Adoring Ink: A Montgomery Ink Novella

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Adoring Ink: A Montgomery Ink Novella Page 3

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  Hell, his mind kept going down weird paths. Maybe he’d had too much coffee.

  Or maybe he was a little rattled from meeting the sweet blonde next door not once, but twice that day.

  “They could,” Maya said cheerily. “But then again, so could I. Anyway, Alex sent over some of the photos he took of you and your ink at the gym. I figured we could go through them and see what else we need before we make it a book. Alex would be here, but he and Tabby had a weekend getaway planned.”

  Alex was Maya and Austin’s younger brother and a photographer. He was also Brody’s friend and workout partner at their gym. Since there were eight Montgomerys locally, and about a thousand others around the state, he figured it wasn’t all that uncommon to become friends with one of them.

  “Sounds good to me.” He followed Maya to the front of the shop waiting area after she’d picked up her laptop.

  “I thought we’d sit here rather than in the small office. I have a slight break between clients, and these leather couches are comfy.”

  He smiled and took a seat next to her. “Want me to load them up?”

  She glared but handed over her laptop. “This is in no way an admission to any failure on my part when it comes to computers.”

  “Sure, honey, whatever you say,” Derek crooned. Apparently, the other man wasn’t going to pretend Maya was a bear in the wild, after all.

  Maya flipped the other man off without looking at him and glared at Brody. “Have anything to say?”

  “Not a word.” He quickly booted up the computer, and thankfully, she’d left the window open so he didn’t have to search her email or anything.

  The two of them went over the photos together, and he couldn’t help but admire Alex’s work. Yeah, it was weird as hell to look at photos of his own body over and over again, but the work that had been put into his ink, as well as the photos themselves, were flat out amazing.

  “You guys are good,” he murmured.

  “The best.”

  Not shy, that Maya. And he wouldn’t know what to do with her if she were.

  Though there was a shy woman he wanted to know more. And since, apparently, Holly knew the Montgomery crew, he might as well ask about her. “So, what do you know about Holly?”

  Maya froze. “Holly? My friend, and Jake’s ex?”

  Well, shit. That’s how he knew the name. Jake had once dated Holly before he’d fallen in love with Border and Maya. This could get tricky.

  “Never mind,” he said quickly, but Maya glared.


  “It’s nothing, Maya.” And it would be nothing because a guy didn’t fuck with exes. Ever.

  “She’s single,” Maya put in. “And sweet. And caring. And Jake doesn’t hold a torch for her if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  He was the one to glare now. “It’s fine, Maya.”

  “Sure,” she agreed. “And that’s why Holly is walking this way right now.”

  His eyes widened, and he turned quickly in his chair, none of his usual smoothness in evidence. “Hey,” he croaked and stood up so he was facing her.

  Holly smiled at him and gave Maya a small wave. “Is the bike thing still on the table?”

  Surprised and knowing the entire room was watching him, he nodded slowly. “Yeah. If you want.”

  She rolled her shoulders, looking like she was preparing herself. Hell, he liked her spine that was for sure. “Well, I’d like to. You know. Ride your bike. If you still want to.”

  He grinned then, aware Maya was right behind him, probably staring daggers…or smiling like a cat with a canary. He honestly wasn’t sure which.

  “I think I can do that. Tonight okay with you?”

  She let out a breath. “Okay.” She shook herself. “Yes. And thank you. I think…I think this is going to be fun.”

  “Darling, this is going to be more than fun.” They exchanged numbers with a promise for him to call her later. Then Holly waved at everyone before scurrying back to the café.

  Brody looked down at her number on his phone and let out a breath. He’d just told himself he wasn’t going to do this but, apparently, he didn’t have the strength to actually hold himself to that.

  Derek strolled up to stand in front of him as Maya studied his profile. “You okay?” his friend asked.

  “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Maya just gave him a look.

  Brody stuck his phone in his pocket and glared at the lot of them, annoyed now. “What? I’m not going to hurt her. Hell. She said she wanted to go on a ride and I’m going to give it to her.” He groaned as Maya’s glare intensified. “Not that way, damn it. I’m not a fucking asshole. I don’t hurt women.”

  “Good, because Jake will hurt you if you hurt her,” Derek put in.

  Brody cursed. “I thought you said he was over her,” he told Maya.

  Maya raised her chin. “Of course, he is. But she’s his friend. She’s my friend. So don’t fuck with her.”

  “I don’t fuck with women,” he growled. “You know what? I think I’m done for the day. I don’t know what gave you guys the impression that I’m some kind of abuser who goes through women like candy, but whatever. I’m not a bad guy.”

  He just didn’t date seriously and didn’t stay with one woman for long. But everyone knew that going in, and no one walked away hurt. It was best that way, damn it. The only way he knew how.

  “We didn’t say you were,” Derek put in. “But Holly’s nice.”

  And he wasn’t? Well, fuck all of them. Without another word, Brody stalked out of the shop, annoyed with himself for even getting in this situation. He’d fucked up once in the shop by asking out Hailey. But honestly, he’d done that only to make Sloane aware that others were looking at the sexy baker next door. Sloane and Hailey were married, and Sloane didn’t threaten to beat him down daily anymore.

  But now, he was apparently fucking up again by getting in a sticky situation he wasn’t sure about.

  Yet there was something about Holly…something that should worry him.

  Instead, he shot her a quick text, asking where he should pick her up and telling her what she should wear for the back of the bike. Screw it all. He’d figure out what he was doing along the way. Because Holly was special, and just once, Brody wanted to see if he was special, too.

  Later that night, Brody pulled up to Holly’s cottage home and turned off his bike. He slid off his helmet and shook out his hair, nervous, like he was a kid picking up his date for junior prom. Not even senior prom since he figured he’d have been a little more mature by then.

  Not that he’d gone to either prom, but whatever.

  And once again, his mind was going strange places.

  He got off his bike and made sure both helmets were secure before walking up her sidewalk to her front door. He hoped this was a good idea. He didn’t want to mess everything up, but he couldn’t not take her on a ride tonight. The others might think he wasn’t good enough and that he needed to be careful, but they weren’t there right then.

  He’d show them that he wasn’t a careless playboy who threw women away. Sure, he flirted. A lot. Sure, he dated. Enough. Sure, he’d never had a serious relationship. But he wasn’t a womanizer. Wasn’t an asshole. He didn’t sleep with every woman he took out on a date, and he didn’t throw them away when he was done with them. They walked away at the same time he did, mutually sated and finished with whatever relationship they’d had.

  He didn’t want to think about how Holly might be different.

  Couldn’t think about it.

  Brody knocked on the door and caught his breath as she opened it. She stood there, her soft blonde hair flowing just past her shoulders. Her eyes were wide, a little innocent with a spark of something else he understood in their depths. For some reason, he could imagine flowers in her hair as she danced in the sunlight.

  And now he knew he was going insane.

  Flowers in her hair? Really? He wasn’t a damn poet, and this
was so not like him. Maybe he should have said no or not even offered to take her out in the first place.

  “Brody? Is what I’m wearing okay? I can change if I have to. I didn’t know how cool it would be tonight or if we were getting food or something. I’m usually a better planner, but I’m kind of throwing some things to the wind apparently.”

  He blinked and looked down at her fully. She wore a dark brown leather jacket over a top he couldn’t see, as well as tight jeans that clung to every sexy curve. And damn she had the best curves ever. Perfect for his hands to grip as he slid in and out of her wet heat. He cleared his throat as he took in her matching brown boots and looked up at her face again.

  “You look good.”

  It had come out as a growl, and her eyes widened.

  “Uh, thanks. You look good, too.” She smiled softly, and he relaxed marginally even as his cock hardened. Yep, this might be a mistake, but it could be a mistake worth making.

  “So, I thought we could go on a ride around the quarry so you can see the lights and experience how it feels to be on the back of the bike. Then we can grab something to eat if you want.”

  She licked her lips, and his gaze went straight to them. Shit. “That sounds good.” She let out a breath. “I know this is crazy, but I just really wanted to do something different, you know? And I never just go out with random guys, especially ones I just met, but the others know you, so I felt, I don’t know, safer.”

  He smiled then and held out his hand. “I’m not going to hurt you, Holly. I want to make sure you get to do the things you want but might be too scared to do.” He knew all about being too scared, and he didn’t want that kind of life for her.

  She slid her smaller hand into his. “This is so weird, but I honestly can’t wait.”

  He laughed and pulled her toward him on the porch. “I’ve been called weird before so that’s okay.”

  She winced. “I meant the situation. Not you. I mean, you could be weird, and I just don’t know it. That’s not okay. And that’s why I’m about to get on the back of a motorcycle with you even though I have no idea what I’m doing. Because today has been one crazy day.”

  “Tell me about it. Lock the door, and let’s get to it. I have a feeling once you have the wind on your face and the feel of a bike beneath you, all those worries are going to go away.” At least, that’s how it worked for him.

  “I hope so.”

  As soon as she’d locked the door, he headed them both toward the Harley. “Let me help you with your helmet.” She nodded as he made sure it fit correctly and the straps were tightened under her chin. “Feel good?” Another nod, and he handed her a pair of special night glasses that would help with the glare and protect her eyes from the wind. “Now I’m going to get on, and you’re going to put a hand on my shoulder and swing your leg over so you straddle the bike behind me.”

  She did as he asked, and he had to hold back a groan at the feeling of her warm body pressed against his. This ride just might kill him.

  “Now, wrap your arms around my waist.”

  She did so and laughed. “Well, if this isn’t a way to get girls to hold you close, I don’t know what is.”

  He winked over his shoulder and patted her hands. “You know it, babe. I really just wanted you pressed against me.”

  She rolled her eyes, and he laughed. “Whatever, Brody.”

  He explained where they were going again as well as a few other things she needed to know.

  “Hold tight,” he said with a grin, but he was serious. She squeezed him, and he held back another groan. Yep, this woman was going to kill him, and he just might like it. He started the bike, and she let out a little gasp but didn’t sound alarmed.

  “Ready?” he called out.

  She patted his back before locking her hands again. “Ready!”

  Then they were off.

  Until the end of his days, he would never forget the sounds of pure glee and wonder she made as he drove her through the residential roads. She squeezed him tightly when he went faster before becoming more comfortable. The night was absolutely perfect for this kind of ride as well because she would be able to see the stars when she looked up as soon as they got away from the main city lights.

  They’d driven for almost an hour before he pulled off at the top of a large hill next to the foothills of the Rockies. This would be a perfect view for her, and it would give her some time to stretch since she wasn’t used to riding like that.

  “So, what do you think?” he asked as he helped her off.

  She rubbed her butt and laughed. “I’m going to be sore, but it’s the best kind of sore.”

  His mind once again went to dirty places, and from the blush on her cheeks, so did hers.

  “Did you have fun?”

  She nodded and looked out into the wilderness, her gaze enraptured. “Yes. I mean, just wow. I’ve known people with bikes, even dated a guy with one, but we never went out on it because of snow and work and every other excuse I could come up with.”

  She was probably talking about Jake, and for some reason, that annoyed him. He wasn’t prone to jealousy, but right now, he didn’t want her to be thinking of her ex.

  “Would you want to do this again?” he asked, his voice a growl.

  She looked over at him and nodded. “Riding a motorcycle? Yes. Riding with you?” A pause. “Yes. I mean, if you want to.”

  Knowing he might be doing something stupid, he turned to her and cupped her face. She licked her lips once again, and it took everything within him not to kiss her right then. “Any time you want to ride, just ask.” Something else came to him, and he blurted the next part without thinking. “And, Holly? I want to show you more. Not just riding with me. But all the adventures you said you wanted to do. You’ll have to explain them to me a bit, but I want to show you things. Have fun, and just do stuff you haven’t ever done. Will you let me be part of this with you? Will you let me show you that adventure?”

  “Why are you doing this?” she breathed.

  “I don’t know exactly,” he answered honestly. “But I want to. Is that enough? At least, for now?”

  “I think…I think this might be exactly what I need.”

  He lowered his head so his lips were right above hers. “And this? What about this?”

  “I think you need to show me to make sure.”

  His thrill seeker seemed to have more to her than the innocence she portrayed, and that was perfect for him.

  He held back a laugh and kissed her. Her lips were soft and smooth beneath his, and all he wanted to do was deepen the kiss and keep going, but he fought the need for more and pulled away to rest his forehead on hers.


  “I think that is one adventure we can cross off the list.”

  He laughed. “But what if I want to try it again?”

  “Practice makes perfect, right?”

  So he kissed her again, aware he could be making yet another mistake but not caring. He’d make sure she had the time of her life, and in the process, he’d get to spend time with her.

  Once again, he just hoped he wasn’t making a mistake. Because if there was one thing Brody Deacon was good at, it was making things worse when he didn’t mean to.

  Chapter Three

  Apparently, Holly had jumped right into the deep end without looking. She hadn’t meant to kiss Brody the night before, hadn’t meant to keep kissing him until they were both breathless and pressed together like there was super glue involved.

  Holly leaned her head against her bathroom wall and blew out a breath. She needed to take a quick shower and head over to Maya’s, but all she wanted to do was curl up back in bed and have more dreams about a certain motorcycle-riding mechanic who happened to send her body into overdrive.

  Going out on a date with a man who was practically a stranger, getting on the back of his motorcycle, and making out with him under a blanket of perfect stars wasn’t like her.

  And maybe that was the poi
nt, hmm?

  She’d wanted a little change, a little adventure, and boy did Brody deliver in spades. But, as always, Holly worried. It was what she did. She fretted, she chewed her lip, she made pros and cons lists, and she inevitably backed away from things or people that could not only hurt her but end up hurting themselves. She couldn’t help it, considering how she’d been raised, but no matter how hard she tried to change that, she couldn’t seem to make it stick.

  Brody had said he’d show her a few things, and as soon as her mind had pulled itself out of the gutter, she’d figured he might actually be telling the truth. Her friends trusted him and had actually pushed her to say “yes” in the café. He knew the crew of Montgomery Ink, and they kept letting him back in, so that had to count for something. If Maya or Austin or any of the others didn’t trust him or felt as if he wasn’t a decent person, they wouldn’t work on him. They had enough business to be that picky, and apparently, Brody had passed muster.

  So maybe hanging out with him wasn’t as dangerous as she’d thought at first. As long as she didn’t fall for him or get any grand notions of something far more serious than him showing her how to let loose, she’d be fine.

  Only Holly didn’t do casual, and she was afraid she’d end up being an idiot in the end.

  “Crap.” She pulled away from the wall and stripped out of her pajamas. She was going to be late to Maya’s, and she really wanted to avoid the wrath of the Inked One.

  Holly quickly showered, knowing after they were finished with their plans for the day, she’d require another shower anyway, but she really needed to at least get the sleep out of her eyes. One day, she’d be able to sleep in until noon, and that day would be glorious. But for now, she wanted to make sure her days were filled with plans with friends since she didn’t get to see them often during the school year.

  Once she was clean, she pulled on her workout gear and grabbed her prepacked bag of regular clothes and other things she might need, as well as a water bottle. Maya was still trying to lose the last of her baby weight, and Holly wanted to eat cake later, so they tried to work out together at least once a week. She worked out on her own a couple more times a week, too, but these sessions were a little more fun because she and Maya weren’t as coordinated as most people thought, and tripping in front of each other had become a new form of entertainment.


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