Walk Of Shame

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Walk Of Shame Page 4

by Victoria Ashley

  As soon as I stop the bike, she jumps off and takes my helmet off as fast as her fingers will allow her. She tosses it in my lap and scowls. “Thanks for the ride, jerk.”

  Smiling at her and her hot little friend, I slide the helmet on my head. “Anytime.” I look down toward her pussy. “And thanks for the show.” I wink and she looks away embarrassed. I can feel her eyes burning into me as I take off. Hell, I don’t mind. She can undress me with her eyes anytime she wants.

  WHEN I PULL UP AT the bar, it’s completely empty. I toss my cigarette and jump off my motorcycle while looking around, preparing myself. This is a shit shift and you don’t make crap at this time. The bar opens at eleven, but really the business doesn’t take off until late at night when the entertainment comes in.

  I don’t mind doing Sarah favors, though, because she has a young child and I want her to be able to be there for him when it’s needed. That shit is very important. If anyone else asked me to cover this crap shift, my answer would be hell no.

  Now, I’ll be stuck here for the next few hours practically talking to myself and hoping for someone to stop in and entertain me. Not my idea of a good day. It gives you too much time to think.

  Hilary has already been here and has left. I can tell as soon as I unlock the back door and walk in. The lights are all turned on and the bar is set up and ready to go.

  Hilary is the owner. She’s an older woman, maybe in her early fifties. She only stops in once a day and usually it’s when no one is here. She’s good at what she does, though, and helps out whenever she can. I really like her as a person and a manager. She treats us well.

  A couple hours into my shift, a woman around my age, mid-twenties, finally comes into the bar and takes a seat in front of me.

  I’ve seen her in here a few times before and I have to admit that I’ve thought about taking her home. She’s a natural redhead with a small freckled nose, full lips and a nice set of breasts. She looks sexy as fuck in those tight little suit skirts. She has to work in some office somewhere. I like the thought of dirtying her. She looks like she needs a good fuck to relieve some of the tension she is carrying around.

  Taking a seat in front of me, she smiles and sets her purse down beside her. “I’m taking a quick break from work. Give me a drink of your choice. Anything will do.” Her eyes rake over my body as I reach for a glass and come her way. There’s a look saying she’s looking for what I call the fuck and fly; short and hard. It’s more of a business exchange between two people. I’m used to the look; prone to it. “I’m going to cut to the chase, okay. I don’t have a lot of time, but I have a little time.” She smirks while watching me with desperate eyes.

  I’m listening . . .

  Reaching for a bottle of Jack, I pour it half way up and add a splash of coke and a little lime juice. It may be a little strong, but she looks like she can handle it. She looks like she can handle a lot of things.

  Setting the drink down in front of her, I lean over the bar as she reaches for my shirt and pulls me to her. “I’ve heard a lot of good things about your dick. I need to release some tension and I want you to fuck me. Can you do that? Nothing more. I’m a very busy woman.”

  I let my lips brush over her ear before whispering, “For the things I do, you would need a lot more than just a little time.” I place my hand behind her neck and pull her closer to my lips. “I would tie you up to my bed, blindfold you and devour your pussy with my tongue. Then when I was done, I would stand you up against my wall, bind your hands above you and fuck you until you can’t walk. I would tease you slowly at first to learn your body and what it wants. Then I would fuck you so hard and thoroughly you will never want another cock. I don’t think that is what you’re looking for. Trust me, it’s not easy moving on to just a quick lay after that.”

  A throat clears from nearby.

  “I see you’re still on the prowl, son.”

  Gritting my teeth, I pull away from the redhead and bring my eyes up to meet the one man I wish I could stay away from: my father. He’s more like the devil in a fucking suit. He’s standing there as if he’s so fucking perfect and can’t do any wrong. It pisses me the hell off.

  “What are you doing here?” I begin finding things to do; pretending to be busy. The last thing I want to do is deal with him at the moment.

  Stepping up to the bar, he fixes his tie and takes a seat. “Do I need to have a reason to come see my son? We haven’t spoken in over two months.”

  Walking over to stand in front of him, I lean down and get in his face. “We both know why too. Don’t come in here acting as if it’s my fault. Get out of here with that shit.”

  “Son, calm down.” Pulling out his wallet he searches through it. “I’ll take a Scotch on the rocks.”

  Rolling my neck to keep my tongue in check, I make him his drink. I set it down in front of him and lean against the register while watching him sip on it.

  He makes a sour face while setting the glass back down. “I see not much has changed since the last time we’ve talked.” I watch him with anger while he adjusts his tie as if he’s better than me. “When will you realize this lifestyle isn’t going to change anything? It won’t make things better.”

  Gripping the counter, I lean over the register and turn my head away. I can’t stand to look at him. “Don’t even say it. I don’t need to hear this shit. I’m fine with my life. Why don’t you get back to yours and stop worrying about mine? Don’t fucking judge me.”

  We both look over as the redhead slams back her drink and stands up. “I’m out, boys.” She looks at me and winks. “Maybe another time.”

  I don’t say anything. I just watch as she leaves. I’m glad, because she doesn’t need to hear this.

  “You don’t think I’m concerned about my son? That I don’t see that you’ve thrown your life down the drain? It pisses me off.” He takes another sip and then scoots it across the bar. “You’re better than this. Just because-”

  “Don’t you fucking say it,” I growl out at him in warning and shake the counter.

  “I’m just telling you that there’s still meaning in your life and you need to find that again. The pain will never go away. I get that but-”

  “Fucking stop! Do you understand me?” My voice comes out firmly. “Don’t you say another word about it. It’s done. Over. I’ve moved on.”

  Looking me in the eyes, he stands up and picks up his glass for me to see. “This is what you call moving on? A career as a bartender that strips on the weekends and has meaningless sex with any tramp you can slip your dick into. No, son. This is not moving on. It’s fucking numbing the pain.”

  Grinding my jaw, I swing my hand across the counter, knocking over the bottle of Scotch along with a bunch of other items like limes, straws, and cocktail napkins. “You just don’t know when to stop, do you? This is why we don’t talk. This is why I stay away. You won’t let me live.”

  Turning to leave, he stops and throws down some money. “No, I’m trying to help you live and stop being a piece of shit. Get your shit together before it’s too late. You’re twenty six years old for fucks sake. Act like it.”

  I hear him walking away, but I refuse to look his direction and show him just how worked up I am. He always fucking does this; acts as if he knows what I’m going through or how the fuck I feel and should feel. No one does.

  Fighting to catch my breath and calm down, I lean over the bar and grip the front of my hair in my hands. I feel like going fucking mad right now. Today is not a good day to think about this shit.

  I’m pissed. Pissed at my father and pissed at myself for knowing he’s right.

  Picking up a bottle of Vodka, I toss it across the room at the wall. It shatters against the wall, leaving the clear liquid dripping on the floor. It doesn’t do shit to calm me down though. So, I just stand there and stare at the ceiling.

  “Well . . . I see it’s extremely busy in here today.”

  I look over with narrowed eyes to see Aspen walk
in. She’s no longer wearing her clothes from yesterday. Now, she’s wearing a pair of faded jean shorts and a white tank top that shows the pink outline of her bra. She must’ve had her clothes in Kayla’s car. She looks . . . good. This look fits her.

  Exhaling, I stand up straight and gesture around me. “Yeah, really busy. I hope you’re not here for a drink because I might not be able to handle making you one,” I say sarcastically.

  She leans against the front of the bar and starts fingering the remaining napkins. “I’m here because Kayla had to go to work and Cale isn’t home. I don’t have a key to get in and he didn’t pick up the phone.” She looks down at the mess by my feet and then looks up at me. “I suppose you could use a little company anyways.”

  “I guess,” I mumble. “Doesn’t look like I have much of a choice.” I reach for a glass and scoop it full of ice. “Want a drink?”

  “Just a Sprite will be fine. I only drink when I’m out at parties. It’s kind of my thing. I’m a lightweight.”

  I watch her as she sits down in front of me and chews on her lip. “Are you nervous?” I study her reaction to the question that is making her cheeks turn red.

  Shaking her head, she reaches for the glass after I finish filling it and pulls it to her lips. “Why would I be nervous? You think you make me nervous? No. You just make me mad. Those are two different things.”

  Nodding my head in agreement, I say, “You’re not the only one.”

  I’m used to it. Hell, I’m pissed at myself most of the time.

  She laughs under her breath and sticks the tip of the straw into her mouth. “I bet there are a lot of pissed off women running around this world due to you. I just get that vibe.”

  Challenging her, I lean over the bar and pull the straw out of her mouth with my tongue, being sure to get close to her mouth. “Oh yeah,” I whisper. “What kind of vibe is it that you get from me?”

  Backing away, she watches my mouth as I chew on her straw. She clears her throat and averts her eyes when she sees that I notice her staring. “A bad one,” she replies.

  I stand up and spit out the straw when I see Cale walk in. “Dude, what are you doing here?” For some reason the thought of him being here to pick Aspen up pisses me off.

  “Sarah called and said she won’t be able to make it to work at all today because her son’s doctor appointment is taking longer than she expected. Figuring you wouldn’t want the full shift, I offered to come in until seven.”

  He walks up behind Aspen, wraps his arms around her and squeezes. “Hey, gorgeous. What are you doing here?”

  She places her hands on his arms and smiles. “Hey, pretty boy,” she says teasingly. “I couldn’t reach you earlier so I had Kayla drop me off here.”

  Looking up from behind Aspen, Cale gives me a concerned look. “Yeah, so your dad stopped by this morning, but judging from the look of this place he’s already been here too,” he says looking down at the ground.

  “I don’t even want to hear it. Thanks for the fucking warning.”

  Cale releases Aspen and steps behind the bar. “I didn’t say shit. He must’ve figured it out on his own. It’s pretty simple to find your ass.”

  A few guys walk in and take a seat next to Aspen at the bar. I notice the preppy, clean cut one staring at her with a creepy ass smile and I have the urge to shove my fist down his throat.

  He better not try to pick her up. She doesn’t need a guy like that. She needs one that is going to fuck her good and please her so good that it hurts. He looks like too much of a pussy to handle her.

  “Hey,” he says to Aspen. “Alex.”

  Cale starts talking to me, but my attention stays focused on Alex to be sure he doesn’t sign his fucking death wish.

  “Aspen.” She shakes his hand and then looks away uncomfortable.

  Cale nudges me as he goes to approach the guys. “Get your ass out of here. I got it from here. Hemy will be coming in around four so it’s all good.”

  “Huh,” I mumble. I pull my eyes away from Aspen and look up at Cale.

  “I got it, man. Aspen can hang out here while I work so she doesn’t have to be at the house by herself. I’m sure you have shit to do.”

  Looking back toward Aspen, I notice the creepy guy has somehow gotten closer. Cale is taking their drink order and he doesn’t even notice. Seriously?

  “No, man. Aspen is coming with me. I don’t have shit to do.”

  Aspen looks up and watches as I clock out.

  “Come on. We’re leaving.”

  She looks at me for a second as if she didn’t hear me right.

  Grabbing my helmet, I walk around to the other side of the bar and reach for her hand, pulling her up to her feet. “Let’s go.”

  Cale and the creepy dude give me a weird look, but I could care less. I’m not leaving her here with that fucking preppy douche.

  Aspen looks like she’s about to say something until I look her in the eyes and clench my jaw. Instead, she turns beside her to look at Cale. “I’ll see you when you get home.”

  He gives me a warning look before turning to Aspen. “Don’t let this dick get to you. If he does, let me know.” He turns back to me and scowls. “And don’t worry, asshole. I’ll clean up your mess.”

  Waving him off, I walk her out of the bar. When we get to my bike, I toss her my helmet while straddling my bike. “Get on.”

  SITTING ON THE BACK OF Slade’s motorcycle with my arms wrapped around his waist is the last thing I thought I’d be doing right now. Just earlier I wanted to rip his hair out and choke him, but I have a feeling he might like that type of thing. I might even like doing it to him. That’s the sad part.

  Since leaving the club, we’ve been riding for the last hour in dead silence. I have a feeling he needs this at the moment and hell, I do too. It’s relaxing having the cool breeze hit against your skin as you ride with no worries; not knowing where you’re going or where you’ll end up at. The only problem is - it feels like it’s about to rain. I can smell it and almost taste it.

  Yup, here it comes. Perfect timing.

  Holding on tighter, I bring my body closer to his as the rain suddenly hits, pouring off the helmet and soaking my shirt. It’s cool. Cooler than I expected, giving me instant chills. My nipples harden as the fabric of my now wet shirt rubs against them. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to go with lace today.

  Slade tilts his head up, takes a deep breath and slowly releases it. I can feel his body tensing beneath my arms and I feel myself unintentionally squeeze tighter as he makes a quick right. He rides down a path hidden beneath the trees until finally making a stop in the middle of nowhere.

  Grabbing for my hand, he helps me off the bike before he quickly hops off and yanks his gray T-shirt over his head and holds it above me. He slowly backs me up until we’re standing below a huge tree, hidden from the rain.

  He’s standing there soaked, looking at me through long, wet lashes. He has the most amazing blue eyes I have ever seen. I want to pull my gaze away, but I can’t. I’m hypnotized. As much as I hate to admit it, he’s so damn beautiful; dangerously beautiful. His black hair is wet and slicked back from the rain. It’s thick and slightly long. I love that. The focal point is those lips. Oh God, those lips. The rain is falling on them, beading, and dripping down. With each drop that falls, it causes him to keep using his tongue to dry them. It’s so damn distracting.

  “Here. Use this.” I pull my eyes away from his lips and take hold of his shirt, holding it above my head. “It’s not a damn umbrella, but it will help.”

  He turns away and walks out into the open, but stops to stand in the pouring rain. I watch as he runs his hands over his face, the rain pouring over his head and arms while soaking his jeans. His bare chest is moving up and down as if he’s trying to fight some deep emotions and with each move, his muscles flex, making me very aware of his sex appeal. It’s confusing. I don’t know if I want to hug him, slap him or fuck him. All I know is that I definitely want to be d
oing something to him.

  After a few minutes of him just standing there, I walk away from the safety of the tree and hold his shirt above both of our heads. By now, it’s completely drenched and not serving much of a purpose, but I don’t take notice. Someone else has captured my attention. I’m standing on the tip of my toes, trying my best not to lose my balance and fall into him.

  It takes him a moment, but he finally turns around. Looking me in the eyes, he reaches for his shirt and throws it down beside him. His eyes are intense; dark. “I need to finish what I started,” he growls. He takes a step forward and I take a step back, but his stride is wider than mine. He leans in close to my ear and whispers, “I’ve been craving your pussy all fuckin’ day. That sweet smell from earlier has my mouth watering for another taste.”

  He doesn’t even hesitate before grabbing me by the hips and picking me up. It’s as if he already knew I was going to let him do what he wants to me. It angers me, but I have to admit it has me so turned on I don’t think I could say no if I tried.

  I want to say something; protest or scream no, but I don’t. I should, but I won’t. I’m too wrapped up in what he’s about to do to me. I’m not thinking clearly. My thighs are moistening with every look at his beautiful body and every filthy word that exits his mouth.

  He walks toward his black motorcycle with me wrapped around his waist. Just thinking about the way he made me feel this morning without even touching me has me so turned on that I can already feel the ache between my legs just waiting to be released; pulsating to be filled by his dick. It’s new to me. It’s what he does to me.

  Setting me down beside his motorcycle, he places one hand on my waist while working the button on my wet shorts with the other. I try to look at his face to see what he’s feeling at the moment, but its void of any emotions. He’s hard to read and it gives me an adrenaline rush; a need to figure him out.


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