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Eternity Page 16

by Tmonique Stephens

  “Why would I listen to the man who abandoned me?” she shouted.

  “How many times must I tell you? Your mother left. I didn’t follow.”

  “And when she begged to return, you refused her!”

  “What man would welcome an unfaithful wife back into his bed?” His anger matched hers, but he quickly calmed. “The alimony and child support were both generous. What she did with it is not my fault. Bianca, this is the same discussion we’ve had for more years than I can count. You didn’t come to me for this.”

  “If you love me you’ll help me get him back. You’ll tell me what to do. Help me get rid of that girl.” A sob escaped when he shook his head.

  “Stella Walker isn’t going anywhere without Roman on her heels. He loves her. He will always love her.”

  “But he loves—”

  Hector grabbed her shoulders. “He never looked in your eyes and told you he loved you. He never promised you forever. Did he?”

  She searched her memory. There had to be a time, a moment when he said the three words. The first time they made love? On the Paris trip? Maybe when she surprised him in Istanbul? When he suggested they get married? Tears gathered and raced down her cheeks.

  “If he didn’t love me then why did he want to marry me?”

  His hands dropped away from her and he turned away, but gave her a sidelong glance. “I asked him to.”

  Though she must have heard him wrong, Bianca had to ask, “W-w-why?”

  “To make you happy. You wanted him and, at the time, he was . . . available.”

  She rasped. “Y-you set this entire thing up!”

  “I’m sorry, Bianca.”

  “This is your fault, Father. Fix it!” Her body fisted and trembled violently.

  “I can’t,” Hector said. His steady gaze didn’t waver from her face.

  Can’t was a word she never heard applied to her. It made her insane. “If you can’t, I will.” She pushed him out of her away and charged from the room.

  She had to get out of here, before she killed someone. The words looped in her head until her heart beat in tune. Someone was going to die tonight if she didn’t leave this place.

  “I think I can help you.”

  Bianca stumbled and twisted her ankle. She would’ve fallen if a pair of strong hands hadn’t steadied her. She thought they were Roman’s.

  They weren’t. Daniel gripped her arm loosely.

  “Thanks.” Gingerly, she rotated her sprained ankle while balancing on her other foot. Sometimes, it was hard to believe Daniel wasn’t a blood relative of Roman’s. Similar in so many ways, he could’ve been his brother.

  “Did you say something?” she asked, staring at him.

  “Yes. I think I can help you,” he mumbled.

  Bianca remembered something she’d forgotten long ago. Her first day here, she stepped across the threshold with her eyes wide and mouth ajar. She entered RockGate and Hector hugged her, then took her to meet everyone. She met the staff first; the cook and the three maids. Later, she discovered they were distant relatives of Hector’s. She spared them a brief glance then asked to meet everyone else.

  She wandered off while Hector tasted the menu for the evening meal. The next person she met was Roman Nicolis. He was perfect and just as her father described him. Tall, broad, black hair and blue eyed. She’d been dressed in a halter-top and shorts, her sixteen-year old body with enough curves to garner attention. He gave her an appreciative once over. Any other man she would’ve roasted. But this was Roman. Her lips spread in her most seductive grin.

  “Hello, Roman.” She expected him to return her smile with one of his own. After all, men loved her, wanted her.

  He didn’t smile. The appreciative glance turned glacial, then hostile. What had she done?

  “I’m not Roman,” he snarled. “He is.”

  Bianca followed his extended finger to see a man striding out of view. She didn’t apologize. She streaked out of the room, nearly jogging, to catch her prey.

  And she did—until today.

  “You want to help me?” Why? was the unspoken word she withheld.

  “We can help each other.”

  Though his smile held no warmth, Bianca nodded and followed him into the garden.

  Daniel led her through the mansion and onto the patio. The annoying click of her heels ended when they stepped off the tile and onto the soft grass. She stumbled, leaning against him her breasts nudged his arm and drew his attention as they pillowed.

  “Let me help you.” He bent down and purposely skimmed his hand down her calf before slipping her heel from her foot. He glanced at her face as he did the same with her other leg. Her wide eyes and suspended breath told him she was interested. The scent of her lust told him just how much. The beast in him growled in annoyance. Maybe another time, another place, but not tonight, tonight he had other plans with another woman. But he would use this woman to get to the one he wanted. He grabbed her shoes in one hand and stood.

  “You don’t like Roman, do you?” Head tilted up at the perfect angle, she smiled into his face.

  Oh, Bianca, he leaned close, his mouth twisted in a smile. She knew exactly how alluring she was and how to use her sex appeal to her advantage. He always wondered why Roman fell for her obvious charms. Beauty is one thing, but the calculating hunger in her eyes had nothing to do with passion or even lust. He kinda respected it. If he had a kernel of empathy he might feel guilty about what he was about to do. He leaned close and paused, only a breath away from her parted lips.

  “I care about Roman as much as you do. Now, do you still want my help or shall we part here now?”

  She nodded slowly. “I still need you.” She breathed and her pink tongue stroked his lips. He almost wished he wanted her.

  “Where are we going?” she whispered.

  “Trust me, partner.” He took her hand and led her into the maze.

  She resisted, trying to pull away. “Why are we going in there?” She hated the maze since getting lost in it for hours two years ago.

  “Privacy. I don’t want the others to see us talking.”

  She looked around at all the windows and then picked up her speed next to him. A few twist, a few double backs and turns finally deposited them at the gazebo in the center of the maze. The last minutes of sun hugged the horizon.

  “OK, we’re here.” She glanced around to make sure they were alone. “What’s your plan?”

  Daniel released the tight control he had on his alter ego and felt the beasts’ energy flow through him. “My plan—” he grunted because his vocal cords had already shortened and thickened as his face elongated into a snout. “—is to have you scream while I hunt you down.” His bone snapped as the change swept through him.

  “Maybe I’ll just chew on you a bit and let you live.” He added towering over her, a new and improved Daniel.

  She didn’t scream. She didn’t run. She fainted and hit her head on the arm of a wrought iron bench.

  Muscles quivered, ready to hunt, bunched in rage. Alamut was promised a hunt. Prey lying placidly at his feet offered no challenge, but it was still prey. He picked her up and stuck out his tongue for a taste when a familiar scent captured his attention. Roman. He was nearby. He dropped the woman on the bench and took off in his direction. His jaw unhinged to bellow a challenge, when Daniel’s thoughts filled his head, telling him to wait. He crept to the entrance of the maze and spotted Roman on the patio welding a sword. Alamut prepared to attack when another scent hit him and diverted him away from Roman. Lotus blossom with a hint of sexual heat.



  The door swung open. Roman paused on the threshold. In the mirror, their eyes met and a cold calm enveloped Stella. He didn’t wait for permission to enter and she didn’t move. Suspended, she watched him until the click of the bedroom door closing released her. She spun around and faced him.

  “I came to explain.”

  “Get. Out.”

  Their voices battled each other for supremacy.

  “There is no explanation for what you did. You cheated on her and used me to do it.” The joy she woke to this morning disintegrated and filled her with ash. Unbearable hurt strangled her, blurred her vision. Once again, she was disposable.

  “I feel dirty.” The words choked her throat. He took the one thing she had left to give, her heart, and destroyed it.

  “It’s . . . it’s not what you think.”

  “What I think!” What should’ve been a laugh ended up as a dry grating sound. “I think you’re engaged. But most importantly, she thinks you’re engaged.”

  “I just ended it.”

  For a moment she couldn’t speak. Then her brain lurched forward. “Don’t tell me you dumped her for me.” Her words dropped like knives.

  “I didn’t. Our relationship was over weeks ago—”

  “But you forgot to tell her, and me. Don’t you think you should have told me before you slept with me?” she flung at him.

  “Yeah. That would’ve been best, but at the time other things were on my mind.” His hands fisted at his sides.

  “Yeah, like the revelation of your immortality.” She shot him a dirty look.

  He jaw clenched as he gritted. “I remember that being on the table.”

  “What other secrets are you hiding, Roman?” She didn’t expect an answer.

  “Would you believe me if I listed them all?” His voice hard, his eyes so cold, almost as cold as her insides.

  Last night she would’ve believed anything he told her. Last night they were the only two people in the entire world and she was where she wanted to be, in his arms, safe, warm and loved. Once mundane, now she lived a Greek tragedy: murder, resurrection, love and betrayal. But this wasn’t a hardcover, this was her fucking life.

  “You had nothing to do with my decision to end my engagement. Bianca and I were a mistake—”

  “As was last night.”

  Despair crossed his face, but immediately, he reigned in his wayward emotions.

  Except his eyes. No longer frosty, their heated gaze caressed her body. Like a physical touch, Stella basked in the warmth. Her heart had tethered itself to the man and refused to let go. It pulled her too him, wanting to trust, to believe all that he said.

  Thank God she wasn’t ruled by that foolish organ.

  Tears threatened and she wouldn’t do that in front of him. She’d gouge out her eyes first.

  “Please leave.” She wished she hadn’t pleaded, but she didn’t have the strength to continue.

  “This discussion isn’t over.” He took a step toward her.

  “Either you leave or I will.” She heaved a breath and squared her shoulder, ready to dart out the door and sleep in the woods if she had too.

  Silence and time moved between them, stretching out the torture until she thought she would shatter. Finally, Roman pivoted and left, slamming the door behind his stiff back. She won the battle. Her enemy retreated, probably for the first time in his life.

  Too hungry to hide in the bedroom, Stella stepped into the hallway. She spent hours painstakingly rebuilding her breeched walls. It wasn’t the fortress she once had, but it would get her to the kitchen and back to the safety of her loaned bedroom.

  She remembered the path she took earlier and duplicated her steps. Various noises filtered through the house; footsteps, doors opening and closing, a TV and laughter. She prayed not to meet Roman. Her tenuous will wouldn’t hold under another assault. Food and an immediate return to her room were the only things she needed.

  It didn’t take her long to find the industrial sized kitchen. Done in pale yellow with cream antique cabinets and dark marble countertops, appliances gleamed, ready for culinary delights. If only she could cook.

  She shoved the thought away and went to the double side-by-side subzero refrigerators. The first one held nothing but beer in all varieties. The second had wine.

  Where was the damn food?

  One the other side of the room she spotted a walk in cooler. She pulled the lever and the door sprang open. Jackpot! Inside she found everything she ever desired to digest. Quickly, before she was discovered, Stella retrieved a plate and silverware and returned to the cooler.

  Goosebumps pebbled her skin as she sliced some brisket. She passed on the fried chicken and left over pizza, but couldn’t pass on the lasagna. She’d just loaded her plate when the kitchen door squeaked open and footsteps thumped into the room. Blood pounded in her ears. She couldn’t tell if they were Roman’s, but she thanked god that the cooler door had nearly closed behind her. Maybe no one would notice the cold air curling out of the box.

  She didn’t want to face him. Time and distance is what she needed, but staying in the walk-in, bad idea. Already her teeth chattered and her limbs trembled.

  “Grab the fried chicken and pizza. I’ll get the beer,” someone said.

  The kitchen door creaked again and the tread of many feet and voices mingled. The kitchen had filled with men all talking at once.

  “All ready thought of it,” another answered.

  Before she moved, the door opened. E.J. blocked the exit.

  Holding a plate of food in her hands, “Hi” was the only thing she could think of to say.

  Six foot four inches and built like a linebacker, E.J. jumped a foot and landed in an attack stance. When he saw her, he clutched his heart and leaned against the door. “You scared the F-ing shit outta me.”

  “Sorry.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  Quin and Thane joined E.J. Crowding the doorway, three stunned men stared at her. She could imagine how ridiculous she looked cowering inside of a walk-in cooler, balancing a plate of food while her bodily functions slowly shut down.

  “This is the worst hiding place you could’ve chosen,” Quin chuckled.

  “I-I-I w-w-was hungry.” A shudder ran through her and the plate danced in her hands. Thane grabbed the dish before it crashed.

  “Let’s get you out of here,” he said to her, then glanced at E.J. and Quin. “Someone get a blanket.” He took her by the elbow and guided her into the kitchen.

  They seated her at the breakfast bar. A blanket was thrown over her shoulders and she wrapped it tightly around her. Thane poured her a cup of coffee and set the steamy mug in front of her.

  “Unscheduled gatherings are strictly forbidden.” Hector entered from a side door. In brown silk pajamas and a brocade robe he managed to look chic with bed head. He stopped short when he spotted her sitting at the bar and took in the scene; the three men around her, the coffee, blanket and plate of food. He belted his robe tighter. “Did someone forget to invite me to the party?”

  He walked to the wall next to the two sub-zero’s, pressed a panel and another refrigerator opened. “Which creamer would you prefer?”

  “Hazelnut,” she replied.

  He set the container next to her mug.


  “Splenda?” she pleaded, and wasn’t surprised when he opened a cabinet and produced a jar along with a linen napkin and a spoon. As the only person in this impromptu restaurant, a lab rat had more privacy. Hand trembling, she fixed her coffee while the men waited for her first sip. She took a mouthful and swallowed without tasting it. “Thank you,” she said after dabbing her lips.

  “What’s the hold up?” Behind her, someone new entered the room. She turned and stared at a man that looked a lot like Roman. Slightly smaller, facial structure was a bit different, but the hair and eyes were dead on.

  “That’s Daniel.” E.J. tilted his head toward the guy. He gave her a nod and joined them at the table.

  Hector pointed to her plate of food. “Yours?” He didn’t wait for her nod but picked up her plate and warmed it in the microwave.

  “So, why were you hiding in the refrigerator?” E.J. asked, left eyebrow rose expectantly.

  “She wasn’t hiding. She was hungry,” Thane answered for her.

  Hector returned with her
food. She failed miserably at this covert operation. All she needed was for Roman to walk in and complete this fiasco. Stella shrugged off the blanket and pushed away from the table. She grabbed the plate and coffee. “Thanks. I’ll take this to my room.”

  “The solarium is beautiful at night. You should eat there.” Hector suggested.

  On her way to her bedroom, she passed the solarium. Victorian in design, the antique panes were etched with butterflies and birds, lilies and orchids. The etchings competed with flora thriving in the enclosed environment. Stars in the night sky twinkled overhead as she ate, inviting her to step outside instead of returning to her room and lying in the same sheets where Roman made love to her.

  Cleverly blended into the woodwork and panes, she found the door and stepped out onto the lawn. A cool late summer breeze surprised her as did the lush carpet of grass. She removed her sneakers and socks and let the blades tickle her toes. With shoes in one hand, she strolled the grounds, safely circling the house. The tennis courts drew her attention, so she veered away from the stone edifice and walked the courts, which led to a walk by the swimming pool.

  Off to the side, she spotted Roman. Bare-chested, sweat glistened off his straining pecs and arms in the patio lighting. The sword clutched in his hand sang as the blade sliced the air in graceful, killing arcs. His body contorted as he hacked and slashed, twisted and nearly danced. Erotic and enticing, her traitorous body throbbed, yearning for what it had a few short hours ago.

  Before he saw her, she ran, and didn’t stop until she was deep in the garden maze. Tall hedges blocked the artificial light from the strategically placed lanterns on the perimeter throwing most of the lanes in shadows. She didn’t care where she was running too; she knew what she was running from. A dead end stopped her. A brick wall made out of vines blocked her way. Out of breath, she leaned against the foliage. The soft leaves buffered the sharp branches and gave her a moments respite before she turned and started to backtrack.


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