Gray’s chest. I pressed my face into his chest as hard as I could, seeking out some sort of comfort.

  As if he could read my mind, his arms wrapped tightly around me only releasing me when I shook my head.

  “Is everything alright Bennett? Was it not enough?” I could hear the concern in his voice.

  “Of course it was enough, Gray. It was more than I could have ever asked for. I love you.” I looked up into his glowing eyes unable to contain my joy. A smile broke free across my lips and then his were suddenly on mine. I pushed my fingers back through his hair, tugging him closer to me. His arms snaked around my waist pulling my body up against his. I could feel his excitement through his slacks.

  Before things got too carried away, I pulled back just enough to catch his sly smirk. “I know exactly what you want, but you’re just going to have to wait Mr. Weston.” I winked before ducking into the restroom.

  His lengthy fingers reached out, grabbing my wrist gently, “I wish they all could have been here, too.” He whispered.

  “They were here Gray, each and every one of them. I can feel it.” I closed the door behind me. Knowing that our parents were with us in spirit was enough for me to be over the moon excited, but it didn’t make it hurt any less. My heart ached for my parent’s touch.

  I emerged from the bathroom minutes later and everyone was gathered in the kitchen. I hugged and said hello to everyone, but stopped short when I walked up to Vince and his date.

  Vince leaned in to kiss me lightly on the cheek, “Congrats Bennett. You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks Vince.” I looked at him with a perplexed look.

  “Oh sorry. This is Cora, my new girlfriend.”

  I reached out my hand to shake hers, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Cora. Thanks for coming.” She was stunning. Her shoulder length maple brown hair was naturally curled at the ends, brushing over her bare shoulders. When her eyes locked with mine I couldn’t help but notice the light golden flecks set deep inside her honey colored eyes. Her face and body were perfectly proportionate. This woman could have been a model.

  “It was my pleasure, really Bennett. I’m just glad I finally got to meet the infamous, Bennett Reynolds.” Her voice was laced with disdain and I couldn’t help but wonder why.

  “I’m sorry, infamous?” I cocked my head to the side glancing between Gray and Vince. “Who is this?” I asked Vince first, hoping he would give me a straight answer.

  “I told you Bennett, she is my-“

  “I’m Gray’s ex-wife. I thought you knew.”

  I sucked in a deep breath, trying to control my urge to beat the holy living shit out of this girl. “Get the fuck out of my house.” I pointed to her and Vince and then to the door.

  “Bennett, just calm down. Let’s not ruin our night.” If Gray knew what was good for him, he would shut his mouth now or he would be the next to go.

  “Gray, don’t fucking test me.” I ran up the stairs as fast as my legs could take me. This was supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life, but that skank had to show up and ruin it for me. I slammed the bedroom door tightly behind me and flung myself onto the bed. He was so in trouble for this one.

  A light tapping on the door woke me a few minutes later. I swear I could just fall asleep at the drop of a hat lately. It was ridiculous. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Hannah, can I come in?”

  “Sure.” I wandered into the bathroom and started picking up random pieces of clothing that Gray had left all over the place this morning.

  “Hey, what are you doing up here?”

  “Oh, you know, just cleaning up after my husband.” I shot a fake smile at her as I held up Gray’s dirty clothes, before chucking them into the hamper.

  “Bennett, Gray had no idea Vince was bringing her. He didn’t even know that they were together.” She grabbed my hands in hers trying to get my attention but I didn’t want to hear it anymore.

  “Whatever Hannah. I’m sure I’ll get over it soon enough.” I continued to huff and puff my way around the bedroom. I paused for a second and then broke out in laughter. Hannah didn’t find me quite as amusing.

  “What is so funny?” She tried to grab my arm, but I was already crouched down on the floor hysterically laughing into my wedding gown. “Bennett, what are you laughing at?”

  “Me! I’m laughing at me. Seriously, it is just one thing after another. I swear if there is a God, he is having one hell of a laugh at my expense. But, I am damn sure not going to let that bitch-ass-hoe-bag ruin my wedding day. Let’s go.” I grabbed Hannah by the hand and pulled her down the stairs with me.

  I searched the kitchen for Gray but didn’t find him anywhere. Theo and Vince were a
lso missing. I meandered out back after pulling on a jacket and found them chatting it up out back. “I need a minute with my husband, please.” I looked Theo and Vince straight in the eye so there would be no miscommunication.

  As their retreating figures disappeared into the house, I felt Gray’s hands pull me into his embrace. “Say it again.” He begged.

  “Say what again?” I nuzzled my nose into the crook of his neck.

  “You know what I want you to say.” He whispered just below my ear causing goose bumps to break out across my arms.

  “My husband.” I spoke against his lips, letting mine touch his softly before pulling away. “So, did she leave?”

  A loud huff came out of his mouth, “Yes, Vince sent her back to his parent’s house. Look, I’m sorry Bennett. I didn’t know he was bringing her. It was just as big of a shock to me as it was to you.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I have decided to let all of it go. This is our day. We can deal with all of that drama a different day.” We both nodded at one another and brought our lips to each other’s once again. I swear I was never going to get enough of him.


  We rang in the New Year with everyone, except Cora thank the lord. A little after midnight, Gray was all but kicking everyone out. We said our good-byes and made our way back into the house. Before I could reach the door, Gray had swooped me up into his arms, carrying me over the threshold and up the stairs.

  I tucked my head closer into his neck and let out an elongated sigh when he gently placed me onto the bed. Needless to say, we wouldn’t be getting much sleep tonight.

  When Gray’s breaths evened out, I realized he had finally fallen asleep. I was suddenly dying of thirst, so I threw on Gray’s light blue button up dress shirt and a pair of short sleep shorts before making my way downstairs. I grabbed the teakettle just before it began to whistle, not wanting to wake Gray. I stood tall on my tiptoes trying to reach my favorite mug when a piece of paper smacked me in the face. I grabbed the mug just before bending down to retrieve the paper.

  I tucked the folded up paper into the front pocket of Gray’s shirt and continued making my self a cup of hot cocoa. I stirred the brown powder into the steaming cup of hot water, dissolving it almost instantly. After adding a few mini marshmallows from the pantry, I gradually made my way towards the glass doors.

  I sat down on one of the dining room stools, stretching my legs out on another one. Just as I took a sip, I instantly pulled back from almost burning my tongue. A smile swept across my face and I couldn’t help but be beyond excited. I was finally able to call Gray my husband, and soon we would be having a baby. Everything was looking up.

  I blew into my cup a few times before trying to take a long sip from my cup. When I heard the crinkling sound, I remembered the small piece of paper that I had placed into the front pocket. I sat the mug down on the table and removed the paper. The words shot off of the page like a dagger to my heart.



  My hand reached out in search of her warm body, but they came up cold and empty. I sat straight up in bed, scanning the darkness for her figure. When she was nowhere to be found, I found myself bolting downstairs in search of her.

  It had been such an amazing day. Everything had worked itself out and we were now married. She was finally mine, in every sense of the word. She looked every bit as beautiful as I knew she would. Her hair cascading down her back in long loose curls, emphasizing the lean muscle tone in her bare arms. Her eyes sparkled like a thousand diamonds, rare gray smoky diamonds. When she had came into view my heart literally stopped beating. She looked breathtaking and wholesome, pregnant belly and all.

  It had seemed like an eternity waiting for her to show up. I was forced to make small talk, which I absolutely hated. Lucky for me, I knew everybody who had come. Then Vince showing up with Cora, what the hell was that all about? I was definitely going to have to have a serious talk with that guy. What a dumb ass.

  I was glad that my partner Jason had finally got to meet Heidi. Bennett and I had talked her up so much that we were afraid Jay wouldn’t go for it, but I’m pretty sure there was no helping that man once he met her.

  Bennett’s face came into focus once I stepped into the kitchen. The forlorn look on her face told me everything I needed to know. In her hand she held out that tiny piece of paper that I had been so terrified to show her.


  “Bennett?” I proceeded with caution, knowing that she was more than likely extremely pissed off.

  “When were you going to tell me?” Anger visibly shook through her body.

  “Button, please understand. I was going to tell you.”

  “REALLY?? And when would that be? When he came back? Or maybe when I went into town on my own. Maybe wh-“

  “STOP! Don’t you dare act like I am the bad guy here. I was trying to sort this all out before I brought it up to you. You and our baby are my number one priority, don’t you ever doubt that. Do you understand me?” I was only inches from her now and her tears were steady streaming down her face.

  “What are we supposed to do now?” I could see her heart visibly breaking and I couldn’t help but break a little bit with her. I was breaking my beautiful girl.

  I wrapped her in my arms and squeezed. “I promise you, we will get this sorted out. I won’t let him hurt you ever again. I already asked Jason to start trying to find Bobbi Jo. I don’t know, maybe she can shed some light on the situation.”

  She nodded lightly into my chest, clenching her fingers into my shoulder blades. I knew she was worried. I just wanted to take it all away for her. I wanted her to be happy and whole again. Her sobs were now coming on faster and stronger. She was ready to break. I could feel it.

  “Baby, let me take you upstairs to bed, please?” She nodded in agreement as I scooped her up and into my arms. As my foot hit the second stair on overwhelming odor struck my nose. I wanted to shake it off. Say that it was just my imagination, but the smell was starting to make me light headed. Bennett’s hand came up caressing my cheek. She looked worried and I couldn’t help but feel the same way. As I tried to step back down off of the stairs, I tripped over my own feet. Bennett caught herself on the railing just before I ate shit on the tile floor.

  “Bennett…get…out…of…the…house.” I couldn’t stop coughing as the smell of gasoline hit me like a ton of bricks. “GET OUT BENNETT!”

  She stood there shaking her head at me, while backing up towards the front door. Her eyes never left mine as I mouthed the words ‘I love you’ to her just as she turned to run. I rolled onto my stomach and quickly got to my feet. I was right behind her before I remembered that I should grab my gun. I went back to the hall table and turned just in time to see the flames spark in her eyes just before they consumed me.



  All I could hear were my screams and the sounds of sirens blaring in the background. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks as I took in the horrific sight in front of me. The look on Gray’s face was on an instant replay in my mind. His eyes as wide as saucers as the flames engulfed him.

  I could still hear my cries for help, but my voice sounded foreign and far away. This couldn’t be happening. I couldn’t lose Gray like this, not to him. I tried to pull myself into the ruble to find him, but I couldn’t find the strength in me to do it. He told me to run for a reason. I never thought that reason would be so he could take my place.

  The sirens were getting closer and suddenly I felt someone tugging on my arm. I pulled my arm away hard, before looking up into those dangerous eyes right before it all went black.


  I woke up gagged and bound to a metal chair, after who knows how long. I frantically took in my surroundings, hoping to find a way out of this mess. When I heard footsteps seconds later I sat completely still trying to fake being asleep. I wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of knowing the fear running through me. I cracked my eyes open a
few moments later and was suddenly face to face with Raylon.

  “Oh Baby, you’re finally awake.” His long lean fingers slid down the side of my cheek and across my bottom lip. I had to swallow down the bile that had slowly started to rise in my throat due to his touch. “What? You don’t want to talk to me?”

  I vigorously shook my head without saying a word. Knowing the one question I had to ask, I slowly raised my head to look him right in the eye. “Is he alive?” I whispered.

  His hand reached out, gripping into the back of my hair. “Why do you fucking care? He will never love you like I do. EVER!”

  I could feel the warm salty tears stinging the back of my eyelids, “He’s more of a man than you could ever be.” I spat back at him.


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