Whisper of Attraction

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Whisper of Attraction Page 22

by Melanie Shawn

  Brynn wasn’t exactly sure what Jess thought they could do about it, but before she could offer an objection to barging in on Axel and his mom, Jess had the backstage door open and had pushed her and Ali out. As soon as the door shut behind them they heard a woman yelling from around the corner in the senior quad area directly behind the theater. All three ladies froze.

  “You’re not her father! You can’t just keep her!”

  “I know I’m not her father. I’m her brother. And I have legal custody of her.”

  “Temporary! You have temporary custody of her. And I’m her mother!”

  “You left her.”

  “I asked if she wanted to go! She didn’t! She wanted to stay with you!”

  “Right. And she still does.”

  “You don’t give teenagers everything they want. You would know that if you hadn’t messed things up with Sabrina and had kids of your own.”

  Brynn turned to the girls and mouthed, We should leave.

  This was a private, family conversation.

  Jess put her hand on the knob and turned it but it didn’t budge. She shrugged and mouthed, it’s locked.

  Brynn looked around to see if there was any way they could leave the area without alerting Axel and his mom to their presence. Other than the back door, the only exit was through the quad.

  “I messed things up with Sabrina?” Axel let out a forced laugh. “Okay, first of all, I don’t think you should be commenting on anyone’s failed relationships. And second, do you want to know why I married Sabrina? Did you, my mother, ever ask me why at eighteen I’d want to get married?!”

  “I thought she was pregnant.”

  “No, mom. She wasn’t. But I did marry her because of a baby, so you’re half right. I married her because I was scared to be overseas and leave Izzy. I married Sabrina so that at least someone responsible would be around if, no not if, when you flaked.”

  Brynn, Jess, and Ali’s eyes all widened in shock. She’d never been so thankful for her own mother in her life. The conversation she’d had with Ryder came back to her, and Brynn decided that tomorrow morning, first thing, she was going to call her mom and tell her how much she loved her and how lucky she was to have her.

  “You might technically be Izzy’s mom, but you’ve never put her first. I have, Mom. I always have. From marrying Sabrina, to moving halfway across the country, to moving to a town where a woman that I am madly in love with, but can’t be with, lives. I can’t breathe just knowing that at any moment I might see this woman and I won’t be able to touch her or kiss her or tell her I love her. And I’m doing it because it’s what’s best for Izzy, because that’s what being a parent is. A real parent. It’s not about anything else, it’s about putting their needs before yours, and you’ve never done that a day in your life.”

  If Brynn, Jess, and Ali’s eyes were wide before, they were practically saucers now. And all of their jaws were hanging open like bass fish.

  The air was heavy with silence, the only sound was the crickets. Brynn and her friends were all holding their breath.

  Finally, Axel spoke again. “Look, if this is about her child support. I’ll send you the money that Peter sends me every month. Just let her stay with me.”

  “It’s not about the money,” his mom snapped. “But, it would help…just so I can get on my feet again.”

  “Fine.” Brynn could hear the heartbreak in Axel’s voice and she wanted nothing more than to round the corner, tell his mother to go take a long walk off a short pier, and pull him into her arms.

  “Here, this should tide you over. I’ll deposit the rest in your account by Monday.”

  “Okay, well. If you think this is best. Give Izzy a kiss goodbye for me.”

  “Wait? You’re not going to tell her goodbye?”

  “Oh, well, um, Rocco is waiting for me in the car, so I’m just going to scoot out. Love you!”

  Her declaration of love was followed by the click, click, click of high heels heading toward the parking lot. Brynn started to panic, knowing that any second Axel would round the corner and catch them. Suddenly, Jess turned the knob and opened the back door.

  Brynn’s face was one of shocked horror. Jess just smiled and rushed inside with Ali right behind her but when Brynn tried to follow, the door closed in her face. She grabbed the knob and this time, it really was locked.

  She was going to kill Jess.

  Her head dropped against the solid oak door and she heard a deep, gravelly voice that her body instantly responded to.


  Trying to seem as nonchalant as possible, she turned. “Oh, hi Axel. I was just, I came outside to, um, get some air and the door locked behind me.” She wiggled the knob.

  His intense stare pinned her in place as he asked, “Did you hear all that?”

  She thought about lying, but knew that if the roles were reversed she’d want Axel to be honest with her. Her shoulders slumped. “Yes, I did. And so did Jess and Ali.”

  Axel looked around.

  “They went inside after your mom left. They locked me out.”

  His brow creased and she figured she should start from the beginning.

  “Izzy told us about your mom. She was really upset so once we calmed her down, she asked me to find you to see what was going on. I didn’t want to intrude, but Jess dragged me, literally, out here. I tried to go back inside but she pretended that the door was locked. Which, obviously, it wasn’t. So, yes, to answer your question, I heard all that. Or, I don’t know about all but I heard a lot.”

  He took a step toward her. “You heard how I feel about you?”

  Brynn had to tip her head up to maintain eye contact with him. And she was suddenly finding it very difficult to breathe. “Yes.”

  He looked like he was going to say more, but didn’t. He took a step back instead and looked down at the ground between them. “You don’t have to worry about me being around. I know that you don’t feel the same but—”

  “No,” she cut him off. “I do.”

  He lifted his head. “You do have to worry about me being around?”

  “No. I don’t,” She shook her head. This was coming out all wrong. “I want you to stay. You and Izzy both. I realized that part of the reason I haven’t come to talk to you was because I was scared to lose you all over again when you left. I do feel the same way as you. I love you, Axel. You are everything I’ve ever wanted and more. I’ve missed you so much and I’ve been miserable without—”

  He interrupted her with a soul-claiming kiss and she melted into his arms as he hugged her tightly. In the short time they’d been apart, she’d forgotten just how good he hugged and kissed.

  “I love you. I love you. I love you.” Axel rasped over and over again between kisses.

  He backed her up against the door, and pinned her there until the door flew open, causing them to break apart.

  “I get to stay?” Izzy cried out.

  “Yes.” Axel nodded.

  The teen jumped up and down and Brynn saw that Jess was behind her. She mouthed, I’m sorry.

  I’m not, Brynn mouthed back.

  She wasn’t sorry for any of it, because it all led her here. To the man she loved and who loved her back in a way that she didn’t even think existed in the real world.

  But it did. And she had it. And if it were up to her, she was never going to let it go.


  When they finally made it back home it was close to midnight. Brynn had had to stay at the theater until everyone left. Ryder was staying the night at Ricky and KJ’s and Izzy was staying at Fiona’s with Presley. Technically, they were both still grounded but Brynn and Axel had made an exception because they wanted some alone time. But both teens were under strict orders not to leave the premises under penalty of death.

  He and Brynn were finally alone. And as much as Axel wanted to make love to Brynn, he saw the dark circles under her eyes and he was worried that she hadn’t been getting enough rest. He knew
that she’d been going nonstop with all the last-minute preparations for the play.

  As they walked into the bedroom he said, “We can just go to bed, I know that you’ve been working like crazy. You need sleep.”

  “Oh, we’re going to bed. But sleep is not what I need.”

  He smiled as he bent down to kiss her but she backed up. “Hold that thought.”

  Then he watched as she picked up Lucy. He followed her outside where the pug did her business and then Brynn put her in her bed by the fireplace in the family room. She tucked her in and kissed her head. “You sleep out here for a little bit and I’ll come get you when it’s night-night time.”

  A warmth spread from his heart through his entire body. She was so nurturing, so sweet, always taking care of everyone and putting them first, before herself. After dealing with his mom tonight, his feelings for Brynn were stronger than ever. He’d never take her for granted. Not for one second.

  They walked to the bedroom and when she closed the door she looked up at him and must’ve seen the emotion in his gaze. “What?”

  “You’re just…perfect.”

  She laughed. “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are.” Axel pulled Brynn to him and caressed her back, running his strong and work-roughened hands up and down her smooth skin. He’d missed her so much. He couldn’t believe that she was in his arms and they were about to make love. Truly, make love. Take their time with each other. Spend all night exploring the world of their bodies as they came together.

  It felt different, somehow. Magical. Unbound. He’d never understood the concept of endless possibilities until Brynn had come into his life, but that was what he felt when they were together. His life had never seemed so bright.

  No. Not his life. Theirs. Their life held nothing but wonder and amazement, the road before them stretched out toward the horizon. And they could face anything. Together. Whatever hardships came up, it didn’t matter. They’d handle them together. He’d protect her, take care of her, and with her by his side, he felt invincible.

  She pressed her body against his and it seemed to him that they melted together, their bodies sinking into each other until it was hard to tell where one ended and the other began.

  He could feel the heat of her skin and the pounding of her heart even through both of their clothes. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like when they were actually naked together under the covers, nothing separating them but air and skin.

  Even though this wasn’t the first time he’d touched her, in a way it felt like it was. This was the first time that there was nothing held back, no secrets or inhibitions, and that made all the difference.

  “We’re alone,” he gasped in between kisses. “Do you remember how I said that I wanted you?”

  “Naked.” She sucked in a sharp breath.


  She smiled, and it was sultry and smoky. There was the promise of a thousand nights of passion in that smile. “Well, we should definitely make that happen.”

  His dick jumped at her words. He didn’t need any further encouragement. With a low growl, he bent his head and planted passionate kisses down the side of her neck as his fingers nimbly undid every one of the buttons and fasteners that held her clothes on her body.

  He didn’t need to look at what he was doing to undress her. He could do that blind. It was a matter of instinct. There were a few things he’d been born to do in this life, and they came to him like second nature. Protecting the people he loved was one of them. Getting Brynn naked was another.

  With every article of clothing that he slipped from her smooth, hot skin, his cock grew stiffer and harder, throbbing in time with his pounding heart. Blood rushed through his veins like lava from a volcano, and he knew that this encounter was leading toward a similar eruption.

  He let her blouse fall to the floor and then unhooked her bra, sliding the straps down over her shoulders and arms.

  Damn. Her skin was so creamy and soft. The moonlight filtering in through the window spilled over her body and gave the illusion that she was lit from within. Looking at her, glowing like she was, made him want nothing more than to touch her, to absorb some of that glow, and take it in.

  He let his kisses drift further down her chest. She tasted so good that it was hard to go slow and stay gentle. His impulses were driving him toward throwing her down on the bed and ravaging her.

  Yet another, stronger impulse reveled in the way that it felt to go slow and connect with her, to use the way he touched her and kissed her to express how he felt about her deep inside. That was the impulse he nurtured and gave into. That was the true desire of his heart.

  He captured one nipple in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it. He heard a deep, desperate moan escape from her throat as her head dropped back. He wrapped his arms around her waist as he stroked that sensitive nub. He had to, her muscles were turning to jelly with every flick of the hard tip with his tongue.

  As much of a turn on as her naked body was, he thought that her reaction to what he was doing to her might just be the sexiest thing of all. When he felt her collapse a little in his arms as he suckled her breast, his erection jumped in his pants, more than it had at any single moment of the night.

  Fuck. She was so responsive to him and he couldn’t get enough of it.

  He moved his head over to her other nipple, and when it was firmly enveloped in his hot mouth, he felt it grow and harden against his tongue.

  He loved the way her body responded to his touch. It was like an addiction, trying to provoke those responses, and he had zero desire to ever be free of that particular monkey on his back. No, this was a sweet addiction that he’d be happy to be in the grip of until the end of his days. No rehab required.

  As he moved his kisses further down her taut belly, he pushed the rest of her clothes off of her sweet curves until she was wearing nothing. Her skin was covered in the moonlight that gave her that ethereal glow, and Axel was sure that he’d never seen her look more beautiful.

  He loved the way she trembled at his every touch. As lovely as she looked when her muscles were still and placid, that beauty was dialed up tenfold when she shook like a falling leaf with every stroke of his fingertips.

  He bent down suddenly and scooped her up into his arms. Her eyes widened and she squealed a little in surprise, which caused his gut to clench in anticipation.

  Of course, it caused other parts of his body to clench, as well. But that seemed to be par for the course with her—every single thing she did caused his dick to twitch.

  He leaned down and kissed her tenderly as he carried her to the bed and laid her down on it as gently as he possibly could. Even though it was a soft mattress, his protective instincts still drove him to give her the softest landing that he could provide.

  As that phrase crossed his thoughts, he recognized the rightness of it.

  Yeah. Give her the softest landing I can provide.

  Thinking about those words in a more abstract sense made him realize that they were a pretty damn good way of expressing what he believed his new purpose in life was.

  No matter what the situation, he’d do everything in his power to soften her landing. That was now his goal, every single day, forever.

  When he had her fully settled on the bed, he climbed up and planted his knees between her thighs. His legs were so muscular that they spread her legs apart a little more just by their presence there, and he stopped for a moment, struck breathless by the sight of her, glistening and spread out for him.

  He kissed his way down her belly even more quickly and frantically than before, the fire of his hunger stoked all the way up to a raging inferno by the sight of how wet she was. Damn, he just couldn’t wait to taste her.

  As his mouth trailed closer to her core, he ran his fingertips lightly up and down her inner thighs. She moaned and tangled her fingers in his hair, pushing him forward.

  “Oh, God, stop teasing me,” she gasped. “I can’t take it. Please
. I need to feel you.”

  He looked up and met her eyes, a small, teasing half smile playing on the corner of his lips. “Well, since you said please,” he growled low in his throat, his voice husky with lust, and then he covered every soaking wet inch of her with his mouth.

  * * *

  Brynn couldn’t believe how much her life had changed in such a short time. In fact, it wouldn’t have totally surprised her if her eyes popped open and she realized that all of this had been a dream. That Axel was the product of her nighttime neurons firing during REM sleep, conjuring up the perfect man to step out of her romance novels and into her backyard.

  And into other places, as well.

  It was just that it all seemed too good to be true. He seemed too good to be true. If she’d read about him in the pages of one of her favorite books, she would’ve swooned and wished men like him actually existed in real life, all the while mourning the fact that they didn’t.

  She shifted her gaze down, watching through lust-hazy eyes as his head moved between her legs. Her hands moved in his hair, then slid down over his muscular shoulders, her fingernails digging into the strong, rippling muscles of his back.

  She breathed a sigh of bone-deep contentment. Oh, no. He was real, all right. One-hundred percent real, and one-hundred percent hers. And life just didn’t get much better than that.

  Her body shuddered under the movement of his tongue between her legs, the tremors picking up in speed and intensity as his strokes picked up their rhythm. Soon, her muscles were trembling so hard that it felt like she’d lost all control of them.

  One of her legs flung itself up, seemingly of its own accord, and wrapped around Axel’s neck. She felt as if her body was acting on instinct, following a pattern that had been written deep in her DNA, one that directed her to one goal: to get as close to him as possible.

  If she could’ve climbed up inside of him somehow, she would’ve. It didn’t matter what she had to do, everything in her being was telling her that they needed to become one, and she had to do whatever it took to make that happen.


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