The Club Sin Series 4-Book Bundle

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The Club Sin Series 4-Book Bundle Page 80

by Stacey Kennedy

  Her collar.

  Her promise.

  Tucking her phone back into the clutch on her lap, she wondered about having Dmitri search out another group in Vegas who played. Maybe she could find a Dom that she wasn’t as attracted to. A man who didn’t make her feel as though she were on rocky emotional ground. A Dom who couldn’t break the barriers to her heart.

  That butterfly feeling she’d experienced with Elliott she had felt with Charles when they had first met. That was dangerous, not because Elliott was a man, but because he was a Dom.

  Her love wouldn’t be enough. Just dating him wouldn’t be enough.

  He’d want her submission.

  Elliott would demand her heart.

  The lights dimmed and Mary glanced to the stage, pushing all thoughts of Elliott from her mind. As the gold curtain opened, Mary’s daughter’s angelic voice rang out in a beautiful rhythm. All her troubles vanished as her sole focus became her daughter singing and dancing on the stage.

  One intermission later and by the time the curtain closed, Mary jumped to her feet, clapping wildly, tears filling her eyes. The main lights in the theater flickered back on and she wiped the makeup from her eyes. She reached for the backstage pass from her clutch and rushed through the crowd out of the auditorium as fast as possible.

  Once she’d passed the security guard, she hurried into the industrial area behind the stage. She spotted the crew, who were celebrating the finale of the current show with champagne glasses in hand. Then she noticed the soft, dark head of hair and smiled. “Cassie,” she called.

  Her daughter turned, waving her forward, and as Mary drew closer, she caught sight of the man Cassie was chatting with. Her heart skipped a beat as she took in the tall, gorgeous man in the pinstripe tailored suit.

  Dark eyebrows rose in surprise.

  Mary blinked, focusing away from the shock of seeing Elliott standing there and looking at her daughter. Cassie’s brown eyes, surrounded by thick makeup, twinkled and her dark hair was pulled back in a bun. Ignoring the unease creeping through her veins, Mary wrapped Cassie in her arms. “You were amazing tonight, sweetie.”

  Cassie squeezed Mary tightly, and when she leaned away, her eyes narrowed. “You’ve been crying, haven’t you?”

  “Of course, I have,” Mary replied with a dismissive wave, though now she was more focused on Elliott standing there in stunned silence. Suspicion raced through her, leading her thoughts into a hundred possibilities. She didn’t know whether to be outright furious or if she should call the police. “Do you come to the theater often?” she asked him, controlling the tension in her voice.

  Cassie’s eyes widened as she looked from Elliott to Mary. “I didn’t know you were friends with Mr. Foster, Mom.”

  Elliott clearly forced a smile. “Yes, we’ve met before. Are you two related?”

  “Cassie is my daughter,” Mary retorted.

  “Really? I hadn’t known.” He looked from Mary to Cassie and then his smile seemed a little more honest. “Ah, but I do see the resemblance in the eyes.” His gaze swept to Mary and a sizzle formed within their depths. “Beautiful eyes, in fact.”

  Mary folded her arms, not giving in to compliments. His appearance at the theater, on the night of her deadline, raised all her alarms. “You didn’t know Cassie was my daughter?”

  His mouth twitched. “Believe me, I’m somewhat dumbfounded that the young lady I’ve gotten to know is your child.”

  Mary wondered if she should believe him. It seemed like a pretty big coincidence, but she also recalled Elliott telling her he had plans to travel at the end of their deadline. All the same, she couldn’t believe that fate had led them here tonight. The chances seemed impossible. She shook her head, clearing it and shedding the fear that Elliott was a psychopath.

  Strange coincidences happened all the time. Perhaps this was simply one of them.

  Anyone who loved the theater, and had the means to, would see shows in New York—it was simply the best place to watch them. Besides, Elliott had told her he enjoyed the theater; maybe he and Mary did have a lot in common.

  “Did you know that Mr. Foster saved this theater?” Cassie gave Elliott a cute smile. “Tell the story of why.” She cupped her hands, raising them to her chest. “It’s so sweet.”

  Elliott frowned. “You young ladies are always getting me to talk about things I don’t want to.” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his well-tailored suit and turned to Mary. “When I heard the theater was on the verge of bankruptcy, I bought it in memory of my late mother, who came here as often as she could.” Warmth touched his voice and his features. “In her honor, I always attend opening and closing shows.”

  Mary sensed the remaining tightness in her chest vanish away. Not a psychopath. She said to Cassie, “You’re right, that is a sweet story.”

  Cassie nodded and sighed. “I know.”

  Elliott’s gaze held Mary’s, a flare in their depths holding her captive. Though when someone called Elliott’s name, she blinked, hoping she hadn’t been staring for too long. He inclined his head at Cassie and then said to Mary, “Excuse me, ladies. Please enjoy the party tonight.” Then he left with his easy gait and his alluring Dominant way, but Mary noted tension in his tight posture.

  Good. At least she wasn’t the only one totally rattled—and shocked—by this odd coincidence.

  With a shake of her head, she pushed all thoughts of Elliott away and turned to Cassie. “My darling, you were just lovely tonight.”

  Cassie shrugged. “My voice cracked a couple times.”

  “Nonsense, you sounded wonderful.” She placed a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

  “You know I always am.” Cassie regarded Mary with suspicious eyes and then whispered, “How do you know Mr. Foster? He seems awfully friendly with you.”

  “We have mutual friends in Vegas.”

  Cassie nibbled her lip, examining her with a long look. “Did you go on a date with him?”

  “Of course not,” Mary exclaimed, alarmed.

  Cassie grinned, which always made her eyes sparkle just a little bit more. Her child lit up a room. “Maybe you should. He’s got the whole George Clooney thing going on, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, he’s handsome, but I’m—”

  “Not dead,” Cassie interjected. “I know you might be blind to this type of thing, but he was totally flirting with you.”

  Mary swatted the air, feeling the room closing in on her. “We are not talking about this. I’m your mother.” But that was a silly thing to say because they were always this close. There was nothing Cassie didn’t share with Mary, and she loved that about their relationship. Though now she realized how their conversations weren’t about Mary’s present; she only shared stories about the past.

  Because you have nothing to share about the present, echoed in her mind.

  Mary clenched her jaw and pushed the conversation elsewhere. “Dad would have been so proud of you tonight.”

  Cassie gave Mary a hard stare, then nudged her arm. “He would want you to be happy, too.” She leaned in and kissed Mary’s cheek. “Okay, let me go get changed and then we can celebrate with everyone.”

  “Perfect,” Mary replied.

  Cassie hurried off and Mary’s gaze went straight to Elliott’s back as he was shaking another man’s hand. Small world, she thought. Though she’d seen it before, how all of the stars aligned perfectly to bring two people together.

  Fate has no limits. Mary had always believed that.

  The remaining tension coursing through Mary drifted away. As it seemed, Elliott knew many of the cast in the room, and it appeared he knew Cassie longer than he had known Mary. Although above all that, Mary’s mind spun that her daughter would be okay with her dating again. The conversation had never come up.

  A lonely pang ached in Mary’s chest. In a crowd of people, it was unusual to sense a feeling of loneliness, yet that unease rocked into her. An awareness cut into
her that had simply hidden itself away. Her children were living their dreams. Mary was living alone.

  I don’t want to be alone.

  There, standing right in front of her, was the one sure way she wouldn’t be.

  As if he knew what carried through her mind, Elliott turned and their gazes met. Mary took an absentminded step forward before she forced her foot to the ground.

  Go to him, her heart whispered.

  Charles, her head argued.


  Leaning a hip against the wall near the dressing rooms, Elliott sipped his champagne. His throat was dry from all the congratulations he’d offered to the cast and the production crew for the success of their latest Broadway show.

  Nothing made him happier than to help the theater recover with his financial assistance. A renovation and hot new lineup of shows had taken it from near bankruptcy to success. His late mother had loved attending musicals, and this was his way of keeping her spirit alive.

  He finished off his champagne and placed the glass on a nearby table, then he glanced at Mary. Her daughter was an expressive girl, and he had liked her when he’d met her, not even knowing of their connection. Now that he knew of it, he could see so much of Mary in Cassie, but it made him wonder about Cassie’s father, too.

  A man who clearly had been honorable, considering that even after the many years since his death Mary remained hesitant to move on. Elliott had given her a deadline, and that had ended tonight. Though, to his total surprise, they had found their way back to each other without even trying.

  Fate? he wondered.

  Though he knew where he stood with Mary, he also believed sometimes things happened for a reason. He wondered if he’d seen Mary at the theater before; maybe they had even passed by each other or shared a friendly smile. He nearly laughed at his reality—all he wanted was to forget about Mary and move on, and life simply wouldn’t let him.

  With the intent not to let this moment pass him by, he approached her when Cassie headed off to the changing rooms. When he reached Mary, he noticed her stiffen seconds before he settled in next to her.

  That one reaction he understood.

  Christ, he experienced the same physical draw to her. His cock twitched in awareness of her closeness. The reaction had played on his mind the entire week. He’d never experienced this with his ex-wife, and maybe that was because she never was his.

  “Are you enjoying the party?” he asked, craving to trail a finger over her bare shoulder. Her strapless black dress looked mouthwateringly perfect on her.

  She spun around to him, her eyes wide and nearly dripping with lust. “Yes—”

  “Mom,” Cassie called, rushing over. “All done. We can leave now.”

  In nearly the same second, another one of the performers all but bounced her way over to Cassie. “We’re going out to a club tonight, Cass,” the thin brunette said, tugging on Cassie’s arm. “Please come with us.”

  Cassie turned to Mary, nose scrunched. “Ah…”

  “Go on, sweetie,” Mary said. “We can have brunch tomorrow. Go celebrate with your friends.”

  A wrinkle marred Cassie’s forehead, guilt resting hard in her features. “Are you sure you don’t mind? You came—”

  Mary patted her arm. “I’m sure. It’s fine. We’ll catch up tomorrow.”

  “Okay, thanks, Mom,” Cassie said before giving Mary a quick hug. “I’ll call you in the morning.” Then, with a squeal of laughter, she went off with her friend.

  Mary glanced at Elliott with a sweet smile. “Kids.”

  He chuckled. “They’re young and in New York. I got into a lot of trouble at their age.”

  “Somehow I don’t doubt that,” she replied with soft features.

  He stared at her, wondering about the real reason why she was so intent to shut him out. Things seemed intense between them, almost so right. Even now, being next to her seemed perfect. One thing was absolutely certain: Fate had removed his choice to get past her, bringing her right into his sights tonight.

  By the hitch of her breath, indicating arousal, he wouldn’t let this chance pass him by. He took the signs in front of him and followed where fate had led him. He stepped closer to her, feeling the heat exuding from her body. “With Cassie busy tonight, what are your plans for the remainder of the evening?”

  She studied him, then averted her gaze. “I’ll be going back to my hotel room.”

  Christ, stop that!

  He was damn confident that she was going to say nothing, but she had stopped herself. Elliott didn’t doubt that in the least, but he wasn’t nearly as hesitant. He knew what he wanted, and that was her. Besides, she all but trembled in her high heels, indicating to him that she wanted him, too. He pulled his key card from the inside of his coat pocket. “Take this.”

  “Why?” she asked, staring at the card.

  “Because I don’t know about you, but fate has brought us here together tonight. I, for one, am not going to ignore that.” He dropped his chin, bringing his mouth close to hers. “So once again, it’s your choice. If you want another night of play, then come to my hotel. I’m staying at the Ritz-Carlton, room two thousand twenty-two. If you don’t want to, then give the card to your hotel and they will return it to me.”

  She stared at the card as if it’d burn her. “I’ve already told—”

  He pressed his fingers against her mouth, frustration flickering through his veins. “Please, if you do anything, just be real with what your body is wanting. I see it written all over your face that you are aching to say yes.” Sliding his fingers across her jaw, he watched her pupils dilate. “Us being here tonight, it all means something. I cannot run from that.” His jaw clenched. “I won’t.”

  Unable to refuse his needs, he grasped her chin and gripped it tight. She gasped a lovely sound of desire as he added, “I’m not one to avoid chances. Nor am I one to ignore fate. Now it’s up to you and what you want to do.” He leaned in and pressed his lips against her cheek, feeling her jolt like she’d been electrocuted. “Do what you need to do, darlin’.”

  He had to force himself to put distance between them. He wanted to take her mouth. He craved to possess her in any manner that he could. Staring down at her, he brushed his fingers across her parted lips so ready for his kiss. “I won’t chase you.” His focus zeroed on her perfect little pouty mouth before he looked into her glassy gaze. She leaned forward slightly, her body all but begging him to wrap her in his arms. He fought against his desire to. “The choice is yours.”

  Chapter Eleven


  Mary stepped into the elevator of the five-star hotel near Central Park, wondering if fate guided her to Elliott tonight. Or was her draw to him something more controlled—was it an order by a Dom? Was it a sensual pull by a man who had placed fantasies in her mind? Whatever it was, she couldn’t ignore what her body was demanding.

  She ached for another night with him, and she told herself she could keep emotional distance. The second she walked into her empty hotel room, she walked right back out. She couldn’t face that emptiness…the silence…the knowledge that this is what her life had become.

  Elliott offered her a way for excitement, for a lustful night, for a memory that she could think of when she was alone.

  The private elevator whizzed up and she stared at herself in the mirror on the doors. Her black dress hugged her body, and the half-corset beneath pushed her breasts up, giving ample cleavage. She hadn’t lied to Elliott; she did love corsets and wore them often. But the half-corset was more to pull in her waistline than to decorate her body.

  She fixed her hair, tucking it behind her ear. Whether it be fate that led her to him or just pure seduction, the deepest parts of her ached for a Dominant’s touch. After all, she realized earlier she wanted to remember the woman she used to be—the submissive who lived life to the fullest and did daring things.

  A woman who didn’t hide from fantasies but went after them.

  She craved to remin
isce who she was with Charles. Elliott gave her that chance, and tonight he had awakened her body and freed her mind. Selfish needs drove her, but they were strong desires she couldn’t fight against. She didn’t want to be this sad woman who never did anything for herself.

  Mary wanted to remember it all.

  Once the elevator hit the top floor, the doors opened and she approached to the left. The hallway was lined with a gold carpet, mirrors on the wall, and flowers placed throughout on dark wood tables.

  When she arrived at the end of the hallway, she drew in a stabilizing breath and then knocked on the door. A second later, Elliott called, “Enter.”

  She shivered at the hard tone of his command, and she turned the door handle. One of her feet entered the threshold and she instantly caught sight of a shirtless Elliott before his firm hands gripped her and she was tugged into the room.

  The door slammed shut and she found herself pushed against it. Pinned by a body exuding tension, heat rushed between her thighs. She heard him unbuckle his belt and suspected he dropped his pants before his voice sounded tight by her ear from behind. “One week I have thought of you, every second of every fucking day. Do you know what happens when I am pushed, little sub?”

  She quivered, embracing the heat of his body. “No, sir.”

  “I crave to possess,” he growled in her ear. “Don’t move. Stay right there.” He yanked the front of her dress down, taking her bra with it to expose her breasts. Then his fingers traveled over her stomach. He grunted disapproval. “Another corset to hide behind, I see.”


  “Quiet,” he snapped.

  Her breath rushed from her lungs as he gathered her skirt over her hips and shoved her panties down. “Step out of those. Now.”

  She did quickly, eagerly.

  His fingers tightened around the back of her neck. “I don’t like being pushed and teased.” Then the tip of his cock was at her damp sex and he pushed inside her, bare, without a condom, without permission.

  She squeaked in protest, but his fingers tightened around her neck. “Don’t insult me. Of course I think of your safety. First, I’ve had a vasectomy. Second, I have not had sex with anyone without a condom for fifteen fucking years.”


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