Up to the Challenge (An Anchor Island Novel)

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Up to the Challenge (An Anchor Island Novel) Page 15

by Osburn, Terri

  He took her mouth slowly this time, savoring her. Tasting and teasing, his hands on the bed beside her head instead of where she wanted them, on her body. Her hands explored at will, showing Lucas what she wanted in return. The muscles of his upper arms were rock solid as he held himself above her, leaving too much space between them. When she reached up and tugged on his neck, he kept the distance, but ground his hips once again.

  An odd sound filled the air and Sid realized the animal moan had come from her own throat. A kind of purr she’d never uttered before. For a brief second the sound made her wonder where Drillbit was, but then Lucas rolled his hips once more and thoughts of the feline fled.

  When he left her mouth to shift attention to her neck, Sid begged. “Touch me, please.”

  “Patience. We have all night.”

  Sid did not have all night. If he didn’t touch her in the next five seconds, she would burst into flames and die without ever feeling Lucas inside her. With a move honed from years of wrestling a giant of a brother, Sid locked her legs around Lucas’s waist and flipped them both until she was on top.

  Hands braced on his shoulders, she stared down into startled eyes and smiled.

  “I’m the one showing you a good time, remember?”

  “By all means,” he said, sliding his hands over her thighs. “Present your case, Ms. Navarro.”

  Sitting up taller, Sid reached back and freed her hair. She’d always seen chicks look hot doing that in the movies, and hoped she was pulling off the same effect.

  “I love your hair,” he whispered, a potent hoarseness in his voice. “I’ve wanted to yank out that ponytail for a week.”

  She wiggled one finger before his nose. “There will be no hair pulling.”

  His grin turned wicked. “We’ll table that one for further discussion.”

  Sid’s stomach clenched as Lucas thrust up off the bed. Her hands hit his shoulders again, draping the both of them in a mass of dark waves. As he moved it away from her face, their eyes met. “You’re beautiful,” he said.

  And for the first time in her life, Sid believed the words.

  “So are you,” she said, needing to make him feel what she was feeling. “You always have been.”

  His body stilled and he pulled her face down for another hungry kiss. This time, they kissed each other, taking and giving in turn, thrusting, parrying, breaking contact only when breathing became absolutely necessary.

  With the flick of one hand, Lucas unhooked her bra, the satin sliding down her arms and disappearing somewhere near the dresser. Cool air caressed her nipples for only seconds before the brush of course hair and hot skin replaced it. She pressed down as Lucas squeezed tighter, neither able to get close enough. Her body was a coiled spring, threatening to snap and send her flying across the room.

  Lucas took charge again, rolling until he was once more hovering above her, then lavished detailed attention on her breasts. The right, then the left, each forlorn when his lips wandered away to the other.

  Between nibbles he said, “We’d better get out of these wet clothes, don’t you think?”

  Sid nodded, then remembered he couldn’t see her with his nose pressed between the girls. “Yes. Please.”

  Lucas rolled to the side, far enough for her to reach between them. “Undo the button. Please. I need you to touch me, Sid.”

  Pushing through her growing panic at how fast they were moving, she watched his eyes as her fingers steadily did as he asked. Sliding a hand down behind the open zipper, she found no further material in her way.

  “You’re not wearing underwear,” she said, as if discussing the absence of personal clothing were an everyday thing.

  “I never do unless I’m running,” he mumbled between gritted teeth. His eyes were closed, and judging by the muscles in his neck, he was ready to snap.

  A sense of power mixed with lust was a heady cocktail. Sid stopped thinking about her lack of experience, as she’d never pleasured a guy, for lack of a better word, with her hands before. Instead she let instinct take over, pushing the cotton down over his ass until what she wanted sprang free. Whoa. That was more than she’d expected. Fascinated, she ran a hand down the side, then gripped the base.

  Very interesting tool. And it fit nicely in her hand.

  “Are you trying to kill me?” Lucas asked, dropping his head on her shoulder and bracing himself half on top of her.

  She’d almost forgotten the rest of him was there.

  “You don’t like this?” she asked, knowing to tease was cruel, but having too much fun to stop.

  After rolling over to kick the pants onto the floor, Lucas returned to Sid’s side in all his pride and glory. And glorious he was. “Time for me to return the favor,” he said, making short work of removing her jeans and thong, tossing them through the air to join the bra somewhere on the floor. Sid tried to stay relaxed, fending off the feeling of complete and utter vulnerability.

  She hated feeling so exposed and defenseless, but then Lucas began exploring and Sid’s body tensed for a totally different reason. One nimble finger found what turned out to be the magical spot, sending Sid soaring through the air with surprising speed, her scream of raw pleasure rattling the walls.

  As far as first orgasms went, Sid was certain of two things. She’d been missing out, and she wanted a lot more of those.


  Holy shit, that was awesome,” Sid said, an electrical current still charging through her bloodstream. She was literally vibrating from the sensations, stretching her legs as if her body were trying to chase the ribbons of pleasure flying out her toes.

  Turning toward Lucas and throwing a leg over his hip, she realized he was still as hard as a rock. He’d just given her an orgasm and they hadn’t even had sex yet. Talk about skills. Sliding him between her thighs, she licked his chest and said, “How many of those do I get?”

  Lucas remained still and Sid worried she’d done something wrong. Through clenched teeth he asked, “Do you have any condoms?”

  Sid made another mental note. This time, to buy Will the biggest Christmas present ever for forcing her to stock up, just in case. Rolling to her left, she opened her nightstand drawer and pulled out a blue box. “We’re fully stocked.”

  “Thank God,” he said, relief and a hint of joy laced in his voice. A reaction that did positive things to Sid’s ego. Positioning himself above her again, he pushed the box out of her hand, then pinned both her arms over her head. “Now where were we?”

  Sid coughed away a nervous giggle. “I don’t know about you, but I think I was just somewhere around Mars.”

  Lucas dropped sexy kisses along her jaw. “How was the trip?”

  “Hmmmm …” she hedged. “Good, I think. I’ll need another trip to be sure.”

  “Then prepare for takeoff.”

  Their mouths met like two armies charging into battle, each trying to force the other to surrender. Lucas’s hands were everywhere, and yet she wanted more. Needed more. Her hips rose off the bed through no control of her own, the brain surrendering only to the demands of her body.

  The seconds it took for Lucas to open the box of condoms and sheath himself felt like an eternity in hell. Her body on fire, wanting only to get closer to the flame. She was covered in sweat, his or her own she wasn’t sure, nor did she care. When his mouth returned to hers, she pulled her knees up, flattening her feet on the bed and lifting in invitation.

  Lucas hesitated above her. Staring into her eyes, he gently brushed a wet lock from her cheek, then ran his thumb along her jawline. The threat of sudden tears took her by surprise. She couldn’t let him see her cry.

  Digging her nails into his shoulder blades, she begged, “Lucas, please. I can’t take any more.”

  He took her mouth at the same moment he thrust inside her, her muscles rebelling and accommodating at once. The pace started slow, too slow, and she dug her nails in again. Lucas took the hint, increasing the speed, driving harder with every thrus
t. God, he felt so good. So right. Sex had never been like this. She’d never imagined it could be.

  The bed rocked beneath them as the storm outside raged against her tiny cottage. But the storm building inside put any hurricane to shame. Her body tensed, her ankles pressed against Lucas’s firm ass, encouraging, demanding. She gripped his sides, desperate to hold on, fighting the feeling she might fly away at any moment.

  Lucas reached an arm behind her left knee, pulling her leg higher and thrust home, sending her off on that magical trip again. Another scream ripped from her lungs, then several thrusts later, Lucas growled in her ear and his body went straight and taut.

  They remained connected, lying atop her disheveled blue comforter, panting, sweating, and in Sid’s case, smiling. Lucas’s nose was tucked in against her neck, his breath hot against her skin. This is where she wanted to be every night for the rest of her life. But if the next five weeks were all she could have, then she’d take them.

  They’d just have to get her through the next five decades.

  An hour later, after a brief nap, Lucas found himself curled around the hottest woman with whom he’d ever shared a bed, wondering when she’d worked her way under his skin. And how did she get in so deep? He’d been worried about Sid’s ability to keep it casual, and all he could think about was spending the next fifty years in this bed with this woman.

  Time to get a grip. He had plans. Plans set in Richmond with a long, profitable career as partner and a sweet-natured wife by his side. Those plans did not include a heathen for a spouse, nor did Anchor Island play a part. Not as anything more than the hometown he visited on holidays to check in with the family. Family that would someday include Joe and Beth’s children.

  Lucas rolled away from Sid and sat up on the side of the bed. His body objected to having to let her go, which was all the more reason do so. She rolled onto her stomach, naked curves making his mouth water.

  Sid was clearly not tormented by any unwelcome feelings. Maybe he’d been wrong about her not being the casual type. She’d offered sex and nothing more, and that’s what she gave. Grant it, tables could turn come morning. She might start demanding more the moment she woke. If those demands came with nights like this one, he might be tempted meet them.

  As if running from the thought, Lucas crossed the room to the small bathroom in the corner. After splashing cold water on his face, he toweled dry and felt sanity begin to return. Less than two months had passed since Elizabeth became Beth and left him for his brother.

  So he’d been hurt and lonely. And maybe he still was. But he didn’t feel lonely with Sid. And there was no chance of her being anything but what she was. Tough as nails. Stubborn as a mule. And sexier than any woman he’d ever met.

  She had a heart too. Buried deep, but it was there. And he could break it as easily as Elizabeth broke his. So they’d keep it casual. Enjoy each other for a short while. They could do that.

  His feelings on firmer ground, Lucas padded back to the bed as the wind buffeted the tiny cottage. Along the way, he pulled a white blanket from the back of a chair. The moment his weight hit the mattress, Sid turned to him, squeezing into his arms and a little closer to his heart.

  He threw the blanket over them and kissed her on the forehead. Keep it casual he thought. But he knew doing so was going to be the biggest challenge Sid Navarro would throw his way.

  Sometime during the night, Lucas had woken Sid up in the most delightful way, and proceeded to send her soaring once again. When they’d both sailed into oblivion then floated back to her room, she realized that if they didn’t hook the generator up soon, there would be no hot water in the morning.

  When she’d explained this to Lucas, he smiled and sleepily followed her around, hooking up wires and helping with whatever she needed. Sid had to admit, having a guy around wasn’t such a bad thing. Capable and independent, she’d never understood that drive some women seemed to have to keep a man around to fix things and mow the grass.

  Sid could fix anything, and what was so hard about riding a damn lawn mower? But this experience of having someone to help, to lend a hand, or even just make her laugh, had her reconsidering. She hadn’t realized the potential benefits.

  One in particular being Lucas’s take-charge attitude in the bedroom. The day before, when they’d been boarding windows, he’d treated her as an equal. When they worked together to set up the generator, he’d let her take the lead without argument. But in the bedroom, Sid knew who was in charge, and to her utter amazement, she liked it.

  Lucas didn’t make her feel inadequate or unskilled. He didn’t make her feel self-conscious. He was patient and passionate. Gentle until she was begging for more, then rough and demanding, dragging her into some new sexual bliss with every touch, taste, and tweak of a nipple.

  He was her match in every way. They complimented each other, pushed each other, challenged each other. And she enjoyed every minute of it. Even when he was pissing her off. Which was why she found herself standing at her kitchen counter in the early morning glow of the small bulb over her stove, pouring two cups of coffee and scared out of her mind.

  How the fuck was she going to pretend this was casual?

  In that moment, a strong arm snaked around her waist and Sid was pulled back against a hot, firm, rock-hard body. “Good morning,” he whispered into her ear. Warm breath danced down her neck as he licked her earlobe. A shiver shot through her chest, then lower. “I hope one of those is for me.”

  “I was going to give it to Drillbit, but since you’re here, I guess you can have it.” She hoped the lightness in her voice masked how much he affected her. And where her thoughts had been straying before he walked in.

  Lucas scooted until his back was to the wall, taking her with him. “Where is the kitten from hell?” As if on cue, Drillbit meowed from her spot under the table. “That thing needs a bell.”

  Sid rolled her eyes. “I bought one, but she’s too small for the collar. I’ll put it on her when she’s big enough.”

  “She could shred me by then.” He released Sid and moved to the right, putting her body between him and the feared feline. To be shredded by the cat he would have to be around the cat. Which meant he expected to spend more time at Sid’s place.

  The knowledge made her smile. A smile she hid, not wanting to reveal too much.

  “Just drink your coffee, scaredy-pants. I’ll protect you.”

  And she would. From anything.

  After shooting her a stink eye, Lucas sipped his coffee. “This is just how I like it. How did you know?”

  She shrugged, choosing to wipe down the already clean countertop. “Good guess.”

  “Hope you don’t mind,” he said, “but I borrowed your toothpaste. Used my finger though. Promise.” He flashed a smile. Her heart tried to leap from her chest.

  “No problem,” she said. Cool and casual.

  He set the mug down and hemmed her in, locking her body between his and the counter. She’d slipped on a Dolphins jersey and clean thong before making the coffee. “You’re wearing too many clothes,” he mumbled, nibbling her lower lip.

  Such dangerous ground. Sid wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed with Lucas, but people would be out on the island, assessing the damage, helping their neighbors. The fact he hadn’t gone home the night before would not go unnoticed, and Sid had no idea how his family would react when they learned of his whereabouts.

  “There should be plenty of hot water by now,” she said, trying to distract him, but her hands slid around his rib cage of their own volition. “One of us should take a shower.”

  She was lifted off the floor at that point, levitating between the counter, Lucas, and heaven.

  “Excellent idea,” he said.

  Now she was floating through the air. “Where are we going?”

  “We’re taking a shower.”

  “Together?” she squeaked. The image of Lucas, naked, wet, and soapy, nearly made her come on the spot.

p; “Together,” he said, then took her mouth in a kiss that promised all sorts of naughty things to come. There probably was only enough hot water for one shower.

  She pulled back until she could see his eyes. “You wash my back …?”

  “Your back, your front, and all parts in between,” he promised.

  “Then I’ll have to return the favor.”

  He squeezed her tighter. “I’m counting on it.”

  The hot water turned cold before Lucas and Sid finished their shower. He’d been very thorough in his attentions; then Sid did as promised, returned the favor, and nearly sent him to his knees. Just thinking about it had him growing hard again. A condition not conducive to climbing a ladder and using power tools, which he’d be doing throughout the day.

  He knew his parents would wonder where he was, seeing as he’d disappeared in the middle of a hurricane. While Sid finished getting dressed, he was lucky to find the phone working and placed the uncomfortable call. His mom answered and he’d kept the details vague. He was pretty sure she assumed he’d slept on Sid’s couch, and he didn’t correct the assumption.

  No sense in incriminating himself, and he wasn’t sure how Sid wanted to handle their situation. Were they going to be open about it? He’d be leaving in a matter of weeks, but Sid had to live here. Gossip traveled around Anchor faster than the media would out a cross-dressing judge. Personally, Lucas didn’t mind anyone knowing he and Sid were an item.

  But was “item” the right word? Telling people they were a fling didn’t feel right. They weren’t really dating, unless they were casually dating. But they weren’t committed, which meant technically they could see other people. Not that he would be seeing anyone else, but if Sid wanted to …

  Manny the man-boy came to mind, and Lucas nearly squeezed his coffee mug into pieces. Imagining another man touching Sid made him see red. Which was stupid since he had no hold on her. No claim. Even if he wanted one, which he didn’t.

  “What are you thinking about there, slugger? You look pissed off about something.”


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