The Golden Talisman

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The Golden Talisman Page 15

by J. Stefan Jackson

  “‘This is oh, so cool!’ I whispered in amazement, wishing once again Jeremy, Grandpa, or even Lee was there to see this. I turned the ledge around in a variety of directions, and in just a few minutes time I scanned everything from the Gulf of Mexico to the identical golden tower near the Central American coastline. I even dared to ‘dive’ into the Mississippi River, but apparently its water had been just as murky as it is now. I remember laughing in my excitement over all of this and Genovene laughed along with me.

  “‘The other views are very similar in what they have to offer,’ she advised. ‘We’ve just enough time for one more and then we must return to the main level, for the Festival Of Life is set to begin shortly.

  “I started to move toward the west side of the cone, for I’d always wanted to see the Rocky Mountains. But then I hesitated. I thought about my grandfather, and although I knew the thought would disappear in a moment, I wanted to make sure he was okay before the impulse to do so was gone again. ‘Genovene...I’d rather see the present-day world instead of the one that’s no longer here,’ I told her. ‘Would you mind if I go over to the east side and do that?’

  “She pondered my request and her lovely smile faded briefly from her face. ‘I suppose that’ll be fine,’ she said. ‘But, only for a minute. All right?’

  “‘Sure,’ I agreed.

  “We walked together over to the east side of the crystal cone where she set caused the ledge to appear once again, and then she retreated to the center of the room. She squatted down and put one hand upon the crystal triangle while she placed her other hand on the smooth golden floor. She closed her eyes, and as she did this, I watched the world outside change. A moment later, the world I knew had returned.

  “I could still see a good distance through the cone’s wall, but the available viewing area had diminished significantly. The overall view was perhaps no more than a hundred miles in any one direction now, which was still pretty impressive even if it wasn’t near as spectacular as the ancient view had been.

  “Genovene stood up and reminded me that I didn’t have long to check on my grandfather, as we needed to leave soon. I positioned the object to where I could see my home, and before long, I found him working beneath one of the large maple trees in our front yard. Grandpa was busy clearing out some pesky weeds from around the flowers that grew in a ring-shaped garden that encircled the tree. I watched him as he paused for a moment to wipe the sweat from his brow. He then looked up toward the sun before going back to clearing more weeds.

  “Satisfied he wasn’t worried about my whereabouts just yet, I pulled back, retracing the journey I took that morning to get where I now stood. The images flew by quickly, but I paused long enough to check on Banjo to make sure he was okay. He was still playing with the other animals in the meadow under the watchful eyes of several miahluschkas, whose faces remained shrouded by their hooded robes.

  “I pulled the ledge back until the revealed images were from our immediate area, and out of curiosity positioned it upon the area directly below me. I then pushed forward just a hair, and the bustling temple courtyard zoomed into focus. The servants hurried about in their last minute preparations for the feast. I focused the viewer on the long dinner table, as it was now filled with bread, assorted pastries, and other entrees. Only a fairly large space remained in the center of the table, which I figured was reserved for the main course. Without lingering any longer, I shifted the view screen over to the pyramid.

  “I followed the steps from the bottom on up to the very top of it. A large gold platter currently sat upon the stone table that earlier had been bare. Steam and smoke poured forth out of a large hole sitting next to the table. I pushed the crystal flap a little more in order to get a better look down inside the hole, and the view screen became completely filled with smoke and steam.

  “Suddenly, I gasped. For, beneath the smoke and steam a brilliant blue mass was moving—pulsing as if it were alive and breathing. The mass was liquid-like and appeared to boil in some places and yet was literally engulfed by flames in other areas. Before I could look any longer, Genovene firmly grasped my arm, nearly hurting me. I looked back at her in surprise, shocked that this person who’d been so kind and gentle would do something like that.

  “‘Sorry, Jack, but we must leave now!’ she announced sternly. She struggled noticeably to maintain her smile, but once I allowed her to guide me back over to the chalube’at, without any resistance other than the silent question of ‘What in the hell’s your problem?’, she slowly regained her composure. I tried my best to pretend I hadn’t noticed the drastic change in her demeanor, but doubt I was successful. All I knew was that I must’ve seen something I wasn’t supposed to see, or even know about.

  “‘I’m sorry if I did something to offend you, Genovene...’ I recall my voice trailed off, for I couldn’t understand why she was so upset. She studied me for a moment, and then, as if she’d discovered some reassuring information from my thoughts or feelings, she began to relax once more. Before long, her radiant smile returned to her face and eyes, and she loosened her ironclad grip on my arm, sliding her hand down to mine again. As gently as before, she led me on over to the invisible entrance to the crystal transport tube.

  “She paused in front of the chalube’at for a moment before moving directly ahead of me, motioning for me to wait where I was. Genovene went through her bizarre ritual once more and the tube’s wall immediately produced another doorway. She reached back behind her at this point, gently grasping my crotch. Stunned and startled by this, I assumed she wanted my hand instead. She glanced over her shoulder, raising her eyebrows in a look of mild surprise, smiling mischievously. But without a word she accepted my hand and led me back inside the chalube’at.

  “As soon as the panels closed, we barely had time to take our places opposite each other before the floor disappeared beneath us and we were dropped back down the tube. The trip to the bottom was even quicker than the trip up had been, and I thought for sure my stomach was going to come up into my mouth at any moment. I tried to scream, but couldn’t do it. There was air, but I couldn’t breathe. So I closed my eyes instead, which only made matters worse. I opened them again and looked across the tube at Genovene. Her hair was flying straight up above her head as she clutched her gown just above her knees in a determined effort to keep the garment from rising any higher.

  “Suddenly, that mischievous smile returned to her face as her eyes flashed luminously at me. She allowed her gown to creep all the way up to her waist, which in a way reminded me of the famous picture I’d once seen of Marilyn Monroe. The only difference was that Genovene was completely naked from the waist down.

  “I tried to look away, but couldn’t. I was fascinated by what I saw. She seemed to enjoy my awkward response and smiled broadly before blowing a kiss at me. I forced myself to look beyond her at the blur of the staircase and crystal windows flying by. Right before reaching the temple floor, our descent suddenly slowed and we dropped lightly onto our feet again. For the moment, her gown concealed her nakedness as it stretched to the floor. Relief and disappointment filled me.

  “She moved to the center of the tube while motioning for me to join her there. Once I reached the center, she grabbed and pulled me close to her, reaching with both hands between my legs. I was so nervous. I began to sweat while my heart pounded heavily in my chest. She gently massaged me while she penetrated my nervous and frightened eyes with a famished and predatory look in her own.

  “Once the panels opened, she removed her hands from my crotch and reached for my hand again to lead me out of the chalube’at. I was under the intense assault of so many feelings. Wonderful and horrible feelings, such as ecstasy and guilt in a powerful but confusing mix with primitive emotions I didn’t understand at the time. I was helpless to resist her ruthless seduction.

  “She pulled me close behind her and led me away from the lighted area of the temple’s base. We stepped into the shadows and soon the entire area before us was
cloaked in thick blackness.

  “‘We’ve got a little time left before the Celebration Feast begins,’ she said, her voice once more a sultry whisper. She pulled me up even with her and then leaned into me as we moved deeper into the darkness. ‘No doubt, you’re wondering where we’re going now. I’m going to show you what very few have ever seen. All I ask is that you don’t resist me. Trust in me. Will you do that for me, Jack?’

  “I nodded, hesitantly but decidedly, since I knew I couldn’t resist her anyway.

  “‘Don’t let the darkness we’re moving into alarm you,’ she advised, ‘for we will arrive at my chamber shortly afterward.’

  “I couldn’t see anything at all, not even Genovene, who was right next to me. Despite her closeness, I was aware of other unseen things moving around us as we headed deeper into the tower’s base. Ominous and creepy things that were felt more than heard; however, I could’ve sworn I did hear a deep swishing sound along with a barely audible groan coming from the area just ahead of us.

  “It seemed we’d walked quite a distance before I saw a light again, but since I no longer trusted my eyes, it may have only appeared that way. As we drew nearer to this light, it seemed to divide into two small spheres peering out from the darkness. The spheres lengthened and flickered, and soon revealed themselves to be a pair of fiery torches.

  “The outline of a large doorway was now visible, standing between the torches, while slight movements on either side of the door indicated another pair of huge muscular guards hovering in the darkness just beyond the reach of the torches’ light. With her hand maintaining a secure grip on my own, Genovene led me to the door. As before, these servants bowed before her. Then, one of the guards moved to open the medieval-like door, motioning for us to walk through it. The guard then shut the door behind us, as I heard the low groan and creaking of hinges straining to hold the weight of the wood.

  “We were alone in darkness, but only briefly. Genovene stepped away from me, and as she did so, a dozen torches positioned throughout the spacious room suddenly ignited, along with a large array of candles that covered much of the floor and chamber tables, throwing their soft radiance upon everything in the room.

  “Her bedroom was fit for a queen, with luxurious gold and lavender bed linens, tapestries, and draperies throughout. Massive and beautiful dark-wooden furniture that was traced and inlaid with intricate gold designs dominated the room. The centerpiece was the massive canopy bed that sat in the middle of it. It was a work of art in itself. All four bedposts were exquisitely hand-carved statues of well endowed naked men and voluptuous women facing inward toward the mattress and positioned so that a male and female faced each other. The mattress appeared soft and inviting with a thick comforter and many pillows. It made it hard not to imagine what I wanted to do with her there.

  * * * *

  “Genovene sauntered slowly toward the bed with her back turned to me, while the reflection of the flickering candles on her satin gown enhanced her allure. My eyes followed her lovely form all the way to her feet as they padded quietly along the smooth white marble floor. She stopped once she reached the bed. Without turning around, she unfastened her gown, allowing it to fall to her ankles. She then carefully stepped out of the crumpled garment, leaving it on the floor as she turned around to face me.

  “She was completely naked, and I was now completely aroused. My heart raced harder as my erection pulsed to full strength in my shorts. She was astonishingly beautiful, more so than any pin-up I’d ever seen in my brother’s magazines. From the striking features in her face, to the full perfection of her breasts, to the soft loveliness of her sex, and even to her long slender legs and nymph-like feet, she was my fantasy. Not that I consciously knew it before that moment, but I’ve never forgotten it since.

  “A knowing smirk tugged at the corners of her full lips as she moved stealthily toward me. She was like a cunning jaguar stalking a trapped young deer. Her eyes flashed in the firelight from the candles and torches, her breasts bouncing slightly as she closed in on me. She was almost too perfect, this voluptuous and sexually aggressive young woman. The excitement overwhelming my body along with the powerful euphoria I’d already been dealing with, kept me frozen in place, just inside the doorway.

  “‘Am I making you nervous, Jack?’ she asked once she had closed to within a foot of me, the sultriness and immediate proximity of her voice sending a series of chills up and down my spine.

  “‘Ah, no. I mean...yes. At least a little, I guess,’ I replied, swallowing hard. I felt strangely exposed and vulnerable to her.

  “She glanced down at the hard-on in my shorts and then laughed softly before looking back into my face, studying my enraptured and nervous eyes. ‘Good!’ she said, and before I could say or think anything else, she leaned over and kissed me. Her kisses were soft and gentle at first as she caressed my mouth. But once I finally opened up to her guidance and more aggressive prodding, she kissed me fervently, pressing her body against mine while bringing my trembling hands up to touch and fondle the pointed nipples of her breasts.

  “Genovene rubbed her pelvis against my crotch, stroking me to the point I thought I might erupt in my underpants. Passion finally had conquered the last of my reservations, and I gave into my desire. Returning her kisses with my own urgency, I began squeezing her ample breasts, at which point she removed her mouth from mine and pushed my face directly into her bosom, smiling broadly as she did so.

  “‘Do you want me?’ she asked softly.

  “I looked up from her breasts and nodded eagerly that I did. Without another word, she pulled me away from her, but only to re-attend to my mouth with her own, although not for long. Heading downward, she lifted up my T-shirt and kissed me on my chest and stomach. Then, with one quick swipe, she pulled my shorts and underwear down below my knees.

  “I looked down at myself, naked and ready, and less than an inch from her face. She gave me a moment to anticipate her next move, winking playfully up at me once that moment was over. Then, she launched an assault on my virgin organ, caressing it with a flurry of licks and kisses while alternately stroking it with her hands.

  “The pleasure I experienced was more intense than anything I’d ever known up to that point in my life. But once I gave into it, moaning as I rode this wave of physical ecstasy, I found I couldn’t control the wave’s momentum. When I came, I did so recklessly, throwing my seed into her face. Most of it landed near her mouth, though she raised herself up when I reached the last thrust, collecting a small stream between her breasts.

  “She stood and pressed her mouth to mine again, forcing me to share a taste of myself with her. She then massaged my crotch again, stroking and caressing my relieved organ. To my amazement, it re-grew rapidly into another raging hard-on. Grasping it firmly, she raised herself up and placed it inside her, teasing me as she only allowed it to remain inside her momentarily.

  “‘We don’t have time to fuck right now,’ she whispered huskily, as her own passion threatened to conquer her own self-control. ‘But, perhaps they wouldn’t mind if I fucked you on the celebration table before we ate. Who knows what they’d think of that?’

  “I pictured the space in the middle of the table where the main course would be set once dinner was ready. A cold shudder ran through me, although at the moment I had no idea why it happened. She, on the other hand, cocked her head to one side as she studied my eyes and reaction, a hint of concern appearing in her own.

  “‘Who are ‘they’, anyway? Is she referring to her family?’ I wondered to myself, somewhat horrified by the implications and images brought to my mind by her words.

  “Before I could ponder the matter further, she pulled me out of her, and began working my dick fervently with her hands again. She bent down to her knees and smiled mischievously as she glanced up at my surprised face. Then, she shoved it back into her mouth, stroking it firmly and thoroughly along its entire length as she pushed it toward the back of her throat. Intense pleasure over
took me again, only this time I felt like I was leaving my body. I experienced the distinct sensation of rising upward toward a blinding light. Suddenly, the light faded and I was sucked down into a void of utter darkness. I floated aimlessly in this deep sea of blackness, feeling empty and lonely, and yet at the same time, warm and comfortable.

  “From somewhere nearby, Genovene moaned passionately, the sound of her lilting voice growing steadily louder until it surrounded me completely. It so encompassed my being that it seemed to fill me from the inside out, saturating every cell and molecule I could claim as my own.

  “‘Give in to me, Jack, for now is the time,’ her voice told me, the moan suddenly softening to a mere whisper. ‘Things must work out as they should. True darkness is drawing near and the bright light of day will soon fade forever into evening, deepening from there to pitch blackness even deeper than that which you find yourself in now. It’s best the nature of things in our world continue as it always has. For the sweetest and most meaningful moment of a day is the sunset, marking the inevitable surrender of daylight to the night’s ominous power.’

  “All at once, I was standing before her, spewing forth the final remnants of my seed into her open throat. Genovene moaned again as she collected the last drop. Then, she removed me from her mouth and pulled up my underwear and shorts, but only just above my knees.

  “She stood up and looked directly into my eyes with her own, taunting me with her eyebrows slightly raised and another mischievous grin on her face. While sizing me up one more time, she deliberately licked her lips, finishing this process with a light smack. ‘M-m-m-m!’ she enthused. ‘Oh, the sweetness of youth! The younger the sweeter, that’s for sure!’

  “She turned around and moved toward the bed, leaving me standing in my semi-nakedness near the door. Genovene purposely swung her hips back and forth to torment me further. Her arrogant swagger was all I needed to realize I’d been nothing more than her latest sexual conquest. The only salvageable thing for me was my awareness of this fact told me the chocolate cookie’s strange hold on me had ended.


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