A Fighter's Love

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A Fighter's Love Page 10

by Lily Harlem

  “Ah, fuck…it’s here.” Jackson threw his head back and stilled at full depth.

  As her pussy contracted around his cock, she was aware of him throbbing and filling the condom.

  She wrapped her hand around his arm, the one decorated with ink, and squeezed. She’d never forget this moment.

  “Oh, my God,” Dale murmured. “I’m gonna…”

  Jackson groaned, long and low, then pulled out. He flopped onto the bed next to her.

  Jenny was struggling to catch her breath. Her pussy was spasming with aftershocks.

  “Your tits, hold them…together,” Dale gasped.

  She did as he’d asked, creating a deep cleavage.

  He rose up onto his knees and directed his cock at her chest.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” Jackson murmured against her ear. “To see you holding yourself so Dale can come on you.”

  Jenny didn’t answer, she was fascinated at the sight of Dale’s slit widening and his hand moving so fast it was a blur.

  “Ah, yeah…” he cried as a shot of cum burst from his cock. It landed in an arc over Jenny’s breasts, basting the knuckles of her right hand. He continued to work himself and groan loudly. Another rope of pearly semen joined the first, then another, and another.

  His belly was a taut row of bricks, the muscles in his arms and neck rigid. He stared down at her breasts covered in his pleasure and stilled. “Wow, that was…”

  “Intense,” Jackson said.

  “Incredible,” Jenny added.

  “Both of them.” Dale tipped forward and kissed first Jenny, then Jackson. “Because both of you are intense and incredible.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Jenny spent the night cocooned between two hot, hard men and couldn’t remember ever sleeping so well. When she awoke the sun was shining through the curtains.

  Dale was moving about the room, apparently collecting his clothes.

  “You going somewhere?” Jenny whispered so as not to disturb Jackson.

  He stopped what he was doing and came over to her. He cupped her cheek and pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Not out of choice. I have an appointment with clients. A couple who want a loft conversion and can’t meet up with me in the week because of work commitments. Stupidly I said I could accommodate a weekend consultation.” He paused and rolled his eyes. “Had I known I’d be in bed with you and Jackson I would never have done it. But I have a reputation to consider so cancelling is uncool, and besides, it’s a big job, will mean a lot of work and cash for the business.”

  “I understand.” She watched as he pulled on his boxers then trousers. First thing in the morning, he looked as good as he had the night before. She recalled him masturbating on her and her cheeks heated.

  She glanced at Jackson. He was asleep on his back, his lips slightly parted.

  “He’ll sleep till lunchtime if you let him,” Dale said in a hushed voice. “When he’s training hard, for something big like this match with Grinder, he always does.”

  She nodded and pushed back the covers. As she stood, naked, she enjoyed the appreciative lingering gaze Dale gave her body.

  “Damn it,” he muttered. “Wish I didn’t have to go.”

  “Will I see you later?” she asked, reaching for a black satin robe she kept hanging on the back of the bedroom door.

  “Gotta train.” He nodded at Jackson. “Him too. It’s the last push before Friday. Sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I understand. It’s not like I haven’t been around boxers for years.”

  He pulled his shirt on. “When the match is over, it’ll be different.”

  “Till the next one.” She grinned. “But that’s fine by me. I like having two sexy fighters to call my own.” As she’d said it her heart lurched. Was it a step too far to say they were hers? Had she overtaken reality with her fantasy?

  Dale fastened the buttons on his shirt, then stepped up to her. “We are yours, and each other’s. Last night we weren’t messing about, we want you for the long haul, Jenny. We feel you complete us, fill in a blank space.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I hope you feel the same.”

  She nodded. “Yes. I do. But…”

  He frowned.

  “But I never thought I’d be this lucky.”

  “It’s not luck, it’s fate.” He grinned and finished doing up the buttons on his shirt. “Fate brought us together and I for one am hoping that’s it, now we’ve found each other we can relax, stop searching and start playing.”

  “Like in bed, last night. Is that playing?”

  “That and more.” He winked. “But sadly I do have to go, so that’ll all have to wait until tomorrow.” He headed out of the bedroom carrying his shoes.


  “Yeah, come round to my place in the evening. We’ll have takeout, cuddle on the sofa.”

  “With Jackson?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Of course with Jackson.”

  “Sounds like a plan. But not takeout. I’ll cook.”

  “You will?”

  “Yes, I like to cook, even more so when I have someone to prepare meals for.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “You’re the best, you know that.”

  After sweeping his lips over hers, he left the apartment.

  Jenny sighed and flicked on the kettle. After making a mug of tea she cupped it in her hands and stared out of the window at the London skyline. A wonderful sensation of contentment had set up residence in her chest. She hoped, as had been promised, it was a sign of things to come. Not just in the physical sense, but also emotionally. The idea that moving forward she’d have Dale and Jackson in her life and her bed was a dream come true.

  She thought back to the night before. Being so free and at ease with her body was liberating. She’d never been that way with Billy. But with Dale and Jackson it seemed anything went as long as they were all having fun.

  And when the men had kissed…

  A small shiver of delight went through her as she remembered their mouths connecting, seeing her arousal on Dale’s lips spreading to Jackson’s. They’d been hot for her, but hot for each other, too. She hoped she’d get to see more of that, much more.


  She turned at the sound of Jackson’s voice. “Hey.” She smiled. “Want a cuppa?”

  He shook his head.

  “Sorry, I forgot, you don’t drink tea and coffee.”

  “Got any milk?”

  “Yeah, a full carton in the fridge.” She went to get it.

  “It’s okay, I can do it.” He pulled the refrigerator door open. “If that’s okay.”

  “Of course, help yourself.” She sat on a straight-backed chair she kept near the window for when she wanted to enjoy the view. “Though tomorrow night I’m in the kitchen.”

  “Oh yeah?” He grabbed a glass from a glass-fronted cupboard.

  “Yes. Dinner at Dale’s, I’m cooking.”

  He grinned. “Sounds great.”

  “Anything you don’t like?”

  “Only mussels.” He poured milk then drank it all in one go. After rinsing the glass, he wiped his hand over the back of his mouth and walked toward the window. “Though right now I’m loading up on protein.”

  “Of course you are. I’ll remember that.”

  He came up behind her and scooped her hair into his hands.

  The way his fingers stroked over her scalp sent tingles down her neck and spine.

  He pulled the thick strands into a ponytail then wrapped it around his fist, his actions jostling her head slightly.

  “I love your hair,” he said, against her ear. “So long and soft.”

  She said nothing.

  “And your neck,” he said, his lips brushing the skin beneath her hairline. “So soft and delicate.”

  He tightened his grip on her hair, making her tip her head back and expose her throat.

  She closed her eyes, loving the firm hold he had on her. It was possessive, sexy and made her b
elly and pussy clench.

  He kissed the angle of her jaw, his stubble scratching her flesh and leaving a hot trail as he moved his lips to her shoulder.

  “Jackson,” she murmured.

  He didn’t reply, instead he tugged her head the opposite way and pressed his lips to her other ear.

  His breaths were hot and heavy. His bed-warm scent filled her nose and she gripped her mug harder, hoping she wouldn’t drop it.

  Still he applied tension to her hair, pulling the roots.

  “Did we scare you?” he whispered. “Last night?”


  “Are you sure?”


  “I’m glad, because that’s the last thing we want to do.”

  “You know your own strength.”

  “It’s why we train. So we understand strength and weakness. But the thing is, Jenny. You might be physically smaller than us, but you’re every bit as strong.” He kept hold of her hair with one hand, the other he slid from her throat to her sternum and pressed his palm into the groove between her breasts. “In here, you’re strong, you know that.”

  “I want to be.”

  “You are. It’s shining from you. Just not many people bother to look.”

  “But you have.”

  “Yes, me and Dale have, and we adore you for it.” He paused. “Surely you could tell that, last night. Fuck, we both came so hard with you, for you.”

  “It was powerful.”

  “And the first of many times we’ll all be together. Get used to being satisfied by two men.” He pressed a kiss to her temple, then as quickly as he’d come up behind her, he stepped away, dropping her hair.

  Her heart was pounding and her breaths rapid. She wondered if he might take it further, carry her back to the bedroom for another ravishing.

  But as she turned she realized that wasn’t going to happen. Jackson was sat on the sofa, tying up his shoelaces.

  “You’re leaving?”

  “I have to get to the gym. Michael will be after my guts if I don’t put in six hours today. I slept late yesterday and only put in four hours before we came to get you.”

  “Of course.”

  He paused what he was doing and smiled at her. “Though now I know we’re all spending tomorrow evening together, it doesn’t seem half as bad. A thought like that’ll see me through the sweat and the pain.”

  “I’m glad.” She stood. “But while you and Dale are working out, I’ll confess I plan on being utterly lazy today. It’s been one hell of a week and after a late night…”

  “Late for all the right reasons.” He stood and reached for her hand. He drew it to his mouth and pressed his lips to her knuckles. “I’ll see you tomorrow. You want picking up?”

  “No, text me Dale’s address, I’ll see you both there.”

  “Cool but if you change your mind, let me know. I’m happy to be your chauffer.”

  As he wandered from the room she thought what a damn butch chauffer he’d make. More of a bodyguard really. But she didn’t want him running around after her. She was more than capable of using public transport in London. Had done for years. The more she thought about it, the more she realized she’d been independent for all of that time too. Billy had been more of a responsibility than a boyfriend, a thorn in her side if she was being mean about him, an adult child if she were being kind.

  She saw Jackson from the apartment then flicked the lock on the door. As she turned she spotted Dale’s jacket on the hallway dresser. He’d forgotten it.

  Picking it up, she held it to her nose and inhaled. A smile spread on her face and she fluttered her eyes shut. It held the lingering scent of his aftershave.

  After indulging in a few deep breaths she hung it up on the coat stand, next to her own summer jacket, enjoying seeing it there. She’d give it back to him tomorrow, but until then it would remind her of the night before.

  Not that she needed much reminding. As she wandered back into the kitchen area and put bread in the toaster, she was aware of her limbs aching and a tenderness between her legs. It was a pleasant, glowing sensation that filled her with a rush of excitement for the future.

  “The first of many times we’ll all be together. Get used to being satisfied by two men.”

  Jackson’s words came back to her as she made another cup of tea. This time last week she couldn’t have imagined being so happy. After having admired the gym’s hunkiest two fighters for years, she was now all set to repeatedly fall into bed with them both.

  Her cheeks ached a little and she realized it was because she had a goofy smile on her face as she spread butter on her toast. But that was okay. She was happy. For the first time she could remember she had no Billy ball and chain dragging her mood down. Nothing to worry about. No responsibility except to herself and so much to look forward to.

  She ate her toast, then brushed the crumbs from her robe and tightened the belt.

  As she rinsed her plate the doorbell rang.

  She frowned, wondering who it could be. Neither Dale or Jackson knew the code to get through the front door of the building.

  Tucking her hair behind her ears, she walked into the hallway. The bell rang again, sending a sharp, insistent noise around the apartment.

  “Hang on,” she called. She peered through the spyhole, but before she even focused her heart sank. There was only one person who knew the code and would come up to the front door without announcing himself.


  Sure enough he stood there in jeans and a leather jacket. His hair was long and messy, it needed a wash, and he wore a stern expression.

  “Jenny, let me in,” he said, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I know you’re there.”

  She sighed, unlocked the door, and pulled it open. “What do you want, Billy?”

  His attention dropped down her body. “My stuff.”

  “What stuff?”

  “I left a bunch of CD’s here, ages ago.”

  “Yes, that was ages ago.” She wasn’t even sure where they were.

  “And a sweater and bottle of aftershave.”

  “The aftershave was empty.” She pulled the door wide. “Come in, I think I know where the sweater is. The CD’s might take a bit more finding.”

  Her good mood had evaporated, and in its place was irritation. She’d have to hurry up and find his things so he’d leave. She had no intention of spending any longer than necessary in Billy’s company. It was a surefire way to ruin her Sunday morning.

  She was aware of him stepping into the apartment and the door clicking shut. For a moment a whisper of fear made the hairs on the back of her neck tingle, but she beat it down. She’d been alone with Billy a million times. Okay he could be volatile, his temper quick, but he’d never actually hurt her any more than a tug of her arm.

  But still…she’d ended it now and he wasn’t happy about it.

  “So who is the new man, Jenny?” Billy said, his voice low and dark.

  The fear returned and her belly tightened. “What?” she asked turning.

  Billy stood, feet apart, staring at Dale’s jacket. “The new man, who is he?”

  “That’s a friend’s.”

  “Yeah right.”

  “Yes, Billy, that is right and besides it has nothing to do with you.”

  “Of course it has, you were my girl for as long as I can remember. I can’t let you just go off with anyone.”

  “That’s exactly it, I was your girl.” He was really irritating her now. “Past tense.”

  “He might be a mass murderer.”

  She didn’t reply

  “Or a jerk. Or an arsehole.”

  Like you.

  Still she didn’t respond.

  “So is he here?” Billy stepped past her, nudging her with his left shoulder.

  She frowned. “No, he’s not. Now wait here while I get that sweater.”

  Billy stared around the living room with his nose in the air as though trying to sniff out the new

  Wishing she’d taken the time to pull on clothes, Jenny headed to the cupboard.

  “Is it one of those posh twats from your office?” Billy called after her. “What’s their names? Andre and Tristan.”

  “No it isn’t, and they’re not twats. They’re good, decent men.” Billy had always referred to her bosses with scorn. She had no idea why. He’d never even met them.

  “Yeah, yeah. You’d deny it even if it was one of them.”

  She found the sweater and gripped it in a way she’d quite happily grip Billy’s neck—tight and throttling.

  “Here,” she said, stomping back into the living room and thrusting it at him. “I’ll drop the CD’s at the gym sometime. I’m not sure where they are.”

  He held the sweater in his fist and let it hang at his side. “So how long you been seeing jacket man?”

  “Not long.”

  “So it started before you ended it between us?”

  She stared up at him. “Would you just leave?”



  “I want you back, Jenny. Can’t you see that?” He reached for her.

  Quickly, she retreated then scooted around the sofa using it as a barrier between them.

  “Sweetpea, we’re good together.” Now his voice had a whining quality to it.

  “No we weren’t. We were stuck in a rut. It was just easier to be together than go through the hassle of breaking it off. But I couldn’t live like that anymore. I don’t want to be with you, Billy.”

  “But it’s always been us.”

  “Yes, and for a while it worked, we supported each other through some crap times. But these last few years it’s been all about me helping at the gym and not much else.”

  “We need you at the gym.”

  “No you don’t, you need an assistant. One you pay to work several hours a week.”

  He moved around the side of the sofa.

  “It’s time for you to go.” She edged away, eyeing up the bathroom and wondering if she should make a dash for it and lock the door.

  His expression changed from a whiny downturn of his lips to sharp, teeth-gritting irritation.

  Her belly clenched and a spurt of adrenaline entered her veins.

  “Why? Is he on his way round? Is that why you’ve got that ridiculous fancy fucking robe thing on? You want to look sexy for him?”


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