A Fighter's Love

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A Fighter's Love Page 6

by Lily Harlem

  She hurried past a row of darkened shops. Each doorway she came to she braced, praying no one would jump out at her. Her imagination was going into overdrive. She presumed it must be the conversation with Billy. His unnerving calmness. What if he was mad as hell and waiting out here to unleash his fury? He’d do it when there was no one around to see, or save her.

  Nausea welled in her gullet. Surely he wouldn’t get that nasty?

  Would he?

  She became aware of a vehicle coming up behind her. It slowed and its shadow stretched before her. Her heart rate picked up. Her belly tensed. Gripping her shoulder strap, she was relieved to see the station come into sight. The familiar red and blue circular sign a sudden comfort. A beacon she must reach.

  But the car was stalking her now. Coming closer. The front edged nearer.

  “Hey, Jenny.”

  She gasped and halted. Turned to face the man who’d just spoken.

  It was Dale.

  “Sorry,” he said, leaning to speak through the passenger side’s open window. “Didn’t mean to frighten you.”

  “Thank goodness it’s you,” she said, pressing her hand on her sternum.

  He grinned. “I’m not usually into curb crawling, but I reckoned you’d jump out of your skin if I pressed the horn.”


  He held up a white carrier bag. “I’ve got Chinese. Want some?”

  The scent of jasmine and spice wafted toward her. Her stomach rumbled and her mouth watered.

  “There’s plenty,” he said. “Jackson’s gone to his sister’s, it’s her birthday. I forgot and ordered for him.”

  “Well if there’s some going spare,” Jenny said with a grin. Spend time with Dale and get fed. What was not to love about that?

  “Hop in.” He set the bag down, then the van door sprang open.

  Quickly she climbed inside. A couple of protein bar wrappers floated to the floor and Dale hastily shoved at a stack of boxing magazines and a pair of thick, gray construction gloves covered in dust.

  “Sorry, keeping the van tidy isn’t my strong point.”

  “That’s okay, as long as it gets you around.”

  “It does.”

  She fastened her seatbelt.

  “So where we going?” he asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Where’d you live? I’ll run you home then we’ll eat. Is that okay?”

  Eat dinner in her apartment, with Dale. This evening was getting better by the second. She hesitated, wondering if she’d left it tidy that morning, but then pushed the worry aside. So what if she hadn’t? Dale obviously wasn’t too bothered about tidiness. “It’s a couple of miles from here. Head toward the A40, it’s next left, and then a straight route west.”

  “Got ya.”

  Twenty minutes later, Jenny put the key into the lock on her front door.

  Dale was close behind, the smell of the food wafting around them.

  She opened the door and was relieved to see her small living room, though a bit cluttered, was perfectly presentable. “Come in,” she said.

  Dale stepped inside. “Nice,” he said. “And great view.”

  “Yes, it’s one of the reasons I bought the place.” She closed the curtains halfway, allowing a clear line of sight to a tall church spire puncturing the dark skyline.

  “You been here long?”

  “Yes, about five years.”

  “Didn’t fancy buying with Billy then?”

  “No, and thank goodness I didn’t. I had some inheritance, from my parents, and a financial advisor recommended I stay independent.” She paused. “I’m glad I listened to her, especially now.

  He frowned a little and set the food on the counter that separated the kitchenette from the living area. “I’m sorry.”

  “About what?”

  “Your parents. I didn’t realize you’d lost them both.”

  She shrugged and removed her shoes and cardigan. “It was hard, but it was a long time ago now.”

  For a moment he studied her, as if seeing her anew. Then he pulled in a deep breath and rubbed his hands together. “I’m gonna fade away if I don’t eat soon.”

  “Me too.” She retrieved plates and cutlery. “Want a drink?”

  “I’m good with water. I’ll be driving soon.” He reached for a couple of tumblers upended on the drainer. “Want some?”


  Soon they were sitting side by side on the sofa, the TV was on, and Jenny was tucking into wonderfully fluffy rice and sweet and sour chicken. “This is delicious. How much do I owe you?”

  “Owe me?” He appeared confused as he munched on a prawn cracker.

  “Yes, for dinner.”

  He shook his head and smiled. “Nothing.”


  “I can treat a pretty woman to dinner, can’t I?”

  She opened her mouth to speak but closed it again. He thought she was pretty? In her drab office gear, any makeup from this morning must have worn off, and she hadn’t brushed her hair for hours.

  “What?” he said.

  “Nothing…I guess it’s been a long time since anyone described me as pretty.”

  He put down his empty plate, then tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, his fingertips brushing her skin.

  She stilled, her fork halfway to her mouth. What was going on?

  “You have no idea, do you?” he said quietly.

  “About what?”

  “How alluring you are.”

  She laughed, a sharp, nervous bubble of sound. “I’m not alluring.”

  He sat back and tipped his head. He was half smiling. “You most certainly are.”

  “But…but why?”

  “Why? Okay, how about sweet, pretty, kind and there’s that certain something, what was it Jackson said?” He tapped his lips with his fingers and looked at the ceiling as if recalling a conversation. “Ah yes, he said you were like a butterfly, just waiting to be free enough to spread your wings and take to the air.”

  Jackson thought she was a butterfly?

  Jenny’s mind was spinning. The men had conversations about her. They discussed her alluring qualities?

  The familiar jingling tune at the end of the evening news filled the room.

  “I guess I should get going,” Dale said, glancing at the heavy black watch he wore. “It’s getting late.” He stood.

  “Er…yes. Okay.” Jenny set her plate down and laid her fork on the top of the last of her rice. She didn’t want Dale to go, but he was right, it was getting late. They both had work in the morning.

  “You want me to clear this?” he asked. “I don’t mind washing up.”

  “No, don’t worry about it. I’ll do it.”

  “Are you coming to the gym tomorrow?”

  “Yes, just to finish a few bits off. I’m winding it down. Billy will have to figure out the accounts for himself or hire someone to do it.”

  “He didn’t deserve you all these years.”

  “There’s no point dwelling on that. I can’t change the past.”

  “That’s both wise and true.” He stepped a little closer.

  The light behind him rendered his face in shadows and his body heat radiated onto her. Jenny studied his lips. They were slightly parted, the bottom plumper than the top. He had a sexy sprinkle of blond stubble over his chin and jawline.

  A sudden urge to kiss him came over her. When had she last kissed or been kissed? Felt a man’s lips on hers?

  Her belly tightened, a pleasant tugging sensation pulled at her internal muscles and her nipples hardened. He was staring down at her, his pupils wide.

  A sudden rush of desire came over her. A sense of throwing caution to the wind. A new her. She wanted to kiss Dale, and from the way he was looking at her, his breaths shallow, leaning lower, lower still…

  She lifted onto her tiptoes and pressed her mouth over his. His lips were soft and warm and he opened them a little more as she increased the pressure.

  She closed her eyes and gripped his t-shirt, pulling him closer still.

  Suddenly he took possession of the kiss, stroking his tongue into her mouth and slipping his arms around her waist. He pulled her nearer, aligning her body with his.

  She whimpered, pleasure darting through her. Sliding her hands around his neck, she locked them and squeezed in tighter.

  He lifted her upward. It was as if she weighed nothing to him. He stepped forward, scooping his hands beneath her buttocks and encouraging her to wrap her legs around his waist.

  Jenny’s mind was rushing along in overdrive, her heart clattering against her ribcage. She was kissing Dale, sexy gorgeous out-of-her-league Dale. And he was kissing her back with enthusiasm. Hell, it seemed as if he were intending on taking it much further.

  Her back hit the wall. A picture frame shifted on its hook.

  An image of Jackson flashed through her mind—Dale with Jackson, kissing him this way. Damn it, she was so lucky to be experiencing it.

  Dale left her mouth and kissed over her cheek. He was breathing hard, his chest pressed into hers and his groin lodged between her open legs. Through their clothing his erection strained against her. “Fuck, I want you,” he said gruffly.

  “I want you too.”

  “Ever since I first saw you. I knew you were different.” His voice was low and sexy. “Had to have you.”

  “I didn’t think you’d ever, I mean.” She stroked over his wide shoulders and gripped his biceps. “That you…”

  “What? That I’d what…” He pulled back a little and looked at her.

  “That you’d ever be interested in me.”

  “Honey, I’m interested.” He grinned and ground his cock up against her. “Can’t you tell?”

  She groaned, loving the pressure on her clitoris. But damn the man was big. She hoped he’d be gentle with her. “Yes. And I’m glad but…” Again Jackson’s face flashed before her.

  “There’s a but? At a time like this? Jesus, honey.”

  “But what about Jackson?”

  The words were barely out of her mouth when she realized she’d made a mistake. A huge mistake. The softness in Dale’s eyes evaporated. His facial muscles tensed and he pulled away. “Jackson?”

  “Yes…I’m sorry…I thought.” She shook her head. “I must have got it wrong about the two of you.”

  Dale took hold of her arms and drew them down.

  She relaxed her legs and set her feet on the floor. But the rest of her body didn’t feel relaxed. She was high on adrenaline even though a sense of doom was crawling over her skin.

  “Exactly what did you think about the two of us?” His eyes narrowed and a tendon twitched in his cheek.

  “I thought, I thought you were an item. Together.”


  “Clearly I’m wrong. I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “I’m stupid really, always putting two and two together and making five. My father used to say that, too much imagination and not enough thought and consideration.”

  Dale stepped backward. He ran his hand through his hair and glanced at the table. Spotting his car keys, he scooped them up. “I have to go.”

  “But…Dale, please, what is it?”

  He turned and walked to the door.

  “Please, I’m sorry,” she called to his back. “I didn’t mean to offend you. Forget I said anything.” Her eyes stung, and a hollow blackness was growing in her chest. What the hell had she done? “Dale, I’m sorry, it was my fault.”

  A creeping feeling of dread came over her. The way it always had with her father when she’d disappointed him. But there was nothing she could do about it. She stared helplessly at Dale as he let himself out of the apartment.

  The door shut with a quiet click and stillness wrapped around her.

  She held in a sob as the weather forecast came to an end on the TV. How had she messed up so monumentally? One minute she was consumed with passion, being kissed and pressed up against the wall by a guy she had the serious hots for. The next it was all over, he’d gone and she was all alone…again. She was furious with herself, and seriously frustrated. Why couldn’t she have just kept her mouth shut and gone with the flow? She could be on her way to a fabulous orgasm right now.

  She sat heavily on the sofa and pressed the heels of her hands against her eyes. The trouble was she couldn’t just ignore Jackson, not when she’d thought they were in a relationship. She might be accused of being a little shy and quiet at times but she was a straight talker and hated the thought of hurting someone’s feelings. And if the looks Jackson gave Dale were anything to go by, taking him away, sleeping with Dale, would hurt Jackson.

  And that was the last thing she wanted to do.

  Chapter Seven

  Jenny spent the next day struggling to get any kind of smile on her face. Stella asked twice if she was okay, but Jenny didn’t feel she could talk about the disastrous kiss the night before without welling up with tears. She would tell Stella, probably quite soon, but the last thing she wanted was to get emotional in the office, especially on a day both her bosses were in and appeared to be in such good moods.

  When she’d finally finished a complex set of accounts for one of their biggest customers, she reached for her bag and thought about the gym. She’d planned to go and get the last few jobs done. But now…with Dale there? She wasn’t ready to see him. What must he think of her? Ridiculous? Presumptive? She had no idea and didn’t really want to find out. Nor did she want to see that look of panic in his eyes again.

  Yes. That’s what it had been, panic. There was disbelief mixed in there too, but mainly it was panic.

  But why? That she’d guessed there was something between him and Jackson? Or, as seemed to be most likely the case, she’d gotten it wrong and he wasn’t gay at all?

  That must be it. Because he certainly hadn’t felt gay last night.

  She swallowed and a fluttery feeling attacked her belly. The way he’d kissed her, pushed up against her. He was hard and ready to go. Damn it. If only they’d had a few more minutes, gotten naked, found pleasure. She was sure she’d have pushed any nerves aside and been swept up in the moment.

  Oh, how she hated being sex starved. But being so close to getting some then having the chance ripped away, that was worse than nothing at all.

  She headed out of Wainwright and Bramon, doing her best to call a cheery goodnight to a few colleagues including Stella. She’d go to the gym as planned, even if Dale was going to be there. She had things to do and the sooner they were done the better, and she could get on with her life. She’d been anxious about seeing Billy, but that seemed a small matter now. He’d accepted they were over and she was no longer at his beck and call. She was glad that relationship was behind her.

  When she arrived at the gym there was no sign of Dale’s distinctive van. He usually parked it on a residential street around the corner and being bright orange it was easy to spot.

  The tension in her shoulders relaxed. If she didn’t have to face him, then that was good. She could finish up then move on from the whole mortifying incident.

  She pushed through the heavy doors. As usual the scent of sweat and cleaning fluid filled her nostrils. “Hey, Michael,” she called.

  “Jenny, you’re a sight for sore eyes,” he said with a grin.

  “You had a bad day?”

  “Nah, I’m still here, so can’t be too bad. Just nice to have a non-male in the building.” He laughed then called over his shoulder. “Jackson, get out here will you.”

  Jackson appeared in the doorway of the changing rooms. As he often did he wore loose gray sweats and a black vest top. He looked so big, dangerous too, his tattoos only adding to his wildness. He swung his dark gaze around the gym, taking in the few other regulars who were working out, then settled his attention on Jenny.

  A rush of heat went through her. There was something altered in that look—as if he had new knowledge about her and was seeing her in a different light.

  Dale. It had to be because of Dale.

  Quickly, she turned and headed into the office. It wasn’t until she got there she noticed the music wasn’t on. She was thankful for small mercies. At least Billy wasn’t around.

  After taking a few gulps from her water bottle, she started up the computer and set about completing the health and safety documents the local council wanted in order for them to host the fight. There were legal requirements about fire procedures to comply with as well as licensing applications as they’d have a bar for spectators.

  She got stuck into the task, printing each document and filing it carefully so whoever took over from her would have a record for the next fight of how to do it. She certainly wasn’t sad it was the last time she’d have the job.

  After slotting in the last stack of papers in the filing cabinet, she paused, her hands on the cool surface, and blew out a breath. It was time to go home and she’d managed the entire evening without seeing either Dale or Billy. What a relief.

  Suddenly she was aware of a presence behind her. Close up. The scent of man enveloped her and heat from a large body burned against her back.


  It was Jackson. She went to turn but he pressed his big gloved hands on the top of the filing cabinet, trapping her within his colossal arms.

  “What do you—?”

  “Sh.” He pressed his lips against her temple, his stubble scratching her flesh.

  Her heart pounded, her pulse thudded in her ears. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips together. Was he furious about what had happened between her and Dale? Was he going to order her to mind her own business about their relationship, or tell her she was a raving lunatic to suggest they were anything other than straight?

  She could hardly think. Being surrounded by his thick, hot muscles, and the feel of his breath on her cheek, down her neck was beyond distracting. Jackson was neat testosterone and it was doing strange things to her female hormones.

  “I learned today,” he whispered hotly against the shell of her ear, his lips brushing her flesh, “that you kissed my boyfriend last night.”


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