Settling For More (Men of the Vault Book 4)

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Settling For More (Men of the Vault Book 4) Page 1

by Aria Grace

  Settling For More

  The Vault #4

  Aria Grace

  This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher or author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.

  Settling For More

  Published by Surrendered Press

  Copyright 2018 Aria Grace



  I refresh the email for the psychology department general mailbox one last time then sigh, resigned to the fact that I have to ask for more work. Professor Chase Ryan has been great about giving me enough busy work to fill my time since I started working for him.

  But I’m officially caught up.

  I’d give anything to get an inquiry from a parent or student looking for random information just so I’d have a few minutes of research to conduct before having to bother Professor Ryan. But there’s nothing. The email box is up-to-date, all of his digital and paper files are organized and exactly where they should be, and the students who’ve scheduled office hours with him are all in his calendar.

  I take one last look around the small office I’ve been assigned to work in, hoping some task I’ve previously missed will appear, and when nothing does, I make the trek across the hall to the professor’s office.

  The door is closed, so I knock twice and wait to hear from him.

  “Yeah, come in.” Professor Ryan doesn’t even look up when I open the door, too focused on whatever seems to be perplexing him on his computer monitor.

  “I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m all caught up.” I take a step farther into the room, trying to get a glimpse of what’s on his computer. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

  Professor Ryan blows out a frustrated breath then leans back in his chair and turns toward me. “Have you used survey software before?”

  “Like, Survey Monkey?”

  His eyes light up. “Yeah, exactly like that.”

  “A few times. Some of my teachers used it for uploading assignments, and when I was a TA, I set up a few survey pages myself.”

  If he had just won a million dollars, I don’t think Professor Ryan’s face could be any happier.

  “Thank God.” He tears a sheet of paper from his legal pad and holds it out to me. “Can you set this up for me? It’s part of an ongoing study I’ve been working on for the past year, but this is the first time I’m in charge of setting up the survey online.”

  I reach for the paper and quickly scan it. “Yeah, no problem. Shouldn’t take too long.”

  Professor Ryan chuckles under his breath. “I don’t know about that. I’ve been staring at this page for two hours, so I hope you’re right. I’ll email the login information to our account. Let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Sure thing.” I head back to my office, excited to have a more interesting project than posting links into emails and glad to be able to help my boss with a project that was clearly frustrating him.

  The questions to the survey seem pretty standard for a psychology department. Professor Ryan has been working on an ethics project, and this survey specifically talks about how people feel when they make unethical decisions and how their bodies physically react after doing something they know is wrong.

  I get the basic structure of the survey set up in about fifteen minutes then spend another forty-five minutes perfecting the design and layout so it matches the UNLV color schemes and looks as professional as possible.

  With one more hour under my belt, I finally feel justified in taking a lunch break. There are several good lunch places on campus, and a group of food trucks are parked out in the west parking lot today.

  I only have a few friends on campus and none are free right now, so I head to a noodle truck and grab something simple I can eat while people watching. As the hundreds of students pass by on their way to and from classes, I wonder how many of them are struggling with the kind of ethical dilemmas Professor Ryan was talking about. Probably most.

  I’m just grateful I’m no longer in that category. I’ve had my demons in the past, but they’ve been exorcised, and I’m finally in a place where I feel good about myself.

  “You’re just in time,” Tanner says when I walk through the front door of our condo on the Las Vegas strip.

  “Just in time for what?” I drop my bag and keys on the table near the front door, almost afraid of what I’ve just walked into.

  Dad walks past me, shoving a screwdriver in my hand as he goes. “To help us take apart that dresser in our closet. Rod wants to take it with us, but it’s too wide to get into the elevator in one piece. We have to disassemble it to get it out of here.”

  I roll my eyes and head to their bedroom. Tanner, my birth father, and my dad, the man who raised me since birth, aren’t officially moving out for a few weeks, but they’ve been slowly packing up the important things for over a week. They closed escrow on a large house just out of town that is still being built, but they have a storage pod down in the private parking lot that they’ve been moving the big stuff into to make the moving process less painful.

  Dad points to one side of the dresser then crouches down on the other side, mimicking my movements to unscrew the slab of marble on top. “How was work?”

  “Good. Kinda slow, but I had one interesting project today, so that was good.”

  “Oh yeah?” Dad pauses his motion and looks right at me. “What was that?”

  “A survey on ethics. He’s asking people about their emotions and anxiety prior to and after making unethical decision.”

  Dad’s eyes go wide and his eyebrows lift. “Heavy stuff.”

  “Yeah. As I was creating the survey, I thought about situations I’ve been in and how I react to things like that.”

  Dad smiles and turns back to the dresser. “Like when you avoid eye contact and seem to be jittery whenever the topic of your bad decisions come up?”

  I should feel embarrassed, but I can’t hold back a small smile. “Yeah, I guess like that.”

  Dad takes a moment to contemplate my response. “Keep in mind that I know your tells. So next time you try to pull something over on me…don’t. Just know you can always tell me anything and no matter what you’ve done, we’ll figure it out together. No need to try to hide anything…ever.”

  “Okay,” I whisper. I didn’t expect our chat to turn into a deep moment between us, but I appreciate his words. I’ve done some stupid things in the past and have hurt Dad in many ways. But he’s always been there for me. And I know he always will be. “You too, you know. No more secrets between us.”

  Dad looks me right in the eye and reaches for my shoulder, giving me a gentle squeeze. “No more secrets, bud.”



  “You enter the amount here, swipe their credit card, then add the member number into the roster before you send them in. We just need to know who is on site at all times.” I demonstrate the point of sale terminal by processing a one-dollar charge on my credit card. “They just have to sign the receipt and they’re all set.”

  Daniel writes down a few notes then turns back to me. “Got it, boss. Seems pretty self-explanatory.”

  “Excellent.” I pat his shoulder and turn toward the door. “You know how to find me if you have any questions at all. Johnny will also stop by every now and then to see if you need anything and to give you breaks. I’ll be in my office until guests start to arrive, so
just holler.”

  “No problem, Asher. I’ve got things under control.”

  Hiring Daniel to take over the front of the house responsibilities has been a huge burden off my shoulders. Between the minor renovations we’re finishing up and a complete overhaul of our accounting and payment systems, things have been crazy. Tanner only comes in once a week and has shifted the majority of the day to day operations to me. I’m grateful for the promotion and added responsibilities, but it’s been stressful. If it weren’t for Johnny also taking on an expanded role in keeping The Vault running smoothly, I’m not sure I would have survived the past month.

  I’m not even halfway through my email when Johnny pokes his head into my new office and holds out a bag of burritos. “Hungry?”

  I didn’t realize it until he said the word, but the acid gurgling in my belly is a sure sign that I need to fill it with actual food. “Starving. Come in.”

  Johnny looks pleased that I’ve accepted his offering so easily as he settles in at the small conference table on the other side of my office and lays out our dinner. “How are things going, boss man?”

  I roll my eyes. “I’ve told you not to call me that. I’m not your boss.”

  “You could be…” Johnny winks and slides a Coke in my direction. “I’d let you be in charge.”

  I chuckle to lighten the impact of his innuendo. Johnny isn’t shy about flirting with me, and I used to be much more generous with my reciprocal flirtation, but not so much anymore.

  I keep trying to tell myself I’m just too busy to think about a relationship or even dating, but in the back of my mind I know there’s more to it than that. As much as I like Johnny and think he’s fucking gorgeous, my fantasies no longer feature him as the starring attraction.

  Not since I met a certain guy who is way too young and innocent to be corrupted by the likes of me. But that doesn’t mean I don’t think about him…a lot.

  “How are things going with you?” I unwrap my burrito and take a bite. “Everything good?”

  Johnny shrugs as he finishes chewing his bite. “Everything’s fine. Daniel seems to be catching on pretty quickly, and the new recruits are settling in well.”

  Every time a new group of boys go out on the display floor for the first time, there is always a settling in period. Sometimes we lose a couple after the first few nights, but usually the generous tips and promise of a big payday at the end of their twelve-month stint at The Vault is enough to keep them going until they get past their initial jitters.

  “Good.” I grab my napkin and wipe my face before reaching for a folder I left on the corner of my desk. “Tanner asked me to start gathering info for the annual audit. It’s not due for a few months, but after things settle down a bit, I’ll probably be working on that for at least a week or two.”

  “Oh, that reminds me.” Johnny pulls out his phone and starts pounding the screen. “I got an invoice from the company that provided extra security for our private party last week. They want a check in hand before they book us for next month’s event.”

  My shoulders droop in annoyance at their timing. “Tanner was here yesterday, so it’ll be at least a week before he comes in to sign a check.”

  Johnny sighs as he puts his burrito down. “Maybe I’ll make a trip out to the condo tomorrow to get his signature. That way, these assholes will stop hounding me for their money as if we’re trying to stiff them.”

  An excuse to visit Tanner’s place might be just what I need to replenish my spank bank. “Actually, I’m heading into town in the morning for some supplies. I can take it. I’ll have it ready by the time you get in tomorrow.”

  Johnny’s eyebrows furrow for a second before he shrugs it off. “If you don’t mind, that’d be great.”

  “Consider it done.” I reach for my burrito and take another bite, hoping to quell the inappropriate excitement building in my gut. Lusting after my boss’s teenage son is wrong on so many levels. It’s not just his age but his innocence. Ian came searching for his birth father because he was lost and needed a fresh start. Tanner gave that to him in the form of a home and path toward going to the university as soon as he’s ready. I don’t think Tanner wants Ian to associate with anyone from The Vault, especially me.

  I’m not overly promiscuous but access to the boys who live here has always been a perk I wasn’t afraid to take advantage of. I’ve been too busy in the past few months to bother with more than a quick blow job before heading home at night, but even those occasions were few and far between. And since spending time with Ian after Tanner saved me from an electrical fire in the basement, I haven’t been interested in any of the guys I work with.

  Not even Johnny. And he’s the one I thought I’d end up with.



  After sleeping until after ten, the smell of coffee finally pulls me out of bed, and I head toward the kitchen. Tanner is sitting at the counter with coffee and a bowl of oatmeal. He lowers his iPad when he sees me and greets me with a smile. “Good morning.”

  “Morning. Is Dad still sleeping?” My dad is usually up at the crack of dawn, but he’s been running around like crazy lately, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s finally catching up on some rest.

  Tanner lifts his cup and takes a drink of his steaming hot coffee. “That man couldn’t sleep in if his life depended on it.”

  “Yeah, that’s true. I used to hate when he’d wake me up early on the weekends because he was bored and wanted company.”

  Tanner grins. “Well, soon enough, you’ll have this place all to yourself and you can sleep in as late as you want.”

  “Yeah…” I pour myself a cup and add sugar and cream before sitting down across from Tanner. “Where is he?”

  Tanner glances up at me from under his lashes. “Apparently, he has some surprise planned for me at the new house. He’s meeting with the contractor right now to discuss it.”

  My eyebrows lift, surprised that my dad is taking the initiative to do something for the new house without Tanner’s approval. “Seriously? What do you think it is?”

  Tanner shrugs. “No idea. But I’ll find out in a few weeks.”

  As I’m contemplating whether to make toast or oatmeal, there’s a knock at the front door. I turn to Tanner. “Expecting anyone?”

  He nods and stands up, taking his cup of coffee with him. “Asher. He needs a check signed.”

  “Asher?” Instinctively, I run my fingers through my hair, knowing it must be a mess.

  “Yeah.” Tanner eyes me suspiciously as he reaches the door. “Is that okay?”

  “Yeah, of course.” I scrub my hand up and down my face to make sure I don’t have any sleep gunk coating my eyes.

  Tanner opens the door and invites Asher inside.

  Asher looks sexy as always with his light blond hair and firm muscles. He hands a folder to Tanner and takes a few steps into the foyer before finally looking at me. “Hey, Ian. How’s it going?”

  “Good. Uh, great. Yeah, things are good.” I dig my fingernails into my palms to stop my babbling. “How are things with you?”

  “Busy.” He smiles and slips his hands into his pockets as Tanner walks to the kitchen for a pen. “I’ve been working longer shifts with all the changes going on, so it’s been hectic.”

  I fold my arms over my chest, standing awkwardly as we wait for Tanner to return with the signed check. “Do you want to cup of coffee? Or breakfast? I could make something real quick.”

  “No, thanks. I don’t want to disturb your morning. I was just happy for the excuse to get a change of scenery for a little while.”

  “Yeah, of course.” I look into Asher’s blue eyes and see him staring back at me. I hold his gaze for a long moment until Tanner comes in and clears his throat.

  Startled, we both quickly turn to face Tanner as if we’ve been caught doing something we shouldn’t.

  “This is all ready for you.” Tanner holds the folder out to Asher. “If there’s anything else you need,
just let me know. I’ll drive out there.”

  “Yeah, okay. Sorry.” Asher holds the folder close to his chest then gives me a quick nod before letting himself out of the apartment.

  I turn to Tanner, surprised with how abrupt he was. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, Fine.” He flips the lock on the front door then heads back to the kitchen.

  I follow behind him, unsure whether I should say something or not. After a few minutes of silence, I finally ask him what’s bothering him.

  “Are you mad at Asher?”

  Tanner sighs heavily and leans back on the stool, crossing his arms over his chest. “No, not at all. But I don’t think you should get involved with him.”

  My eyes go wide in surprise. “What are you talking about?”

  Tanner cocks his head at me and raises an eyebrow. “I know what I saw. You were both staring at each other like puppies. He’s a good guy, and I respect the hell out of him, but he’s lived a different life than you have. He sees things every day that… Well, I just don’t think he’s the right guy for you to pursue.”

  I bark out a laugh at his assumptions. “Don’t worry. I don’t think he’s interested. I offered him a cup of coffee, and he practically ran out of the room without even waiting for the check.”

  I can’t lie and say it didn’t hurt, but what Tanner is saying is true. Asher has access to gorgeous guys all day long, and they’re all a lot more experienced than me. And by a lot more, I mean experienced, period.

  “I’ll be smart, Tanner. I promise.”

  “That’s all I want.” He reaches for me and pats my hand. “I know Asher would never intentionally hurt you, but if you’re looking for a commitment, I don’t think he’s the right person.”

  I nod and take a sip of my coffee. “I’m gonna go take a shower.”


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