My Dutch Billionaire 3

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My Dutch Billionaire 3 Page 4

by Marian Tee

  He nodded eagerly. “A walk.” He crossed his heart. “I swear it.” Like Serenity, he was a full-blooded American, and he thanked God for it, knowing that it was another reason why Serenity was more comfortable in his company.

  “Okay,” she said finally.

  Anton mentally pumped his fist in the air. Yes!

  As they walked, Anton noticed the way the other guys gazed at him with not-so-secret envy and almost smirked. Eat your hearts out, he thought smugly. None of them knew Serenity like he did, and he would do everything to ensure it stayed that way.

  Keeping his pace slow to prolong his time with her, he began to regale Serenity with funny stories about his family. The first time they had met, he had tried to impress her with how wealthy and famous his family was, and it had been a big mistake. He had noticed the way she became more polite and stiffer with him by the second and had desperately changed tacks, accidentally blurting out the first thing that came to his mind.

  “When I’m nervous, I tend to fart. Only my family knows it though, and now you.”

  As soon as the words had come out of his mouth, Anton had been aghast and miserable. He had waited for Serenity to tell the whole class about him and wouldn’t have blamed her for it.

  But she hadn’t.

  Instead, she had smiled at him while saying in her lovely, clearly voice, “Your family sounds so wonderfully nice.” But there had also been a note of wistfulness in her words, and Anton had realized then if he kept telling her stories about his family, she would stay with him forever. It was like Scheherazade and the king, only this time he was the storytelling virgin and he had a queen to entertain.

  Even now, Serenity did not seem tired at all, listening to him telling her the most mundane things about his family. Throughout their walk, Anton was careful to keep his distance, knowing also from experience how Serenity hated being touched by members of his sex. He had researched about her and had eventually come to the conclusion that it was probably because she was a virgin. She was Willem, Jr. after all, and the Dutch billionaire likely had some of his guards looking after her, being his girlfriend’s younger sister.

  What if the Dutch billionaire came here, he mused even as he kept a steady stream of chatter about his family. What if the Dutch billionaire disapproved of him? What would he do?

  Anton mentally shook his head. Nah. Even if the Dutch billionaire did come, surely the older man would not find any fault in him. He came from extremely good Greek stock, and he had never been accused of being a playboy. In fact, if Willem de Konigh requested that he honor Serenity with an offer of marriage, Anton would be more than happy to do so.

  He looked at Serenity.

  She looked back at him, her tranquil expression unchanging and her eyes still an unreadable shade of blue.

  One day, Anton vowed to himself, he would learn all the secrets behind that perfect mask. One day, he would have the right to kiss her. His pulse quickened at the thought. One day, he would have the right to undress her—

  Her brows furrowed. “Anton?” Her tone was bemused.

  Anton recovered. “Sorry.” He cleared his throat and wished to God it would be just as easy to clear his erection away. “I was just thinking of un—” He hastily caught himself in time. “I mean, I was thinking of unnecessary stuff.”

  “Unnecessary stuff like what?” Serenity’s tone had turned curious.

  He pulled on his collar. “Well…” Anton was not at all used to lying. He saw her frown and her gaze narrow at him in puzzlement. Her eyes began to move down, and he panicked. Not wanting Serenity to notice the rather prominent bulge under his jeans, he pointed behind her back. “Look!” He hadn’t really anywhere or anything to point at, had only wanted Serenity distracted. But as he followed the random direction his finger pointed to, Anton realized with a start that there was something worth noticing.

  A black stretch limousine, parked right in front of Serenity’s dorm.

  “What is it?” he heard Serenity ask as she whirled around to follow his gaze.

  A chauffeur had stepped out to open the passenger door.

  Serenity whitened upon seeing the limousine and the man stepping out of it with elegant grace.


  Before she knew what she was doing, she had reached for Anton’s hand and gripped it tightly, needing to remind herself that she was not alone.

  Anton jumped at the unexpected touch but had enough presence of mind not to pull away. Instead, he tightened his hold on her, and his chest puffed with pride when he felt Serenity return his tight hold.

  He turned to face the Dutch billionaire—

  Willem de Konigh was standing right in front of him, dressed in an obviously bespoke pinstriped suit, with the way it molded perfectly to his broad shoulders and long, lean frame. He was so damn tall Anton had to crane his neck to meet the Dutch billionaire’s gaze.

  The older man’s icy blue eyes raked him from head to toe.

  Anton’s earliest boost of self-confidence disappeared, and he heard himself croak out, “Good afternoon, Mr. de Konigh.”

  “I’m afraid I do not have the pleasure of knowing your name.” Anton felt like he was in some kind of Twilight Zone as he listened to the Dutch billionaire speak. He had a strong accent, but his perfectly modulated voice also bore an immensely strong resemblance to Serenity’s. It was like hearing twins speak, even when they weren’t really that.

  “Anton Floros, sir.” And because he couldn’t very well ignore the hand the billionaire offered, he reluctantly released his hold on Serenity’s hand to shake hands with the older man. When it was over, he considered taking Serenity’s hand again. But her hands were already fisted against her sides, and despite everything, he didn’t quite have the nerve to risk rejection by taking her hand.

  “I believe you were just leaving?” The billionaire’s voice was pleasant.

  Anton blinked. “I’m not—” He saw the billionaire’s eyes bore through his, and he suddenly realized that even if Serenity had not noticed his erection, the older man had. And right now, Willem de Konigh was courteously and generously offering him a way out before he proceeded to embarrass himself.

  “On second thought, I think I have to go.” Anton couldn’t quite meet Serenity’s gaze as he spoke. “See you, Serenity.” He turned and walked away quickly, thanking God that the Dutch billionaire was indeed the nice gentleman that he was reputed to be.

  Alone, Serenity and Willem were left facing each other.

  It was agony to look at him, but she forced herself to, telling herself that she would only make herself weaker if she did not. He was still heartbreakingly beautiful, maybe even more so than she remembered. But he had grown thinner, too, his new leanness causing his features to be more prominent and aristocratic.

  Willem had a hard time keeping his reaction in check as he devoured every inch of Serenity’s face. He had missed her. He had missed her the second he had left her, but now that he was standing in front of her, the ache and longing he felt for her presence couldn’t be any more acute.

  He had this insane urge to haul her to him, to rain kisses all over her face the same time he begged her for forgiveness. Only his rigid self-discipline kept him from doing so, the stoic look on Serenity’s face telling him that to act like a Neanderthal would only drive her further away from him.

  Instead, he finally chose to be the first to break the silence, saying simply, “I would like a private moment with you.”


  She led him to the café next door, which was staffed by students as well. Heads turned as they entered the establishment, with most of the girls openly staring and excitedly gushing as Serenity and the billionaire proceeded to walk past them.

  “Is this okay?” she asked stiltedly, gesturing to the booth at the far end of the café.

  “Anywhere will suffice.” As soon as they were seated, she realized the reason why he had said so. His bodyguards had followed them inside, and once again they formed a human wall t
o keep everyone away from their employer.

  “You are okay?”

  Why did he care? It was what she wanted to ask, but she managed to keep her bitterness at bay. It was not his fault that he did not love her, was not his fault that she could not be what he wanted in a wife.

  She said finally, “I’ve started to move on.”

  “I see.” His fists clenched under the table. She had started to move on. He did not know what he should make of the words. He knew now that he loved Serenity like no other man would ever love her, but he also knew it was that very same emotion which allowed him to hurt her like no man ever could either.

  “I would like to tell you something.”

  She thought immediately of Shane. He was going to tell her that he was going to marry Shane, and she almost reared back at the mere thought of it. Even though she had left home two months ago, her sister had not stopped taunting her. Shane regularly left messages in her voice mail, and like an incurable addict, Serenity was unable to stop herself from listening to every one of them.

  Willem and I had a date at Zurich. He had the company jet fly me over and we fucked each other in his private cabin. Have you had that with the billionaire yet? I bet not. I bet you want to, but you know what? I’m going to bet you’ll never be able to experience it.

  Willem and I were on the phone for hours, and the whole time I kept waiting for him to ask about you. But he didn’t. It’s like he’s forgotten you ever existed.

  Willem’s flying to Greece, and I may have convinced him to see you. I told him that you’ve matured, and you’re going to be less clingy now probably. Shane’s voice had lowered, and it took a sly and cruel tone as she spoke the rest of her message. I told him I’m cool with him messing around with you again. I told him it would be so easy for him to lie his way back into your good graces, since you’re a cheap, mindless whore who thinks that giving up your virginity is a way of keeping a man chained to you.

  She had thought Shane was only making the last few things up to hurt her. But obviously it wasn’t so. Because Willem was here now, and seeing him devour her with patently hungry eyes, she came to two realizations that made Serenity feel sick to her stomach.

  One: he had no idea she knew about him and Shane, knew that he was only here now because Shane had told him she might be willing to play the whore for him again.

  Two: the knowledge didn’t make any difference to her feelings.

  She still loved Willem de Konigh, and the truth tore her apart.

  “Did you hear me, Sere?”

  She almost flinched at his use of her nickname. Once, it had made her feel special. But now, she wondered bitterly if it was just the billionaire’s “style,” his way of making all of his paramours feel special.

  “I heard you,” she managed to say. Still unable to meet his gaze, she continued in the same stilted fashion, “And I’m listening.”

  Something was wrong, Willem kept thinking. There was something in the way she spoke, something in the way she couldn’t make herself look at him. In the end, he told himself he was being foolish. Of course something was wrong. Everything was wrong, and it had been so the moment he had allowed his past to color his thoughts and beliefs about love. And if not for a certain pair of interfering strangers, he would have remained blind about his ignorance.

  Drawing his breath, he said tautly, “I left you because I did think I didn’t love you.”

  Ah. Serenity’s lip curled in self-hatred. “You’re not saying anything I don’t know, Mr. de Konigh.”

  He flinched at the way she said his name but knew that he deserved it. “But what you saw was a setup. Shane wasn’t—”

  “No.” She didn’t want to hear him lying, didn’t want him to hear him prove Shane’s every word true. “I don’t want to hear anything about that anymore.” She forced herself to meet his gaze, and she wanted to cry and scream when she saw the agony in the billionaire’s gaze.




  How could he pretend so easily that he was hurting just like she was?

  “This is a mistake,” she said tightly.

  Willem saw Serenity start to stand up, and he moved swiftly. “No!” He grabbed her hand, his fingers tightening around her wrist just before she could leave the booth.

  His touch burned her. It was as if the millions of cells that made her up had flocked to the place where his fingers held her and had become the source of her very life. She breathed, lived, burned for his touch, and it was so damn pathetic.

  Shane had been right.

  She was pathetic.

  And she couldn’t help it.

  She wanted it to be over but she couldn’t help it. She had loved Willem de Konigh for five years. She had loved him since she was fourteen, and even though he had ripped her heart out with his betrayal, it still wasn’t enough to completely kill her feelings for him.

  “Please.” The billionaire’s voice was just as tight as hers had been, and hearing him plead the very same way she had pleaded with him not so long ago nearly drove her insane.

  She fell limply back into her seat. “Let me go,” she whispered.

  Slowly, reluctantly, Willem forced his fingers to loosen, and pain ravaged his chest at the way Serenity so quickly yanked her hand out of his touch.

  Once…once she had trusted him to guide her every step of the way.

  But that was then, he thought dully, and it was his fault she no longer looked at him with stars in her eyes.

  “I don’t ever want to talk about the past.”

  Slowly, he nodded.

  She swallowed hard. “And now – I want to know why you’re here.”

  He said quietly, “Because I’ve realized, perhaps too late, that I have loved you from the very beginning.”


  Serenity lay awake on her bed for hours.

  No matter what she did, she could not forget what had happened, could not stop the same scene replaying over and over in her mind.

  “You love me.” Her voice trembled.

  The billionaire’s gaze didn’t waver from her face. “Yes. I love you.”

  “From the very beginning.” Her voice caught.

  “From the very beginning.” His tone was even, his face serious, and it had made her want to cry. It had made her want to laugh and scream. Oh God, it made her wish she were insane. Because then – maybe then it would hurt less.

  “Do you know what you’re saying?” she demanded shakily. “After what you’ve done to me, after what you’ve made me do – you have the gall to come here and tell me you’ve loved me from the very beginning?”

  “Yes.” His tone was unequivocal despite of the way he had grown white at her words.

  “And you expect me to believe you, just like that?”

  “I’m willing to do whatever it takes to prove it.”

  She shook her head. “There’s no need because I can tell you right now. I will never believe you.” She stood up, and so did he. “Thank you for your time, Mr. de Konigh, but I hope this is the last time we see each other again.”

  A look of devastation flickered in his face before disappearing, so quickly that she told herself she had imagined it. And she had, she had, Serenity told herself.

  “I don’t love him,” she whispered, but even to herself the words sounded like the lie that it was. Her throat tightened, and she could barely choke the words past her tears. “I don’t love him. I don’t. I don’t.”

  But still, it sounded like a lie.

  She remembered the times that were oh so good between them. The time he had given Serenity her first pair of custom-designed shoes, the time he had taken her in his arms.

  But right next to those memories were those that hurt, that might always hurt like wounds that had no way of healing. She remembered the way his lips had felt so cold under hers the first time she had kissed him. She remembered the way she had begged him, remembered the way her injured muscles strained to support her as she
tried to run after him.

  Slowly, the tears fell.

  And the moment she started to cry, she could no longer stop.

  He loved her, the billionaire said.

  But no matter what he said, she knew it could not be true.

  True love did not betray. True love did not lie. True love did not hurt.

  And in her innocence and inexperience, Serenity believed this to be true. She believed it so much that soon her tears turned her emotions into a feverish desire for revenge. She would make the billionaire pay. She would make him take a dose of his own medicine.

  She would make him fall for her and then humiliate him the way he had humiliated her.


  “Hey there,” Willow Somerset-Manolis greeted sleepily when she saw her friend hovering awkwardly by the doorway. She was a violet-eyed brunette, petite and curvy, and – due to the doctor’s strict orders – was on enforced bed rest.

  “Hello.” Serenity’s voice was grave, and she didn’t move from her position as she continued in the same tone, “I only wanted you to know I’ve arrived.”

  Willow rolled her eyes. “Stop being so formal and come in here.” She pushed herself up to a sitting position and, while waiting for Serenity to reach her, she took quick but careful note of the girl’s face. What she saw didn’t please her at all.

  Serenity sat gingerly at the foot of the bed, fearful of making any movement that might cause the pregnant woman pain. When their gazes met, she blurted out, “You seem to get bigger every time we meet.”

  Willow grimaced. “Why do you have to be tactless just with me?”

  Serenity flushed. “I’m sorry. It’s just that…” She shook her head. “But you really are huge.”

  Willow couldn’t help chuckling at Serenity’s worried tone. “Relax. How many times do I have to tell you? This is perfectly normal for someone who’s carrying twins, and then there’s the fact that Stavros isn’t exactly petite.”


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