Bears of Burden: WYATT

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Bears of Burden: WYATT Page 41

by Candace Ayers

  I opened the door and a flash of relief passed over his face. "Oh good," he said, obviously drunk. "I thought maybe you weren't home." He shoved the flowers towards me. Red roses. I took them, confused.

  "Aiden, it's midnight. You know that right?" He smiled sheepishly and leaned in to kiss me. I pushed him away.

  “Is this some sort of booty call?” I asked. He actually looked hurt.

  "I just... I wanted to see you," he said it so sincerely that I almost considered inviting him inside. But that was a really bad idea. I mean, one night of earth-shattering sex was great, but anything more than one night seemed a little too close for comfort right now. Being pregnant, and with Troy acting crazier and crazier every day, I wasn’t in any condition to entertain even a casual relationship.

  "I wanted to apologize. I once heard that you should never go to bed angry with someone, so I didn’t want you to go to bed still angry with me.”

  I was pretty sure that saying only applied to people with whom you were in a committed relationship, but this time I was able to keep my mouth shut instead of blurting out that fact. Besides, the flowers were a very nice gesture.

  “Thank you. I’m not still angry," I told him. "and you can see me at your next game, unless your coach banned you after that stupid stunt of yours."

  He grinned at me. "You saw that, huh? I hoped you would."

  Even drunk off his ass, Aiden was adorable. His hair tousled in a carefree style, rock hard pecs peeking out from behind his shirt, and sexy half-grin. Desire flooded me when I thought about the way his hands had slid over my body, and how his dick had slid into my body. I shivered in the doorway thinking about it.

  "Oh," he said. "You're cold. Here." He took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. It was a surprisingly tender gesture.

  "Is there something else, Aiden?" I asked, softer this time.

  "Yeah, let me take you out. Tomorrow night."

  "Out? You mean on a date?"

  He nodded.

  I bit my lip. "I don't think that's such a good idea. Why would you even want to?"

  He shrugged. "Why wouldn’t I? I can't stop thinking about you, and something tells me... that you might be good for me."

  I smiled in spite of myself.

  "C’mon, just give me a chance. Let me cook you dinner."

  "You cook?" I asked.

  "Well, no," he hesitated. "But I'm superb at ordering take out. You don't even have to go anywhere. I'll come here- to you."

  It might have been the way his eyes glimmered in the moonlight, or the way his silhouette looked so sultry and delicious as he leaned up against my doorway or the way his T-shirt bulged with his rock-hard chest and muscled arms, but the man breached my every defense.

  "Alright," I agreed. "Dinner at my place tomorrow night."

  Chapter 8

  Aiden showed up at my place at seven with a huge grocery bag of take-out cartons from my favorite restaurant, Luigi's.

  "I can't believe you read my mind," I said, as he began opening up boxes. It almost looked as if he'd ordered everything on the menu, afraid that I wouldn't like what he picked. I dug into some eggplant parmesan, my mouth watering. I kept waiting for him to get drunk and paw at me, but the strongest thing he had to drink was Diet Coke.

  As I pulled out plates and silverware, he wandered around my living room, looking at my diplomas. I'd had them professionally framed and hung on the wall. I was incredibly proud of them.

  "Looks like you're smarter than I gave you credit for," he grinned at me when I narrowed my eyes and glared. I threw a couch pillow at him. He caught it and threw it back. "Yale huh? I couldn't even get in there."

  "Well, it wasn't easy," I told him. "I had to work hard for it. Scholarships don't exactly fall of trees."

  "You got a scholarship?" he asked, interested.

  "Yeah. My dad didn't exactly have the money for me to attend. Yale was one of the schools that offered me a full work scholarship."

  "Work scholarship?"

  "Yeah. I got my tuition waved as long as I kept my grades up and worked on campus. I worked in the cafeteria." I wrinkled my nose.

  "Didn't much like it, huh?"

  "Let’s just say it taught me that I didn’t want to make a career of picking up people's leftovers. Have you ever seen cafeteria food when it's being made? It's all powders. Powdered eggs, powdered beef—"

  "Powdered beef?" Aiden laughed.

  "I'm not kidding," I laughed with him. "You try eating that stuff for four years straight. You'll never look at food the same way again."

  He hesitated. "My family wasn't exactly rich either. That's why hockey's always been so important to me. It was my ticket to a different life, you know? I didn't want to end up being a custodian all my life, like my dad. I love him, and I’m proud of him for supporting his family, but... he's never seemed really happy to me."

  "I get it," I told him. Aiden gave a smolderingly sexy look that told me exactly what was on his mind. He took a step towards me. I knew I should stop him before it went any further, but I couldn't bring myself to push him away. My body was crazy about this man. My blood flowed through my veins like liquid lava.

  "Aiden, there's something you should know." But was there? Did I have to tell Aiden that I was pregnant? What did it matter? He wasn't the father, after all. A woman only had to tell the father. Chances were that what Aiden and I were experiencing wasn’t going to last much longer anyway. It was just something we had to work out of our systems, like the flu. So, our one-night stand turned into a two-night stand, so what? I was sure that tomorrow morning would probably be our final goodbye.

  Aiden stopped moving towards me, waiting to see what I would say. But instead of continuing, I stepped closer and pressed my lips against his. My hands searched his chest and found the hem of his shirt, lifting it over his head. Now that we had started, it was like I couldn't waste any time. I didn't just want him, I needed him, craved him.

  My heart rate quickened and my breathing sought to match it. I kissed his bare skin, tasting his body as I moved my tongue across the dips and crevices of his chiseled abdomen. My mind raced. What are you doing? Stop this now. What are you thinking? But I told my mind to shut up. Rational thought wasn't needed for tonight. My body took over and shut my brain down. There was no reason to think, only act.

  Aiden's strong, soft hands cupped my breasts, feeling them through my bra. Slowly, he brought each strap down and slid it off me. We took turns exploring, tasting and pleasuring each other. I traversed the landscape of his hard chest and tight abs, but when he turned his attentions to my breasts, I was overcome with an acute surge of desire. His hands seemed fascinated by their soft roundness and heavy curve. His teeth, lips and tongue worshiped my nipples. An aching tension was building between my thighs and my body began to tremble, my knees buckled. Aiden scooped me into his arms before I could fall and carried me to the bedroom.

  My bed was soft and inviting, and he laid me down in the center, while he stood at the foot of it unfastening his jeans. He slid them down his hips, freeing his large cock that jutted out towards me, thick, long, and erect. He stood for a moment while I admired the full length of his powerful physique. He watched me, eyes at half-mast, as I slid my own jeans off and kicked them off the bed. My stomach wasn't revealing anything yet; it was still hard and smooth and when I leaned back on my elbows, spreading my legs for Aiden, his eyes widened, and jaw slackened.

  "I thought you might like to score," I teased. "Here’s the net, you bring the puck." I spread my legs wider and Aiden grinned at me. He slid on top of me, his bare skin against mine leaving his jeans in a pool on the floor. He didn't try to enter me right away. Instead, his deft fingers found that soft, sweet spot between my thighs and began to strum me like a violin. His warm, calloused fingers teased my pussy lips apart and gently circled the tiny bud of nerve endings. His fingers strummed my instrument, and with my head back, and eyes shut, a moan escaped my lips as the vibrations carried through
my body.

  Slowly, he lowered his head and allowed his tongue to delve into my soft mound. "You taste fucking delicious," he murmured, his breath hot against my skin. I wrapped one leg behind his neck and pulled him tighter against me. His tongue licked the length of my slit. "More," I whispered. He responded by dipping and swirling his tongue deep into my canal, tasting me from the inside. His tongue swam inside me, pulsing with soft precision. When he curled his tongue out and flicked my clit, my whole body shuddered and without warning exploded into an intensely delicious orgasm that had me crying out his name.

  Before the last tremors of my climax subsided, Aiden brought his rigid, engorged erection to my slick entrance. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and his mouth opened ever so slightly as his shaft slowly slid into my waiting pussy. I felt his heartrate quicken when I thrust my pelvis up hard to meet his. We moved against each other perfectly in sync to a rhythm only we could capture.

  I couldn't believe how right it felt to be with him like this. I ran my fingers through his thick golden hair, pulling his lips to mine and slid my tongue into his mouth to entwine with his. I could taste my juices on him as his hips thrust forward again and again, pounding into me like waves against a shore.

  Power surged between us, intense and electric, sending sparks up my arms and to my brain. I had shut down my thought processes earlier, not wanting to hear the mindless chatter of why I should or shouldn't be doing this. But now, my brain confirmed that I'd done the right thing by being here with Aiden. In fact, I couldn’t think of anything I’d ever done that had felt this right

  As I felt the beginning flutters of my second orgasm, I used my legs to pull him tighter against me, and as my body convulsed into waves of ecstasy, I was vaguely aware of his body tightening and his hard, muscular ass cheeks clenching as he exploded inside me. My arms and legs were coiled around him like a snake. I didn't want him to let go. When I felt the energy subside, I loosened my grasp. He was staring at me with wide, wondering eyes.

  "I've never felt anything that powerful before," he said.

  I grinned. Score!

  Chapter 9

  I sat between Billy and Troy. Billy kept his camera trained on the game and didn't notice Troy's dirty looks directed at me. Troy had insisted on coming to the game tonight. He'd said that he was a fan of the Knights and wanted to see the game. He also added that as the manager of the station he had to make sure I got my interview this time. I assured him I would. Aiden had already set it up to make sure I was allowed full access to the locker room and told his teammates to cooperate. I'd been flattered when he'd offered to help, but had initially declined. I hadn't wanted it to seem like I was using him.

  Aiden had persisted, and without informing me until it was done, had secured me the equivalent of a backstage pass at one of the biggest games of the season. I was thrilled. Technically, he wasn't helping me to anything that I didn't already deserve. As a member of the press, I should have been given full access from the beginning, but being a woman in a man's sporting world wasn't always easy.

  "After the game," Troy leaned over and whispered, "I want to talk to you. Alone."

  I tried to ignore him but his hand gripped my wrist much too hard. I turned to face him and he glared at me with a menacing look. "I'm serious," he said.

  "Fine," I whispered, looking around. I knew it had only been a week since Aiden and I had first slept together, but I didn't want anyone reporting back to him that I was involved in any way with Troy. Even though it was just a hate-hate relationship. Luckily for me, Troy didn't want anyone noticing our relationship either. He had no idea about my involvement with Aiden and I intended to keep it that way. Even though Aiden and I hadn’t quite ended, as I thought we would, there still wasn’t any spoken commitment between us. I just didn’t want Troy knowing my business.

  Despite only having slept with Troy once, he was bitter and jealous like no one I had ever known. He seemed to think he owned me. I had to turn off my phone every night when Aiden was over just to make sure that Troy's phone calls didn't send the wrong impression.

  "Cooper's on fire tonight," Billy remarked.

  I couldn't hide the smile that played at my lips. Aiden was indeed on fire. He made goal after goal, and it looked effortless. And he hadn't gotten booted from the game once.

  "Don't worry," Troy said. "He'll fuck up. He always does."

  I glared at Troy, who noticed my rising temper. "People can change," I said. "They can grow. At least most people can."

  "What's with you?" Troy asked. His face was tight and red. "Cooper's a jerk off. Everybody knows that. Maybe that Coach of his finally got him whipped. He's been pretty quiet since that mooning stunt of his. I heard Coach threatened to toss him if he had one more outburst."

  I didn't say anything. I knew that was true though. Aiden and I had talked about it. He was terrified of being thrown not just out of the game, but out of the league. I'd told him if he just did his job, which was playing hockey not drinking and carousing, then he'd be fine.

  "But a little carousing can be a good thing for a man," he'd said, his fingertips gliding over my arm. I'd smiled and told him so long as it was me he was carousing with, he'd be safe.

  The game ended and I jumped up with Billy, Troy trailing behind us. We ran to the locker room and I could see Troy getting ready to make some sort of speech about how we were to be let through.

  "Right this way Ms. Larkin," the guard said before Troy even had a chance to say anything. Billy and I jogged ahead of Troy.

  "Why is he following us around?" Billy asked. I shrugged. "He gives me the creeps," Billy said, glancing back.

  Then we were in the locker room and the players were coming out. They stood around with towels draped over them, half naked, and completely oblivious to the fact that a woman was in there with them. Reporters started shouting questions over each other, and my voice seemed to get drowned out with the others. But Aiden looked right at me and smiled.

  "Let's start with the prettiest reporter here," he said.

  I blushed and the other reporters chuckled. No one thought anything of Aiden's remark. He was so known for being a ladies man that comments like that were just a part of who he was. When the interview was over, and the reporters were booted from the locker room, I walked to the van with Billy, intending to ride back with him.

  I felt Troy's hand shoot out and grab hold of me. "Ride with me," he whispered. I shook my head, not wanting Billy to notice. "Ride with me," Troy repeated, "or you're fucking fired," he spat.

  My shoulders tensed and I planted a fake smile on my face. "I'm gonna ride with Troy," I told Billy. I leaned in and whispered. "I think he wants to ream me out for not asking better questions."

  Billy's eyes widened. "I thought your questions were good," Billy said. "As good as anyone's, that is. He's just a jerk." I nodded and watched Billy drive off without me.

  "Now," Troy said. "Was that so hard?"

  Chapter 10

  My phone starting ringing almost the second I plopped down in Troy's car. It was Aiden. I glanced at Troy and ignored the call.

  "What is it you need to talk to me about?" I asked.

  "I made an appointment for you in the morning. We're gonna get this thing taken care of."

  My eyes bugged out of my head. I couldn't believe how little regard he was paying me. "I'm not getting an abortion," I told him for the umpteenth time.

  "Yes you are," he said. "Or I'll make sure you're blackballed in this business. You'll be nothing but a joke. The slut that ruined her career by getting pregnant."

  "You're the one who got me pregnant!" My phone rang again and I hit the ignore button.

  "No one's going to believe you," Troy said. “I'll just say you're mad because I fired you."

  "But..." I didn't know what else to say. I felt cornered. Troy smiled. "So what are we doing tonight then?" I asked, my heart sinking. I fought back the tears that were starting to form.

  "Tonight," he said, his h
and creeping once more onto my knee, "We’re gonna spend together."

  "You can't be serious," I shouted, astounded that he could possibly think I was gonna spend the night with his crazy ass.

  "Why not?" he asked. "You don’t really think I’m going to let you out of my sight before tomorrow morning, do you?" His eyes were malicious and his laugh was like a lunatic. I felt disgusted with myself for ever having slept with this man.

  "I'm not having an abortion," I told him.

  "Well, we'll see about that."

  My phone started vibrating in my hand. "What?" I snapped, answering Aiden's call.

  I heard the confusion on the other end. "Skyler?"

  "Yeah, what is it?" I knew I was being rude, but I was too upset with Troy to care. Tears were starting to spill over my cheeks.

  Aiden hesitated. "I thought I'd come over to your place. Is everything okay?"

  "Fine," I lied, fighting back the tears in my voice. I didn't want Aiden to hear me cry. "I'm just tired. Not tonight okay?"

  Funny, I never thought you could hear someone think, but I swear that's what if felt like now. I could actually hear Aiden's mind spinning. "Something's wrong," he finally said.

  "No," I told him. Troy was watching me. "Everything... I just don't feel well. I'll see you some other time." Then I hung up before he could respond.

  "Who was that?" Troy demanded.

  "No one."

  "Sounded like someone to me. You got another bedmate I should know about?" His voice growled low and steady. I knew what he was implying, that he wasn’t the father of my baby.

  With the way Troy was looking at me, I didn't think it was wise to explain. "It was just my sister," I told him. He stared at me a moment longer then seemed to accept that. Idiot. I didn't even have a sister.

  We pulled up to my apartment building and were almost to the door when a Porsche came screeching into the parking lot. Troy and I turned around and saw Aiden jumping from his car and running towards us.


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