Heirs at War (The Marmoros Trilogy Book 2)

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Heirs at War (The Marmoros Trilogy Book 2) Page 11

by Peter Kenson

  The distance to the pirate was closing visibly now but it would still be some time before they were back within weapons range. The question was how long they could continue to send a routine acknowledgement of transmission before the pirates became suspicious and broke away.

  “Comms, are they still hailing us?” Mikael asked as he crossed back to the command chair and seated himself.

  “Yes sir. They stopped for a minute when we sent the acknowledgement code but they’ve started again now. Their captain wants to talk to Commander Grafint.”

  “Okay. Are they within scanning range yet? Can we tell their weapons status?”

  “All weapons systems are off-line, sir. From this range we can’t tell whether that’s deliberate or as a result of the EM pulse.”

  “Keep monitoring their status. I want to know immediately there’s any change.

  “Helm, plot a small jump to an area of space immediately behind that pirate and keep it updated relative to their movement. As soon as there’s any change in her status, I want to make that jump and move immediately to flank speed to come up behind her.”

  He hit a comms button on the panel beside him. “Gunnery Control. Who’s in charge down there?”

  “I guess that’s me, Captain. Senior Petty Officer Simpson, sir.”

  “Right, as of now SPO Simpson, you are Guns. Now how are we doing with those phasor banks?”

  “Ready when you are, sir. The lieutenant here has been through the mods with me and they all check out. I can bring them on-line any time you want.”

  “Well done Guns. Thank Lt. Freihaft for me and ask him to report to the bridge straight away.”

  “Aye sir. The lieutenant was going to go through the phase shift on the shields next.”

  “No time for that now. You can check that control panel out later. We’ll use the shields as standard for now but I want those modified phasors brought on-line on my command.”

  “Aye aye, sir.”

  The Monteparnassus was now visible on the rear screens as she closed the gap with the Dominator. Mikael toggled the display to put the view up on the main bridge screen. The pirate was still too far away to be able to see the concealed weapons pods but Mikael could mentally assess where he would have installed them, given the choice.

  “Look at her, Number One,” he said as the First Lieutenant came to stand beside him. “I want that bastard and I want her more or less intact. If we could roll up at Star Base with a brand new Vostovian frigate and a prize in tow, that would go some way to restoring our credit. And the prize money wouldn’t go amiss either.”

  “It won’t be easy, sir. She won’t come across without a fight and she’s carrying a hell of a big crew. Boarding her will be expensive.”

  “I wasn’t thinking of boarding her, Number One. We don’t have enough crew left to successfully carry off a boarding operation. But if we could disable her main drive and then selectively knock out her weapons pods, we could slap a tractor beam on her and literally take her in tow.”

  “If we’re coming up from astern we could put a torpedo into each of the engine nacelles but we would need to do enough damage to prevent them from making repairs before we arrive at Star Base.”

  “A couple of torps should certainly slow them down. If we need to discourage them from making repairs, we can do that later. I’m more worried about those concealed weapons pods. I can make an educated guess as to where they’re located but we’re going to have to react a bit smartly as we spot them.”

  “We won’t be able to take them all out in one pass, sir. Not unless we slow right down and just roll round her. We’d be bound to take some hits ourselves that way.”

  “Not good. I don’t completely trust those shields with that experimental mod in there. No we’ll have to make two passes at high speed and trust that the gunners can react in time. Plot an attack approach, Number One. A double helix out and back covering all the likely spots for gun emplacements.”

  “Aye aye, sir.”

  “Guns, load two torpedoes in the forward tubes and man all the phasor pods but don’t power anything up until we make the jump. I don’t want to give them any advance warning. Number One will feed the target sequence directly through to the gun controllers.”

  “I’ll do my best, sir, but we’re very short of experienced gun crew. We lost the entire port battery crew when the Cleo was hit. I’ve spread the starboard crew around but there’s two extra batteries to man now and we don’t have enough bodies with experience.”

  Unlike the Cleopatra, the frigates were designed to be both fast and hard-hitting. The Dominator had two batteries of phasors mounted forward of the bridge and a further two batteries mounted aft. To slim down the outline of the ship, the centrally mounted torpedoes had been removed but there were six tubes located in the bows and two tubes at the stern.

  “Number One, shut down all non-essential positions and press gang some gun crews.

  “We’ll get you some extra hands, Guns, but you’ll just have to make up some scratch crews. I want every phasor bank manned. The Dominator is going into action.”

  “Aye aye, sir.”

  It is a common wisdom that the hardest part of going into action, is waiting for it to start. Mikael busied himself with the routine of running a major warship and put through a call to the sickbay.

  “How’s it going down there, Tony?”

  “It’s a much bigger facility, Mikky but I’m still overflowing. I’ve patched up everybody I can and sent them back on duty but I’ve got seven stretcher cases here and only four beds. Suzanne’s being a great help to me and she says to tell you that she’s fine.”

  “Okay, well done the pair of you. I’ll do my best not to put any more business your way but we’ll be clearing for action very shortly. Please ask Suzanne to contact Rachel and reassure them. The major threat of the frigate has been neutralised and we’re about to deal with the pirate.”

  Mikael turned his attention back to the viewscreen where their target was now perceptibly larger. Some of the structural details were now becoming visible and he could clearly see the bulges where the forward pulse lasers were mounted.

  “Captain, there’s an attitude change in the target and she’s broken off transmission. It’s definitely a course change, sir and she’s powering up weapons systems.”

  “Okay everybody. Here we go. Number One, do you have that attack plan?”

  “Locked into the computers, sir.”

  “Bring the ship to Battle Stations and stand by to jump.”

  The strident call of the General Alert blended with the softer chimes of the pre-jump warning as the Dominator cleared for action. With almost no delay at all there was the familiar feeling of disorientation as the frigate jumped through subspace and the pirate freighter vanished from the viewscreen. Mikael toggled the view back to the main forward screens and was relieved to see the rear end of the freighter staring back at him. The target was a little further ahead than he would ideally have wished but the image started to grow rapidly as the frigate piled on the power.

  “Ready, Guns?”

  “Torpedoes loaded and locked on to the engine nacelles, sir. All phasors manned and at full power. Initial targets locked in.”

  “Stand by torpedoes.”

  The pirate freighter was now desperately trying to turn away as the frigate rushed in and the stern of the freighter was now filling a substantial portion of the viewscreen.

  “Fire one…. Fire two,” Mikael ordered.

  “Number one away…. Number two away. Both torpedoes running clean, sir,” the response came back.

  “Very good. Number One, commence your attack run.”

  Two silver streaks were visible on the screen, lancing in towards the freighter as the Dominator veered away from its full astern approach to begin the spiralling attack. The frigate also began to spin on its own long axis to bring each phasor battery to bear in turn while the opposite battery recha
rged. The engine nacelles of the Monteparnassus vanished in a blast of debris as the torpedoes struck home just before the frigate passed the stern of the freighter.

  Twin pools of molten metal appeared around the nearside gun emplacement as the port phasor batteries opened up. Then the spin of the frigate brought the starboard batteries to bear and the weapons pod exploded in a burst of brilliant light. The stricken freighter twisted as the helmsman fought to bring his other bank of pulse lasers to bear. They managed to aim one bolt of return fire at the Dominator but that was handled comfortably by the frigate’s shields as she flashed along the length of the freighter and began the massively high-G turn to come back for the second pass.

  The pirates were ready for the return run and a series of blasts from the remaining pulse laser put some serious strain on the forward shields as the Dominator ran in again. Then it too became a molten pool of wreckage as the enhanced phasors on the frigate sliced through the freighter’s shielding.

  “That, I think,” Mikael said approvingly, “was a pretty convincing demonstration of fire-power. Give me a status report on the freighter, Number One. What’s the damage assessment?”

  “Her main drives are down, sir. They’re repairable but she’ll need the facilities of a space dock to do it. All weapons systems have been completely destroyed.”

  “Good. Helm, bring us about and prepare a tractor beam.”

  Mikael pushed the button to connect to Gunnery Control. “That was good shooting, Guns. Pass the word down to the men. Your scratch gun crews did well.”

  “Thank you, sir. But did you see what those phasors did?” SPO Simpson replied excitedly. “We could do some serious damage to a battleship with those babies.”

  “Possibly,” Mikael smiled. “If we could get close enough without getting vaporised on the way in. But the serious point is, on the evidence of that attack, they seem every bit as good as the lieutenant said they were. And we’re the only ship in the fleet that has them. We have to get this ship back to the nearest Star Base as soon as…..”

  Mikael broke off as the proximity alarm burst into shrill activity and the frigate lurched violently sideways in a series of emergency evasion manoeuvres. He looked across to the helm where Fleurie’s hands were a blur of activity across the control panel.

  “What’s going on, Helm?”

  “It’s the Juno and the Jupiter, sir. There must be some sort of auto-recog package built into the control circuits. It obviously picked up the arrival of two Imperial frigates and started having hysterics. I’m trying to override the autopilot now, sir.”

  “Lt. Freihaft, can you give a hand here,” Mikael called to the young lieutenant. “What’s the command sequence to override the helm?”

  “Jupiter’s hailing us, sir” Ewan reported. “She’s ordering us to power down our weapons systems and stand-by to be boarded.”

  “The devil she is. Okay, take the weapons systems off-line and reduce to a quarter impulse power. If we can’t stop all this jigging around, let’s at least do it a bit slower. What’s the status of our prize freighter?”

  “We managed to get two tractor beams locked on before we started all this manoeuvring,” Frank reported. “The beams are coming under quite a bit of strain but they’re still holding. The freighter’s being dragged round behind us like the tail on a dog, sir”

  “Serve them right. Okay, open a comms channel.”

  The series of rapid course changes became less violent as the Dominator lost speed and eventually stopped as Fleurie and Dag between them regained control of the helm.

  The main viewscreen filled with an image of a naval officer wearing full commander’s bars. “This is Captain Barnwell of His Imperial Majesty’s frigate Jupiter. You will surrender your ship and stand by to be boarded.”

  “Sorry, Barnwell but I can’t do that,” Mikael said as he moved to the centre of the bridge and stood before the viewscreen. “I’ve already lost one ship today and I rather think the admiral would take a dim view of my surrendering this one.”

  “Boronin, is that you? We were told you were under heavy attack. Where’s the Cleopatra?”

  “The Cleopatra didn’t make it and so I’ve been forced to take temporary command of His Imperial Majesty’s frigate Dominator. The freighter behind us is the pirate Monteparnassus and is our prize.”

  The surprise on Captain Barnwell’s face had deepened by this time to a look of utter incredulity.

  “Just let me check to make sure I’ve got this. The Cleopatra was attacked by a Vostovian frigate and a pirate freighter. The Cleopatra has been lost but you captured the frigate which you are now commanding under the Imperial Flag and you have also captured the freighter which you are claiming as a prize. Is that correct?”

  “That’s about the strength of it.”

  “I see,” Captain Barnwell said weakly. “The admiral ordered the Jupiter and the Juno here under the obvious misapprehension that you might require some assistance. Is there actually anything we can do for you? As we’re in the neighbourhood, so to speak.”

  “There’s a couple of things, Captain. If you would be so kind.”

  “Do tell.”

  “The Arctic Fox took a pulse blast in the attack and is still having some trouble with her navigation controls. We were on our way to help her but I’m a bit short handed. If you could send over a repair crew, I would be most grateful.”

  “Of course. And the second thing.”

  “We can’t raise Star Fleet. They keep breaking the contact because they don’t recognise our signal code. If you could inform the admiral of the situation…”

  “Captain, that would be an absolute pleasure. In fact I insist on it. The Old Man’s face is going to be a picture I will treasure for the rest of my life. We’ll escort you back to Star Base, Captain. Not that you seem to be in any need of our protection but I have my orders. And I look forward to buying you a drink when we get there. Jupiter out.”

  Chapter 9 - Marmoros

  “Mother, she’s been attacked…”

  Jeren burst through the door to Falaise’s private quarters and stopped short at the sight of Falaise and David talking by the window.

  “I know, Jeren. David was just telling me. And the next time you burst into my apartments like that, I will put you across my knee and spank you, king or no king. I had hoped I’d brought you up better than that.”

  Jeren hung his head. “I’m sorry, Mother. It’s just that…”

  Falaise put both arms around him and held him close. “…you were worried. I know.

  “But,” she added, putting her hands on his shoulders and pushing him out to arm’s length. “A king does not worry in public. Look at me.”

  Jeren slowly raised his head to look her in the face. “Other people may worry,” she went on. “But when they look at their king, they must see only confidence, whatever you feel inside. Do you understand?”

  “Yes Mother.”

  “Good! Now Rachel is quite safe, David tells me, so let’s sit down and talk about it.”

  There was a rustling sound in the far corner of the room where Yolanthe, the widow of the warlord Kraxis, was struggling to get to her feet.

  “Oh Yolanthe, my dear. I’m so sorry,” Falaise exclaimed as both David and Jeren rushed past to help. “I had quite forgotten about you in all the excitement.”

  “That’s all right, my lady. I’ll leave you to your family business.”

  “The baby must be due any day now, Yolanthe. Is that right?” David asked.

  “Yes, and I won’t be sorry when he finally makes an appearance either. Life is a little uncomfortable at the moment.”

  “I will come to visit you tomorrow,” Falaise promised. “And Marta is anxiously waiting for your call. You have servants with you at all times?”

  “Yes thank you, my lady. You have been very kind.”

  David opened the door to find Jaks and Izzy loitering in the corridor. “Jaks, you w
ill escort Lady Yolanthe to her quarters.”

  “That’s really not necessary, my lord,” Yolanthe said.

  “We don’t only do things when they are necessary, Yolanthe. Besides I want to know that you are safely back in your own quarters with your servants around you and not giving birth somewhere, halfway down one of these draughty corridors.”

  As the door closed behind Yolanthe, Jeren started again. “Is she really safe, my lord? And how did you get back here anyway?”

  David laughed as they seated themselves by the window. “Yes, she is really safe. The Cleopatra prevented the attackers from getting anywhere near her, although Rachel’s ship did pick up some electrical damage in the process. The two attacking ships have been captured and there are two Imperial frigates at the scene now, both of which are more powerful than the Cleopatra was.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “Suzanne told me. Apparently it was quite a battle. The Cleopatra was destroyed in the fight but they managed to capture the enemy frigate and then take the pirate ship as a prize. Young Captain Boronin is making quite a name for himself.

  “As for how I got back here… You know I was ordered to leave this planet and so I had to do it publicly. The Cleopatra’s shuttle docked first with the Arctic Fox to transfer Rachel and the ambassadors but then made a great show of swinging round to dock with my own ship. We all broke orbit together and I stayed with the other two ships until we were well out of range of that monitoring station.

  “Then I simply doubled back. Had to go the long way round and parked the Salamander on the far side of one of the moons. From there, I used a specially modified shuttle to slip down to the surface. I concealed the shuttle in that old quarry we’ve been using and got back to the palace about an hour ago.”


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