Twisted Love

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Twisted Love Page 4

by Ophelia Grey

  I decided to make the most of my day off and explore the grounds. I ate a leisurely breakfast, enjoying the view of the gardens as I nibbled on my oatmeal and sipped my hot coffee. Once I was finished, I headed to the library, where I finally had the chance to explore and pour over Mr. Harrison’s incredible collection of books.

  I entered the beautiful library and was struck once again by the majesty of the room. Every corner of it was perfectly decorated to create a sense of whimsy and fantasy. The edges of each bookshelf were gilded in gold paint and the spiral staircases were made of beautifully twisted metal. The second level was a balcony instead of a full floor, but it was arranged in a way that created several secret nooks where once could hide away with a book. That is just what I did for the first few hours of the morning. After wandering around the shelves, I pulled out a book that I had never read before, Madame Bovary, and curled up in the huge pillow-covered chair I found in one of the little nooks. As I got lost in the tragic story, the hours flew by.

  It was almost noon when I realized that I should explore more of the Harrison Estate while I had a free day. I took my book, stopped by the kitchen to grab an apple, and wandered out one of the side doors. It was a beautiful sunny day and I lifted my face to the sky, feeling the hot sun caress my face. I was tempted to just lie down on the first bench I saw and read more of my book while basking in the glorious weather, but there was still so much more for me to explore.

  I wandered through the gardens and then further out. I found a horse stable with several glossy, well-cared for horses, but there was no one else around. There was a small apple orchard behind the stable. Biting into my own apple, I thought about how sweet the fresh fruit would taste in the fall. If I’m even still around then, I reminded myself.

  The entire Estate was beautiful. All the important parts, like the animals and the gardens, were carefully tended to and manicured. But I noticed that the edges were forgotten. The grass further out from the mansion was overgrown and ivy was climbing over the slightly crumbling stone wall that encircled the Harrison Estate. I looked at the cracks thoughtfully. Surely, it was not from a lack of money, because Blake Harrison had an abundance of that. My employer did not strike me as they type to overlook the details either. I guessed it was because there weren’t very many employees to take care of the mansion, and most of them, other than Marshall and Jane, seemed to only show up to complete their task and then left immediately.

  I wandered back towards the mansion, feeling a strange constriction in my chest. I finally had found the freedom I had wanted, and the opportunity to make my life into something bigger. But I had lost all the people who had held a place in my heart and I was now left with an emptiness I couldn’t fill. Jane was kind to me, but I felt so lonely. There was no one I could truly turn to, when I had a funny observation or a deep, personal fear. I missed the giggle-filled sleepovers I used to have with my friend Mary and I even missed the sweet moments that Daniel and I had shared: stolen kisses behind the school, picnics by the lake, and even the way we held hands in church on Sundays.

  It was almost 5:30 in the evening by the time I returned to the mansion, but I didn’t feel like I had finished exploring yet. Despite Jane’s tour, there were many rooms that I had not yet even peered into and I wanted to get a better understanding of this strange, beautiful little castle.

  I wandered aimlessly through the hallways, peeking into every room I came across. Many of the rooms were bare and unused, or had furniture covered by large white cloths. Some had unfinished painting projects or were covered in a thick layer of dust. It felt like something had been left unfinished a long time ago and was long since forgotten.

  I lost track of how many rooms I had seen. I kept wandering, climbing up to high floors as I went. On the fourth floor, I stopped to admire a strange mural. It was beautiful, but bizarre. Layers of grey paint created a cloudy sky, but a closer look revealed faces hidden in the clouds, silently screaming, crying out in apparent agony. The ground underneath was serene, a perfect idyllic country scene with animals wandering on grassy hills. I studied the painting, trying to understand its meaning. As I contemplated the mural, I heard a low sound coming from further down the hall.

  As I moved slowly, carefully towards the sounds, I realized that it was sobbing. It wasn’t the gentle sobbing of a child, but a more desperate, gasping sob of despair. A door on the far end of the hallway was slightly ajar, a pale sliver of light shining through. I approached carefully and looked through the gap.

  A figure was crouched before a roaring fire in the large, ornate fireplace. He was clutching something in his hands. A piece of paper. As I watched, he let out a small, strangled sob and threw the paper into the fire. As the fire licked at the edges, I realized what it was. The picture of the younger Mr. Harrison and the smiling brunette that I had printed out and forgotten was consumed by the fire as the figure hugged himself and rocked back and forth.

  I took a step backwards, but my foot landed on a loose floorboard and I heard the wood squeak as my weight shifted. I flinched as the figure whirled around and stared straight at me. Blake Harrison’s green eyes shifted instantly from intense sadness to fiery rage. His mouth twisted as he moved towards me.

  I stepped back again as he approached, his steps long and lightening-quick.

  “Leave,” Blake Harrison hissed as he approached, his face only inches from mine. “Get the fuck out!”

  I stepped back again, an apology caught in my throat. I wasn’t sure whether I should apologize for walking in on his private moment, wandering his home, printing the picture, or looking into his history. The door slammed in my face before I had the chance to decide.

  I turned and ran back down the halls, almost tripping on the stairs. I didn’t stop until I reached my bedroom. Out of breath, I closed the door behind me and leaned against it, my heart pounding against my ribs. My body sagged to the floor and I sat there in a daze, trying to understand what I had just witnessed.

  It must be the woman in that photo, I thought as my mind raced to put together the clues. I thought back to what Jane had said to me about Blake Harrison’s wife. Something about how she wasn’t here any longer. She must have died, I realized. I had accidentally brought back painful memories for Mr. Harrison by leaving that photo out. With clarity, I suddenly felt much better. I could apologize in the morning and hopefully all would be forgotten.

  I decided to do some extra research on Harrison Media so that I could impress my employer in the morning and show him that I could be useful and professional. Newly invigorated by my plan, I jumped up and grab my laptop and hurried to the library. I poured over the research I had done before, looking at the trends relating to Harrison Media’s new clients. Mr. Harrison had mentioned something about a new direction with him taking the helm. How can I help him with that and prove that I’m valuable?

  Harrison Media had flourished under Mr. Harrison’s leadership, and while it was still a top advertising firm, it hadn’t really done anything outstanding and newsworthy in the past few years. I realized that if Harrison Media wanted to end up in the news again, they should start in the news. Blake Harrison had all the contacts he needed to end up on the front pages of the paper and I was going to help him get there.

  I typed furiously, my plan forming in my head as it rushed out my fingers and danced over the keyboard. I would plan an event so spectacular for the launch of Mr. Harrison’s return to the helm of Harrison Media that it would be on the tongue of everyone from socialites to business titans the next day.

  By the time I was finished outlining my plan, the moon was high in the sky. I glanced at my clock and realized I had worked through dinner. I yawned and stretched, finally feeling the fatigue that had been kept at bay by my excitement. Tired and hungry, I got up and walked down to the kitchen to find some food. The kitchen was dark and empty, but an investigation turned up some leftovers in the industrial-sized refrigerator. I sat down to a bowl of cold pasta primavera, too tired to even heat
up my food.

  After rinsing out my bowl, I stumbled up the stairs and down the hall to my bedroom, collapsing on the comfortable bed immediately. As I lay there, I briefly considered showering and changing into my pajamas, but the dark blanket of sleep settled over me and I never got the chance..

  Chapter 4.

  I woke up to the blaring beeps of my alarm clock.

  “Shut up,” I mumbled as I reached out to find the snooze button. Unfortunately, my arm didn’t reach far enough and I had to put my feet on the cold floor and take two agonizing steps before I could reach the blaring clock. Once I was up, there was no point in climbing back into bed. I stumbled sleepily into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Shimmying out of yesterday’s dress, I managed to climb into the freezing cold deluge.

  “Fuck!” I slapped a hand over my mouth, afraid my father would come yelling and pounding at the door. A laugh bubbled inside me as I remembered that my father wasn’t here and no longer controlled my life or the words I spoke. I laughed as the freezing water pounded down on me and I let out a stream of curses.

  “Fuck! Shit! Hell! Damn! Fuckity fucking fuck, you fuckers!” It felt like I was finally letting loose a dam that had been holding everything inside of me for far too long. I was no longer that girl I’d always forced myself to be and it felt amazing.

  My little outburst was cut short by a knock on my door. I quickly wrapped a towel around my shivering, dripping body and opened the door a crack. Jane’s wrinkled face peered back at me with concern.

  “Is everything alright?” Her eyes darted around the room. “I heard shouting in here while I was heading to breakfast.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I was just talking to myself.” I felt the pink blush of embarrassment on my cheeks, but couldn’t help the smiled that tugged at my lips. “I was just…singing in the shower, but badly.” I added when she still looked concerned.

  “Alright then. I’ll see you down in the kitchen,” Jane said as she hobbled away. I shut the door behind her and laughed at myself. Maybe I was going a little crazy, but I felt a real happiness bubbling up inside me.

  I threw on my clothes quickly, opting for a simple black pencil skirt and flowered cardigan. I threw my wet hair up into a bun and rushed down to have breakfast before it was time to meet with Mr. Harrison. Jane was already in the kitchen with her plate of quiche. I grabbed some as well and poured a cup of coffee.

  “Sorry about earlier. I got carried away with celebrating my freedom,” I explained to Jane as I sat next to her.

  “Not to worry, dear,” Jane replied, smoothing the napkin on her lap. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Shouting can sometimes indicate something more…sinister.” She looked down at the napkin, as if studying the folds.

  I nodded, even though she wasn’t looking. “I’ll be more careful about my volume in the future,” I promised. I gulped down my coffee in a few large sips and then quickly shoveled the quiche into my mouth. “I’ve got to run and meet up with Mr. Harrison now,” I said to Jane as I placed my dishes in a pile and bounded out of the room.

  I somehow managed to reach Mr. Harrison’s office at precisely 8:00. I glanced down at my watch and let out a sigh of relief. I knocked tentatively, suddenly worried that my employer would still be angry about my intrusion the night before.

  “Come in,” the deep voice called out. His tone was calm and level, betraying none of the emotions I had witnessed last night.

  I pushed the door open and entered the brightly lit study. Blake Harrison sat at his desk, his usual impassive expression masking his deeper thoughts. He gestured to the large armchair across the desk from him, so I hurried in and slid into the comfortable seat.

  “You surprise me.” His voice was deep and smooth, with no hint of anger.

  “I’m sorry about the picture and about last night,” I blurted out hastily, hoping he could read the sincerity behind my voice.

  Blake Harrison’s expression stayed perfectly calm but his eyes flashed with emotion. “No need.” With two simple words, his strong voice cut off my apology. The flare of emotion drained from his sharp eyes.

  “As I mentioned, I’m surprised by your natural intuitions in this field. I came across the laptop you so carelessly left open in the library last night.”

  I couldn’t be sure, but I thought I detected a hint of humor in my employer’s voice.

  “Your oversight gave me the chance to look over the plan you were outlining for a launch party and you actually have a very solid intuitive understanding of unconventional marketing techniques. Your plan is missing some key components, such as a list of leaders in the industry and key media personalities and socialites to invite, but your overall plan is a good one.”

  My heart thumped loudly in my chest as Mr. Harrison spoke. He was actually complimenting me and validating my abilities. All my concerns that he might fire me for my mistake last night flew from my head. I had a real chance to prove my worth and help Mr. Harrison with his new campaign.

  “I would love to plan this event, if you approve,” I said quietly, trying to keep the hopeful excitement out of my voice. I couldn’t stop my hands from fidgeting with the ends of my cardigan as I waited for his reply.

  The silence was lasting too long. Maybe my employer didn’t actually trust me to turn my plan into a reality. Maybe I had overreached. I glanced up through the thick cover of my dark lashes and saw Mr. Harrison’s amused expression looking back at me.

  “You can plan the launch party, but I have one condition,” he said, his expression sharp but his green eyes twinkling with humor.

  “Thank you, sir,” I replied. “Anything.”

  “I need you to stop acting so meek and afraid. If you want to be in charge of important tasks, you must act confident in your abilities.”

  I blushed, but looked up and met his gaze. Our eyes locked for a moment and I found myself breathing shallowly, my heart beating rapidly as my eyes wandered to his soft lips. He usually held his mouth in a hard line, but his smile transformed his lips into soft, slender pillows. I couldn’t help wondering what they would feel like, pressed against mine.

  “Yes, sir,” I replied, my voice stronger and more confident.

  “Good, now get to work and report back to me this evening on your progress.” Blake Harrison turned from me and looked back to his stacks of paper, breaking the spell that held my eyes fixed on his strong, angular face.

  I headed straight to the library, where my laptop lay open where I had left it the night before. I decided to start with the easy part of the planning, coming up with a theme, and work from there. I sat at the wooden table and looked around the expansive room, trying to imagine what would excite the rich, famous, and powerful guests that we would need to attract. The only parties I had ever attended were childhood birthday parties and cake and punch parties in the church basement. This party would need to be something far beyond my previous experiences. It would need to be glamorous and exciting. What did I know about glamour?

  I glanced around the library again, wondering what I knew about anything. My eyes settled on the shelves next to me, packed heavy, thick old books that were begging to be dusted off, inviting me into their own little worlds. Books. I knew about books and stories. And what better place than this beautiful castle for a fairy tale party? Once I had the first idea in place, more and more pieces fell into place as my mind raced through the many extravagant parties I had attended in my head over the years as I read my way through all the classic stories.

  The hours passed by quickly as I typed and researched and put together my plan for an extravagant, masquerade fairy tale ball to usher in Blake Harrison’s new role at Harrison Media’s and introduce his new campaign to the world. By the time I finally glanced at the clock, I realized that I had worked straight through the day and it was almost time for dinner. I quickly emailed everything I had compiled to Mr. Harrison and closed my laptop.

  I found Jane already waiting in the kitchen by the time I got there.
Her shaky hands were having trouble with the soup ladle, spilling droplets of vegetable soup all over the shiny counter. I rushed over and gently took the ladle from her hand.

  “Here, let me help you with that.” I filled her small bowl with the fresh, piping hot soup and quickly wiped down the counter while she gathered some fresh bread and cheese and took her food over to the table. I helped myself to some soup as well and went to join her.

  “Thank you for the help, Gracie dear,” Jane said with a small smile. “My body just isn’t what it used to be. No matter how much I try to fight it, time always wins.” The sadness in her eyes was heartbreaking. I wondered what she was like when she was my age. I wanted to ask her about her story and how she had ended up at the Harrison Estate, but I had other questions first.

  “Jane, what happened to Mrs. Harrison?”

  Jane put down her spoon slowly, looking down into her bowl for a few long minutes. Finally, she looked up at me, her eyes filled with sadness.

  “That isn’t my story to tell, dear.” She said softly. “But it is a very sad story. I know Mr. Harrison can be angry and unpredictable, but believe me when I say he has his reasons. Don’t judge the poor man too harshly. If anyone deserves kindness in this life, he does.” She picked her spoon back up and returned to her soup, making it clear that the conversation was over.


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