Mimi Mine

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Mimi Mine Page 11

by Aubrey Cara

  Now that she knew Mason had a genuine interest in being in her life their relationship suddenly felt like everything was happening very fast.

  “I need to go freshen up.” She knew she was being cowardly but she needed time to think.

  “Mimi, it was just a suggestion,” Mason said, but she was already heading out the door and down the hall to the restroom.

  She had just started washing her hands when Mason stormed in. He turned and locked them into the bathroom.

  “What are doing?”

  His arms were folded across his chest. His face was unreadable but he was clearly unhappy. His cool stare locked on hers in the mirror. “Why did the suggestion of me going with you tonight upset you?” he asked.

  “It doesn't,” she lied. His offer lit on everything she'd dreamed of sitting through every function by herself, or with her parents. It meant she had a partner in raising Zeke. Someone she could depend on. That was her biggest fantasy.

  “Then why are you shutting me out?”

  She shook out her hands and was reaching for a paper towel when he caged her in against the sink so she was forced to look at him standing behind her in the mirror. His cool gray stare let her know she had nowhere to hide. It felt like he could see beyond all the walls and layers she tried to keep in place and that rattled her like nothing ever had.

  “Mimi, you're allowed to set boundaries when it comes to Zeke. This is new. I understand that. However, you do not get to shut me out. You do not get to put up walls. Is that understood?”

  She nodded, her eyes downcast avoiding meeting his penetrating stare in the mirror. A stinging swat bit her fanny and she jumped, startled.

  “Say it,” he commanded.

  “Yes, sir. I understand.”

  “Good,” he said. Then he began inching up her skirt.

  “What are you doing?” She said as she tried to push it back down.

  “I'm going to help clean you.”

  “You really don't have to,” she said embarrassed.

  Paying her no mind he ran his hand over her opening. Their combined arousal were leaking out of her and she flushed as his fingers played in that moisture. She watched him as he intently watched himself paint her back passage with their juices. He pushed a wet finger in and she gasped.

  “Do you have a plug, Mimi?”

  “A plug?” she asked lamely. He just arched a brow. “Ye-yes, I do.” It was a cute blue one she'd gotten more as an experiment than anything else.

  “You'll wear it tonight.”

  “What? Like at the school performance?”


  “But, I can't.”

  “You can, and you will think of me while you sit there tonight.”

  Her mouth opened and closed momentarily too stunned to say anything. He pumped a second finger in her back passage as if a preview to what awaited her tonight and she squeaked before asking. “Is it too late to say you can go with?”

  “Yes. Now bend over the sink.”


  “Because now I'm going to spank you.”

  “For what?” Her voice came out in a whisper hiss like they could be overheard, even though the bathroom wasn't over anything but maybe the janitor’s closet.

  “I've decided I don't need a reason. But if you'd like one, it'll be for trying to shut me out.”

  “But, I—”

  Crack. Tingles went up her spine as the first strike lit her bottom. Smack. The second strike sounded like a gunshot echoing in the small bathroom, and was stinging in force. Fingers pumped in and out of her bottom hole now as sharp smacks came down over her rump in precise hard strikes, again and again.

  “Please,” she begged as she pushed back against his hand as another strike made her bottom throb. Unthinkingly she reached a hand down to her clit. She was so close. She just needed a little stimulation.

  She cried out as he quickly dislodged his fingers and turned her around. “Why did you stop?” she asked her breath sobbing in and out of her chest. She'd been so close.

  “I want to see. I want to see you touch yourself. Get on the counter and spread your legs,” he said, his voice rough and commanding. His half lidded gaze was that of a predator set on its prey.

  Trembling she hopped on the counter with his hands at her waist. She had to catch herself from falling back he jerked her to the edge by her hips. He tore off her shoes and brought her feet up onto the counter, until she was wide open and completely exposed.

  “Show me, angel. Show me how you make yourself come.”

  Nervously she began to touch herself as her heart raced in her chest. She'd never done this in front of anyone before. Nibbling her bottom lip, she looked up at Mason to see his reaction. He watched her fingers playing with her slick folds with an intense look on his face.

  He began slowly unbuckling his pants, never taking his eyes off of where she stroked and petted her pussy in a gentle rhythm that was more tease. It was empowering to see him so affected.

  When he released his beautiful erection her hand faltered in its caress.

  Wrapping a hand around the back of her head he brought her in for a hungry, quick kiss as he slowly slid into her heat. Foreheads together they watched as he pushed in and glided out of her glistening core. The sensation drew a moan from her throat. Her hips wanted to follow his cock.

  “Keep playing with yourself, Miriam.” When she went back to circling and rubbing her clit he said, “That's a good girl. Make yourself come for me, angel.”

  Harder and harder she stroked herself until she was close again. Head thrown back with eyes closed she felt his long length glide completely free of her and suddenly the broad head of his cock was pushing against the pucker of her back passage.

  His lips crashed down on hers, swallowing her shout of startled pain as he breached her tight opening.

  The confusing pleasure-pain nearly sent her over. She looked down to watch as he stroked his slick cock with the head buried inside her. The throbbing intrusion in her bottom spurned her to rub her clit faster. She'd never taken part in anything so debased and dirty. She nearly came from the sight of Mason stroking himself while the broad tip of him was twitching inside her.

  She squirmed not sure if she wanted him to go deeper or get away, but he held her steady by the hip, not giving her an inch as she worked herself faster. So close.

  “Come,” he growled. “I want to see you come.”

  As if waiting for his command, her orgasm tore through her. Back bowed, her fist tight channel milking at the invading cockhead.

  His strokes became frantic as he came with a low moan of completion, pushing into her a little further. The hot splash of his cum pumped into her with every jerk of his tip pulsing inside her.

  The sensation sent new ripples of orgasm through her. She cried out again, as he groaned into her neck.

  Feeling lightheaded, her feet slid free from the counter. Her legs splayed in a lazy fashion as he gently pulled out. The feeling of him extraditing himself from her sore bottom hole caused her to whimper.

  She felt like curling up and taking a nap as he ran a hand down her leg. Through half lidded eyes she watched as he wet paper towel, too lazy to move herself. Her breath hissed out as he placed the wet cloth over her tender areas and wiped away their lovely mess.

  Mason softly kissed her cheek and forehead and Mimi giggled. It seemed so ridiculously sweet after the obscenely base sexual encounter they just had.

  Smiling Mason washed his hands and helped her from the counter. Then caught her as her legs wobbled and nearly gave out.

  “I didn't mean to do...all of that,” he said somewhat sheepishly. But she could also hear the smug satisfaction in his voice. “All I have to do is look at you and I want to be inside you anyway I can.”

  Groaning she said, “I request a bed the next time you need to be inside me.”

  “A bed would be good.”

  “Tonight...do I still have to wear—?”

�� he said smiling unrepentantly. “And call me when you get home after. To let me know you got home alright. You can remove it before bed. But no playing with yourself.”

  She rolled her eyes at that. She couldn't imagine needing to after the afternoon she'd had. “I don't think that will be a problem.”

  “What time do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?”


  “Thanksgiving at your parents?”

  “Oh. We're riding together?”

  “Do you need me to spank you for real this time? Yes, we're riding together. You don't have to tell anyone we're dating—though I'd prefer we did. I'm not relishing the thought of having to be your platonic boss friend for the entire day.”

  She straightened her skirt as she said, “I'll think about it.” They may be “engaged” at work but idea of telling her family she was dating Mason filled her belly with uneasy butterflies.

  “So, what time?”

  “We usually eat around four but I'd like to get there early to help out. So, one?”

  “One is good. I'll see you then.” Mason pulled her into him for a kiss that curled her toes and made her tingle all the way to the tips of her hair before he let her go. “Don't forget to let me know you got home safe. I'll worry if you don't.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said without thought, then blushed.

  Mason gave her a wink before he strode out of the bathroom, leaving her standing there in a daze. After nearly four years of celibacy she'd reentered the sexual world with a boom-bang-pow.


  Mimi glanced at the clock on her nightstand like she'd been doing since she put Zeke to bed over an hour ago. Ten forty-five. She was supposed to have called Mason when she got home, but she kept stalling. The plug—that was even now uncomfortably lodge in her bottom—was a reminder of how much power he already had over her. The delicious dictate had been too tempting not to follow. All night she'd been very aware of its presence and the lack of Mason's.

  She wished she'd insisted he accompany her to Zeke's program. With or without the plug. Plenty of people invited friends. It wouldn't have been a big deal. She stared at the phone in her hands and debated whether or not to call. She was being such a ninny. Calling him wasn't a big deal either. He only wanted to know that she got home safe. Because he would worry. Like he already cared.

  She wasn't sure why that thought made her stomach do nervous flips, but it did. Every time she thought of letting Mason care for her, maybe even love her made her flash hot and cold. She wanted so much to let him in, but how could she open herself to that kind of vulnerability again? She wasn't good at holding herself back. A small voice in the back of her head reminded her how needy and pathetic she was. The voice sounded much like her ex-husband and she stomped it down.

  She wasn't that person any more. She'd loved and trusted the wrong man once. She wasn't going to let herself do it again. Mason was a good man. He had already shown he cared more than Jay ever had.

  When the phone in her hand vibrated on silent she nearly dropped it. Looking at the screen she saw that it was Mason. Kicking herself for not calling him nearly two hours ago when she'd gotten home she answered the phone.

  “Hey,” she said, her voice coming out barely above a whisper.

  “Hey yourself. I was wondering what happened to you,” he said sounding genuinely concerned. “How long have you been home?”

  “A while. I'm sorry,” she said feeling guilty she'd needlessly worried Mason. “I wanted to put Zeke to bed first...and then I got nervous.”

  She heard Mason give a big sigh on the other end of the phone. He was probably understandably frustrated with her. She figured he'd say something about her not calling instead he asked, “How was your night?”

  “Good,” she said thinking back on her evening. “The kids were adorable—” She cut herself off from saying you should have seen them, underlining the fact that he had not been there because of her.

  “Did you follow my instructions?” The honey smooth tone of his voice pitched low when he asked, sending a shiver of awareness through her.

  She swallowed twice, almost not wanting to admit she had. “Yes...I did,” she answered shyly. The plug had unexpectedly wreaked havoc on her libido, keeping her arousal simmering all night. Even now she wanted to pull out her trusty rabbit and vibrate herself to relief. She wondered if he knew the effect it was going to have on her when he asked her to wear it.

  “Did you think of me?”

  Now it was her turn to sigh. “All night.” If she were being completely honest she'd admit he would have been on her mind even without the sexual reminder in her tush. “I kinda wish you were here right now.”

  “Really? Is that the plug's influence or do you just want to see me?”


  “What if I said that I had started driving out to your apartment before I called you because I was worried and angry when I hadn't heard from you?”

  “I'd say that is crazy, as well as presumptuous. You don't need to storm over here in a fit because I hadn't called you when I was supposed to... then I'd ask you how close you were so I could unlock the door for you.”

  “I'm just pulling in now. I have a key, just make sure the chain if off the latch. I'll be there in a minute.”

  The line went dead and she clicked off her phone and padded to the front door to slide the chain off the door. Nibbling on her lower lip she wondered if she should wait there or her room. Feeling nervous she escaped to her room. She debated on whether or not she should be laid out trying for a sexy pose. Her long sleep shirt wasn't exactly sex-kitten material but she didn't want to take it off.

  She was suddenly very aware Mason hadn't seen her completely naked. He'd just seen glimpses of the important stuff while in the heat of passion. He'd never seen the map of marks marring her stomach. What if he'd never been with a woman with stretch marks and was repulsed? The men she'd been with after Jay hadn't mattered to her. They had been about sexual gratification and feeling good about herself. This felt like so much more. This was so much more.

  Hearing the door unlock and open she settled on sitting on the edge of the bed staring at the door like a deer caught in headlights.

  *** ***

  Mason's cock had gone instantly hard when Mimi confessed she'd worn the plug all night and she'd been thinking of him. Her voice had a husky quality that was sexy as hell. He hadn't been sure if it was from arousal or because of the late hour but he was about to find out.

  Taking out his key to her apartment he didn't even hesitate before going in. The apartment was dark save for a low light coming from Mimi's room. He closed and locked the door behind him before padding across the apartment. Easing open the door to Mimi's room, he found her sitting on the edge of the bed looking a bit nervous. Her cheeks were flushed and her beautiful green eyes were wide. It was obvious her trepidation was warring with arousal.

  He quietly closed the door before walking over to stand in front of her. She wore a sleep shirt and her feet were bare. If he wasn't mistaken, her face was freshly scrubbed. He thought she looked sexy as hell like this. He'd love to see her first thing in the morning, all sleep tousled. He couldn't help but run a finger down her cheek. She caught his fingers, kissing his palm. Her mossy gaze never wavered from his.

  “Hi,” she said, in that same rich, husky voice she'd used before.

  “Hi yourself.”

  “I'm sorry about tonight, Mason. I should have—”

  “Shh, it's okay,” he said cutting her off. Mimi had every right to want to safeguard her child against possible attachment or hurt. That hadn't kept him from feeling excluded, though. Staying home had stung. He wanted Mimi to want him there beside her. He wanted her to want to share those moments with him. “There'll be plenty of other school programs we'll go to together.”

  He meant it when he said he was going to be a part of her life.

  He pulled her up, cupping her face as he kissed her, tenderly, then dee
ply the way he'd been craving. He began inching up her nightgown when she breathlessly broke away, grabbing his hands in the process.

  “Let me shut off the lights,” she said, already walking toward the lamp.

  He snagged her by the wrist right as she reached her nightstand. Gentling his hold he wrapped his arms around her from behind. “Leave it on. I want to see you,” he said cupping her breast through her shirt. “I've dreamt of having you naked and in my arms since I was seventeen years old. I'm not letting you shut off the lights now.”

  He couldn't help sweeping her hair to the side to feast on her neck. She obliged him by dropping her head back. He loved the smell and taste of her, and how her body always seemed to melt against his.

  “My body is not that of a nubile sixteen-year-old, Mason. I've had a baby. All this has changed,” she said, waving a hand over her body.

  “Don't fight me on this,” he said pulling her hand away from holding down her hem. Slowly he inched the nightgown up her body, and over her head. Her hands automatically went to cover her breasts and belly. “None of that,” he said as he pulled her arms down to her sides.

  She trembled as he turned her in his arms. He kissed her until she relaxed against him. Easing her back, he traced his fingers over her breast and down her stomach. When his fingers got the lines marring her belly she grabbed them, turning her face away in embarrassment.

  “Hey look at me,” he said, turning her face up to his. “You're perfect.” She shook her head in denial. He delivered a hard swat to her bottom making her hips bump into his erection.

  She squeaked before looking at the door in panic. “Mason,” she hissed. “We have to be quiet.”

  “Then don't deny me the view of your body. Your perfect body. Get on the bed.” When she moved to scoot back onto the bed he stopped her. “No, crawl up the center, on your hands and knees.”


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