Empty-Handed Heart [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Empty-Handed Heart [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 12

by Tymber Dalton

  “Uh, yeah. It’s better.”

  Niall snickered. “She’s a lively one, isn’t she?”

  Aden shot him a glare, but she stepped between them. “Would you have slept with anyone but him? I mean, besides me.”

  Aden scowled. “No! Of course not.”

  “Then stop feeling guilty. I wasn’t kidding when I said I had some fantasies of my own to satisfy.”

  “Fantasies?” Niall asked.

  “We’ve talked about this, Sir,” she said to Aden.

  “Neither of us ever thought that would really happen,” Aden countered.

  She shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. I meant it.”

  Niall held up a finger. “I, for one, would be interested in hearin’ more about these fanta—”

  “How about I offer you a deal to assuage your guilt,” she told Aden.

  “What kind of deal?”

  “You guys had, what, an hour alone together? I should get an hour alone with him.”

  “Yes, please.” Niall grinned.

  Aden shot him a glare. “I think we should talk about this.”

  “We already have,” Etsu said.

  “I meant seriously.” Aden rested his hands on her shoulders. “Not in a what-if kind of way. This is our life.”

  “Do you still love him?”

  He sighed. “Yes.”

  “Do you love me?”


  She turned to Niall. “You good with sharing him with me?”

  “Ye have no idea how good, love.”

  That left Aden. “Well?” she asked.

  He sighed again. “You’re not…mad?”

  “Uh, mad I wasn’t there to watch or be a part of it? Yes.” She poked Niall in the shoulder. “A little irritated you two had hot elevator sex without me, and then more hot sex without me. We will have a talk about not putting me into a trance to dodge me. If you want alone time, ask.”

  “My apologies, love,” Niall said. “We did believe ye were at risk of dyin’, however, if that means anything.”

  “It absolutely means everything. That’s why I’m not pissed off at you, because, hellooo, I didn’t die! I was terrified.” She reached for Niall, pulling him close. “So where are you living?”

  She didn’t miss the glance the men exchanged before Niall answered. “I don’t know yet. I start work Monday. Somewhere in Sarasota, I suppose, once I have time to find a place.”

  She grinned. “Okay, sooo, hey. Listen. You two want to completely ditch the guilt?”

  They shared another glance before nodding.

  “Sir has plenty of room. Although we’re going to need a bigger bed for all three of us.”

  “Are you serious?” Aden asked.

  “Absolutely.” Her smile faded. “Unless you don’t want him there.”

  “I do want him there.”

  “Do you want me there?”

  “Of course I do.”

  The look of blatant hope on Niall’s face would have finished her off if she hadn’t already wanted this. “You guys lived together before,” she said. “Don’t you think it’s time you get back together?”

  “What about ye, then?” Niall asked.

  “You’re either going to want me or not. I’m not going to tell you that the two of you can’t be together, when it’s obvious you love each other. I want to be part of that. I don’t need to give up my apartment yet. Besides, it’d be a dick move for me to leave Molly without a roommate with three months left on the lease. I might be pissed off at her for giving my mom a key, but I refuse to be petty in return. Nothing says I have to actually live there. I can bring enough stuff over I can stay with you guys. That’ll give the three of us time to make sure it’s what we want. Then I can move in permanently if it is.”

  “It’s his house, so I suppose the final decision is up to him,” Niall said.

  * * * *

  Aden struggled to process this latest development. “Can we back up?”

  “How far?” Etsu asked.

  “You’re not upset with us for hooking up?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. Not upset.” She waved both hands at herself. “Still alive, still breathing. And just had the hottest sex of my life in an elevator with two smokin’ hot guys. Frankly, I’m greedy. I have a very clear perspective, here, Ade.”

  “You’d be okay with him moving in with me?”

  “Yep. Long as I’m not froze out.”

  “Moving in and sharing a bed?”

  “Duh. I hope he’s sharing a bed with us.”

  He focused on Niall. “You?”

  Niall slipped his hands into his back pockets. “I’ve heard worse ideas in my life.”

  “Like moving to California?”

  Niall winced. Aden immediately regretted his snappish tone, but Niall’s expression softened. He reached out and cupped Aden’s face in his hands.

  “I was wrong, love. I was wrong, and I regret every second of being away from ye. I don’t deserve to be let back into yer life. On the other hand, as she said, I’m greedy, too. We’d talked about this, that we’d be open to maybe sharin’ what we had with a woman if we ever met one we both fell in love with. We never did. Who’s to say we wouldn’t have met her and fallen for her together?”

  This felt too…easy.

  After years of loneliness and longing and grief, shouldn’t it be more difficult than this?

  Aden didn’t realize he was crying until he felt Niall’s thumbs brushing his tears away. “I wanted to hate you for breaking my heart and I couldn’t,” Aden said. “I didn’t understand why I wasn’t enough for you. Why you didn’t want me.”

  “Oh, love. Ye were and I did.” He pressed his forehead against Aden’s. “I knew I fucked up but thought surely ye’d follow me, eventually. I was miserable without ye. Why ye think I could never be with anyone else? Even the thought of it was…wrong. I went out with a couple of guys, but just drinks or dinner. Never had anyone in my bed. Never fooled around or even played wi’ anyone. I’d spend the entire time comparin’ them to ye and how they were lackin’. I know I said I released ye, but I lied—I never could. Ye’ve always been mine, in my heart and soul.”

  Aden’s sobs finally broke free, Niall holding Aden as he cried and Etsu moving behind Aden to envelop him in a hug.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Aden finally said to her. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Shh, it’s okay, Sir. I’ve always known how you felt about him. Do you still want me?”

  Niall let him turn in his arms, his back pressed against the taller man, so he could kiss her. “Yes, absolutely. I don’t want to lose you. I thought for sure you’d tell me to go fuck myself and I’d deserve it.”

  She smiled up at him. “I’d rather watch him fucking you. Or you fucking him. Either way, I’m not choosy.”

  “All you want is an hour with him?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. If he’s good with it.”

  Niall nodded. “Already said I am. I don’t teach again until tomorrow mornin’, so my schedule’s free.”

  “I’m not saying I think this is a magic cure,” Etsu added. “That’s why I’m saying we take the next couple of months to figure this out and find our groove.”

  “I’m good with that,” Niall said.

  * * * *

  Niall hated that he’d hurt Aden so badly. Except…Etsu seemed to be an exceptional soul. Compassionate, loving…


  “We probably should think about dinner,” Aden said.

  Niall deeply inhaled, his face pressed to the nape of Aden’s neck.

  Damn, it was so good to have him back in his arms. “Ye know what she likes, and ye know what I like. How about ye venture out and find us dinner and bring it back, then? With the elevators congested, it will likely take every bit of that long getting downstairs and up again. Plus it’s a Friday night.”

  Aden tipped his head back against Niall’s shoulder, and Niall nuzzled his cheek against Aden’s, both of them a little
scratchy with late afternoon stubble.

  Memories washed through him, so much time between them, too much time apart.

  He desperately wanted this to work with all three of them.


  Niall kissed his cheek. “Any limits with her?”

  Aden turned his head. “Limits?”

  “Yes, limits. She’s still yers.” His gaze found Etsu’s sweet green eyes.

  “Her inhaler. She calls grey if she needs it. Make sure she gives you the full one.”

  “All right, then. Anything else?”

  “Considering what we did, I think she should decide that for herself.”

  “Love?” Niall’s focus was on her when he asked it.

  “Whatever you want, Sir. I’m thinking we keep it just sex right now and not actual play, unless you two played.”

  “We didn’t have time to play,” Niall said. “So lady’s choice.”

  She looked up into Aden’s face. “It’s your call, Ade. I’m fine with getting an hour alone with Niall and calling it a clean slate if you are. From there we move forward together. No omissions or lies or hiding things.”

  Aden kissed her, and as Niall watched them, his arms really around both of them and not just Aden, he realized how bloody right this felt.

  How perfect.

  Best of both worlds.

  “I love you,” Aden said to her.

  “I love you, too, Sir.”

  Aden tipped his head back again. “Love you, asshole.”

  Niall smiled. “I love ye, too, gobshite.”

  Etsu giggled. “I can’t say I love you yet, but I reeeeally like you,” she said to Niall. “How’s that?”

  “I’ll take it as a start until we know each other better. I reeeeally like ye, too.” He released them. “Do ye wish for me to step outside so ye can have a moment alone?”

  Etsu smiled up at Aden. “I’m good. I think I’m going to be hungry by the time you get back, Sir.”

  Aden’s smile hardened Niall’s cock. Damn, how he’d missed that. “I’m sure you will be. Keep in mind he’s out of practice. Don’t break him. I can always finish wearing you out when I get back.”

  “Don’t worry, Sir. I won’t break him.” She winked at Niall. “I’ll just break him in.”

  Niall’s cock twitched again.

  Bloody hell!

  Chapter Fourteen

  Aden kissed Niall good-bye first, then focused on her. “You’re sure you’re good with this?” he asked her.

  “Do you trust him?”

  “With your life or mine.”

  “I trust you. If you trust him, that’s all I need.”

  He tucked her hair behind her ears. “Love you, baby. So damn much.”

  “I love you, too, Sir. That’s why I know this will work.”

  He gave her one more kiss before heading out.

  Her bravado finally fled as she slumped against the door.

  Niall noticed, frowning as he stepped in. “Are ye all right?”

  “I’m…good. Just processing.” She stared up into his eyes. “That’s twice now you’ve literally saved my life.”

  “Time to stop risking elevators without an inhaler, love.”

  “I could go a year or more without ever having to step into a damn elevator, and twice in less than twenty-four hours, I get stuck in one with you? What the hell?”

  A smirk twisted his handsome lips. “Ye sayin’ I’m a jinx now, are ye?”

  That accent, those eyes.

  Wasn’t hard to see why Aden had first been attracted to the guy.

  “Maybe. What’s the opposite of a jinx?”

  “Good luck charm?”

  “Well, you saved me twice. That sounds pretty damn lucky.” She pushed away from the door and stepped into his arms. “How about we start with a shower and go from there?”

  His hands slid down her ass and settled there, squeezing. “How about first ye get the right inhaler and set it on the bedside table for me, hmm?”

  Her face heated. “I was in a hurry and trying to clear extra stuff out of my purse. I thought I had the full one in there.”

  He patted her on the ass. “Do it, please, love.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She turned to face him again. “If it means anything, I didn’t start calling him that for over a month. We took things slow. It’s not like he jumped right into bed with me when we first met. And I was the first person he’d been with after you. The only person.”

  “I know,” he gently said. “He told me.”

  Instead of going to get the inhaler, she stepped close again. “Be honest with me. Are you going to be able to handle having me around? Or are you going to get him hooked in again and then make him get rid of me? I’m not stupid. If you gave him an ultimatum, today, he’d probably choose you.”

  Niall cupped her cheek with his hand and kissed her. His other hand reached for hers and then placed it over his bulge. Beneath her palm, she could feel his hard cock through the denim.

  “I tend not to repeat mistakes, pet. I let him go once. And we had left it, before, that if we ever met a woman we both liked that we might open ourselves to a third.” He squeezed her hand around the shape of his cock. “Why would I be so bloody stupid and send ye away?”

  “You got the memo I have asthma, right?”

  He smiled. “I believe I did, yes.”

  “Sometimes he won’t play with me the way I want him to, as hard as I want. He’s careful.”

  “Of course he is. He always was. Isn’t that even better? Ye said yerself ye’d enjoy watching us together. We can pamper you and then release our aggressions on each other, for yer viewin’ enjoyment.”

  Her heart raced—in the good way. “I really want to see that.”

  His left eyebrow arched. When he spoke, he used a quiet, steady tone that held a hint of leather and pain, the butter-smooth accent instead of the rough and rolling brogue.

  A tone that wouldn’t tolerate being denied. “Then go set out yer inhaler. Because until ye do that, nothing else happens.”

  She hurried to do it, holding it up and showing him before she set it on the table.

  He crooked a finger at her.

  She walked back to him. “Shoes off.”

  She kicked them off.

  He did a double-take as he looked at the height of the heels once he registered how much shorter she now was. “How’d ye even walk in those bloody things, much less not fall over in the elevator when he was fuckin’ ye?”

  She smiled. “Practice. Not the first time he’s bent me over in heels and fucked me.”

  “Ah. My clever boy.” He tugged her blouse loose from her skirt. “I’ll have rules, ye know.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “We can be loose on those at first. Panties?”

  “Are a privilege, not a right. But he lets me wear them to work.”

  “Very good. Arms up.” She complied as he lifted the hem of her blouse and pulled it off over her head, casting it onto the spare bed. He cupped his hands around her breasts through her bra, his thumbs brushing across the fabric, over her nipples.

  Her clit throbbed in response and she pushed into his grip.

  “I’m guessin’ based on what I saw in class yesterday that he’s probably set triggers in ye the way I set triggers in him, but I don’t want to use any triggers with you this time.”

  “Why not?”

  “I want this to be us.”

  She nodded.

  His hands slipped around her, finding the hook on her bra and freeing the girls. The bra joined the blouse. Then he unfastened her skirt and helped her out of it.

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her again. She loved the feel of his denim jeans against her legs, the bulge pressing against her.

  Nothing fake about that.

  He felt warm and strong and while a similar build to Aden, slim and trim, he was several inches taller. He finally coaxed her back a step. “Take off my boots, pet.”

  * * * *
  Etsu dropped to her knees and helped him remove them, and his socks.

  It felt right to him, the rounded curve of her back, her curly red hair spilling down her shoulders.

  Everything felt right.

  “Fair warning, you’re goin’ to learn to black them.” The thought made his cock throb. “Aden can help teach ye. I’m sure my boy is out of practice.”

  Her fingers traced the creases and marks. “They’re all scuffed.”

  “They haven’t been tended to in five years.”

  She looked up at him.

  He shrugged. “Couldn’t stand anyone else touchin’ them, not even professionally. The very thought broke my heart. Not these boots. I bought them when we were together. Only he ever did that for me.” He helped her up and placed her hands on his belt. “Next.”

  Her sultry smile looked playful and hinted at a delightful capacity for the good kind of evil that he loved. Spirit unbroken, willingly bent to his desires, not forced, not coerced.

  Had he and Aden been together when they’d met her, she likely would have been the one for them anyway, if it’d worked out like that.

  “How’d an Irish-looking lass end up with a Japanese name, then?”

  She met his gaze as she lowered his zipper. “My dad’s mom’s family. We’re all named that way.”

  “How many siblings?”

  “Three older brothers. No sisters. I was the baby.” She slipped her hands inside the waistband of his jeans, her gaze never wavering from his as she slid her hands all the way around to his ass and lowered his jeans that way. She knelt again, swallowing his cock. Her tongue swirled around the head and traced the vein along the bottom all the way to the root and up again.

  He wanted her, and he wanted her now.

  Actually, he wanted to taste her again, this time flavored with Aden.

  He unbuttoned the top two buttons on his shirt and pulled it off over his head, discarding it. Then he pulled her to her feet and pushed her back onto the bed they’d been using for sleeping. He knelt at the edge, shoving her thighs apart so he could bury his tongue inside her cunt and taste her.

  She purred, holding his head, rocking her hips in time with him. “Don’t ye come yet, girl,” he hoarsely said. “I will insist on ye waitin’.” He plunged in again, her sweetness and Aden’s familiar salty tang mixed together.


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