Hacked by Love, Part 2

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Hacked by Love, Part 2 Page 7

by Sharon Cummin

  “What can I get you?” the bartender asked, as I took the same stool I had the time before.

  “A beer and a burger,” I answered.

  After being a bit more specific, I watched the television above the bar until my burger was placed in front of me. It looked amazing. A bar burger was exactly what I was in the mood for. Once my burger was gone and three beers had found their way into me, I stood up, paid my bill, and walked out of the bar.

  Just as I rounded the bend toward the elevator, I spotted her only feet from me talking on the phone. I stood quietly for a moment watching her. She was wearing a t-shirt and tight jeans that hugged her ass perfectly just the way my hands would. Her hair hung down her back, and all I could think about was wrapping my hand around it, tugging her head back, and taking the damn kiss I'd wanted since I'd walked out of her room three months before. Then I heard her speak, and that thought vanished.

  “I miss you so much, Jackson. I love you, baby,” was all she said before I quickly stepped back around the corner and took off down a hallway.

  I walked all the way around to a second elevator and made my way up to my room. Apparently I wasn't invading her thoughts like she was mine. Her man's name was Jackson. Lance was so much better, I thought. The minute I walked back through my door, I kicked my jeans off and pulled the t-shirt over my head by the back of the neck. Then I stepped back into my sweat pants, sat on my bed leaning back against the headboard, and clicked the television back on to try and drown her out of my thoughts.

  “Quit being a pussy,” I whispered. “She's a pain-in-the-ass anyway.”

  It wasn't an hour later that I heard a soft knock on my door. I figured it was the wrong room, so I ignored it. Then I heard it again. For a split second, I let myself think it was her. It was such a stupid thought. We were together once and had no business being together ever again. We were like fire and water, two things that fought each other and definitely didn't belong together. My hand moved through my hair as I walked to the door. Why was she the one I wanted to be on the other side?

  Chapter 14


  When I opened my eyes and looked at the clock next to the bed, I jumped up, wiped my eyes, and looked again. Three hours had gone by while I slept. Shit! How could I have slept that long when I was in a hotel with a pool and plenty of time to read and relax? I hurried to the bathroom, took a fast shower, and quickly got dressed. I was hungry and wanted to get downstairs before the restaurants closed. I grabbed my phone from my pants I'd had on earlier and shoved it into my pocket. With my shoes on and my key card in my hand, I walked out of my room. I looked down the hall in the direction of his room but quickly turned back and began walking away as fast as I could. That was exactly what I needed to be doing. The second I stepped out of the elevator on the main floor, my phone rang.

  “Hey, grandma,” I said.

  “How are you?” she asked. “I don't want to keep you from what you're doing, but Jackson wanted to say goodnight.”

  “Of course,” I said. “How has he been?”

  “Perfect as always, Lauren. Don't you worry about anything here. We're doing great. I'll put him on, but make it quick. You know he'll keep you on so he can stay up.”

  “Okay,” I said with a laugh.

  I waited for a few seconds before I heard his sweet voice.

  “Mommy,” he said. “Grandma said I need to go to bed, but I wanted to say goodnight.”

  “I miss you so much, Jackson. I love you, baby,” I said.

  I reached up to rub the back of my neck. It felt like tiny prickles were all over it.

  “I miss you too,” he said. “Grandma said you'll be home in one sleep.”

  “I will,” I said. “We can spend the whole day together too.”

  “I can't wait,” he said.

  “Neither can I,” I said. “You get some sleep for grandma, and when you wake up, I'll almost be home.”

  We said our goodbyes, and I shoved my phone back into my pocket while I walked down the hall to one of the two restaurants. When I looked in, there were couples and families everywhere. Some were laughing, some were talking, and some were playing on their phones. The thought of eating alone didn't seem like something I wanted to do. When I turned and headed in the direction of the hotel bar, I couldn't help the excited feeling that filled me. Would he be there? Would he want to talk to me? Would he be a giant dick if I sat down? Something was up with him. He'd seemed so pissed earlier when we got into the car that would take us both to the hotel. He even mentioned that Eric guy. It couldn't be jealousy. Maybe he thought I was going to get special treatment. I bet he thought it would help me win. I walked into the bar, over to the stool I'd sat at the last time, and sat down. He wasn't there. I wasn't sure why I cared exactly. He'd been so moody earlier and had ignored me for an entire month before that. There was no reason for me to want to see him. It had to do with the project, I thought to myself. I wanted to talk to him about it. We both needed to concentrate if either of us was going to break through the damn stuff. I needed to propose a truce between us.

  The longer I sat at the bar, the more it bothered me that he wasn't there. I sat thinking about the last time we'd been there. He was so nice. He'd bought my drinks. We'd watched the television for a bit while they talked about baseball, and we talked. We ended up a tangled mess of limbs which surely made that night even better. He'd been the best sex I'd ever had. That wasn't saying much. I wasn't as experienced as you'd think since I had a four year old. There was just something about it I couldn't help but hope to find again one day.

  When I'd finally finished eating and given up on him coming to the bar, I paid my bill and walked through the halls to the elevator. When the doors opened on our floor, I got out and walked forward. I stopped in front of my door with my key card in my hand. It was only inches away from its slot, but I couldn't make myself swipe it. I looked down the hallway toward his room and couldn't help but wonder if he was in it, and if so, was he alone? No matter how hard I told myself to walk into my room, I couldn't do it. My feet began moving toward his door. I'd ask him about the truce, I thought to myself. It was all about my dream job. If I got him on board and somehow got him out of my mind, I'd have the job for sure.

  Before I could stop myself, I lifted my hand and knocked on his door. When he didn't answer, I knew I needed to turn around and walk back to my room. One more time, I told myself as I knocked again. When the door opened, my eyes landed on his muscular, naked chest and my mouth instantly felt dry. My tongue darted out across my lips, and I watched his eyes follow its movement. I let my eyes roam down to the perfect v dipping beneath his sweats before letting them traveling back up his chest to his sexy, messy hair. When my eyes connected with his, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I wasn't one to ever be at a loss for words normally, but I couldn't form one coherent word in that moment. When he cleared his throat, it brought me back to reality. The reality that I needed the job more than I'd ever needed anything. Jackson was counting on me. I needed to do it for him. I forced myself to pull my eyes away from the chiseled chest before me long enough to get one sentence out.

  “We need to talk,” I said with a shaky voice.

  His hand went up and through his hair, and I couldn't help but notice the way his arm flexed as he did it. I bit my bottom lip hoping to keep my mind where it should be and not where it was quickly going.

  “Really?” he asked, and I nodded.

  He took a step back barely giving me any room to enter. When I stepped in, he closed the door putting us even closer together. I could smell a fresh clean scent mixed with his scent. Yes, I remembered.

  “What would that be about?” he asked.

  Then he stepped forward, causing me to take two steps back, putting my back against the door. I shifted nervously from one foot to the other. No matter how badly I willed myself to, I couldn't look away from him.

  “About work,” I said.

  He smiled that sexy damn smile I'd seen the ni
ght I met him.

  “You came to my room to talk about work?” he asked.

  When he stepped forward again, I felt my breath catch, and all I could do was nod again. One of his hands went up against the door next to my head. I felt a tingling sensation run up my arm, but I didn't move. My eyes were looking down at that sexy line of hair traveling into his sweats, the sweats I so badly wanted to shove down his legs.

  “What exactly do you have to say?” he asked with the sexiest rumble in his voice.

  I didn't answer, and my eyes remained on the clothing covering his cock. His other hand lifted and his finger found its way to my chin. Then he lifted it forcing my eyes to meet his.

  “Lauren,” he said.

  A soft moan left my lips before I could stop it. His voice did things to me that I couldn't stop. I was biting my bottom lip even harder than before trying to get my body to stop going against me.

  “I'm waiting,” he said, as if he wasn't the one making it impossible for me to speak.

  My eyes closed, and I felt the air between us disappearing. Then I felt his lips on mine and thought I was going to lose it. I knew I should have pulled away, but I didn't want to. When his teeth grabbed my lip, I released it and opened without a second thought. The moment his tongue touched mine, I was a goner. My hand went to the back of his head and my tongue fought his for control. He wasn't having it and slammed his body against mine into the door. I let out a gasp, and his tongue won. I slid my hand down his abs and moved to go beneath his sweats, but he swatted it away. His other hand moved slowly down my body until it reached my ass. When he lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and dug my heel into his ass. He turned us, walked toward the bed, and slowly released my body letting me slide down him until both feet were one the floor. Then he took a step back and folded his arms across his chest. I stood nervously unsure of what he was about to say or do. Something about that had my entire body shivering. I couldn't wait.

  “Shirt off,” he said.

  Without hesitation, my shirt was gone.

  “Jeans next,” he demanded.

  The rough rasp in his voice had me wanting to get a reaction out of him. I quickly kicked my shoes off. I undid the button of my jeans. Then I unzipped them. Slowly, I turned around and pushed them down my legs, bending so my ass was on display for him. That would surely get a reaction, I thought. When I heard the loud smack and felt the sting, I jumped and turned back to him.

  “Don't play with me, Lauren,” he hissed through his teeth.

  My hand went to my ass and rubbed, but the sting was still there. I narrowed my eyes at him, and he gave me a look daring me to say something. It took all I had not to, but I didn't want to risk him stopping what I so badly needed to happen.

  “Unhook your bra and let it slide down your arms to the floor,” he said.

  I did as he asked. The second the cool air hit my nipples, they hardened and I didn't miss his tongue moving across his lips or the fact that his sweats were tenting out. I found myself wanting to please him, the man that drove me crazy.

  “Panties,” he said next.

  I didn't move at first.

  “Either slide them down or I'll rip them from you,” he said with that damn sexy rumble.

  I thought for a second about his words. Then he moved to step forward and I quickly slid them down and kicked them off. I stood before him completely naked. He stood silent, but I could see the look in his eyes change during the whole process. The fact that his cock was rock hard under his sweats gave him away as well. I couldn't stop myself from looking at him and wanting to touch him.

  “On your knees,” he said, the quiver in his voice giving away his own nervousness.

  My eyes widened, but I didn't speak. He stood with his arms still folded over his chest. I had a decision to make. Did I drop to my knees, giving him what he wanted, letting him hold that control, or did I challenge him, push him, see what would happen? It had been three months since the night we were together, and it was all I'd thought about. I wanted to touch him, and I definitely wanted to taste him. I hadn't gotten to do that the last time, and it was something I thought about often. I'd even touched myself thinking about exactly what he'd taste like and how he'd fit in my mouth. For all I knew, I'd never have the opportunity to be with him again. What did I really want?

  Neither of us spoke, but the way he held himself and the stern look in his eyes had me wanting to do as he'd asked. That wasn't me. I had no idea how the arrogant, cocky asshole had me wanting to make him happy. Being with him before was different. I didn't know him outside of sex. Since I'd met him for who he really was, it didn't feel the same. I wasn't sure if it was a good or bad different, but I was about to find out.

  I dropped to my knees in front of him, hoping I wouldn't regret giving in and letting him take control. He could use it against me later, I knew he could, but it was a chance I had to take. I needed him. When I looked up from my spot on my knees, I could see one is arms shake a bit. Was he just as nervous as I was, I wondered? He sure wasn't acting like it, but his body was betraying him. I reached up and felt him through his sweats. Something in me wanted to taste him more than I'd ever wanted anything before. Part of me was scared. I hadn't slept with anyone but Lance since I'd found out I was pregnant, but before that, I'd only blown a guy once. That was at a party, and I was drunk. Lance was still looking down at me, but he wasn't saying anything. There was no way I was giving him the chance to pull away and change his mind.

  I hooked my fingers under the waist of his sweats and slowly slid them down his legs, leaving him in only his boxers. The way his hard cock pushed against them had me wanting him even more. I wanted to find out if what we'd experienced the time before was a one time fluke or if he was really that amazing. I reached back up and pulled his boxers down. He stepped out one leg at a time, and I shoved those and his sweats to the side. When my eyes traveled back up his legs and landed on his perfect, hard, thick cock, I reached out, wrapped my fingers around it, and began stroking him. A little puff of air left his lips encouraging me to continue. My tongue started at his base, and I slowly licked all the way to his tip. I swirled my tongue around him before spreading my lips and taking him into my mouth slowly. When a soft moan left him, I knew I was doing something right. I looked up to find him looking down at me with hooded eyes. I took him into my mouth deeper until I felt him touch the back of my throat, keeping my eyes on his the entire time. The shiver that ran through my body pushed me along. I wanted him so badly. I sucked hard around him while I pulled him out and swirled my tongue around his tip. Then I took him back into my mouth fast and deep. A rumble left his chest, and I felt that same shiver again.

  “You're so damn beautiful,” he said in a sexy tone. “You have no idea how many times I've thought about this moment right here.”

  I wrapped one hand around the base of his shaft and began stroking while I sucked him.

  “Seeing you on your knees, with my cock in that smart mouth, has me ready to blow,” he continued. “It's the sexiest sight ever. You thought about me too, didn't you?”

  I wasn't sure what to do in that moment. If I admitted it out loud, there would be no taking it back, and I wasn't sure I wanted that.

  “Lauren,” he said sternly. “Did you think about me? Did you think about my cock?”

  I continued looking up at him while he was buried deep in my throat. When his hand wrapped in my hair and tugged my mouth free of him, I felt another shiver.

  “Answer me,” he demanded. “Did you reach down between those sweet thighs and run your fingers over your wet pussy while you thought about me? Did you fuck yourself with them while you thought about having my cock in your mouth while you sucked me? Did you see yourself down on your knees with me deep in your throat?”

  “Yes,” I moaned, unable to hold back any longer.

  I could feel the wetness between my legs dripping down my thigh, and I wanted a release more than anything. Hearing him talk to me that way tur
ned me on so much. I never would have thought that I'd like dirty talk, but I did like it, very much.

  “I have too,” he said. “So many nights, I ended up with my cock in my hand and thoughts of you, on your knees, sucking it.”

  I wrapped my lips around him again, and he used the hand he still had in my hair to guide me up and down his shaft.

  “Suck me,” he said with a rumble to his tone.

  I did exactly as he asked and sucked him deep and hard. When he hit the back of my throat, I stopped for a second, and he let up on my hair. He didn't push me to do anything I didn't want, and that made me even happier.

  “Suck it hard,” he growled out, and I couldn't help how much that growl turned me on.

  I sucked him very hard. His head fell back, and he let out the sexiest moan that shot straight to my core. I slid my free hand down between my legs and rubbed my clit. I couldn't believe how wet I was without him even touching me. When I moaned around his cock, his head came up and he looked down at me.

  “Fuck,” he said, just as his hands came down, grabbed under my arms, and lifted me to my feet. “Not by your own hand. So damn sexy, but not happening. It will be me that makes you come tonight, my mouth, my hand, or my cock, but it will be me.”

  He grabbed under my ass and lifted, and his mouth claimed mine. My legs wrapped around his waist, and I felt the tip of his cock teasing my entrance. Just when he moved into me a bit deeper, I pulled away from his kiss.

  “Condom,” I said, before grabbing the back of his head and pulling his mouth back to mine.


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