Adoring Ink: A Montgomery Ink Novella

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Adoring Ink: A Montgomery Ink Novella Page 5

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  For his dick’s sake, he hoped that was the case.

  He’d driven the truck instead of his bike because it would be easier to go down the back roads on it, though he’d miss the feel of her behind him. He’d loved the way she’d pressed herself against him when he went faster, the way her nails had dug into his chest when he’d gone over small bumps. He’d had dreams of those nails digging into his back as he pumped in and out of her, their bodies sweat-slick and never fully sated.

  Nope. He shouldn’t be thinking about that. At all. If he weren’t careful, he wouldn’t be able to hide his hard-on from her. As it was, he was already half hard and getting harder by the minute.

  Oh, boy.

  He got out of his truck and started up the walk to her house when she opened the door. She’d pulled on jeans and a tank and had draped a jacket over her arm. Since the tank had thick straps, he couldn’t tell what kind of suit she wore, and that annoyed him. He wanted to know so he could prepare his dick for what was to come.

  No pun intended.

  “I saw you pull up,” Holly said before pointing down at her outfit. “Is this okay? I wasn’t sure if we were taking the bike or not.”

  He let his gaze travel down the curves of her body once more, and he swallowed hard so he could speak. “Yeah, you look fine.”

  She snorted. “Good to know.”

  He winced. “I mean, you’re fine for what we’re doing. You look a hell of a lot better than fine.”

  If the guys could see him now, they’d be on the floor laughing. Normally, he was a little better with women, but Holly threw him off-kilter. He didn’t know what they were to each other, or what they were doing, and his brain didn’t seem to want to function normally. This didn’t bode well.

  She smiled widely, and he had to hold his breath to keep from sighing or saying something even more stupid. He’d been in her presence for all of three minutes, and he was already afraid she’d turn and run the other way. And, honestly, he wouldn’t have blamed her.

  “So, we’re taking your truck, then?” she asked.

  He nodded. Time to get his head in the game. “Yeah, we’re going up some back roads, and it’s not safe on the bike.”

  She tilted her head. “Are you taking me to an undisclosed location to bury my body or something?”

  He wanted to do something to her body but it wasn’t bury it. He cleared his throat and put on his most charming grin. “I can give you the location now if you want, and you can text it to Maya or something so she knows where we are. I already told my friend Harper this morning since he called to ask me to hang out at the gym today.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I was kidding about the whole serial killer thing. A little. But if Harper knows where we’ll be, then that’s fine. Not that I’m afraid you’re going to kill me, but it’s always good to have someone know where you’re going. Harper is the new guy at Montgomery Inc., right? Alex mentioned to Maya, who mentioned to me, that they’d hired him on and that you were all friends. I’m rambling. You can tell me to stop anytime you’d like, you know.”

  He shrugged. “That’s the same Harper. I like how you ramble. You tell me more about yourself that way.” He had to be careful not to like that too much. Because he couldn’t afford to like her as much as parts of him wanted to. It would be dangerous for them both.

  “Why are you doing this, Brody?” she asked suddenly. “I don’t even know why I’m doing this.”

  He met her gaze as he stepped forward, knowing his answer had to mean something. And it did, though he wasn’t sure why. “I saw a friend of a friend who wanted to try something new, something exciting. And, I don’t know, I wanted to be the person to help you. Maybe we’ll figure out the other reasons together.”

  He swallowed hard as she blinked up at him. Then she put her hand on his chest and moved forward. It was all he could do not to wrap himself around her right then and kiss her hard.

  Instead, she went on her tiptoes and brushed a soft kiss against his lips. “Let’s figure this out together, then.” She paused as he gathered his control. Damn, she was a sweet temptation and all wrong for him. But Brody was good at doing the wrong thing. Excelled at it even. “Where are you taking me exactly?”

  “We’re trying out some hot springs,” he said gruffly. Hell, he had no idea what he was doing so he might as well jump in headfirst and hope he didn’t break anything on the way down.

  Her eyes widened, and she smiled. “I’ve always wanted to try those!” She snapped her fingers. “Hence the suit and the fact that you need a truck to get there.” She narrowed her eyes a bit and leaned back. “This isn’t a hot spring on some national park land that will get us arrested, will it? Because as much as I want to try new things, trying them in an orange jumpsuit with handcuffs really isn’t my idea of fun.”

  Of course, now he was thinking of her in handcuffs.

  Why his brain had devolved into his teenage self, he didn’t know, but he had a feeling it was because of the woman in front of him. He was going to have to try to be a bit more careful if he were going to make it through this.

  Whatever this was.

  He shook his head. “It’s a hot spring owned by a buddy of mine, but it’s on his private property and not for the public. I called him and asked if we could use it, and he said fine. It’s one of the few hot springs owned privately rather than on commercial or park land, so it’s a rare find. But I figured it would be a little more fun to hike there once we park off the beaten trail a bit rather than go to a commercial lot where there are tourists everywhere trying to breathe in the mountain air.”

  She nodded. “That does sound fun and different than what I would normally be doing right now. But hiking? You didn’t say anything about hiking.” She looked down at her worn boots and back up at him. “I don’t actually own hiking boots. I just picked these because I figured they’d work for the bike. And since we’re not taking the bike…”

  He shook his head. “You’ll be fine. It’s not that far of a hike, and I’ll be right by you. I promise, I’m not going to let you get hurt. Okay?”

  She looked up at him and nodded, and he hoped to hell he wasn’t lying to her when he said he wouldn’t let her get hurt. Because while he’d do his best to keep her from twisting her ankle or falling along the path, he had a feeling that he was the real danger, and not the risks she wanted to take.

  The drive up took over an hour, and the two of them talked the entire way. He was surprised at how easy it was to talk to her. He felt like he could tell her almost anything. Almost. There was no way he was going into his childhood or crap like that with her, but he felt comfortable sharing everything else.

  He learned more about her work at the school and the fact that her best friend owned a bookstore—the same bookstore he shopped at when he was downtown, in fact. He told her about his job and his coworkers who had become his friends over time. They talked about his ink and the fact that he didn’t have a dedicated artist, but rather his body was a mural for the shop as a whole.

  “And you don’t want a tattoo of your own, I take it?” he asked as they walked up the narrow path toward the hot spring. She was in front of him slightly so he could catch her if she stumbled, but she had been doing well on her own so far.

  “Oh, I want one,” she said with a smile over her shoulder. Of course, because she’d taken her attention off the ground she stumbled a bit. He reached out and gripped her hip to keep her steady, and she let out a laugh. “Well, I’m surprised that didn’t happen sooner. Thanks for saving me.”

  He squeezed her hip. “You just wanted my hands on your hips, don’t lie.” He held back a curse as the words tumbled out. Despite the fact that they’d kissed multiple times since they met, he’d honestly been trying to keep his distance. But, apparently, his brain wasn’t quite on the same page.

  Or maybe it was his dick.

  She shook her head at him, a small smile playing on her lips. “Maybe.” She turned her head again, her attention on t
he path in front of her. “As for a tattoo, I want one. I have for a while, in fact. But I don’t know what I want yet. And since that’s kind of the important part, I’ve been holding off.”

  He let his hand fall from her hip and reached out to grip her hand.

  Stupid Decisions: 156. Brody: 0.

  She squeezed his fingers, and he let out a breath.

  “Are you going to let Maya do it when you figure it out?”

  Holly nodded. “Even if I didn’t trust her to make it perfect, I don’t think I’d have another choice.” She laughed. “Maya gets a little proprietary.”

  “No shit,” he said with a chuckle. “Though I’m surprised that you and Maya are friends like you are.” He winced. “Sorry. That was probably an idiotic thing to say.”

  Holly shook her head. “No, it’s a reasonable thought since she’s married to my ex. I don’t know exactly how we became the friends we are, but when she was dating Jake, something happened, and I was there to talk to her about it. And I guess we just became close after that. It should be awkward, especially since I spend time at the house when Jake is there, but it’s not. It just is. I’m grateful, though. Because not only do I have Maya as a friend but I also get the rest of the Montgomerys, as well as Jake and Border. They’re good people, and I’m glad I get to be in their circle.”

  Brody nodded, though since her attention was on the path, she couldn’t see him. “They are good people.”

  Before she could say anything else, however, they walked through a small clearing and found the hot springs.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

  He squeezed her hand again. “I think so.” He wasn’t sure if he was talking about her or the hot springs though, and he knew he was in trouble.

  Natural rocks had come together with the river on one side and trees and mountains on the other. Somehow, through vents deep in the earth, a perfect hot spring had been formed. This one was checked often by his friend to keep it safe for what they were about to do, and he was glad.

  “You ready to take a dip?”

  She looked up at him, her eyes bright. “So ready.”

  “Then take off your clothes, babe, and get in.”

  She snorted and raised a brow. “If that’s your idea of a line, you need to work on it.”

  He shrugged off his bag and winked. “I’ll work on my lines for you, don’t worry. But, really, I have my suit on under my clothes so I’m going to strip them off and get in. My friend built a small hut on the other side of those trees if you want to change in there. I don’t want you to do anything that will make you uncomfortable.”

  She just looked at him before letting out a breath. Then she gripped the bottom of her shirt and lifted it over her head.

  He was going to die a very, very happy man.

  She hadn’t worn a one-piece, after all. In fact, the black bikini top molded to the generous curves of her breasts perfectly. As she toed off her boots and wiggled out of her pants, her breasts jiggled back and forth, and he had to swallow hard before he came in his jeans like a hormonal teenager.

  “Are you getting in with your clothes on?” she asked, standing sexy as hell in her black two-piece.

  He quickly stripped down to his shorts and held out a hand. If he merely held her hand, he wouldn’t be tempted to grab for anything else like a lecher. This whole thing was so Holly could experience something new, not so he could ogle her.

  But damn if he didn’t want to ogle her.

  When she placed her hand in his, they made their way to the side of the hot springs. He gave her hand one last squeeze before letting go and stepping in carefully. The bottom had worn smooth over time but wasn’t slippery. The natural minerals in the water tingled against his skin and he let out a sigh.

  “Damn, this already feels good. You ready?” He held out his hand again, and she took it without pause.

  “I am now,” she said with a small smile. He helped her get in and tried to hide his erection when she let out the sexiest moan ever.

  “This feels divine.”

  He sank into the water to his shoulders and nodded. “I freaking love it up here, but I don’t get a chance to come out too often.”

  She rested her head on a rock as she soaked. “That’s a shame. I can’t believe I’ve never done anything like this before. And this isn’t even that adventurous.”

  He moved so he sat by her without touching. He didn’t want to scare her away since hitting on her wasn’t what all of this was about. “If you haven’t done it before and it’s something you want to do, then it’s worth it to try. It doesn’t have to be death-defying to be on a bucket list.”

  Holly winced. “I need a better term than bucket list.”

  “How about Holly’s List? Simple and easy to remember.”

  She looked over at him. “So what’s next on Holly’s List?” she asked. “I haven’t actually told you anything I want to put on it, you’ve just guessed.”

  He sat up so he faced her and he could watch her expressions as she spoke. He didn’t know why he liked watching her like this when they talked, but it was as if he couldn’t get enough of her.

  Again, his brain screamed that they were approaching dangerous territory, but he ignored it.

  “I figured we’d slowly work our way up to grander things, but if you have stuff you want to do, we can.”

  “That’s the thing, I haven’t done anything. I’ve worked and read books. That’s it. So anything new is by far more than anything I could have thought up on my own.” Her hands played with the ripples in the water, and she sighed. “I know I’m putting pressure on both of us with this, but I’m having fun. Are you?”

  “Hell, yeah. Despite what others might think of me, I don’t spend all my time doing reckless things and being an idiot. I’m usually working or at the gym. So doing things that are a little out of my routine is a nice break.”

  Her fingers played in the water again. “As long as you want to do this, then I’m in. I’m having fun, Brody. I never realized how…staid I was before this. I do the same things day after day and research anything new endlessly before I do it, to the point that it’s not fun anymore. It’s how I’ve always been. But maybe it’s time to change that.”

  “You’re already changing some of it. But Holly? I like you for you, you know. You don’t have to change everything.”

  She turned so she was facing him, and his heart rate sped up. Hell, he needed to get a grip.

  “That’s the nicest thing you could have said. I like me, too, Brody.” She paused. “And I like you as well.”

  At her words, he did the only thing he could.

  He kissed her.

  And as the water splashed around them and their lips met between heavy panting breaths, he knew that Holly was one risk he shouldn’t take.

  And the only risk he would.

  Chapter Five

  Holly was pretty sure she was going to have sex with Brody. Maybe not tonight. But soon. There was no way she could hold herself back for much longer. Each kiss they shared lingered progressively longer, and she was afraid by the time they kissed again, she’d combust.

  She’d practically climbed him like a tree in the hot springs, and it had taken all her strength to pull away once she remembered they were out in the open. While she was taking some chances and doing new things, outdoor sex wasn’t on the menu.


  Tonight, she and Brody were going out to dinner. A normal dinner where they would just sit and eat and even talk. This would have nothing to do with Holly’s List, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about that.

  This was a date.

  A real live date with food and maybe even kissing involved.

  She just hoped it didn’t ruin what she already had with Brody because she liked what she had with him. She liked that she felt she could open up to him more each time they talked. She wasn’t sure exactly what was happening between them, but she wasn’t going to overanalyze it.

she did, she’d only end up hurting herself in the end.

  And the whole point of Holly’s List was to put herself out there and not get hurt in the process.

  The doorbell rang, and she quickly smoothed out her sundress and straightened her cardigan shrug. It wasn’t the sexiest of outfits, but she felt the most comfortable in it. If Brody had a problem with it, then he could walk away. She wasn’t going to change for any man. No, the only person she would change for was herself.

  She let out a small growl.

  She was freaking out over nothing, and Brody hadn’t even seen her yet. He hadn’t said a word about her outfits in the past, and she didn’t think he would start now. Only things were different between them lately, or at least they were on the verge of becoming different. She was just trying to catch up.

  With a smile on her face, she opened the door and almost swallowed her tongue. Brody wore a dark blue, long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up to reveal the ink on his forearms. Sure, she’d been with Jake and knew ink on forearms was sexy, but nothing was as sexy as Brody’s arms.

  Except maybe the rest of him.

  He had on dark jeans and black boots, and he’d added something to his hair so it stayed out of his face but didn’t look all slicked and gelled. And when he smiled at her, his dimple popped out, and she about fell down at his feet in thanks.

  Holly needed to get a grip.

  “You look good enough to eat,” Brody drawled.

  She gave him a look. “I was thinking the same thing about you.”

  He winked and held out his hand. He was always doing that, giving her time to take that step rather than merely taking her hand. Every move he made gave her the option of staying away, making her own choices. She had a feeling, though, if they were to go to bed together, he’d have far more control over their movements than he did now.

  And that was something Holly knew she’d let happen.

  She slid her hand into his and walked toward his truck. Thankfully, he’d told her they’d be taking the truck tonight so she knew what to wear. While she liked the surprises he’d thought up, making sure she was dressed correctly for whatever came up wasn’t the easiest thing in the world.


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