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Slave Gold 3: Darcy's Zennoxian Mates (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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by Becca Van

  Slave Gold 3: Darcy’s Zennoxian Mates

  Froz, Drac, Plat, Lowl, and Cark Bim see a flash of light in the distance while out on border patrol on their planet, Zennox, and go to investigate. At first they think the female seemingly asleep in the middle of nowhere is a trap, but discover no one is around and are worried the female is ill or hurt.

  When Darcy Archer first wakes up and finds herself on a different planet and surrounded by five very tall, muscular men, she freaks out. But for some reason she is drawn to them like no other man before and her body responds to their handsome faces and manly physiques. When she finds out that they think she's their mate, she is uncertain about what she wants to do, but the more time she spends with them, the more she craves their touch.

  But other warriors have heard about and seen her and want her for their own. Darcy has some hard decisions to make, but will they be the right ones? And will she decide in time?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

  Length: 44,189 words



  Becca Van


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: LoveXtreme Forever


  Copyright © 2015 by Becca Van

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-131-9

  First E-book Publication: April 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  About the Author




  Copyright © 2015


  Whoever shall find the slave gold will know much turmoil until love unfolds.

  The voices will sing their hymn and pull you from within.

  The paths you take will be divided and the choices you make

  will be forever united.

  No time, space, or age will withstand or endure, unless the love you feel is pure.

  Love is a gift from the Gods and will last through the ages

  for those who will discover love untold.

  Branwen, the Celtic goddess of love and beauty, the daughter of Lir, placed the spell on the pure-gold slave bracelet and hurled it toward the Earth as she stood atop the tallest mountain, using her powers to send it far from her just before she died of a broken heart after the loss of her best friend and brother, Bran. Knowing she would never find that which her heart sought, a mate of her own, Branwen vowed that at least whoever found the slave bracelet would be able to choose love over heartache.

  Chapter One

  “What the pharm was that?” Froz asked when he saw a flash in the distance.

  “What?” Drac asked.

  “You didn’t see that?”

  “I did.” Lowl slowed his hover tandem and turned his vehicle to face where the bright light had come from.

  “So did I.” Cark glanced over at Froz before squinting into the distance.

  “Let’s go check it out,” Plat said before taking off.

  Froz, Cark, Lowl, and Drac followed.

  Froz Bim and his clan brethren, Drac, Plat, Lowl, and Cark had been out on border patrol since first light. It had been a long, arduous day keeping the borders of their northern continent secure, and he was looking forward to last meal. He and his clan brothers found it hard to not become too aggressive when dealing with the males of the other regions of their home world Zennox.

  All males on Zennox were antagonistic and became physically forceful when dealing with the males trying to steal and infiltrate the each other’s provinces on their planet. He and his brethren weren’t the only northern Zennoxians on patrol and he hoped the men of their territory had a better day than they’d had. He was getting sick and tired of the fighting and wished one day that all the citizens from each corner of their world could get along, but he couldn’t see that happening any time soon.

  He pushed his unsettling thoughts aside and sighed with pleasure.

  He loved feeling the wind in his face and hair. Flying above the ground was very freeing and one of the only times he didn’t feel volatile, but right now he was curious as to what had caused the flash of light. He wasn’t feeling as capricious as he had at first light and hoped the damn explosive emotions he usually felt stayed away.

  It took Froz and his brethren less than five standard minutes to reach the sight of the
light source. He was ahead of his male sibs and the first to see the lump on the ground. Using caution, he stopped his hover tandem a safe distance from the thing and jumped from his vehicle. As he pulled his laser sword from the clip on his warrior uniform, his brothers got off of their hovers and came to stand at his side.

  “What is it?” Drac asked.

  “I don’t know. We’ll have to get closer to find out.” Froz took a step, staring intently at whatever was on the ground, and pushed the button on his sword to activate the power. The laser blade would appear with the flick of his wrist and would become a long, deadly weapon. His brethren removed their laser swords in readiness and they all moved toward the lump.

  Froz stopped when he was about twenty steps from it and his breath caught in his throat when he realized it was a female, and she looked like she was asleep. He powered off his sword and hurried forward before kneeling down right next to her. He didn’t have to look back to know his brothers were right behind him.

  Carefully, so as not to startle the sleeping female in case she woke up, he brushed the moonlight-colored hair back from her face, and this time he stopped breathing altogether, and his heart started racing.

  Her face was the most beautiful he’d ever seen. The fine strands of hair on her eyes were a dark contrast against her creamy white skin and the lightness of the hair on her head. He brushed his fingers over her cheek and nearly groaned at the warm, soft, silky feel of it beneath the pads of his flesh.

  “It’s a female,” Lowl said in a husky voice.

  “Yes, but not one I’ve ever seen before.” Cark knelt down on her other side and stared at her intently.

  “She’s not Zennoxian,” Plat said from where he was standing at her feet.

  “From the strange things she’s wearing, I’d bet she isn’t from anywhere near here,” Drac said.

  “Where did she come from?” Froz muttered more to himself than his brothers as he rubbed her hair between his fingers. The scent coming off her was light and enticing, but underneath that perfume was her natural musky aroma, and his cock reacted, twitching and hardening in his restrictive warrior leathers. He once more touched his fingers to her face and sucked in a breath when it felt like a blast from a laser stunner traveled up his arm, centered in his chest for a moment before shooting down to his cock, causing it and his balls to ache.

  “She looks like a pleasure goddess,” Cark rasped.

  Froz agreed, but what he was more worried about at the moment was why she was here and how she’d gotten here, but mostly, why she was sleeping?

  Is she ill? Did someone hurt her?

  He glanced about but didn’t see anyone at all. He just hoped that this wasn’t a trap from one of the other factions. He turned to look at each of his brothers in turn. “Check our surroundings. It could be a set-up.”

  Cark, Lowl, and Plat rose to their feet and with a flick of their wrists activated their laser swords as well as removing their stunners. They moved toward the trees to make sure no one was lurking about. Froz relaxed, knowing that if anyone was around they would be dealt with quickly.

  “What is she wearing?” Drac asked right before he reached out and touched the material of her dark blue pants.

  Froz ran his eyes over her once more. He’d never seen the short white boots which stopped below the ankle with the ties on top before. In fact, he’d never seen anything like what the female was wearing. His eyes paused on soft female chest globes and wondered if they would be as soft as they looked, but then his gaze stopped on the gold armband. He reached out and touched the decoration and gasped when his fingers connected with it. The metal was so warm it was almost hot, and he wondered if it was because of the female’s body heat. He touched her arm but her skin wasn’t anywhere near as warm as the gold encircling her upper arm.

  When she moaned, he quickly withdrew his hand and willed her to open her eyes. Her lids fluttered and then he was staring into the most beautiful blue color he had ever seen. What was strange was the black circle in the middle and he wondered whether she had eye damage.

  The female blinked and whimpered before closing her eyes again. When she opened them once more her lips parted and she licked them in such an enticing manner, and he wondered what they would feel like beneath his own. But then her mouth opened a little wider and she screamed out loud enough to hurt his ears.

  She pushed up and then scrambled back away from him and Drac, still screaming as she moved.

  Drac went to reach for her but Froz stopped him by placing his hand on his brethren’s shoulder. The female was so scared of him and his brother, she was shaking and couldn’t seem to draw a breath. He didn’t look over his shoulder when he heard his other sibs come running, but kept his gaze on the female. She looked up over his head and let out another loud scream right before her eyes rolled back into her head and she slumped to the ground and fell asleep once more.

  That was when he realized that she didn’t have any eye damage.

  * * * *

  Hours earlier.

  Darcy Archer said good-bye to her friend Chloe and started walking toward her car. She and Chloe had just had their routine monthly night out. She had met Chloe when the young woman had signed up for dance lessons and they had just seemed to click right away.

  Darcy didn’t own the dance studio where she worked, but she hoped one day, in the not-too-distant future, that she would be able to own her own business instead of having to work the late hours her bitch of a boss kept scheduling for her. It wasn’t that Darcy didn’t like to dance or teach, because she did. In fact, if she could earn a decent living from it, she would be dancing all the time, but it was hard to break into the big time and she couldn’t see that happening any time soon. Joanne Sutherland, the owner of the studio and her boss, always looked down her nose at her and sometimes it was really hard to keep her hands to herself. She really wanted to smack the holier-than-thou bitch in the face and knock her down a peg or two.

  Joanne thought she was better than anyone else just because her mother had danced with the American Ballet Company. Her nose was so far stuck up her own ass it was a wonder she didn’t fall on her face.

  Darcy chuckled as the picture of Joanne’s nose in her butt formed in her mind. Sometimes she wondered where these thoughts came from.

  She waved to her friend as Chloe drove out of the dark parking lot and shivered when she realized she was all alone. The lot was full of cars but everyone was still inside the pub having a good time. She could still hear the loud bass thumping in the background and smiled as she remembered how much fun they’d had dancing for a couple of hours after sharing a meal and two drinks. It didn’t matter what sort of dance she did, she loved every aspect of the sport, whether it was ballet, contemporary, or just for the sheer and utter pleasure of it.

  Darcy dug into her pocket for her car keys and just as she unlocked the door a sparkle of light near the back of her car caught her eye. She moved to the back and bent down and picked up what looked like a solid gold bracelet. After searching around to see if anyone was looking for the jewelry and seeing no one, she got into her car.

  Her breath caught in her throat as she studied the bracelet under the dim interior light. It was stunning and although it was clean and shiny, it looked very old. She hoped whoever had lost it wasn’t frantic about it.

  Darcy decided that first thing in the morning she would take the piece to the police station and hoped it got back to its rightful owner, but for now she was tired and looking forward to a good night’s sleep.

  She placed the bracelet into the cup holder and headed home. When she got into her small one-bedroom apartment, she dropped her keys and the bracelet onto the kitchen counter and pulled her wallet from her jeans pocket.

  Darcy knew she shouldn’t give in to temptation, but she just couldn’t resist. So she picked the bracelet up and threaded her hand through the hole. A gasp escaped her mouth when she noticed how warm the gold felt against her skin, but then a buzzing noise soun
ded in her head.

  The room began to spin, or maybe it was her head. The buzzing got louder and louder and she felt like she was swaying on her feet. When she reached out to grip the edge of the counter, her hands encountered only air and then she felt like she was falling, her body so heavy she could barely move, but she also felt like she was floating on a cloud. She focused on the buzzing and realized what she was hearing was a woman’s voice. Although the words weren’t in her language, they became clearer the louder they got, and then she heard every word as if she’d been hearing and speaking that strange language from the time she could walk.

  Whoever shall find the slave gold will know much turmoil until love unfolds.

  The voices will sing their hymn and pull you from within.

  The paths you take will be divided and the choices you make

  will be forever united.

  No time, space, or age will withstand or endure, unless the love you feel is pure.

  Love is a gift from the Gods and will last through the ages

  for those who will discover love untold.

  Darcy was sure she opened her mouth to scream, but if she had made a noise she didn’t and couldn’t hear it. She felt like she was whirling so fast she was going to be flung across the small kitchen and slam into the wall. Her vision dimmed and even though she was feeling sick to her stomach, she didn’t vomit. And then she felt like she was being sucked down into a deep, dark pit. On a sigh of relief or resignation, she wasn’t sure which, she gave into the darkness and fainted for the first time in her life.


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