Loving Heart (The Broken Heart Series Book 3)

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Loving Heart (The Broken Heart Series Book 3) Page 11

by Rose, Angel

  “Let’s get this over with.” I said sternly. I sat up straight pushing my shoulders back to let him know I was ready to attack.

  “Fine. Here it is. I love Jenesis and I need you to back off.” his eyes stood on mine.

  “She’s my wife you idiot. You can’t have her. What makes you think I’ll do that?” I said wanting to grab him by his throat and throw him across the room.

  “Because I’ll tell the world you were Dave’s son and all of the connections you have to all of the murders he committed, from Margaret, to Eddie, to Carl and especially…Vivian. I’m going to start a case against you.” His lips pursed up to the side, his eyes gleaming with victory.

  “Really? Okay, what else do you have?” I said confidently. He was definitely blowing smoke out of his ass.

  “What do you mean?”

  “It won’t stick. Come up with something else.”

  “The hell it won’t.”

  “Nick, stop trying. Jenesis will never be yours.”

  “She will after I tell her about Tilly.”

  “What about Tilly?”

  “You know. You and Tilly had an affair behind Eddie’s back when they first started going out.” My face flushed. My heart pounded. My hands were sweating and I glanced away from him. “Did you forget her tight pussy and her fat ass while you were banging your best friend’s girlfriend in his bathroom? At his birthday, no less?”

  “You can’t prove that.”

  “I don’t have to; she’ll believe me without a problem.” he shrugged his shoulders arrogantly.

  “You still can’t have her!” I shouted.

  “I’m going to make sure she leaves you and then I’m going to fuck her senseless and so hard she won’t even remember who you are!” he grabbed me by my shirt over the table and whispered “I’m going to make her scream out my name while I’m fucking the shit out of her, do you understand me? She’s mine. You took her from me once, you’ll never do it again!”

  “Let go of me!” I grabbed his hands and pushed him. The manager of the diner came over.

  “Listen, you guys need to leave if you can’t control yourself.” We both looked at him and he threw his hands up in the air and walked away.

  “Take this as a warning…stay away from Jenesis…or I’ll kill you; plain and simple. Do you understand me?” The look of fear in Nick’s eyes said it all and I knew, he knew, I wasn’t playing. I would kill him and not think twice. Jenesis is the only person in my life that matters and no one was going to take her from me.

  “I’ll let you go Michael, but remember, you won’t have a choice. She’s going to leave you. She will be with me.” He smiled as if he had ordered and eaten the best steak in his life.

  I shook my head.

  “You’re such a loser.” I got up and walked out of the diner, leaving the words in his mouth and not giving him the opportunity to respond. I hailed a cab and went straight to Jenesis’ apartment and I waited for her to come home.

  Chapter 13 Jenesis

  I spent the day with Dr. Logan, Annmarie. We actually went to 34th street and window shopped even though I knew that she could walk into any store and buy anything she wanted at the drop of a dime.

  “This is beautiful.” I said as I admired a navy blue pencil skirt in the window.

  “It is.” she said sliding her fingers down the glass.

  “Dr. Logan, I love Michael, but I think that with everything we’ve been through, we should take some time apart and he agreed.” I stood in front of the store window pouring my heart out to her.

  “I remember when he walked out on you the day you were at my office.” she said calmly.

  “Yes.” The stab in my heart intensified.

  “What’s the difference now?”

  “I think I’m in love with someone else.”

  “What? Who? You’ve never loved anyone else except Michael. I don’t believe you.” She shook her head and smiled.

  “It’s Nick. We worked together at the precinct. He took me home every night.”

  “How did he get in the picture again?” She glanced my way after admiring a dress in the window.

  “I forgot to mention this but, I was almost killed on the way to bus terminal.”

  “What?” She stopped to turn around and look at me.

  “Anyway, I ran out of the cab and into his arms and that’s when we met again.”

  “Wait…how were you almost killed?

  “Someone shot the cab driver in the head, that person was following us…it’s complicated. I’ll explain it some other time.” I rambled.

  “Jenesis, you can’t skip events like this in your life and just pretend they didn’t happen.” She barked.

  “I’m not.” I started to walk leaving her behind.

  “Jenesis, you might think you’re in love with Nick but, you’re probably not. Why do you think you’re in love?

  “I love the way he looks at me; the way he touches me. I feel safe in his arms. And he told me he’s always loved me.”

  “I hate to say this, but sometimes, you really do act like a child. This is your friend talking, not your therapist.” My heart stopped. She never said anything to hurt me and she just broke my heart.

  “Maybe you forgot no one has ever loved me.”

  “Except for Michael. I know that even though his father did what he did to you, Michael protected you.”

  “Before or after he tried to have me killed? You even gave me a card for a private investigator to check him out. What are you talking about?” My eyebrows furrowed. She was pissing me off.

  “I know I did. I’m trying to make sure he doesn’t hurt you in any way again. He wasn’t trying to kill you. Dave was, and he almost did, if it Michael hadn’t stopped him.”

  “How do you know? Are you an expert in serial killers now?”

  “Do you really believe that? Do you really believe Michael would defy his sick, serial killer father just to try to kill you? He put his own life in danger. Did you ever think of that!” she shrieked.

  “I don’t know what to believe! Why do I have to be a child to love the attention both of them are giving me!”

  “Don’t get angry, Jenesis.”

  “I am angry! Both you and Michael said the same thing to me. I don’t need a tag team. Leave me alone!” I walked away from her.

  “Jenesis! Wait! I’m sorry.” I heard her shouting but I kept on walking. I hailed a cab and jumped in quickly leaving her in the middle of the sidewalk with her thoughts and her beliefs.

  I headed home and entered the apartment and to my surprise Michael was sitting in the living room.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked coldly.

  “We need to talk.”

  “I don’t want to talk right now.” I kicked off my shoes and headed for the bedroom.

  “Jenesis, I need to speak to you.”

  “No, leave me alone.”

  “Stop it! Stop acting like a fucking spoiled brat!” he shouted.

  “Go to hell Michael! Don’t you get it! My life is ruined because of you! You did this to me! You! Not Dave, you! You let him hurt me! You knew what he was planning to do from the very beginning and you didn’t stop him! I can’t forgive you! I can’t do this anymore!” Michael took a step back, knocked over by the harsh words I spewed at him. He stood motionless, all of the blood drained from his face as the tears brimmed at the corner of his eyes. I struck a chord and I hurt him. I really hurt him.

  “You’re right. I did. I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you. Never. But I did and so did Dave. I told you I don’t deserve you. Just tell me you don’t want to be with me and I’ll let you go.” He grabbed me by the waist holding me tightly.

  “I don’t want to be with you. I have to let you go.” I almost died saying those words to him but I had to. The nightmare just kept playing over and over in my mind and I felt like I was drowning. I didn’t know what else to do or say. The confusion was blinding me and the indecisiveness was overshadowing me.
  Michael let me go. He stared into my eyes, begging me to change my mind. Then, he turned around and walked out of the bedroom. I followed behind him and he turned to face me.

  “Good bye Jenesis. I’ll draw up the divorce papers tonight. You’ll have them in the morning. Is there anything else you want besides the apartment? I’ll leave everything to you and the baby.”


  “Don’t. It’s true what Nick said. You do love him. I’m not going to compete with another man.”

  “Is that what you think this is all about?”

  “You love him don’t you?”

  “I don’t know, but that’s not the reason. You’re not listening!”

  “I am listening. I hear you loud and clear. Well, here’s your opportunity to find out if you love him or not. Good bye.” He walked out of the apartment and never looked back.

  Chapter 14 Michael

  I kept my word and stood away from Jenesis. I knew Joe would protect her, but I stalked her like a Goddamn fool. Every night after work I passed by her apartment to see if the light was on. If it was, I would sit outside until the light went off. She went to bed early every night around nine. Then, I would drive to Harlem and open the door to the hear the echo of my own breathing. I was alone and it hurt so badly. I’d sit on the couch near the fireplace drinking vodka and orange juice and wondering what she looked like underneath her clothes now that her belly was growing. The thought of who’s baby she was caring was more hurtful than anything else.

  I spent most of my nights contemplating whether or not to wait for Nick to leave his job and put a bullet in his head. I didn’t know if he was seeing Jenesis, but I never saw him around her apartment or anywhere near her new job. I knew she worked with Dr. Kate. I followed her one morning when I was off. I thought she was going to see Nick but to my surprise she met up with Kate. Then, I followed her a couple of more times in the morning and she met up with Kate again. I knew for sure Nick was nowhere to be found. She wore a blue uniform, like a nurse’s assistant. Funny thing, she never went to school for that. Jenesis was so smart. She could be doing so much more. I didn’t want her to work. She was at risk being out in the open. Anything could’ve happened to her. Anything.

  I must’ve fallen asleep on the couch. I opened my eyes and and noticed the glass of vodka and orange juice lodged between my thighs. I had an appointment with Dr. Logan this morning. I’ve been seeing her for the last three months. I kept my promise to Jenesis that I would get help. I glanced over at my phone. No messages, from anyone. I’ve lived a lonely life these past couple of months, but maybe that’s what I needed to heal the wounds from my fucked up past. I jumped in the shower and let the water fall on my body. I thought how much I missed Jenesis and how I would do anything to have her in this shower right now, sliding my hands down the curves of her waist, feeling her breasts against my chest, and kissing her lips that only belonged to me. I turned the shower water to cold, to calm my aching groin, and then got out and got dressed. I put on my blue suit and tie, because after all, it was Monday.

  I drove to Dr. Logan’s office and parked in the lot across the street. I walked towards the building as it started to drizzle. I walked a little faster looking down at the floor and when I looked up, I bumped into Dr. Logan.

  “Michael, you shouldn’t be walking with your head down.” She giggled.

  “Jesus, I’m sorry Annmarie.” I grabbed her by her arms. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Come on, let’s go upstairs.” She motioned with her hand for me to follow her.

  “Good morning, Frank.” She waved at the doorman. He was an old man; I swear he was eighty years old.

  “Dr. Logan, how’s the husband?” he shouted.

  “He’s as happy as a chipmunk!” She yelled. “He’s deaf. Listen to his response.” She whispered in my ear.

  “He’s running amuck!” Dr. Logan laughed and waved at Frank and he waved goodbye.

  “Wow…poor guy. I think he should retire.” I shook my head.

  “Maybe, but he’s lonely. His wife died three years ago. The love of his life.” She glanced up at me. “She hasn’t called for him yet, I guess.” We both stood silent in the elevator. I don’t know what crossed her mind, but Jenesis crossed mine.

  “Here we are.” She unlocked the door and motioned for me to sit.


  “Michael, I’m so proud of you. Talking about Dave has really opened you up. Are you ready to talk some more?” she sat with the clipboard in her hand and started to write some notes.

  “Annmarie, I can’t thank you enough for helping me out.”

  “Can I be honest with you?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “I gave Jenesis a private investigator to have you checked out.” She glanced away from me.

  “Really? Why?”

  “I…I thought with Dave being your father, you might have been hiding something from Jenesis.” She stopped writing. “I didn’t want you to hurt her…again.”

  “I’ve already hurt her. How much more damage can I do?” I said as I leaned my elbows on my knees clenching my hands together.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to continue the sessions and have that on my conscience.” She seemed sincere. I can’t say that I wasn’t upset but, she became one of Jenesis’ closest friends, maybe the only friend she had besides Kate. I knew she cared for her, so I dismissed the accusation.

  “It’s okay. I don’t blame you. I’ve told you everything I remember about my father as a child.”

  “Yes…you did. Is there anything else you want to share?”

  “I’d like to ask you why…he killed my mother and didn’t…kill me?” I gazed into her eyes and her stare went blank.

  “Serial killers have a certain type. Your mother fit the description in his sick mind. He had no reason to kill you.”

  “Why Jenesis?”

  “She didn’t fit the description of the women he wanted to kill until she betrayed him with you. She became a whore the minute she slept with you…and in his mind…her betrayal was far worse than the rest because…he truly loved her.” She continued to write on her clip board and then changed the conversation.

  “Michael, you haven’t seen Jenesis in months. What do you want to accomplish now that you’ve been seeing me? How does Jenesis fit into the equation?” She crossed her legs and leaned back on the leather chair.

  “I want my family back. I want to not feel like this baby isn’t mine. I want to feel like I have control over my life again and give Jenesis and the baby everything they need.”

  “How can you do that if you feel the baby might be your father’s?”

  I glanced towards the floor a feeling of terror coursed through my body. I felt nauseous. Sick to my stomach.

  “I’m not sure I can.” I shook my head. “May I have a glass of water?”

  “Sure. Bottle okay?” She stood up and walked over to the little fridge she had in the corner of the room. She grabbed two bottles of water and handed one over to me.

  “Here you go.” She whispered. She knew I was hurting.

  “Let’s take it one step at a time.” She smiled.

  “Have you heard from her?” I asked hoping she would give me some peace of mind.

  “Doctor, patient confidentiality Michael. I can’t tell you that. But, I can tell you…She loves you. Only you.” She grabbed my hand and stood up. “Times up. I have another patient coming in a few minutes.” I stood up and walked towards the door.

  “Thank you Annmarie. Can you do one thing for me?”

  “Sure.” She shrugged her shoulders and nodded her head.

  “Can you tell her that I love her?” The tears welled in my eyes.

  “Of course. I will. I promise.” She waved goodbye and I turned around and closed the door behind me. I was determined to make this relationship work and I was even more determined to get Jenesis back in my life.

  Chapter 15 Jenesis

e months had passed and Michael did as he promised. He drew up the divorce papers and sent them to me. I never knew how much that decision affected me until I started to watch my stomach grow from the pregnancy. At this point, the distance between us really did make my heart grow fonder. I think I loved him more now than I ever did before. I feel the strangest part of this all was that I didn’t hear from Nick. He found out I was divorcing Michael and decided to walk away. I guess it was the fight that turned him on so when there was no more fighting, he walked away from me; or maybe Michael killed him after all. It was for the best. I had a clear head. Besides, I wanted to work on my relationship with Kate and Joe. That was the new part of my life and it was positive and I was happy.

  My relationship with Joe was flourishing and Kate had a change of heart. I needed my father in my life and Kate finally accepted that. She was more like a friend than anything else and when she hired me as her personal assistant at her office, it made our relationship even stronger.

  “Good Morning, Joe.” I said as I met him and Kate at the diner.

  “Jesus, Jenesis, you have such a tiny belly. I’m so jealous. I look like a thanksgiving day float!” she laughed and hugged me. She was right, she was huge for only going on her seventh month but, she looked beautiful.

  “He’s healthy.” I said smiling.

  “Well, we brought you here this Saturday morning because we knew how much you wanted to know the sex of your baby last week when I did the sonogram.” she smiled, holding in her giggles.

  “Please don’t make me wait any longer.” I was anxious, the anticipation was killing.

  “Okay, here.” she handed me a small white box with a yellow silk ribbon wrapped around it. It looked like a bakery box.

  “Okay…something to eat I hope.” I opened the box and a small piece of cake with yellow frosting was wrapped nicely in wax paper.

  “Now take your fork and taste a piece.” she said as her pearly whites were shining. She was more excited than I was.


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