Loving Heart (The Broken Heart Series Book 3)

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Loving Heart (The Broken Heart Series Book 3) Page 9

by Rose, Angel

  We arrived at the hospital in no time. Thank God it was Mount Sinai. Everyone knew him there and starting making phone calls in the emergency room.

  “Joe?” A short, chubby ER doctor ran over and started to work on him right away.

  “Who are you?” he asked.

  “I’m his daughter.” I said proudly.

  “What?” the doctor said puzzled.

  “His daughter.” I whispered feeling embarrassed by the awkward stare the young doctor gave me. He almost laughed when I said daughter and I gave him a look that I’m sure he would never forget.

  “I’m sorry. I thought you said you were his daughter.” he shook his head.

  “That’s what I said.” He turned to look at me, and then he looked at Joe. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around. It was a police officer. He smiled then motioned for me to follow him.

  “Can I help you officer?” I asked nervously looking back at Joe and wishing I was with him.

  “Someone shot that gentlemen you were with at your home. Is that correct?” he asked looking over at Joe.

  “Yes, but we didn’t see him or her. They shot him as soon as he opened the door and my husband and I were seated in the living room, and then we threw ourselves on the floor when we heard the gunshots.” I rambled on nervously. I started trembling remembering hearing the shots that took Joe down.

  “I see. Is your husband available? Are you able to come down to the station?” he asked as he looked around the ER.

  “No. I don’t know where he is at the moment. I want to stay with my father.” I was able to say it without a problem. Father. He was my father and I wanted to make sure he stayed that way…alive.

  “Ok ma’am, don’t fret. We’ll contact you tomorrow. Here’s my card. Call me when you have a chance. Oh and just to let you know. Your apartment is a crime scene right now, so you can’t go home tonight. Do you have a place to stay?” I swallowed hard at the notion of yellow tape and a body outlined in chalk that was in my apartment.

  “Yes, it’s fine. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “And ma’am, if he dies, it’ll be a homicide. Of course, I hope for the best.” I wanted to punch him right in the face. How could he say something like that?

  “He’s not going to die. Good night.” I walked away shaking my head in disbelief. What a dick! How heartless was that officer, I thought to myself? I rushed over to Joe’s bedside.

  “He’s going into surgery now. Do you know any family members that can donate blood?” The nurse asked.

  “Yes, me.” I said.

  “Oh, and you are?”

  “His daughter.”

  “Joe? Dr. Joe? He doesn’t have any children, except the baby that’s on the way.” My heart hurt me and I turned my face away from the nurse.

  “We just found out today. Now do you want the blood or not?” I said sternly. The nurse stared at me for a moment.

  “I see the resemblance. Your eyes. You have his eyes. Congratulations. Joe’s a great man.” She smiled softly and led me to the receptionist. “Maggie, she’s donating blood for Dr. Joe. See if she’s a match. She’s his long lost daughter.” The receptionist lifted her head in astonishment. She couldn’t believe I was his daughter. I think no one could believe it.

  “Right this way Miss…Miss…” The young nurse motioned for me to follow her.

  “Mrs. Hunter, Jenesis Hunter.” I said.

  “Okay Jenesis, follow me.” I followed her down the hallway into a small room. I sat down on the chair and watched her as she placed three tubes on a blue sheet and a packet containing a needle. She swabbed my arm with alcohol as she tightened the rubber band around my wrist.

  “Pump your fist please.” she said politely. She found the spot she wanted to prick and placed the needle in my arm. I jumped a little in my seat. The initial stick hurt and she glanced up at me and smiled. Meanwhile, I had pain on my face. She slowly drew blood from my arm with the thin butterfly needle that emptied into the three tubes.

  “There that didn’t hurt, did it?” she smiled and I shook my head, though I was lying through my teeth. It did hurt and she sucked at drawing blood. “I’ll be with you shortly. Why don’t to go to the cafeteria and drink some water, just in case you’re a match, you can give blood.” I nodded my head and thanked her then headed out to the ER where Joe was.

  “Is Joe okay? Where is he?” I asked.

  “They took him in. I think your husband is waiting for you outside. We’ll see you in a few.” I nodded.

  The time in the waiting room felt like an eternity. I waited and waited while Michael sat in the corner sofa, snoring with his lips parted, flapping against his breath. I stared at Michael, he seemed so peaceful. I cracked a smile and the baby gave me a little kick.

  “Jenesis Hunter?” the nurse shouted.


  “Come with me please.” I left Michael sleeping and followed the nurse down the corridor. I peeked into the rooms as I walked by. I hated hospitals, especially since they reminded of how many times I miscarried.

  “Where are we going?” I whispered.

  “To see your father. He doesn’t need any blood. But, you’re more than welcome to donate for others or for him, just in case.” she smiled sending my heart into overdrive. My father. My real father. Someone who would treat me like a daughter. Who would love me for me. I can’t believe he’s my father…it was surreal.

  We walked into the room. Joe laid in the bed, the oxygen mask over his face as he tilted his head to the side. He extended his hand out to me and I ran to his side and grabbed his hands. They were warm and soft. I was expecting them to be cold. My eyes teemed with tears and my heart pounded with happiness.

  “Joe, thank God you’re okay.” the tears in my eyes fell on his warm hands.

  “Jenesis,” I kissed his knuckles, my lips trembling with fear. I was foolish thinking about how hard it was going to be for me to try to accept him. Now, I only thought how much I feared that he would leave me. It was easy to love him. He has been my doctor since I was born.

  “Joe, don’t speak.” I whispered.

  “Jenesis, I’m okay. The doctor said I’m going to be fine.” he pressed the button on the bed to lift his head and back.

  “I’m so happy.” I cried into his hands holding onto him tightly.

  Michael walked in and walked towards us.

  “Hey, how are you, Joe?” he sat by him on the opposite side of the bed.

  “I’m good.” he nodded his head.

  “I think it’s a good idea if you stay with us until you get better. What do you think, Jenesis?” I looked up at Michael and then at Joe.

  “What about Kate? She’ll miss me too much.” he smiled.

  “Not as much as Jenesis has missed her father. It will give you guys a chance to bond. She’s not working right now and won’t be for the next 6 months until the baby is born. We’d…I mean…she’d love to have you. I won’t be there.” Joe’s face was filled with emotions. His eyes welled up and he stared into my eyes asking me permission to take care of him.

  “I…I’d like that. But I have to check with Kate first. She’s pregnant and I don’t want to leave her alone. Thanks, Michael.”

  Michael nodded and I continued to hold onto Joe’s hand.

  “Hey, Dr. Joe!” A young doctor walked in grabbing Joe’s chart and reviewing it as he flipped the pages.

  “Dave!” Joe said. My heart sank into my stomach. I looked around to see if Dave was in the room, but then I realized the young doctor’s name was Dave. I exhaled as my nerves got the best of me. Michael’s eyes followed my every move and he knew the name Dave shook my insides.

  “Well, everything looks great. You can be discharged probably by Friday. How does that sound?” he smiled as he bit the tip of the pen with his teeth.

  “I’m ready. Has Kate been around?”

  “I didn’t see her today. Though she did mention she was going to be in surgery earlier this morning.” Dave answer

  “I’ll call her.” I said.

  “Thanks.” Joe seemed nervous. I knew he couldn’t stay with me. Kate was pregnant and didn’t want to be alone. I didn’t blame her. I felt the same way. I grabbed my cell phone and walked out of the room. I searched my phone for her number but then decided to send her a text instead.

  Joe is doing well. He’d like to see you and wants to know where you are. Call him.


  I stood outside in the hallway waiting for a response. My phone vibrated in my hand.

  I’m on my way. I’d like to speak with you when I get there. Is that okay?


  I took a deep breath. Here comes the drama; Especially since we just found out he is my father. I sent her a text back.

  Sure. I’ll be in the waiting area having coffee.


  I sat in the waiting area and drank a black cup of coffee. It reminded me of Dave and I almost gagged. I tossed it in the nearest trash can. I sat at the table thinking about the time we were at the hospital with Mrs. Thomas’ kids. How he hated them both, and how he hated her sister who walked through the hospital entrance without a clue that her life would end right there in that parking lot. I didn’t doubt for a moment he could’ve killed her. He spoke of it. Confident. With complete calmness. And then it happened and he was the first one called on the scene. I closed my eyes and shook my head in disbelief. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

  “Jenesis?” I heard his voice. It was Nick. I opened my eyes quickly. Nick stood in front of me with all of his beauty. He wore a gray suit and tie that fell on him as if they had sewn it on him. He looked more handsome than ever. His beautiful blonde hair slicked back to perfection. I blushed when I looked into his eyes as he stared at me up and down, observing me, from head to toe.

  “Nick, what are you doing here?” I looked to the side to see if Michael was anywhere near us. Then I grabbed his hand and escorted him near the vending machine. “What.Are.You.Doing.Here?” I said sternly.

  “I came to see you. The call over the radio said there was a shooting at your address and someone was hurt. I wanted to make sure you were okay? Are you?” His blue eyes burned a hole through me. My heart was pounding. He made me feel so uncomfortable yet, there was something pleasing, erotic about his presence and that worried me. It turned me on, the fact that he was concerned and came running to find me.

  “I’m fine. Really, but you should go. Michael is here.” I pleaded. I was nervous and I wanted him to leave, and yet, I wanted him to stay.

  “Did…he, get…shot?” He grabbed both of my hands gently and lifted them up to his lips. “I would’ve died if something had happened to you.” My lips parted. “Jenesis, I don’t want to be without you. Michael is dangerous. He can’t be trusted. You have to believe me. He’s just like Dave. He was the one who backed Dave up. He knew everything that went on. You have to trust me. You have to get away from him.” My heart sank. I didn’t know if he was telling the truth or not. It was so hard to hear him say those words. I became angry even though I knew he was probably telling the truth. I glanced away from him and saw Kate walking in through the hospital doors.

  “Look, you have to leave.” I pushed him gently on his back towards the exit.

  “Not until you tell me when I’m going to see you again.” he demanded. His blue eyes pleading and he wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  “I can’t see you.”

  “Yes, you can and…you want to.” He knew I wanted to. It was written all over my face. I didn’t know why I felt the way I did about him. That one kiss had me lingering and he knew it. I wanted to feel him again and taste him. He made me nervous but, I really didn’t want him to leave alone.

  “I can’t. Please don’t do this.”

  “Jenesis, Hi…and you are?” Kate asked as she gazed him up and down.

  “I’m Captain Nick Riso. I was asking Jenesis about the shooting of the man in her apartment. And you are?”

  “Kate…The man who was shot is my husband.”

  “We’ll be questioning you later then. Nice meeting you. Will you excuse us for a moment,” he grabbed my hand and we walked out of the hospital. He pushed me against the wall and pressed his body against mine. “Jenesis, when am I going to see you again?” he whispered.

  “Nick, please. I can’t.” I couldn’t look him in the eyes. He knew I was lying.

  “You’re lying. Is Michael staying with you?” he pressed his lips against my cheek.

  “No, he’s leaving for California for a couple of weeks.” why did I say that? My heart was thrashing against my chest. My face was flushed.

  “You mean…tomorrow. He’s leaving tomorrow.” He smirked. “I’ll be there tomorrow night. I want you.” he grabbed my hair and yanked it a little. “You need me as much as I need you.”

  “Don’t speak to me like that.” He yanked my hair harder and smashed his lips against mine.

  “I’m going to make love to you like Michael never could. He’s not in control, but I am, and I’m going to fuck you and you’re going to like it…no…you’re going to love it.” he whispered in my ear. I swallowed hard, but his hot breath in my ear made my clit swell and pulsate against my lace panties. I was so turned on at that moment that I actually lifted my hands and grabbed his waist. “Not here, Jen…tomorrow night. Wait for me, please.” I was out of breath, hoping he would pull my hair again, slide my pants down and fuck me against the brick wall. Oh my God…what am I thinking. I love Michael. I. Love. Michael.

  “I have to go.” I whispered. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and he let me go, then grabbed me again.

  “It’s time to let him go because I’m not going to let you go.” He bit my earlobe and I flinched. He let me go and walked away hurriedly in the opposite direction. I was drenched and dizzy. I had to snap out of it before I walked back in to the hospital.

  My body was quivering as I entered the hospital. I saw Michael talking to Kate. Michael saw me and waved. I walked towards them with the moisture sliding between my legs.

  “Where were you?” he asked.

  “Getting some fresh air.”

  “Kate said you walked out with a detective.” I glanced over at Kate and she smirked at me.

  “Yes, well they were asking some questions about Joe. So I went outside to speak privately. Are you here to see Joe?” I asked pissed off.

  “I’d like to speak to you both. If that’s okay?” she said sternly.

  “Okay, speak.” I said sarcastically.

  “I know things have changed between you and Joe but, I want to let you know, he’s my fiancée, and I’m pregnant. I would like you to stay away until I have the baby. He’s not concentrating on me right now and I really can’t handle any of this.”

  “How can you say that, Kate?” Michael said angrily.

  “No, she’s right. We can’t impose on their life. But, so that you know, I offered to take care of him until he gets better. Now I know that I can’t. Michael and I are going through a rough time in our relationship Kate. I guess now’s the best time for me to look for my father’s support, so, get used it. I’m not walking out of his life. You’re not going to keep me away from my father. I know when he gets better, he’s going to look for me.” Michael's eyes lit up. Kate took a step back as if I actually pushed her.

  “How dare you! You and your whore mother!” she barked and then without blinking, my five fingers met her sweet cheek. Her face was red with my hand's imprint burning her skin. She placed her hand on her cheek as the tears surged in her eyes.

  “Don’t you ever talk about my mother!” I shouted.

  “Jenesis, are you crazy? She’s pregnant!” Michael yelled.

  “So am I! Go to hell! Both of you!” My anger was out of control. I finally felt relieved when I smacked her porcelain face. She didn’t deserve it, but she pushed me. I glanced towards Michael then quickly walked out of the hospital and hailed a cab home.

  The ride home seemed end
less. I was tired, hungry and aggravated. I thought about Nick. I thought about how hot his breath was on my cheek and how I melted when I heard his voice. He was strong. Someone I could count on, but my love for Michael was never-ending and as mad as I was with him, I couldn’t stay mad long enough to leave him. How can I divorce the man that I love? I’m just so confused.

  I walked into the apartment and saw all of the yellow roses in the foyer and started to grab them one by one and threw them on the floor, stomping on them until they were shredded to pieces. I was so angry. At everything. At everyone.

  I stopped suddenly when my baby kicked me gently. I walked over to the living room and sat on the couch grabbing the throw blanket my mother had given me, wrapping it around my weary body. I was worn-out and I wanted to end it all. Just end it all.

  Chapter 10 Nick

  I thought about Jenesis all night. I couldn’t get her out of my head. Her beautiful hazel eyes and jet black hair that was gripped in my hands. I wanted to hold her and never let her go. I needed to see her and I couldn’t wait until tonight. I got in my truck and drove to her apartment shooting her a text as I drove.

  Today 2:33PM

  Jen, it’s me Nick. Can I come up?

  She responded in a flash.

  Yes. Come up.

  I pressed the elevator to go up to her apartment. And there she was, standing at the door in her pajamas. Her hair was tussled; she had just woken up. I walked towards her and she opened the door slightly just enough to let me in as my body gently brushed up against hers. I stepped on dozens of yellow roses that were crushed on the floor.

  “Excuse the mess,” she whispered. Her tiny belly popping out of her pajama pants that hung underneath her belly button. “Please sit, I’ll make you some coffee.” she said. I grabbed her hand gently and sat her on the couch.

  “I’ll make it. Sit.” I said.

  “Thanks, I’m going to wash up.” She headed to the bathroom as I turned on the Keurig. I glanced around the kitchen and found some croissants. I grabbed a plate that was on the counter and placed the croissants on it then, placed it in the microwave to make it warm. Her kitchen was spotless, like she hadn’t eaten in days. I opened the refrigerator and took out the cream and butter. The microwave beeped and I buttered the croissants and waited for her to come out of the bathroom.


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