Surfer Boys

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Surfer Boys Page 20

by Neil Plakcy

  He admitted that he was lonely and getting bored. He was definitely ready for the influx of tourists on Cape Cod. Maybe this was the year that he’d find his soul mate, although with his luck, that man would live in California and only be on the Cape for a week.

  Kiernan was startled to hear the outside door close and looked up to see who was coming in this late. The man, who had stopped and was looking around, was obviously an athlete, based on his build. He was about six feet tall with a swimmer’s build—broad shoulders that tapered down to a narrow waist and hips, and through his tight jeans, his thighs looked as if they were heavily muscled. He wore a red, faded T-shirt that said he loved New York under a navy hoodie that was zippered halfway up his chest.

  Kiernan’s eyes moved up past his chest and saw a squared-off jaw, firm but somewhat broad lips, high cheekbones, a nice nose, and the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. They were large and wide, bright blue, slanting to the corners, with dark lashes and eyebrows, and he had dark brown hair that was brushed back and looked like it was clasped in the back. Kiernan tried to see how long it was, but couldn’t tell from the angle. He had a weakness for long hair, the longer the better, and it was just too good to be true that this gorgeous man would also have long hair.

  The stranger looked around for another minute and then noticed Kiernan sitting at the desk. He looked directly into Kiernan’s eyes, then glanced down at Kiernan’s hands, and Kiernan quickly pushed his book down into the drawer in front of his desk, blushing a little.

  Kiernan looked up at the hunk, started rising from the chair, and asked, “Can I help you with something? I’m Kiernan Erikson, and I’m the information specialist here.” He was proud that his voice sounded somewhat normal and not as breathless as he felt. When the stranger sauntered over to the desk and they shook hands, Kiernan was startled to feel a sort of zing move up his arm, and quickly glanced to see if the guy noticed anything too. He felt satisfied to see the stranger’s eyes flicker, but there was no change in the gorgeous man’s facial expression.

  The walking wet dream looked into Kiernan’s eyes and smiled. “Hi, Kiernan. I’m Trey Prescott. I’m working on my master’s thesis, on shore erosion on the Cape, and I just moved into Birdhouse Cottage up the road for the summer to do some on-site research. I don’t suppose you have a really deep source collection on shore erosion on the Cape, do you?” He grinned at Kiernan, eyes twinkling.

  Kiernan shook his head, smiling back. “We might have a few books on the subject, but you’d have to go over to the main library in Hyannis for that.”

  “That’s what I figured. But I’ll mostly be going around to different beaches and taking measurements.” He grinned. “The good news is that I can get in a lot of surfing and sunning while I’m collecting my data.”

  Kiernan moved around to the front of the desk, and gave Trey a quick tour of the little library, pointing out the general subject areas, showing him how to search for sources around Massachusetts on the library computer system, and how to ask for interlibrary loan.

  By then, he had figured out that Trey’s hair was really long, all the way to the middle of his back, and was thick and slightly wavy. As Trey leaned forward to look at something, it would swing gently over his shoulder, and Trey would absentmindedly flip it back again. It was absolutely perfect and looked so incredibly soft—Kiernan was dying to take it out of the elastic and just run his hands through the silky thickness. And to have it fall around their heads as Trey leaned over in bed to kiss him… He started getting hard just thinking of being in Trey’s arms, and was dying for a kiss after watching those wonderful lips as Trey spoke. They looked so soft and inviting, yet firm and masculine.

  When the tour was finished, Trey collected the notes he’d taken and smiled. “I just moved in today and want to eat some seafood. Would you come with me? It’s no fun eating alone, and you could give me some pointers about life on the Cape.”

  Kiernan was surprised but pleased. “Sure, I’d love to. Let me just lock up.” He rushed around locking up doors, checking windows, and gathering his things. He was thrilled to be asked by Trey; it just felt right. Boy, I’m in trouble, he thought, if I’m this happy to spend time with him after knowing him for less than an hour.

  Kiernan took him to one of the landmark seafood restaurants on the Cape, where they ordered beer and the fried seafood platter—fried whole-bellied clams, scallops, fish, and shrimp with onion rings on the side—then found a booth in back of the restaurant. When the waiter brought over the platters, Kiernan said, “Good thing I like to bike. This dinner is going to require a trip up to P’wn and back!”

  Trey’s face lit up. “I bike too! We should go together and you can show me the good paths around here. I thought you might be a biker or swimmer from your build…” He flushed and stopped, looking a little embarrassed.

  Kiernan was thrilled, and leaned closer. “I do run occasionally, and I did swim in college.” He looked into Trey’s eyes, and saw the deep attraction there. “Don’t worry, I’ve been looking back at you,” he whispered. He leaned toward Trey, and brushed his fingers across Trey’s lips, the sparks flying between them once again.

  Trey smiled back at Kiernan and winked. “I have a feeling this is going to be a great summer. You want another beer?”

  Kiernan said yes and sat back as he watched Trey saunter up to the counter. God, what a great ass, he thought, and all that beautiful hair! And the view coming back was even better. Kiernan really hoped that the evening ended with at least a blistering kiss. He was dying to try Trey’s lips after his too-brief touch. He shifted, trying to adjust himself to a more comfortable position without being too obvious.

  When Trey came back with the beers, he said, “My plan is to take measurements at high and low tide, and I figure to kill the time in between by surfing.” He grinned at Kiernan. “I’m trying to tie my research spots to the ones that have the best surf breaks. I’m not sure my advisor will think that’s the best sample, but at least it’s a start.”

  He lifted his bottle and tapped it against Kiernan’s. “Do you do any surfing, Kiernan?

  “No, I’ve never learned to surf, although I’d like to. Where did you learn?”

  “As a kid in California,” Trey said, spearing a deep-fried shrimp. “I was out on the water whenever I had a free moment, and chose to go to UCLA for undergrad so that I could stay close to my favorite spots.”

  “Is it hard to learn to surf?” asked Kiernan. “I would love to at least get on a board and try it some time.”

  Trey looked over at him for a second and grinned. “I’d love to show you. You’re in really great shape, so it probably wouldn’t take too long to get you up on a board.”

  They had similar tastes in many areas, except in music. Kiernan favored light pop hits, but Trey was into lesser-known punk bands. “I usually get to meet some of the bands and get to know the band members, then they put you on their friend lists and you get pulled into the whole culture. You should come with me to a concert—I bet you’d like some of the music,” he said. “You’ve heard of All Time Low, for instance, right? They’re one of the bands I found this way and I know them. I’m going to one of their concerts on Saturday—come with me! We could make a day of it. I’ll take you surfing in the early afternoon. Then we can get cleaned up and head out to Foxboro to hear the concert.”

  “That sounds great! I’d love to.” There was finally a lull in the conversation, and Kiernan looked into Trey’s eyes, and found Trey looking back. “Shall we go?” Trey asked. “I need to do some unpacking tonight and make up my bed, and it’s already past eleven.”

  As they headed out the door, Trey grabbed Kiernan’s hand. Shivers ran up Kiernan’s body as he followed Trey out the door and to the car. All evening he had been fantasizing how Trey’s body would feel against his, all those sleek muscles pressed against him and those toned arms wrapped around him. He started getting hard again as the warmth of Trey’s hand coursed through his body.

bsp; As they drove, they firmed up plans for Saturday. “The water’s going to be cold,” Trey said. “We should probably get you a wet suit. We can go past the surf store in Eastham Saturday morning, and we’ll rent one for you. Then after we return the gear to the store, we’ll clean up for the concert.”

  As he slowed in front of the cottage, Kiernan exclaimed “Oh, I know this place,” as he pulled into the driveway next to Trey’s older-model Honda. “I’ve always wondered who used it because it’s been empty for the last two years.”

  “I think this is the first summer for a few years that they’ve rented it out. A friend of a friend just inherited it from her grand-mother, who was in a nursing home for the last few years. It’s been fixed up pretty nicely, and I got it already furnished, so I didn’t have to bring much with me. You want to come in and see it? It’s pretty small but meets all my needs.”

  “Sure. I don’t have to do it tonight if you want to get unpacked, though.”

  Trey grinned and winked, then got out of the car as he spoke. “Well, it will take all of five minutes to see the whole thing, and you can help me put sheets on the bed.”

  Taking his courage in his hands, Kiernan stood in front of Trey, who was leaning against the car door waiting for him. Kiernan slowly leaned forward and pecked Trey on the lips. “I’m really glad you came into the library today,” he said softly.

  Trey reached for Kiernan. He lifted both of his hands and threaded them through Kiernan’s hair at the back of his neck, and slowly pulled the librarian toward him, stepping forward at the same time. Their lips met softly in a gentle kiss, still not touching anywhere else. Kiernan leaned forward even more, pressing harder into Trey’s lips as he raised his hands and pulled Trey’s hair free. He was right—it was soft and silky as he ran his fingers down Trey’s back, pulling Trey into his arms. Their arms tightened around each other as they started kissing more deeply, Trey’s tongue running over Kiernan’s lips then into his mouth as he opened for Trey. He could feel Trey’s erection rubbing against his as they pressed against each other.

  Kiernan could feel the zing from earlier as his mind went blank from passion, and he relaxed against Trey. When they finally had to come up for air, they looked into each other’s eyes and smiled. Trey took Kiernan’s hand and pulled him toward the cottage.

  The front door opened into an L-shaped living room, which was piled with suitcases and boxes of books. Off to the left was the dining area, with a kitchen at the end, separated by a counter with stools. Trey pulled a set of sheets from the linen closet and they went into the bedroom, where they quickly made up the queen-sized bed. “This is really a nice cottage,” Kiernan said. “It looks like you’ll be really comfortable.”

  Trey turned to him and took Kiernan in his arms again. After some slow, easy kissing and hot rubbing of their cocks together, Kiernan pulled back and said softly, “I’ve really enjoyed tonight, but I need to get home. It’s almost one thirty in the morning, and I have to open the library by nine thirty. It’s Friday, thank goodness, so I can close at four, but I need to get some sleep.”

  Trey squeezed him tightly for a second before releasing his hold on Kiernan. After a quick peck that deepened immediately into an explosive kiss, Kiernan pulled away and laughed. “I better go now while I still can!”

  Trey grabbed his hand and walked him out to the car. They exchanged cell phone numbers, and Trey gave Kiernan a last quick kiss. “Sleep well and drive carefully!”

  Kiernan pulled out and headed home, the happiest—and horniest—he had been in a long time. He was horny all day Friday, and even thought of jumping into the men’s room to finish off in the afternoon. But he held off, loving the sexual tension that had kept him hopping all day. It had been so long since someone had turned him on so much, and he was enjoying the feeling.

  Thank goodness the library was slow; it would have been hard to hide his partial hard-on when he had to get up. At least he had been smart to wear pleated khakis, which helped hide the problem a little.

  He dragged his lunch out and munched while he surfed the Web on shore erosion issues on the Cape. He knew that it was a major issue but hadn’t paid much attention. He wanted to sound intelligent when he was with Trey, with the hope that he might be helpful.

  By the time four rolled around, Kiernan was bushed. He wasn’t accustomed to staying up late on a work night, and he knew he needed to rest up for the next day’s surfing lesson. When he got home, he called Trey, and they talked for a while, Kiernan lying back on his bed and remembering the feel of Trey’s body against his.

  “I’m all unpacked, and I even went grocery shopping,” Trey said. “I’m hoping you’ll come back to the cottage after the concert to see how everything looks.”

  Like that would be a problem, thought Kiernan. Eventually they hung up and Kiernan drifted off to sleep, dreaming of this sexy new man.

  Saturday was a gorgeous day, for many reasons. The weather was clear and had warmed up to the high sixties, which was nice for May. Trey picked him up early, and they kissed eagerly before they headed to the store, where Trey brushed Kiernan’s hand several times, squeezing his fingers once. Kiernan was on pins and needles, wanting desperately to grab Trey and kiss him silly again. The kissing at the house had been wonderful, and way too short.

  Once Kiernan was outfitted, they put the rental board on top of Trey’s car with his, and headed to lunch. Lunch was quick as they were anxious to get into the water, but both Trey and Kiernan made excuses to touch each other all through the meal. They sat on the same side of the booth, with legs tightly pressed to each other and held hands whenever possible. Kiernan laughingly pulled Trey’s hand from his crotch several times, knowing that he would need to be able to walk once lunch was over.

  The waiter winked at them when bringing out their meal, causing Kiernan and Trey to laugh again. They downed their chowder and sandwiches and raced out to the car. Tension was high as they teased each other with touches and squeezes, until they finally reached the beach and parked in a secluded corner.

  Trey immediately unbuckled both his and Kiernan’s seat belts, and pulled Kiernan into his arms. They kissed madly, grabbing each other’s shoulders and holding each other closely and tightly. “God, I can’t keep my hands off you!” exclaimed Trey.

  Kiernan kissed him again while reaching down to Trey’s crotch. Trey gripped his wrist and pushed him away. “Come on, we’ve got to get out into the water now. Otherwise, we won’t have time to get you surfing before we have to leave for the concert.” Kiernan looked at Trey in surprise, but followed Trey out of the car and started to undress to pull on his wet suit. Trey grinned at Kiernan, looking at him and quickly reaching over to squeeze his cock. “We’ll have time for fun after we’re done on the beach,” he promised. Kiernan groaned but nodded.

  Kiernan felt funny in his wet suit, and was deeply glad he had kept up his workouts, as it didn’t leave much to the imagination. Trey looked stunningly good in his, but Kiernan was cooperative and didn’t touch him—much. They carried their boards to the water, and Trey patiently showed him how to paddle, how to duck-dive through the waves, and then how to jump up on his board.

  After a couple of hours, Kiernan was exhausted, and he relaxed on the beach while Trey caught a few more waves. It gave Kiernan a warm, tingly feeling to watch Trey’s body move so beautifully, knowing that he would finally have that body in his arms in just a short while.

  Trey finally returned, exultant, and they reattached the boards to the car roof. The beach was still deserted, and as Trey peeled his wetsuit down, Kiernan leaned over and gasped, “I need to taste you,” pulling Trey’s cock toward him.

  It was as beautiful as Kiernan had known it would be, not overly long, but nice and wide. Uncut, the dark-pink head peeked out of the foreskin with several pearly drops on the end, ready to fall. Kiernan leaned down quickly and licked the precome, groaning in ecstasy as he tasted the bittersweet beads. He ran his tongue under the foreskin then put his mouth over
the head, licking around the edge. Trey grabbed Kiernan’s head, groaning loudly as he leaned back against the car and spread his legs wide. Kiernan took the whole penis into his mouth, sliding down to the pubic hair at the base of Trey’s cock, sucking and licking all the way down, then pulling up with heavy suction. He bobbed up and down, licking and sucking and loving the feel, weight, and taste of Trey.

  Starting to thrust into his mouth, Trey yelled, trying to warn Kiernan that he was coming, but Kiernan didn’t move other than to squeeze Trey’s balls and brace himself for the spurts. Trey’s balls tightened and he stilled for a second, then groaned loudly as he spilled his come into Kiernan’s mouth. Kiernan caught it all, cleaning up his cock and sucking softly as Trey came back to reality. Kiernan pulled off his cock, kissed it softly, then reached up for Trey’s mouth.

  Trey grabbed Kiernan’s head and kissed him deeply. “Wow, that was fantastic,” he whispered against Kiernan’s lips. “My turn!”

  Trey quickly pulled on his clothes, and then pushed Kiernan into the car. From the driver’s side, he leaned over and undid Kiernan’s shorts to pull up his cock. “Oh, beautiful,” he said softly. It was longer than but not as thick as his, and cut, with a wide, darkish pink, mushroom-shaped head.

  Trey leaned down and licked all around the head, cleaning off the precome that had dribbled as Kiernan had given him head. He pulled Kiernan’s shorts down to his knees, using his other hand to wrap around Kiernan’s soft, furry balls. Kiernan had blondish-brown hair around his cock and balls, with a treasure trail that pointed down from his chest in a lighter blond. Trey pushed Kiernan’s T-shirt up to his arms, and nibbled at both nipples, loving and pulling on the rings he found there.

  Kiernan groaned, taking Trey’s head and pushing it back to his crotch. “I’m already so close,” he gasped. “Don’t tease me!” Trey took Kiernan’s cock into his mouth, and pushed down as far as he could, sucking and licking as he pulled back up. His other hand fondled Kiernan’s balls, feeling them tighten as he went back down on the creamy white cock. Kiernan tightened his hold on Trey’s head, gasping that he was coming. Trey pushed down, and Kiernan cried out as he felt the come rising up and out from the back of his spine. Trey swallowed the bursts, then licked him clean and kissed Kiernan’s penis head.


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