The Club Sin Series 4-Book Bundle

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The Club Sin Series 4-Book Bundle Page 24

by Stacey Kennedy

  Cora watched him, noticing the ease to his gait. She hadn’t been the only one exuding tension earlier, and she liked that she had that effect on him. She gave her head a little shake, shedding the ping-ponging sensations within.

  “Wow, that man has some serious gifts,” Presley said, slow and steady, drawing Cora’s attention. “That wax dragon was incredible.”

  “I know, it shocked me,” Cora said and laughed, tucking her hands under the blanket and welcoming the warmth. “Right into orgasm.”

  “Yeah…” Presley’s cheeks flushed. “I saw that.”

  Feeling better with each passing minute, Cora studied her friend. Even if Presley blushed, those cheeks weren’t nearly as bright as they’d been a month ago. Presley had walked into the dungeon a newbie, totally out of her element. Now she didn’t seem at all uncomfortable sitting in her lingerie and talking about Cora’s scene.

  Things had settled for her friend, and that made Cora smile. Presley had snagged Dmitri as an exclusive Dom and she wore his collar. In the dungeon, her collar bore the same significance as—or even held more standing than—a wedding ring. The choker of diamonds and sapphires declared Presley belonged to Master Dmitri.

  To be collared so early in the lifestyle was unusual. Cora touched her neck, wondering what a collar would feel like. It had never happened to her, even though she’d been in a committed D/s relationship before with her ex-boyfriend Porter.

  She looked to Master Aidan across the dungeon as he stood near the Club Sin Doms’ lockers that contained all their toys. Everything seemed so different for Presley. Her friend had found the love of her life the second she walked into Club Sin. It’d been two years since Cora joined the dungeon and all she’d done was fall in love with a man shadowed in misery and in love with another woman.

  The desire to be held engulfed her, and her mind raced. Relax. Calm down. This will pass.

  “Cora,” Presley whispered.

  She snapped her hand off her neck, discovering Presley staring at her. “Sorry, did I drift off there? I guess I’m still a bit out of it.”

  Presley gave Cora a long look. “Can I ask you something personal?”

  “Of course, always.”

  Presley’s eyebrows furrowed as she scooted closer. “Do you notice the connection you have with Aidan?”

  Cora cleared her throat and licked her lips, glancing down to the blanket. “Of course I see it.” Hell, she felt it in every molecule of her body. Though feeling something didn’t always mean things worked out how one wanted. “It’s expected. He trained me.”

  When Presley shifted closer, Cora lifted her head to find her friend focused on her. “See, I thought that, too. Then I noticed how he looks at you.” She looked to Aidan, who was chatting with another Dom. Addressing Cora again, this time with a frown, she said, “Sometimes I see him looking at you like he does in a scene, but he’s not in a scene.” She paused, and finally gave a halfhearted shrug. “I don’t get why you guys aren’t a couple.”

  You don’t know his pain. His demons were not for Cora to share. She never knew if it was her job that gave her insight into him or if it was their close D/s relationship, but some things needed to remain private. No matter how close she was to Presley. “First, our relationship isn’t like that. You’re reading into things that aren’t there. Master Aidan doesn’t look at me like that.”

  If he did, things would be very different.

  If he did, I could tell you that I love him.

  Presley hesitated, tapping a finger against her thigh. “Well, I’m not sure I agree.” She tucked her legs underneath her, sitting sideways. “Since I joined Club Sin, you’ve only played with him. If your relationship isn’t like that, why don’t you play with other Doms, too…I don’t know…find a boyfriend?”

  Cora’s heart palpitated and her palms grew sweaty. While she wanted to be honest with Presley, it would open a doorway she couldn’t go down. If Master Aidan knew how she felt, he’d stop playing with her. It was the right thing for a Dom to do. He wouldn’t lead her on, and not playing with him was unthinkable.

  She’d become okay with her decision to accept things for what they were. She didn’t need more than what Aidan gave to her. And she explained that in the only way she could. “I don’t want a boyfriend.”


  With a grunt, Cora rolled her eyes. “You’re never going to let this drop, are you?” At Presley’s shake of her head and smirk, Cora figured she had to give a better answer or risk being asked the same question over and over again. Apparently, the I-don’t-want-one explanation wouldn’t cut it anymore. “I haven’t met anyone I’ve wanted to settle down with. I want it to be natural.”

  Presley’s nose scrunched. “That makes no sense. You’re such a fantastic woman, and you’re only twenty-five. You’re too young to take the if-it-is-meant-to-be route.”

  A lump formed in Cora’s throat and she snuggled into the blanket. This was going deeper than she wanted to go. Of course, her best friend would want to see her happy, but how could Cora explain that she already was content with her decisions. That even if it wasn’t a traditional relationship with Aidan, what she found with him was something so uniquely beautiful.

  Something she couldn’t turn away from.

  How could she explain all this without baring Aidan’s pain? Her insight into him wasn’t hers to share with his close friends. Her love for him was hers to feel alone. “The casual D/s relationship with Aidan works for me—why change something that makes me happy?”

  Presley paused as a couple of Doms strode by, heading toward the spanking scene in the left corner of the dungeon. The soft rock music cut through the silence as Presley continued. “But you could have more.”

  “You’re right—I could” was Cora’s hard reply.

  I don’t expect more.

  He can’t give it to me.

  Presley gave a sad smile and said in a soothing voice, “Listen, I’m not trying to stick my nose where it doesn’t belong. It’s just, I love you…and, well, I see things.” She patted Cora’s leg. “I guess your uncommitted D/s relationship confuses me. You’re so good together. You both seem happy. I don’t know why you don’t pursue more from it.”

  Cora slowly shook her head, shutting her eyes. It all seemed so simple when put that way. Cora had thought in those terms for a few months, until she recognized Aidan’s ghost. She loved him, and loving him meant being there for him when he needed it, too.

  What would happen if her feelings were exposed? If she had to point out how sad he still was? At work, she’d seen people crumble when faced with hard truths. She didn’t want that for Aidan. Besides, a small part of her still had hope. Maybe one day, past the pain, he’d see her in front of him, waiting and supporting him.

  He’d finally find closure with Lily and move on. And who was she to rush him, by demanding he commit to her? She glanced at Presley, who had shifted closer, her knees pressing against Cora’s. “I know that’s hard to understand. You’ve never had an uncommitted D/s relationship.” Heaviness filled her limbs, and she breathed even and slow. “But Aidan and I get what we need from each other.”

  Presley scratched at her cheek with pinched lips. “Okay, I get that. But you like Aidan, right?”

  Cora loved Presley’s innocence. It was the beauty in Presley. In her sweet mind, everyone needed a happily-ever-after in the traditional form. “Of course I think he’s nice, and yes, I like him.” Even if they were best friends, she wouldn’t let Presley trap her in a conversation she didn’t want to have. “But I think a lot of Doms are nice.”

  “Yes, exactly.” Presley’s gaze hardened, her voice equally so. “But you don’t play with other Doms. You only play with him. You deserve more than all this casual play. I see how Aidan watches you. I think if you said something—”

  Cora’s heart raced, nearly exploding out of her chest. Before she could stop herself, she snapped, “Stop it, Presley.” At Presley’s twisted expression, Cora’s stoma
ch knotted and she softened her voice. “Ugh. Shit, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to snap at you. Thank you for loving me so much to ask.” She wrapped her fingers around Presley’s clammy hand, squeezing it tight. “Please leave this alone. The way things are make me happy, and it’s all good.” Her body weakened and she was damn glad she was sitting down. “Promise me you won’t talk about this to anyone else.”

  Everything would change, and that cannot happen.

  I need him.

  He needs me.

  Those demons…he can’t face that yet.

  At whatever crossed Cora’s expression, Presley’s eyebrows shot up into her hairline. “Okay, okay, I promise. I didn’t mean to upset you. And we don’t have to talk about it and I won’t say anything.”

  Cora blew out a long breath, and considering how the world spun around her, she didn’t want to know what she looked like to cause Presley’s surprise. Inside she was a jumbled mess. The thought of the future if this secret came out turned her blood to ice. Not only that her playing with Aidan would cease, but she didn’t want Aidan to remember his pain, she wanted him happy.

  It had taken her a year to see an honest smile cross his face. The thought of that going away made her nauseated. It’d taken another year to stop seeing the dark hurt in his eyes. Aidan was mourning a great loss, and Cora did not want to make it worse. She shut her eyes and focused inward.

  This, too, will pass.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Her eyes flew open on a sharp gasp.

  Oh, fuck!

  Master’s Aidan’s chin dipped, and he looked Cora directly in the eye. “Even from across the dungeon, you looked upset.” At her silence, since her voice caught in her dry throat, he frowned. “Now I see I’m not imagining things. Answer me.”


  Tightness formed in her chest and the world spun faster. He was the one person she wanted far away from this conversation. She placed a hand on the leather couch to support her and forced a quiet laugh. “Nothing’s wrong.”

  His eyebrows raised, eyes blazing hot. “Is that so?”

  She froze, feeling rooted to the spot. Hell, no! Run! She pushed up on shaky legs. “Yep, that’s so.”

  His dark gaze narrowed. “You know I don’t like lies, Cora.”

  Uncontrollable flushes of heat weakened her knees. Holy hell, how had this happened? “I…um…err…” Everything moved too quickly around her, and an empty feeling stormed into the pit of her stomach.


  “Wow”—she glanced to the clock on the wall above the couch—“look at that, it’s late. I better get home.”

  Images of what could be began to flash through her mind if the conversation went any further. That was all it took. She freaking booked it. As far as she was concerned, whoever said avoidance wasn’t the answer was a person who didn’t have anything worth avoiding.

  It certainly worked for her.

  Chapter Three

  Aidan watched Cora drop her blanket and race toward her clothes by the bench near the dungeon’s door, where she’d left her clothes. While typically such a view of her bare ass might’ve amused him, it didn’t stir a smile now.

  Her pain was palpable.

  That dark misery in the depths of her eyes gutted him. It was all too familiar. The same raw agony had once lain inside him. Her gaze held a haunted soul. And she’d given him a look so shattered it’d pinned him to the spot.

  When he watched her dress, he fought his desire to go to her and demand answers now. He appreciated Cora’s strength and respected her for it. Her choices were solid and her decisions were made without regret. Never, not once in the years he’d known her, had she shown a moment of weakness, until now.

  As Cora rushed out the dungeon doors his thoughts spun out of control and his breath became shallow. What had happened to make the strongest submissive he’d ever known turn into a woman consumed with a shadowed soul?

  Aidan’s Dom instincts flared to life, not only because Cora hid something, but because she’d never shared parts of herself with him. He had no idea there was a barrier between them. When had this happened?

  His jaw tensed and he turned to Presley. “Care to explain that?”

  She flinched. “Okay, you look mad.” She straightened in her seat and looked to her lap, fiddling her hands. “And that sucks for me.”

  “Answer my question and this won’t suck.” His fingers twitched to command her gaze, not that he’d act on it. Presley wasn’t his to touch. “Lie to me like Cora did, then this will suck for you.”

  What he’d seen in Cora’s face, even from a distance, stirred sudden chilliness. He tightened his legs, forcing his knees to lock. One look had changed everything. One second took what he believed as true and destroyed it. As if the years he’d played with Cora meant nothing. The trust they’d built didn’t exist. As her Dom, he had failed to read her correctly.

  That was unacceptable.

  Presley slid her hands down her legs, avoiding his gaze. “Well, you see…”

  Aidan shoved his hands into his pockets, controlling the tremble in his arms. When she continued to stammer, he scanned the dungeon. The one Dom he sought he couldn’t find. Turning to Presley, he asked with a clipped voice, “Where’s Master Dmitri?”

  Her warm emerald eyes widened. “Oh, God, no, please don’t involve him. I’ll tell you something…” She blinked rapidly, licking her lips. “I…err…well, I…”

  Aidan watched her continued avoidance, and he sighed. “Did you say something that hurt Cora’s feelings?”

  Presley’s posture stiffened with her glare. “Of course not! I’m her best friend. I would never do that!”

  Her sharp snap raised Aidan’s eyebrows. Right now, he didn’t care if he’d insulted her. His thoughts weren’t centered on logic. Cora is hurting. “Tell me, then, why was she so sad?”

  “She wasn’t sad,” Presley retorted in a soft voice. “She seemed annoyed at me.”


  No flames of anger raged through Cora’s lovely eyes. Torment, longing, and despair were what he recognized. Emotions he knew all too well. His chest heaved at the thought that she suffered. Cora was a ball of sunshine in what could be a dark world. “What was she annoyed about, then?”

  Presley eyed the exit. “Oh, so, she…”

  His inhale through his nose did nothing to ease his tension. “Presley, if you want Master Dmitri to stay out of this, you have thirty seconds to answer me.”

  She gulped, glancing to the ceiling. “Okay, thirty seconds.” Her fingers thumbed against her bare thigh. “Um…all right, Cora…”

  Aidan yanked his hands out of his pockets and crossed his arms, watching her ramble. If Presley were his submissive, she’d be over his lap so fast with her ass turning bright red. “Twenty seconds,” he told her.

  Her face scrunched. “Err…”

  He continued to count down as he fought through ideas for why he’d seen what he had tonight. He questioned if maybe Cora needed more aftercare. Did he leave her too soon and she dropped emotionally?

  Why did you look so troubled?

  That pain, why is that there?

  By the time he reached ten, he pushed away the thought. Cora had been in the lifestyle for four years. She knew what she needed and when she needed it. He never questioned her before. All the warmth drained from his body, replaced by an ice-cold reality that pieces of her were hidden from him.

  The noise in the club raised the hairs on his nape. He became all too sensitive to the activity around him. How had he failed to miss something so intense? Heat swept over his face, as did tingles.

  What else had he missed?

  Pain formed in his jaw from the clenching of his teeth. He shook his head, blinking into the present. Once Presley finished with another round of sputtered nonsense, he stated, “Time’s up.”

  She cringed. “Please don’t ask me these questions, Master Aidan.”

  “I’ve already asked the question,” he retorted.
“Answer it.”

  When she lifted her head, her eyes widened at something over Aidan’s shoulder. “Oh, shit. I’m so, so dead.”


  Aidan glanced over his shoulder, discovering Dmitri. His blue eyes narrowed on his submissive. While Aidan noticed Dmitri’s concern for Presley, she wasn’t the source of Aidan’s alarm. “It’s Cora.”

  Dmitri gave Presley a quick once-over before he turned to Aidan. “What about Cora?”

  “I found her a moment ago, very upset,” he said.

  “Upset?” Dmitri asked, his posture mirroring the tension Aidan suffered. “Is everything all right?”

  “I haven’t a clue.” Aidan gestured to Presley. “Which is exactly what I’ve been trying to find out. Presley has been”—he hesitated, choosing his words carefully so as not to get the sweet Presley into trouble—“reluctant to answer.”

  “You don’t say?” Dmitri looked to Presley, and he firmed his voice. “Tell me what’s going on with Cora.”

  “I…” Presley avoided his gaze, looking to the hardwood floor. “I can’t tell you.”

  Dmitri grimaced.

  Aidan might’ve been amused that his friend appeared shell-shocked at his submissive’s response. That was, if his frustration wasn’t coiled tight inside, threatening to explode. His only focus remained on Cora and her well-being.

  “Try again, Presley,” Dmitri said in a stern voice.

  She hurried to his side and placed her hand on his forearm. “Please don’t make me tell you. I promised Cora that I wouldn’t say anything. Don’t make me break a promise to my best friend—”

  Dmitri pressed a finger against her mouth. “First, you are damn lucky, doll.” He tilted his head, his features softening. “Next time, lead with what you just said. Then I won’t have thoughts of a punishment that would not be enjoyable for either of us.” His posture loosened with a long exhale. “Second, if something is a private matter between two friends, you don’t have to tell us.”


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