The Club Sin Series 4-Book Bundle

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The Club Sin Series 4-Book Bundle Page 32

by Stacey Kennedy

  Cora laughed. Not too long ago, Presley ate Cora’s popcorn with great disdain. She was too sweet to say no, even though it had tasted horrible. Though Presley’s appearance shouldn’t be odd, Cora wondered over her surprise visit. Letting her in, Cora asked, “Did Dmitri tell you to check in on me?”

  “Er…no.” Presley’s nose wrinkled, eyes went wide. “Was he supposed to?”

  Cora snorted. Great. Now she was thinking everyone was out to get her. “Nope. Come on in. I just finished up some work and planned to watch a movie.”

  “Is it a romance?” Presley asked, stepping into the house. Then she took off her shoes, placing them neatly beside Cora’s.

  Typical perfect Presley. Though her skinny jeans and revealing shirt weren’t typical at all of Presley. She’s been corrupted by a dark and delicious kinky world. Cora smiled at that thought, shut the door, locking it behind her. “Yup. It’s a totally gag-worthy romance.”

  Presley giggled, heading into the kitchen. “Awesome.”

  Cora followed, dropping down onto the tall, white stool by the island. Presley got to work making the popcorn. She looked as she did when she lived with Cora—totally at home. A little pang erupted in Cora’s heart. It was strange not having a roommate anymore—just something she hadn’t expected to miss so much.

  Presley put the pot on the stove, flicked on the burner, and added the oil. “Okay, not beating around the bush.” She glanced over her shoulder and waggled her eyebrows. “Porter is hot!”

  Cora placed her elbows on the countertop and rested her chin on her hands. “He looks a little different now than when I dated him.” She shrugged. “A bit older or wiser or something. But still very hot.”

  Once the oil heated, Presley turned to the stove and added the popcorn. “The other night, you guys looked cute together.” One of the pieces of corn jumped onto the stove, and Presley placed the lid on the steel pot. “What happened between you?” She glanced to Cora and blushed. “If you don’t mind me asking.”

  “Oh, please, why would I mind?” Cora tapped her fingers against the countertop, smiling at fond memories with Porter. Also overjoyed that Presley wasn’t asking anything about Aidan. Maybe it all had been put to rest. Good! “You know those boyfriends that end up being really great friends?”

  More popcorn popped and Presley shook the pot, leaning her hip against the counter. “No-spark type of thing?”

  “Yeah, like that.” Cora nodded, as the scent of not-burned popcorn swept through the air. “He’s a good guy—really terrific. But it always felt like what I have with Kyler. He’s a friend.”

  “I’m so envious of that.” Presley turned off the stove and took the pot off the burner.

  Cora knew why—Presley’s ex, Steven Moser, was one memory she could rather live without. She was also confident both Dmitri and Presley wanted to forget about him, too. Steven was a dickhead.

  Hell, with Dmitri sharing her bed, Presley likely had forgotten all about her past relationship. “That’s because your last boyfriend was an asshat,” Cora muttered, scooting her butt into a more comfortable position on the stool.

  “Right, that’s why.” Presley laughed, dumping the popcorn into one giant bowl. “But still, I think it’s great that you can be friends with men like that. I’ve never had a really close male friend.”

  As Presley melted butter in the pot, Cora looked down to the countertop and swirled her finger along the marble design. She hadn’t had many male friends before Club Sin. The Masters were overly caring in that way. They made it easy to be close to them.

  Lacking energy, she pushed off the stool and grabbed two glasses out of the cupboard. As she took the cola out of the fridge and added ice to the glasses, she hoped it would happen soon between her and Aidan.

  She didn’t only want his friendship.

  Hell, she had broken up with Porter for that reason. She wanted more. When had she stopped wanting that? As she topped off the cola once the fizz died down, she knew she had a spark with Aidan. His touch was unforgettable. His care was perfect. He was undeniably good to her. But was that enough for her?

  How much more time could she give him?

  Lately, every step forward seemed to be only a step backward.

  A headache loomed, and she rubbed her temple as she put the cola back in the fridge. Sometimes being a counselor didn’t give you all the answers—it was definitely more difficult to analyze yourself. Emotions made things murky.

  With the cool glasses in her hands, she turned as Presley said, “Don’t forget the tissues. I’m sure I’ll bawl my eyes out like I always do.”

  Cora didn’t respond. She couldn’t move as her thought replayed in her mind. Emotion slammed so hard into her chest she couldn’t breathe. As if an icy part of her soul cracked ever so slightly, splintering something deep inside her.

  How much longer can I wait…

  As always, Cora stuffed it all away and forced a smile. “You are such a cheesy romantic, Presley.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The wind breezed along Aidan’s skin, cooling the heat of his flesh, and the pavement passed quickly under his feet. Beads of sweat dripped off his nose as he pushed harder on his run. Two hours had dragged by since his frustration had forced him to work it off with exercise, but the exertion didn’t shed his tension.

  At the fork in the road, he headed left and continued to run along the sidewalk in Summerlin. Passing by the Tournament Players Club, known to host the PGA Tour, he spotted the golfers on the course, glad not to be one of them.

  Aidan craved thrill and excitement in his sports. In golf, he never found that type of adrenaline, though he was sure some did. But he hadn’t moved into this neighborhood for the golf course. He’d moved in for the classy and elegant houses, and for the safety a gated community provided.

  Minutes later and gasping from exertion, he spotted his two-story house. With his heart hammering, he slowed to a walk and studied the home he’d purchased to start his life with Lily. It stood proud with its gray brick and black accents, but the focal point of the house was the gorgeous arched entryway.

  Built on a large lot, the mansion was luxurious, from the grand foyer with crystal chandelier to the floating staircase. Lily’s eyes had brightened when they’d been shown the house and that had been enough for Aidan to purchase the home.

  With Lily gone, the house didn’t hold any warmth, as it once did. Aidan didn’t like the open concept, nor did he enjoy all the windows on the front side. All of which hadn’t mattered when he’d bought the home for Lily.

  The only thing that suited him was the stunning mountain views that were visible from every window at the back of the house. It had always been more Lily’s house than his, but he’d been all right with that. As long as he had a place to eat, sleep, and fuck, he didn’t care what it looked like.

  Arriving at his dark oak front door, he grabbed the key from the pocket in his workout shorts and unlocked the door. Once he entered the large foyer, he headed toward the chef’s kitchen decorated with cherrywood cabinets.

  At the large island, he grabbed his towel off the dark marble countertop and wiped the remnants of his workout off his face. Tension still vibrated in his body, and even jerking off before bed and again this morning hadn’t removed the strain.

  With trembling muscles, he dropped down at the sleek kitchen table, staring out at his empty kitchen with a heavy heart. Lily always had something cooking in the slow cooker, from soups to stews to new recipes that he pretended to love. The lack of smell from home cooking in this kitchen clutched his chest.

  He’d considered selling the home after she died, but somehow he thought that would be a betrayal to her. He didn’t want to forget Lily. The picture of her by the fridge was a constant reminder that she once had given so much to his life.

  With a tight chest that had nothing to do with the workout, he looked away from the photo to his cell phone on the countertop. If one thing came from his run, Aidan no longer wrestled with
himself. Even if tension still rippled through him, his mind had cleared to the hundred choices laid out before him.

  While he had no answers for what plagued Cora, he, at least, had a plan.

  Cora had offered her body to him, but as her Dom, he needed to supply more.

  Her body might trust him.

  Her soul didn’t.

  That, to him, was unacceptable, and was no one’s fault but his own.

  Pushing off the chair, he approached the countertop and grabbed his phone. He dialed his legal assistant. “Knight Law, Ella speaking.”

  He wiped the towel across the back of his neck. “Ella, this is Aidan.”

  “Good morning,” she replied in her soft southern accent. “I have a ten-o’clock appointment for you this morning.”

  “Clear my schedule for today.” He hesitated. “And tomorrow as well.”

  As expected, Ella replied, “Will that be all?”

  That’s why he needed Ella and paid her well. No questions asked. No hesitations given. She simply dealt with the situation as it happened. And he never had to worry if he was away from the office—she’d deal with whatever came up. “Yes, that’s all.”

  Aidan ended the call and went to shower.

  He wasted no time, in and out, and dressed in a matter of ten minutes. On his way out the door, he hit the garage door opener. He grabbed his backpack off the hook and stuffed in the items he needed for the day. Then he strode by his black Audi, slid into the backpack, and jumped on his bike.

  In seconds, he was out of the garage and closed the door behind him. He tore through Vegas streets, daring a cop to stop him now. Tickets were of the past, since Kyler had a way of getting him out of the last two. Truthfully, he didn’t give a shit, either. He’d take the ticket and continue on.

  Today, he had a mission.

  He turned onto Cora’s street and the bike hummed beneath him, roaring to go faster. Soon, girl, soon. He’d always felt rejuvenated and moving forward on his bike, as life sometimes seemed to halt time.

  When he reached Cora’s house, he pulled into the parking spot behind her girly car, which suited her. He pressed his foot against the kickstand, and within seconds he approached her front door. He rang the doorbell, not caring that it was nine o’clock in the morning.

  The moment the door opened, he chuckled, unable to stop himself.

  Cora stood in her pajamas, appearing much younger than he’d ever seen her. In fact, she looked like the twenty-five-year-old she was. Lingerie and her sassy attitude always made her seem older. Sometimes he forgot he was eight years older than her. Plus, he hadn’t ever seen Cora without dark, sexy makeup on, and she looked a lot more innocent. Her hair was completely disheveled, sticking up wildly.


  Her eyes…those eyes that were the prettiest blue, widened. “Aidan?” She looked down to herself in her pajamas and then ran her hands over her hair. She lifted her head with rosy cheeks, and she blinked repeatedly. “Sorry, I just woke up.”

  “Don’t be. I know I’m catching you by surprise.” He smiled, watching her try to reorganize herself. He liked that she worried what she looked like for him. In fact, he preferred her appearance now to when she was done up. “You look incredibly cute like this.”

  “Perfect.” She rolled her eyes. “Isn’t that what every woman wants a Dom to say?” She shuddered. “Cute.”

  He laughed, the swell of tension slowly fading from his body. “Mind if I come in?”

  As she opened the door wider, her voice had lifted with sass. “Sure, why not. You’ve seen me in my jammies, it can’t get any worse.” After he stepped into her house, she tilted her head. “How did you know I was off, anyway?”

  “Presley told Dmitri, which made its way back to me.”

  “Oh.” She frowned.

  Aidan restrained his chuckle. “I didn’t hear anything else except that.” Of course, he knew Presley had come to Cora’s last night. Dmitri had told him at dinner, and that he wondered why she had taken a couple days off work.

  Aidan had wondered, too. Now he was only too glad she had.

  Cora pulled her hair into a ponytail and then let it flow down her back. “Okay, let me go get dressed.”

  “Please wait.” He shut the door behind him. “I have a question for you.” He leaned against the door, watching her shift uneasily on her feet. His gaze slid down to her puckered nipples through her thin T-shirt. He pondered if that was arousal or that she was cold.

  It interested him to find out.

  Not now.

  He lifted his gaze to her, and she gulped. “And the question is…?”

  Aidan made mistakes with her, but he’d be damned if he didn’t correct them. She talked openly with Porter. He wanted that. She needed a closer relationship, and damned if he wouldn’t give it to her.

  He was sick of being jealous of Porter. “Want to come rock climbing with me today?”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “As in climbing the side of a cliff?”

  “Well, we could climb a boulder.” He inhaled the coffee brewing in the kitchen and dropped his gaze directly in line with hers. “Somehow I think that would lack excitement.”

  She hesitated, watching him furtively while nibbling her lip. “Is it…safe?”

  “No, Cora.” He snorted, shaking his head at her. “I plan to take you rock climbing so you’ll plummet to your death.”

  Her eyes sparkled. “Well…” She finally shrugged with a flick of her hair over her shoulder. “Guess I should go. Don’t want you to one-up me.”

  Now, that sounded like the Cora he’d cared for these past years—strong, confident, and determined. With her in his presence, everything was good. He needed this, more than he thought he ought to. “You had no plans?” he asked.

  She smiled, giving him a playful grin. “Cleaning the house, grocery shopping, and being lazy.”

  “Nothing important, then?” She shook her head and he added, “Great. Go put on some tight clothes and sneakers.”

  Her face beamed with the waggle of her eyebrows. “Tight clothes, you say?”

  Taking the couple steps toward her, he erased the distance, pulled by the electricity so powerful between them. The sun beamed through the windows at the door, and he was transfixed by her natural beauty. Her soul shined in her eyes, and that didn’t need makeup to accentuate it. “Tight, comfortable clothes for rock climbing.”

  “Oh, no fun.” She smirked up at him, her gaze lit with an inner glow. “That sounded like interesting rock climbing.”

  “Remember…” He stared at her pouty mouth. “I don’t plan to let you fall to your death.”

  She gave a crisp nod. “Okay, tight clothes it is.”

  “Smart thinking.” He searched her face, licking his lips. Somehow sexy Cora in the dungeon didn’t match the simplicity of her now. And he rather enjoyed seeing what she looked like in the morning—a little bit messy looked good on her. “Don’t worry, I’ll bring the rope.”

  When he leaned away, her lips parted. “Speechless.”

  “Good.” He grinned, giving her a swat on the ass. She squeaked and lurched forward, and he added, “I like you that way.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  An hour passed as Cora pressed against Aidan’s back. His bike tore through the Las Vegas streets and entered the Spring Mountains National Recreation Area. She had wished the ride had been longer; being there with him made her live in the moment, not acknowledging the past or the future.

  Cora didn’t know what Aidan’s intention was by bringing her out here today, but she didn’t care. She wanted to stay just like this for as long as possible. The last hour had been the closest she’d ever been to being held by him.

  Sex or aftercare in the club didn’t count.

  This had been easy companionship, a prime male’s body against hers, with no expectation other than warmth and easiness. Besides, she smiled at how Aidan handled the motorcycle with efficiency and determination, exactly as he handled her body.
  By the time he stopped the motorcycle in a small gravel parking lot she had no desire to be anywhere else. Surrounded by forest and inhaling the clean air, her back ached from the backpack filled with climbing gear.

  With a weightless gaze, he took the backpack from her and settled it onto his shoulders. After he gave a catlike stretch, he winked at her. “Come, luv. It’s time to hike.”

  “Giddy up.” She grinned.

  He chuckled and approached the path through the forest with an easy, unhurried stride. She closed her eyes and tipped her head back, reveling in the hot sun. As his foot crunched against a branch, she hurried after him.

  Silence fell between them and she allowed it, not filling the quiet with small talk. As the smoldering air brushed across her, a hawk soared high in the sky above, almost guiding their route. A floating sensation overwhelmed her with each step, like all her burdens had been removed.

  “Ah, we’re here.”

  Cora blinked out of her thoughts, nearly banging into Aidan’s back. She followed his gaze and looked up the large cliff, and up…and up… She turned to him. “You’re kidding, right?”

  He took off the backpack and his eyes squinted with a twinkle of mischief. “You did agree to go rock climbing.”

  “Yeah,” Cora said with a firm nod. “I said climb a rock.” She pointed to the cliff. “That’s more than a rock. It’s a damn mountain.”

  He laughed. “Believe me, it’s not.”

  Cora scanned over the mountain. “Sorry to break it to you, but if I can’t see the top, then it’s a mountain.”

  Aidan grinned and shook his head at her. He opened the backpack and pulled out ropes and harnesses. The gear that seemed appropriate for a dungeon had heaviness weighing her lower half. And she gulped down breaths at the size of that damned mountain.


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