The Misadventures of Daria Pigwidgeon

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The Misadventures of Daria Pigwidgeon Page 21

by Amy Lunderman

  Chance barely glances at Toby as he meets me halfway. We stop toe to toe with one another. A sigh slips through my lips. He grins. Toby sulks away and over to his car. I feel bad not thanking him or even reassuring him that he doesn’t have to sulk so much. But I don’t. There is only Chance and his smile. He tilts his head toward the mustang. I follow him inside. The small space here warms me with a heater that he kept going. It’s almost like he knew I would be freezing. Maybe there is more to his feelings where I am concerned? More to his dreams he’s not telling me?

  I rest my head back and watch as he drives us out onto the road heading for home. Distantly I know I should fill him in on what happened tonight. Heck, I should tell him about my stupid family that are stationed not even a mile away. But I don’t. Instead, I let my eyes slip shut. Chance’s quiet voice startles me, brining my sleepy gaze to him.

  “So your family’s in town huh?”

  I yawn and shiver. “What gave you that idea?”

  He pauses. Cranks up the heater another notch.

  “So...uh…What are you going to do?” He eyes me cautiously. “About them I mean.”

  I have to look away from him. Heaviness weighs on me. I’m not sure what do.

  I decide to be honest. “Not much I can do unfortunately. They’ve made it pretty clear that they aren’t going anywhere. The best thing is to just let it run its course and hope for the best.”

  Another pause.

  I feel his eyes on me. “Maybe that could be a good thing? Them…being here.”

  Eyes wide, I whip my head around to face him. He’s watching me and not the road. What a dummy.

  “Um, I’m sorry what? I must have misheard you because I could have sworn you just said it’s good that they are here.”


  Chance goes back to watching the road as I take in a shaky breath and try to calm down.

  I sigh. “Chance…I’m sorry. But, the reason I came here in the first place, is because of them. All they are…are lies after lies. I won’t go back to believing that there is anything good about them. I can’t. I won’t.”

  Tears prickle at the corners of my eyes. I debate letting them fall or not. Chance’s hand that comes to rest on mine in my lap takes the choice from me. Cold wet drops ease out of my eyes and take a wandering path down my cheeks.

  “Rabbit” His hand tightens around mine. “What if… you used them being here to your advantage?” He pauses. “Let them think you trust them and get on their good side, but hold back to pump them for information.”

  I arch an eyebrow at him warily.

  A faint blush rises on his cheeks. “Or not. I’m just an outsider here looking in…”

  The hand in mine starts to pull away, but I hold on tight. It stays put. Could this work; his idea? Could I really get close to my family if only for information? In theory it’s a sound plan. But I would have to be the one to do it. And considering what I’ve been through with them, I don’t know if I could really muster up the courage to try. I don’t have a choice though. I have to do it. It’s my only option to figure out whom and what has been attacking me. It can’t be a coincidence that it showed up when they did.

  “No, I think you might be onto something.” I tell Chance softly. “I don’t even want to think about this, but you’re right. They may have warned me about a threat or something...last night. But I thought they were just messing with me so I didn’t listen. Now I kind of wish I did. It can’t be a coincidence that mere minutes after leaving them…I was attacked...right?”

  His fast nod causes his hand to jerk.

  “See, they know something. You should definitely find out what.”

  I should huh? “Yeah, well, it won’t be easy. I’ll have to fool them to get in their good graces. And after years of doing the exact opposite, they might not even believe me. Then again….”

  Chance takes his eyes off of the road to watch me again, the dummy, but my mind is elsewhere to be able to yell at him. Could my parents really have been telling the truth last night? The little girl inside me that never got any attention wants to believe in them. The me that ran away doesn’t want to listen. But it’s my only option right now right? Dammit.

  “Then again?” Chance urges.

  “They were kind of playing the holier than thou routine last night when I went to see them. So…maybe it’ll be cake?”


  I give him a funny look. “What? What.”

  “Hold up. You went to see them last night? That’s where you were before you were attacked?” He turns back to the road clenching his jaw. “I know it was my idea, but would it sound ridiculous that I kind of don’t want you to get involved with them?”

  Oh. Oops. I figured he assumed that was who I went to see. How does the saying go again? My bad.

  “No.” I tell him with a squeeze of his hand. “It would make you smart, not ridiculous. Even I know we can’t trust them no matter what they say. This could get tricky. I’ll have to…weed out anything they tell me, just too even try to find truth in it.”

  The car comes to a stop and Chance cuts the engine.

  We’re parked in the garage. I didn’t even realize we were close.

  It’s dark in here, inside the car with just the two of us, almost like we are in our own little universe. That can feel safe one moment only to shift to tension in the next. His eyes search out mine, but it’s a short one. Mine are automatically drawn to his.

  “I’ll help you with that you know. I don’t know how, but I’ll do anything I have to. Just…” His full bottom lip slips inside his mouth as his worries it.

  Warmth builds inside my chest, my heart.

  “Just what, be careful?” I ask softly. “I know how to do that Chance. I’ve come quite good at it actually. One could probably consider it another gift or whatever. You don’t really have to worry.”

  “No it’s not that. Well, it is that, but not completely. I am worried for you, but I’m confident in what you’ve told me you can do. Now I’m rambling, Jesus Chance, just spit it out all ready.” He pauses, worrying his bottom lip again. “What I’m trying and failing to ask, is maybe you could fish around about me? Ask your family if they know of other demons that have dreams…like me…or whatever…”

  Is he cute or what? I so want to bite that bottom lip of his. Wait. No. Get a freaking grip Pigwidgeon.

  “Chance. Firstly, you’re in no shape or form a demon. So don’t even think that could be what you are, because I know that you’re not. You couldn’t be. Secondly, I wouldn’t bring your name up around them for the life of me. I’d rather eat dirt.”

  He smiles. Why is he smiling at me? Is my menacing glare not strong enough?

  “Don’t give me that look rabbit. We need answers don’t we? Besides, it’s not like I’m asking you to plan a family dinner where we all meet and greet or anything.”

  His smile slips. He glances away and fiddles with his car keys. They jingle, causing me to flinch. How he can make me feel something so intense and still drive me crazy I have no idea. Because for some reason, I feel like I’ve just hurt his feelings.

  “It’s not because you’re not meet the parent’s type Chance, because you totally are. It’s just…if I can’t trust them with my safety…then I definitely can’t trust them with yours. They would hurt you to hurt me, and I can’t have that.”

  He faces me again and something passes over him that I can’t decipher. Am I wrong in sinuating that he wouldn’t be able to protect himself around my family? No. Does it bother guys to feel emasculated? Yes, I’m sure it does. Will being a girl around boys ever get easier? Not likely.

  “I can handle them.” He insists.

  “No, you can’t. You’re just human.” I counter.

  “Am I? Can you really say that with a straight face? Seriously?”

  Damn him.

  “Okay, good point. We don’t know what you are. But can dreams fend off demons that have powers worse than that of your worst nightma
re? I think not.” I pause. “But…if you can just give me time and a little patience…I can work myself up to getting around to fishing around in my families business without bringing you into this.”

  “You’ll, we’ll, figure this out, I trust you rabbit.”

  I’m glad one of us is confident in my abilities, because it certainly isn’t me.

  I replay our conversation all night long instead of sleeping. I can’t get it out of my head how trusting he is of me. A demon. It’s crazy, certifiable actually. And yet, it’s there. Maybe he’s the certifiable one, maybe both of us. I have never been so confused about my feelings for one person in my entire life. It’s odd that we fit each other almost perfectly and yet are so different. I wanted to forget everything that went on between us and just beg for him to hold me. But I couldn’t ask that of him. Not when I am unsure.

  I may trust him with my secret, but my heart is still hesitant. I’m terrified if I let him in again, he’s run away. I could probably talk to him about this. No scratch that. I can’t. How embarrassing would that be? It was bad enough when we parted ways. Watching him walk away and then feeling his eyes on me when I turned away. Being a girl sucks ass, seriously. I wonder if he thinks about any of this though. I could just picture him pacing his room being all emo…hmmm…no…not possible. I’m alone with that.

  To avoid having to see Chance and Ashley the next morning, I force myself to get up early and head out. I don’t have the answers that I know they would both want, I work best with avoidance, always have. Plus, as a bonus, the likelihood of running into my siblings goes down the earlier I get to school. The downside? I have to walk, and it’s freaking cold. Sweet. Baby. Jesus. Is it ever, I mean it totally feels like it could snow. And it’s only freaking November!

  I arrive before some of my teachers I think, frozen to the bone. I do manage to thaw by mid-morning though, but so do my thoughts. It’s in calculus that I realize I didn’t tell Chance about the encounter I had the night before. Given how I keep forgetting to tell him certain things, I wonder how he’ll take it. But do I even have to tell him or should I? He’ll only worry I’m sure and him freaking out is the last thing I want. I ponder this all the way to the cafeteria for lunch. I’m so lost in thought that I don’t even notice that I have a stalker.

  When I see who it is, a groan is the nicest thing I can manage.

  “And what do you want Riana?”

  She smirks at me.

  “Oh Daria, aren’t you ever the nice one. I was tailing you for a while you know. You should brush up on your observant-cy skills.”

  “Well gee thanks, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. So…did you want something? Or is this, you stalking me, going to be a thing now?”

  She pauses. She never pauses. This should be good.

  “I’m not stalking you little sister. I’m watching. You know, practically guarding you and whatnot. I mean did you sense my power at all? Did you? No, you didn’t, because I didn’t use it that’s why. So stop being so paranoid.”

  She cuts in front of me as we reach the cafeteria entrance. At this point I’m questioning the possibility of demons having bipolar disorder. Then she turns. Stops right in front of the doorway, blocks anyone coming or going.

  “I do mean it Daria. I may not be the best big sister, but I’m trying here. You can trust me. All I want is you to be safe.”

  She turns away then going inside, no smirk or smile playing across her features. I’m in shock. Never have I ever. Well, bipolar is now confirmed, I wonder if it’s contagious. And why is everyone so hard up with getting my trust lately? Is there a wanted’s ad out there somewhere advertising my neediness? At least Chance may get his wish for answers. I just might have an in with my family after all.

  Shaking my head at the absurdity of me trusting her, I push my way inside in search of today’s mystery meat.

  Chapter Nineteen

  As it turns out there is no mystery to the meat that is served in schools. Why? Because it’s all crap. That’s what keeps replaying in my head as I push the stuff that is supposed to be meatloaf around in my plate. It helps to block out other thoughts though, so that’s something. Unfortunately, it does little for today’s conversation at the table. Riana is sitting with us again. So she and Jane domineer it all. Basically it’s a total funfest. At least Ashley’s mood is just as sour as mine. Or is that a bad thing?

  Ugh, my life. Too many questions, not enough answers.

  It’s when Riana and Jane are discussing the difference between the six-packs of guys here in New York compared to the ones in California that Ashley finally turns to me. By the hard tint to her eyes, I doubt she’s about to vouch for the Yankee boys.

  “So Chance and I missed you this morning. Decided that you needed some exercise hmm?”

  Wow. And I thought I had a way with subtle sarcasm usage.

  “Um…exercise no…getting here early yes. I didn’t want to bug you guys any more than I already do. Figured why not I guess.”

  If human looks could kill, I’d be, well you know. I suddenly find that my watery meatloaf is very interesting.

  Ashley leans closer to me. “Daria, get real. I know why you left early. You’re avoiding me. And I know why.” She lowers her voice when there is a pause between Riana and Jane. “You can talk to me about…before. I’m on your side.”

  If it’s at all possible to feel any more like a jerk than I already do, then yes, I feel like such a jerk. I hate keeping secrets, especially from my friends. And Ashley has become my best friend somehow. I stay silent though. What could I possibly say right now that would make her feel better? What can I say in front of my sister for that matter? Nothing.

  “Daria?” Ashley pauses. “Fine, be that way. I’ll find out on my own.”

  She harrumph’s and turns away from me. Great, I really did it now. Hard telling just how she’ll get her own answers. Clearly this isn’t a good thing for a group of demons trying to stay off the radar. Whatever. Things at the table resume back to the two of us sulking while we each ignore one another and the two new best friends across from us. It’s tense, but doable. I even allow my eyes to wander around the room in search of some eye candy.

  When I find it, boy am I in for a treat, but for all the wrong reasons.

  It was easy to find Chance across the room. He pretty much sticks out like a pretty single flower (a masculine one for sure) that is surrounded in a field of average weeds. It’s who is sitting beside him that just about makes me choke on the nasty stuff that so isn’t meatloaf. Just like Riana is being all bossy and center of attention at my table, Landon and Logan are doing the same at Chance’s. All the football players are eating it up like they are the coolest thing since sliced bread. Even from where I’m sitting I can see the way the twins just draw the attention of everyone around them.

  And that’s them just being them, no demon powers necessary.

  Even Chance is getting drawn in, much to my displeasure. He leans in to hear something one of the twins says and it must have been something good because he sits back with a full out laugh. Then the entire table joins in, huh, just a barrel of laughs my brothers. My chest tightens at the sight, only because Chance looks so at ease. I haven’t seen him that carefree since I moved here. The feeling that maybe I shouldn’t have come here rears its ugly head for like the hundredth time. I ignore it for the hundredth time too.

  Watching them all, I wonder if anyone can tell difference between the twins. I’d bet my bottom dollar that they can’t. I struggle with it sometimes and they are my brothers. The way I see it, is that Logan is the more easy going of the two. Landon is always so broody looking. It crinkles his eyes just a bit giving him premature wrinkles. Other than that though, they are carbon copies of one another, each having the same whitish blonde hair that could use a good haircut, the same blue eyes with a whitish hue, and the same big tall build. Just like our father.

  My gaze shifts back to Chance, I’d much rather eye stalk him than my brothers.
  When I do, I find that he’s staring right at me.

  I gasp out loud and drop my plastic spork. He smirks. We stare each other down for an entire minute while everything else fades away. My breath catches in my throat. Then he smiles and looks away. I can breathe again. When I turn back to the table, everyone is looking at me funny. Smiles go all around. I am so caught. A red hot blush rushes up to my cheeks and I have to look away to my untouched plate. I do this until the conversations pick back up again like nothing weird just happened.

  Glancing up again, I notice that Ashley has joined in on all the conversing fun. No. Scratch that. She’s commanding it. Riana looks pissed too. Clearing the fuzzy slippers invading my head I try to listen in without being nosy.

  “…and you guys just showed up unannounced? You have to admit that’s pretty weird.”


  Riana is definitely pissed. She leans across the table and glares at Ashley.

  “What’s so wrong with moving? Haven’t you ever traveled? Some people do it just for the fun of it. It really is something.”

  Ashley scoffs. “There isn’t anything wrong with moving. But when you do it separate from your underage sister that has no belongings with her, it’s weird. Don’t you think?”

  Riana’s brown eyes deepen with anger. I can feel a thundering pulse vibrating out of her. It’s almost like she’s trying to reign in her power and struggling with it. This, I find weird.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about little girl. I’d mind your business if I were you.”

  Ashley leans across the table now, and all but getting in Riana’s face.


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