The Crimson Rope

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The Crimson Rope Page 14

by London Saint James

  Seeing his grin jumpstarted her pulse. “Yes, I see that.” He crossed to her in three long strides, his proximity stealing all the air from the room, and her lungs. “Hello, angel. I’m so glad you came.”

  “Hello again, Sir.”

  Before she could say another word, think another thought, Alexander grabbed her and pulled her into his arms. His mouth crushed hers in a bruising kiss.

  Beth melted against him, arms sliding up to encircle his neck. She welcomed the feel of his body pressed against hers and savored the taste of his forceful lips.

  Alexander growled and moved forward, backing Beth against the wall beside the dresser. His hands found her wrists, pinning them above her head while his mouth continued to ravish hers. He held her arms immobile with one hand, the other sliding down her side to the hem of her skirt. With minimal effort, he managed to hike it up above her waist. Hot lips kissed a trail of fire along the column of her throat. He drew back enough to capture her gaze, mouth curling into a wicked grin. “Now that we’ve gotten the vanilla out of the way.”

  She gasped for air, desperate for the feel of his hands on her body. “Take me, Sir. Please.” Her voice was little more than a whimper.

  Growling, he captured her lower lip with his teeth, held it for a heart beat, and released it. “Oh, I intend to, angel.” Alexander grabbed hold of her wrist and drew her with him to the bed, dropping onto it as he hauled her against him. With a hand to her back, and a twist of her torso, Alexander had her positioned across his thighs, ass in the air, and hair hanging about her in a tawny curtain that reached to the floor. “But, first, we have some unfinished business. You still have two more coming, girl. A good master never forgets.”

  His words sent a prickle of anticipation through her limbs.

  He caressed the curve of her ass, the heat of his work calloused palm radiating warmth into her flesh. The soothing heat disappeared, and in a flash, her bottom lit with stinging fire.

  Beth couldn’t stop her yelp of pain. She choked it down and squeaked, “Four, Sir.”

  His contented sigh puckered her nipples. “Such a good girl.” Alexander ran a single fingernail down her spine from neck to tailbone, raising gooseflesh along its path. He stroked the still burning left cheek. “You redden nicely.” Before she could thank him, his hand came down hard, lighting the other side of her bottom with a fire of its own.

  Prepared for the blow much more than the first, Beth feasted off the pain prickling her backside. “Five, Sir,” she declared in a hazy voice, wanting more of the sensory overload she’d been deprived of for too long. He got to five too soon. She wasn’t ready. “Please, don’t stop, Sir.” She arched her back, and attempted a purr. “Five more? Please? It’s been too long.”

  His smile was evident in his tone. “I knew it when I first saw you.”

  She started to ask what he meant, when two quick smacks echoed through the room and the fire scorching her ass rekindled itself. She took a deep breath in, and let it out slowly as pain caught up with sound. “Six and seven, Sir.”

  He massaged the reddened flesh. “Perfectly pink.” He drew back and blistered his palm across her bottom, lower than the previous strikes, catching her along the back of her left thigh.

  Beth let out a squeal of pleasure laced joy. A smile plastered itself to her lips. “Eight, Sir.” Number nine rang though the room, given its name by a squirming Beth.

  Alexander stroked her bottom in slow sensual circles. “God, I’ve missed this.” His palm branded her bottom for the tenth stroke. While Beth processed the blow, his finger slid along the crease of her ass and dipped into her desire-slicked pussy. “And, it seems you have as well.” He withdrew and sucked his finger loudly. “Perfection.” The back of his nails traced a path up and down her spine.

  Her nipples puckered to tight jewels. “Ten, Sir.”

  Leaning over her back, Alexander collected her wrists and dragged Beth upright. He spun her about and bent her over the bed with surprising deftness. His iron grip closed on the back of her neck, sending a shiver through her. He tapped the toe of his boot on the inside of her heel. “Wider, girl. Spread those feet apart.”

  Her response was muffled as she pressed her face into the coverlet. Blood sang through her veins, carrying the heady rush of adrenaline along with it. The effect was intoxicating, and she drank it in like an alcoholic after a dry spell. And still she wanted more. She heard his zipper and felt his weight shift behind her. The comforting force of his hand on her neck never wavered, and she grew anxious for what was to come next, evidenced by the desire soaking her inner thighs.

  “Tell me what you want, angel.”

  Beth whimpered. “You, Sir. So much…”

  “Not specific enough.” He leaned over her back, his nipples searing her shoulder blades through her thin blouse. His arousal pressed against her hypersensitive and reddened ass. The iron hold left her neck, his hands reaching beneath her to rip open her shirt and take hold of the sensitive peaks of her breasts. He gave the hardened nubs a twist and light pull. “Beg me, girl. Show me what a needy submissive you are.” He released her and stood upright, his hips drawing away. “Unless you aren’t interested.”

  “Oh God, no!” she cried, reaching back to take hold of his hips to keep him from retreating. “Please, Sir. Don’t go. I need you so much.”

  “And I you, angel.” Alexander drove his hard cock into her, plunging deep with one swift stroke, a low growl rumbling from his chest.

  Beth closed her eyes and sucked in a breath as he filled her, bright lights of pleasure exploding behind her lids. Her arms stretched out straight and her fingers curled into the blankets. She arched her back and rolled her hips, pressing him deeper into her wet pussy.

  Alexander twisted his fingers in her hair and drew her head back as he pulled out, leaving just the head inside her. “Do you want more, girl?”

  Beth let out a strangled whimper. “God, please, Sir, yes!” She slid her hands down the coverlet with the intent of coaxing him back inside her, but he released his hold on her hair and pinned her arms out at her sides, useless. “I don’t think so. Good girls don’t take. They ask. Nicely.” He teased her opening with the hard tip of his shaft. “Can you ask nicely, angel?”

  Beth dropped her head to the mattress, her frustration and need, growing by the second. “Please, Sir, give me your cock again.”

  In answer, Alexander impaled her once more, stuffing her full before drawing back and thrusting deep.

  Waves of pleasure washed over her, leaving her breathless and weak. Her hips moved in time with his. The ball of fire churning in her belly grew until her nerve endings sang with passion’s intense heat. “Please, don’t stop.” Her hands balled to fists at her sides and her muscles tensed as she climbed higher. Each long stroke drove her closer to the edge, her mind retreated and Beth was left with nothing but the blissful sensations Alexander elicited from her aroused body. When she could hold back no longer, her clit throbbing with rhythmic spasms, Beth choked out the words, “Sir? May I come for you … please?”

  Alexander released her wrists and clamped onto her nipples, stretching them taut as he thrust into her. “Come with me, angel.”

  The softly spoken words penetrated her brain. Beth released the tight hold she had on her passion, let her muscles relax and opened to him, her inner walls clenching and releasing him in a timeless dance of pleasure.

  Alexander’s muscles tensed as he drove his hips against her faster, small grunts accompanying his efforts. In and out, driving her wild with desire. “Now.” He plunged deep, and despite the condom he wore, Beth felt the throbbing of his release and let go, taking flight on the wings of her own orgasm. Together, they crashed through passion’s gate.

  He remained buried inside her as they both floated back to Earth. Panting, Beth let her head fall to rest on the mattress. A smile stretched her lips. “Thank you, Sir,” she whispered.

  Alexander rested his head on her shoulder blade. She could feel the
hammering of his heart against his ribcage. “It was most definitely my pleasure, angel. I promise, round two will last longer.”

  * * * *

  Beth woke to find bright morning sunlight streaming through the window and Alexander asleep beside her, a possessive arm tossed over her waist. Memories of the previous night flashed in her head, bringing a blush to her cheeks. How could she have behaved so wantonly? With a man who was little more than a stranger. A really sexy stranger, but that didn’t excuse her recklessness. Embarrassment rushed in to replace any sense of well being she’d gone to sleep with, leaving Beth desperate to escape.

  With as much care as she could muster, she lifted his arm and slipped from the bed. Pushing her pillow into the empty space, she set his arm back down on top of it. For a moment, Beth just stood there and watched him sleep, listening to the soothing sound of his even breathing. She wanted nothing more than to stay there, but the thought of awkward conversation over breakfast spurred her to action.

  She couldn’t regret what she’d done, despite the glaringly bright light of a new day. She’d enjoyed herself too much for that. But, she also knew better than to expect more. It had been a one-night stand. Nothing more. They knew very little about each other aside from the fact that they were both in the lifestyle, and had both been caught up in the moment. She reminded him of something he’d lost. There was no sense making more of it than it was. He’d probably be grateful she left before he woke.

  At least that’s what Beth told herself as she gathered up her scattered clothing, dressed and slipped from the room, closing the door silently behind her.

  * * * *

  Beth glanced at the wall clock in her office.

  7:30 P.M. Long past the time to go home. She’d spent the past three days burying herself in her work in an effort to drive Alexander Sterling from her thoughts. When working didn’t help, she’d just get in her car and drive, usually with no destination in mind. Just a need to be away. As if the further she got from Capital City, the less she might think about him. If it were only that easy. Beth pushed up from her chair, grabbed her briefcase, and headed for the door.

  The parking lot was empty with the exception of her beat up sedan. Not even the cleaning staff’s van remained.

  All that extra work––and for what? You still can’t get him out of your head.

  With a sigh, Beth unlocked the door and got into her car.

  She glanced at the rearview and froze, breath catching in her throat. “What the…?”

  Hanging from the mirror, was the most beautiful slave collar she had ever seen. Black leather with a silver D-ring at the front, it resembled the one from Alexander’s display table, with the exception of the gemstones. Instead of the green gems, this one sparkled with brilliant blue sapphires. A small tag hung from the buckle.

  Beth yanked the paper free and unfolded it. Tears crested her lashes as she read.


  Your friend, Marcy (great girl) told me where I could find you. Hope you won’t be cross with her over it. She only has your best interests at heart, and I did promise her I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. That seemed to satisfy her.

  You remember I told you a girl should never have to shop for her own collar? I meant it. I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind since our night together. So much so, that I made this, because, well, I couldn’t seem to help myself or get anything else done until I finished it. It was made for you.

  Oh, and Angel? Should you decide you want help putting it on, you know where to find me.

  ~ Alex

  Beth carefully removed the collar from the rearview mirror and set it on the empty seat beside her. She fished in her bag for her keys, started the car, and squealed out of the parking lot.

  Did he really miss her? Could she allow herself to believe he was as affected by their brief interlude as she had been?

  Two hours later, Beth stood outside Alexander’s hotel room with the collar draped from her fingers. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

  After a few endless moments, the door swung wide, revealing Alexander in nothing but a pair of jeans, looking as virile and drop dead sexy as ever. “Hello, angel.”

  The endearment heated her down to her toes. “Evening, Sir. I hope I’m not intruding.”

  “Not at all. I was just thinking about you, actually. What can I do for you?”

  “I was hoping you might do me a small favor? If you weren’t too busy.”

  “Never too busy for a beautiful submissive in need. How can I help?”

  Beth held up the sparkling collar, a wide grin stretched across her lips. “I wonder if you might be willing to help me put this on?”

  He returned the smile with one of his own. “I thought you’d never ask.” Alexander swung the door wide. “Come in, my angel.”

  The End


  Nikki Prince

  Copyright© 2013

  Chapter One

  Shiloh Cody strode into the classroom with purpose. He had a bone to pick with the teacher, Melanie Thurman, and he wasn’t going to wait. It was the end of the school day so she would be alone in the classroom, or at least he hoped she would be. He’d noted that her car was out in the parking lot still, and now was as good a time as any to confront her.

  As he entered the room, he stopped short. There she was, her hair pulled up into a bun showing her gracefully long neck, wearing a pair of black jeans, a plaid red and white shirt and a pair of sexy red boots. She stood legs apart, erasing the chalkboard. Damn. Perhaps this confrontation wouldn’t be as easy as he’d hoped. He cleared his throat, not trusting himself to say her name. Right at that moment he was picturing peeling off every layer of her clothing and fucking her right on her desk.

  “I’ll be right with you.” She hadn’t even turned around to look and see who’d entered the room. Better for him, as he could watch her without seeing her look away from him, as she always seemed to do where he was concerned. This pussy footing around their attraction had to stop. He wasn’t putting up with it anymore.

  “Okay…what can I do for you…?” Her words trailed off as she turned and noticed him in the doorway. Recognition and then disbelief crossed over her face.

  He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned in the doorway, waiting to see if she’d have the nerve to say anything. He didn’t have to wait long.

  “Mr. Cody, you need to go. There isn’t anything for us to talk about.”

  Fuck, her voice was still as musical as ever. His cock was instantly hard.

  “I’ve stayed away long enough, Ms. Wright. Oh, wait. It’s Mrs. Thurman, right? Or are you going by widow Thurman now?”

  “Does it really matter?” She whispered it so softly he almost didn’t hear her.

  “It matters a whole hell of a lot. I’ve stayed away for a year. Jack Thurman is gone now, Melanie. No disrespect, but now that means you and I can get straight.”

  “Get straight? Get straight? What is there to get straight? You left without an explanation and now you want to get straight?” She huffed and put her chalk down, placing her hands on her hips. Damn, she looked fucking hot when she was pissed off. Full pouty lips, caramel-colored skin that begged to be stroked and kissed, and a full form that he just knew begged to be taken, nice and hard.

  “It’s time to sort out our feelings for one another, Mel. You and I both know that if Jack Thurman hadn’t beaten me to it, you’d be my wife now.”

  “I was a kid then, Shiloh, and that was a long time ago. Jack happened, end of story.” Ten years ago she’d been eighteen and caught between two powerful older men: Shiloh and Jack. At eighteen, she’d been flattered that two twenty-eight year-old men wanted her and she’d played it to the hilt. That was wrong of her, and she’d learned that lesson well. Shiloh had always been “the one”, this much she knew, and she’d used Jack to make him jealous. Another wrong move, as it had pushed him away. He’d l
eft town, and she’d felt guilty and married Jack.

  “What we felt for one another back then and what we feel right now are no different. Some people are meant to be together. Tell me why you weren’t happy with Jack, if he was your end all and be all?”

  “That’s enough, now … you need to go.”

  “Or?” He pushed off from the door and strode purposefully toward her, grinning as she backed up against the chalkboard. He took off his black Stetson and placed it on her desk. “Guess it’s a good thing you just cleaned that board, isn’t it?” He got up close to her, trapping her body with both of his hands on either side of her head. He watched the quick rise and fall of her full breasts in the prim and proper shirt she wore buttoned up all the way to the top.

  “Is this what being married to Jack did to you, darlin’? Forced you to be all buttoned up and restrained?” Shiloh brought his hand up slowly and grinned, and she gasped even before he touched her. He stroked his fingers along her cheek and then down her throat toward the first button of her blouse. He brought his mouth inches from hers and couldn’t stop the grin as she gave another sharp intake of breath. “We both know, prim and proper you ain’t.”

  “P-please,” she whispered, a soft sob escaping her lips. Lips he wanted to taste again.

  “I aim to, darlin’, I aim to.” He dipped his head and slanted his lips across hers, groaning as her flavor hit him all at once. He’d missed her. Her taste, her touch, and her submission. She stiffened at first, but with persistence from him her body finally went pliant against his. He removed his hands from the board and gripped the belt loops of her jeans on both sides, pulling her roughly against him. Shiloh let her feel how hard his cock was for her, and what they were both missing by not satisfying their urges.

  He teased his mouth over hers, swallowing the moan that escaped her lips. He licked at her lips, easing his tongue into her mouth, running it along her tongue and coaxing it into his mouth. He let her duel with him before he took control and suckled hard.


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