The Death of Wallenstein (play)

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The Death of Wallenstein (play) Page 2

by Friedrich Schiller

  In me too. 'Tis a foe invisible

  The which I fear-a fearful enemy,

  Which in the human heart opposes me,

  By its coward fear alone made fearful to me.

  Not that, which full of life, instinct with power,

  Makes known its present being; that is not

  The true, the perilously formidable.

  O no! it is the common, the quite common,

  The thing of an eternal yesterday.

  Whatever was, and evermore returns,

  Sterling to-morrow, for to-day 'twas sterling!

  For of the wholly common is man made,

  And custom is his nurse! Woe then to them

  Who lay irreverent hands upon his old

  House furniture, the dear inheritance

  From his forefathers! For time consecrates;

  And what is gray with age becomes religion.

  Be in possession, and thou hast the right,

  And sacred will the many guard it for thee!

  [To the PAGE,-who here enters.

  The Swedish officer? Well, let him enter.

  [The PAGE exit, WALLENSTEIN fixes his eye in deep thought

  on the door.

  Yet, it is pure-as yet!-the crime has come

  Not o'er this threshold yet-so slender is

  The boundary that divideth life's two paths.



  WALLENSTEIN (after having fixed a searching look on him).

  Your name is Wrangel?


  Gustave Wrangel, General

  Of the Sudermanian Blues.


  It was a Wrangel

  Who injured me materially at Stralsund,

  And by his brave resistance was the cause

  Of the opposition which that seaport made.


  It was the doing of the element

  With which you fought, my lord! and not my merit,

  The Baltic Neptune did assert his freedom:

  The sea and land, it seemed were not to serve

  One and the same.


  You plucked the admiral's hat from off my head.


  I come to place a diadem thereon.

  WALLENSTEIN (makes the motion for him to take a seat, and seats himself).

  And where are your credentials

  Come you provided with full powers, sir general?


  There are so many scruples yet to solve--

  WALLENSTEIN (having read the credentials).

  An able letter! Ay-he is a prudent,

  Intelligent master whom you serve, sir general!

  The chancellor writes me that he but fulfils

  His late departed sovereign's own idea

  In helping me to the Bohemian crown.


  He says the truth. Our great king, now in heaven,

  Did ever deem most highly of your grace's

  Pre-eminent sense and military genius;

  And always the commanding intellect,

  He said, should have command, and be the king.


  Yes, he might say it safely. General Wrangel,

  [Taking his hand affectionately.

  Come, fair and open. Trust me, I was always

  A Swede at heart. Eh! that did you experience

  Both in Silesia and at Nuremberg;

  I had you often in my power, and let you

  Always slip out by some back door or other.

  'Tis this for which the court can ne'er forgive me,

  Which drives me to this present step: and since

  Our interests so run in one direction,

  E'en let us have a thorough confidence

  Each in the other.


  Confidence will come

  Has each but only first security.


  The chancellor still, I see, does not quite trust me;

  And, I confess-the game does not lie wholly

  To my advantage. Without doubt he thinks,

  If I can play false with the emperor,

  Who is my sovereign, I can do the like

  With the enemy, and that the one, too, were

  Sooner to be forgiven me than the other.

  Is not this your opinion, too, sir general?


  I have here a duty merely, no opinion.


  The emperor hath urged me to the uttermost

  I can no longer honorably serve him.

  For my security, in self-defence,

  I take this hard step, which my conscience blames.


  That I believe. So far would no one go

  Who was not forced to it.

  [After a pause.

  What may have impelled

  Your princely highness in this wise to act

  Toward your sovereign lord and emperor,

  Beseems not us to expound or criticise.

  The Swede is fighting for his good old cause,

  With his good sword and conscience. This concurrence,

  This opportunity is in our favor,

  And all advantages in war are lawful.

  We take what offers without questioning;

  And if all have its due and just proportions--


  Of what then are ye doubting? Of my will?

  Or of my power? I pledged me to the chancellor,

  Would he trust me with sixteen thousand men,

  That I would instantly go over to them

  With eighteen thousand of the emperor's troops.


  Your grace is known to be a mighty war-chief,

  To be a second Attila and Pyrrhus.

  'Tis talked of still with fresh astonishment,

  How some years past, beyond all human faith,

  You called an army forth like a creation:

  But yet--


  But yet?


  But still the chancellor thinks

  It might yet be an easier thing from nothing

  To call forth sixty thousand men of battle,

  Than to persuade one-sixtieth part of them--


  What now? Out with it, friend?


  To break their oaths.


  And he thinks so? He judges like a Swede,

  And like a Protestant. You Lutherans

  Fight for your Bible. You are interested

  About the cause; and with your hearts you follow

  Your banners. Among you whoe'er deserts

  To the enemy hath broken covenant

  With two lords at one time. We've no such fancies.


  Great God in heaven! Have then the people here

  No house and home, no fireside, no altar?


  I will explain that to you, how it stands:

  The Austrian has a country, ay, and loves it,

  And has good cause to love it-but this army

  That calls itself the imperial, this that houses

  Here in Bohemia, this has none-no country;

  This is an outcast of all foreign lands,

  Unclaimed by town or tribe, to whom belongs

  Nothing except the universal sun.

  And this Bohemian land for which we fight

  Loves not the master whom the chance of war,

  Not its own choice or will, hath given to it.

  Men murmur at the oppression of their conscience,

  And power hath only awed but not appeased them.

  A glowing and avenging memory lives

  Of cruel deeds committed on these plains;

  How can the son forget that here his father

  Was hunted by the bloodhound to th
e mass?

  A people thus oppressed must still be feared,

  Whether they suffer or avenge their wrongs.


  But then the nobles and the officers?

  Such a desertion, such a felony,

  It is without example, my lord duke,

  In the world's history.


  They are all mine-

  Mine unconditionally-mine on all terms.

  Not me, your own eyes you must trust.

  [He gives him the paper containing the written oath. WRANGEL reads

  it through, and, having read it, lays it on the table,-remaining


  So then;

  Now comprehend you?


  Comprehend who can!

  My lord duke, I will let the mask drop-yes!

  I've full powers for a final settlement.

  The Rhinegrave stands but four days' march from here

  With fifteen thousand men, and only waits

  For orders to proceed and join your army.

  These orders I give out immediately

  We're compromised.


  What asks the chancellor?

  WRANGEL (considerately).

  Twelve regiments, every man a Swede-my head

  The warranty-and all might prove at last

  Only false play--

  WALLENSTEIN (starting).

  Sir Swede!

  WRANGEL (calmly proceeding).

  Am therefore forced

  To insist thereon, that he do formally,

  Irrevocably break with the emperor,

  Else not a Swede is trusted to Duke Friedland.


  Come, brief and open! What is the demand?


  That he forthwith disarm the Spanish regiments

  Attached to the emperor, that he seize on Prague,

  And to the Swedes give up that city, with

  The strong pass Egra.


  That is much indeed!

  Prague!-Egra's granted-but-but Prague! 'Twon't do.

  I give you every security

  Which you may ask of me in common reason-

  But Prague-Bohemia-these, sir general,

  I can myself protect.


  We doubt it not.

  But 'tis not the protection that is now

  Our sole concern. We want security,

  That we shall not expend our men and money

  All to no purpose.


  'Tis but reasonable.


  And till we are indemnified, so long

  Stays Prague in pledge.


  Then trust you us so little?

  WRANGEL (rising).

  The Swede, if he would treat well with the German,

  Must keep a sharp lookout. We have been called

  Over the Baltic, we have saved the empire

  From ruin-with our best blood have we sealed

  The liberty of faith and gospel truth.

  But now already is the benefaction

  No longer felt, the load alone is felt.

  Ye look askance with evil eye upon us,

  As foreigners, intruders in the empire,

  And would fain send us with some paltry sum

  Of money, home again to our old forests.

  No, no! my lord duke! it never was

  For Judas' pay, for chinking gold and silver,

  That we did leave our king by the Great Stone. [1]

  No, not for gold and silver have there bled

  So many of our Swedish nobles-neither

  Will we, with empty laurels for our payment,

  Hoist sail for our own country. Citizens

  Will we remain upon the soil, the which

  Our monarch conquered for himself and died.


  Help to keep down the common enemy,

  And the fair border land must needs be yours.


  But when the common enemy lies vanquished,

  Who knits together our new friendship then?

  We know, Duke Friedland! though perhaps the Swede

  Ought not to have known it, that you carry on

  Secret negotiations with the Saxons.

  Who is our warranty that we are not

  The sacrifices in those articles

  Which 'tis thought needful to conceal from us?

  WALLENSTEIN (rises).

  Think you of something better, Gustave Wrangel!

  Of Prague no more.


  Here my commission ends.


  Surrender up to you my capital!

  Far liever would I force about, and step

  Back to my emperor.


  If time yet permits--


  That lies with me, even now, at any hour.


  Some days ago, perhaps. To-day, no longer;

  No longer since Sesina's been a prisoner.

  [WALLENSTEIN is struck, and silenced.

  My lord duke, hear me-we believe that you

  At present do mean honorably by us.

  Since yesterday we're sure of that-and now

  This paper warrants for the troops, there's nothing

  Stands in the way of our full confidence.

  Prague shall not part us. Hear! The chancellor

  Contents himself with Alstadt; to your grace

  He gives up Ratschin and the narrow side.

  But Egra above all must open to us,

  Ere we can think of any junction.



  You therefore must I trust, and not you me?

  I will consider of your proposition.


  I must entreat that your consideration

  Occupy not too long a time. Already

  Has this negotiation, my lord duke!

  Crept on into the second year. If nothing

  Is settled this time, will the chancellor

  Consider it as broken off forever?


  Ye press me hard. A measure such as this

  Ought to be thought of.


  Ay! but think of this too,

  That sudden action only can procure it.

  Success-think first of this, your highness.

  [Exit WRANGEL.


  WALLENSTEIN, TERZKY, and ILLO (re-enter).


  Is't all right?


  Are you compromised?


  This Swede

  Went smiling from you. Yes! you're compromised.


  As yet is nothing settled; and (well weighed)

  I feel myself inclined to leave it so.


  How? What is that?


  Come on me what will come,

  The doing evil to avoid an evil

  Cannot be good!


  Nay, but bethink you, duke.


  To live upon the mercy of these Swedes!

  Of these proud-hearted Swedes!-I could not bear it.


  Goest thou as fugitive, as mendicant?

  Bringest thou not more to them than thou receivest?


  How fared it with the brave and royal Bourbon

  Who sold himself unto his country's foes,

  And pierced the bosom of his father-land?

  Curses were his reward, and men's abhorrence

  Avenged the unnatural and revolting deed.


  Is that thy case?


  True faith, I tell thee, />
  Must ever be the dearest friend of man

  His nature prompts him to assert its rights.

  The enmity of sects, the rage of parties,

  Long-cherished envy, jealousy, unite;'

  And all the struggling elements of evil

  Suspend their conflict, and together league

  In one alliance 'gainst their common foe-

  The savage beast that breaks into the fold,

  Where men repose in confidence and peace.

  For vain were man's own prudence to protect him.

  'Tis only in the forehead nature plants

  The watchful eye; the back, without defence,

  Must find its shield in man's fidelity.


  Think not more meanly off thyself than do

  Thy foes, who stretch their hands with joy to greet thee.

  Less scrupulous far was the imperial Charles,

  The powerful head of this illustrious house;


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