Ruined: A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance

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Ruined: A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance Page 20

by Lisa Lace

  “I guess things don’t always go as planned.” She climbed off the bed on the other side, turning away from him. She was angry at him for what he had done, but relieved, too. It wasn’t Edward. She knew there was something strange about the way he’d talked to her that night. It was never him. She took a big breath and forced a smile before turning back toward Jack.

  “Now, let’s get you out of those clothes.” He started toward her, but she held her hand up.

  She swayed her hips to a silent beat and pulled her shirt down off her shoulder. She turned away from him, moving her ass as she looked back at him, his eyes glued to her body. He looked hungry, and as long as she kept him there, she was okay. She pulled her shirt up over her head and continued to dance for him, dropping her shirt on the carpet.

  “You’re sexy as fuck. I should have kept you for myself.”

  “Yes, you should have. We could have had a lot of fun. Climb into bed, and I’ll give you a show.”

  “I still can’t believe you’re getting so into this. You’re going to be fun to play with.” He stripped his pants off, ripped his shirt off, and slithered onto the bed, pulling the pillow up behind him.

  “After I got over the shock and got used to the idea of you taking over my company, I realized I would rather join forces with you than to try and fight you. Now that you own everything, we can move forward from here.”

  “You got that right.”

  He wasn’t giving it up, and Mia needed to work fast. She only had so many articles of clothing to take off before she had to give more than her clothes up. “I think we should celebrate.” She turned toward him and opened her jeans, squatting down and opening her legs before seductively standing back up.

  “I believe that’s what we are doing.”

  “No. This is, how did you put it? Sealing the deal?” She forced a smile.

  “Goddamn, you’re sexy.”

  “Let’s get away from here. Tonight. Take a vacation someplace far away.”

  “Let’s not get carried away. As much as I’d like to whisk you away and fuck you in paradise, I still have to finalize the deal.”

  “Finalize the deal?” She removed her pants and slid her hands up her body. She needed to keep him locked in. Removing her pants had worked. Was he actually salivating?

  “There’s a process. I have the paperwork, safe and sound. After tomorrow morning’s meeting with my lawyer, I will officially be the controller of DT, and then we can talk about you and your company, and what I intend to do with the both of you.”

  “I thought you were going to help me with it. Is that still the plan?”

  “As long as you work for me, I’ll keep it going. I promise you, the benefits will be well worth it.” He slid his hand over his crotch and squeezed.

  “You actually make it sound fun.”

  “It could be.”

  She sashayed over to his bedside and leaned toward him. She kissed him and stood back up before he could grab hold of her. “Be right back,” she whispered. She danced seductively around the bedroom and disappeared into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her.

  “What are you doing?” His voice was just on the other side of the door.

  She looked around the large room, looking for a way out. “Damn it,” she said quietly. She hadn’t thought this through completely. She went to the window and looked down at the ground several feet below. There was no way she’d make it without shattering an ankle or worse. “I need to prepare myself for you,” she said aloud. “I don’t need another child right now.”

  “At least it will have the same father.”

  Mia cringed. She frantically looked around and realized there was no way out. “How about a drink? Do you have any alcohol to take the edge off these nerves of mine?”

  “What’s your pleasure, baby?”

  “Whatever you have. I’m not picky. Maybe some scotch?”

  “I’ll be right back. Be ready for me when I get back.”

  She listened to him leave the room, his whistling helping her tremendously. She opened the door, grabbing her purse off the back. She ran around the room, picking up her clothes and trying to get them on. She wiggled into her jeans and ran out of the room as she tried to pull her top back on, dropping her purse in the attempt. She cursed under her breath, bent down and picked it back up.

  When she got to the top of the stairs, she saw him coming back up with two glasses in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. She ran back the other way, trying a few of the doors to other rooms. Each one she tried to open was locked. What is this? He keeps his front door unlocked but keeps everything else secured? She ran back into his room and pulled her clothes back off, stashing them in the bathroom with her purse. It was her only way out. She eyed the window before going back to his room and crawling up on the bed.

  “Hey, gorgeous.” He pursed his lips and held the wine in the air. “A little Mourvèdre to give this party a little kick.”


  He set the glasses on the bedside table and popped the top off the bottle as he climbed onto the bed next to her. “Did you know Mourvèdre is a full-bodied rustic wine?” He hesitated after each word as the bottle dangled from his hand over her body.

  She felt a nervous tension tease her insides. “I did not know that.”

  He tipped the bottle, pouring a small steady stream onto her breasts. “It reminds me of red meat, pungent and strong.” He bent down and licked the wine from her skin, his tongue running up over the swell of her breasts. He yanked a side of her bra that covered her nipple and buried his mouth in her.

  “I’d love to try it.” She felt panicked.

  “Gladly.” He plunged his tongue into her mouth, and the taste of a rich blackberry spread across her tongue. He held the bottle close to her body as he continued to violate her mouth with his.

  She got a hold of it, and as soon as he let her breath again, she tipped it back and filled her mouth with it. The strong fruity-peppery taste took over. She swallowed it down hard before a cough took over. She had never drunk anything so vile in all her life.

  “Can’t handle the alcohol, Walker?”

  “No.” She coughed again, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. “It’s not that. It went down the wrong pipe, that’s all.”

  “So, you like it?”

  She nodded, her eyes filling with tears. She knew he wasn’t convinced. She reached over, snatched a glass, and filled it up. She offered it to Jack, but he shook his head, amused at the idea she was going to drink it again. She took a deep breath and downed half of it before having to stop. Was it going to come back up? She took another big breath.

  He took the glass from her. “I wasn’t done with that.”

  “Yes, you are. I want you sober. I want you to remember this.”

  She had to think quickly. She watched him set the glass on the stand and climb over her. He moved in for the kill, and she slammed her hand over her mouth. “I think I’m going to be sick.” She pushed away from him and bolted toward the bathroom door, slamming it closed and locking it. She looked at the window and blew out the air in her lungs.

  Grabbing her phone from her purse, she smiled when she saw it still recording. She shoved it back in her purse and wiggled back into her clothes. She put the strap of her purse around her neck and went to the window. Moving a laundry hamper from in front of it, she carefully unlocked it and pulled it open.

  The ground looked so far down. but she couldn’t dwell on that. She only had a few moments before he realized she wasn’t really sick. She sat on the ledge and dangled her legs over the side, looking around before jumping. A nearby tree grew a couple of feet away. She wondered if she could reach it. She pulled the sill down, pulling the top sill open to use it for leverage. She climbed out and stood on the outside ledge. She leaned out and easily grabbed hold of a large branch of the tree. She swung her leg around it and worked her way down to the ground, trying to move fast around the branches and lea
ves. Before she reached the ground, she heard clapping directly behind her.

  “Bravo.” Jack stood in the grass, looking up at her. “Well played. Award-winning, even.”

  She jumped to the ground and pulled her purse close to her side. “What? What are you talking about?”

  “Your performance was impeccable.”

  “How did you know?”

  “Please.” He folded his arms and smiled. “Did you honestly think you were fooling anyone? I let you go on with your little charade just to see how far you’d go. I was pleasantly surprised to see you strip for me. At least I got that.”

  “I guess I just couldn’t go through with it. I didn’t want to—”

  “What? Hurt my feelings?” He lunged at her and grabbed her arm. “It isn’t my feelings you have to worry about.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Taking what is rightfully mine.”

  “No! Let me go!” She slammed her hand into his chest, knocking him back a step before he grabbed hold of her with both hands and dragged her around the corner to the front door.

  “I already told you, I get what I want, regardless of how I get it.” He shoved his hand into her hair and grabbed a fistful, pulling her close to his face. “I see you like to play games. I’m up for a challenge, bitch! You want to act like a whore? I’m going to treat you like one.” He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, holding her legs tight as he went back inside.

  She screamed and grabbed at him, punching at his back, trying to break free until she heard the door close and the lock click. He carried her back toward the stairs, only stopping long enough to open a drawer and pull some nylon cord from it.

  Mia’s heart pounded out of her chest. Jack was going to rape her.


  Hearing Mia’s screams, Edward bolted from the side of his car that was hidden in the bushes. He booked toward Jack’s house and slammed into the front door. He tried opening it but couldn’t. He backed up and looked at the house, then looked around on the ground. He ran to a large white rock in the landscaping of the yard. With a hearty yell, he heaved it at the window next to the door. The window shattered, and he climbed into the house, cutting his arm deep on a shard of glass still attached to the pane.


  He ran through the foyer and into the dining area. Jack dropped Mia on the steps and ran toward him. “I thought I told you to get out! No, I’ll take you out.” He swung at Edward, missing him as he ducked out of the way. Edward yelled and slammed into Jack’s stomach, taking him off his feet and slamming him into the wall. A large picture fell off the wall and bounced before dropping onto the floor.

  Edward slammed his fist into Jack’s stomach. When he doubled over, Edward gave the same punch to his face, bloodying his nose. Jack dove into Edward, trying to knock him down, but Edward held his footing, punching Jack in the side until he let go. Jack fell to the floor, and Edward straddled him, one fist punch after another meeting his jaw until Jack’s arms dropped limply to his sides.

  Breathing hard, Edward stayed on top of him, his fists ready to continue for a few more seconds. He climbed off his brother and checked his own face for blood. He looked over at Mia. She ran to him, throwing her arms around him and squeezing him until he winced in pain. She backed off, noticing the blood dripping from his arm.

  “You’re bleeding!”

  “It’s not bad. Are you okay?”

  “I am now. What the hell took you so long? I thought I was actually going to have to go through with it.”

  “You know I wouldn’t have let that happen.” He wrapped his arms around her and indulged in her for the next few seconds. “Did you get it?”

  “Every bit.” She patted her purse and smiled.

  “Good.” He looked over at Jack and walked over. Bending over him, he slapped his face until he came to. “Get up.” Edward’s tone was flat.

  “What the hell happened?” Jack tried to sit up.

  “It’s over, Jack. The cops are on their way.” He used the nylon cord to keep Jack secured until the police arrived.

  Once Jack was in custody, Edward took Mia’s hand and squeezed it, thanking God she was safe with him again. They walked outside hand in hand. After the entire story was told, Mia handed her phone to one of the officers. “Here’s the recording. It’s all there.”

  “I’ll get this back to you as soon as I can, Miss Walker.” The officer took her phone and opened it up. He wrote down her code for access and nodded before excusing himself.

  “You won’t be destroying anyone’s life again for a long time.” Edward held Mia close as he watched them put Jack into the back of the car. He looked at her for a long time. “Are you sure you’re okay? He didn’t touch you, did he?”

  “Nothing I couldn’t handle. But thank God you got in there when you did. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t received my text.”

  “I don’t want to think about what could have happened. I only want to think about now, you, me.” He kissed her forehead and held onto her.

  The police drove out of the driveway. A familiar car arrived and pulled up beside Mia and Edward.

  “Mia.” Steven jumped out. “Are you okay?” He hugged her.

  “Yes. What are you doing here?” Mia asked.

  “Ask Edward.”

  “I might have cornered him after I saw his car parked in front of your apartment the night you wouldn’t let me in.” Edward looked directly into Mia’s eyes.

  “You what?” She looked at Steven and then back at Edward.

  “I needed to know what happened. No one was talking, and your silence made me crazy.” Edward’s eyes betrayed a hint of fear.

  “What happened?” she asked solemnly.

  “Let’s just say I’ve learned a lot about his relationship with you. I found a new respect for him, and I know now how much he truly cares about you.” Edward took her hands and held them close to his chest. “I know I don’t have that with you, Mia. But I want to earn it, no matter how long it takes.”

  She looked at Steven, unable to say a word.

  “Mia.” Edward squeezed her hands. “He’s been more than helpful, and despite what I thought, I was glad he was here to help out.”

  “I’m confused.” She stepped back.

  “I sort of detoured the paparazzi.”

  “Steven? How did they know?”

  “How do they ever know? I think they have a direct line to the police station. They seem to arrive before the cops do. Anyway, I made them think you and Jack were at your apartment.” Steven winked.

  “Mine?” Her eyes grew wide.

  “Yeah. I wouldn’t go back there anytime soon.” He smirked and walked back to his car.


  He turned back around.

  “Emily was there with the babysitter.”

  He smiled and opened the back door of his car. Emily was fast asleep, her head propped up in the corner of the seat with her favorite bunny pillow.

  “How do you think of everything?”

  He closed the door with a soft nudge and walked around to the other side, leaving them alone.

  “He really does care for you.” Edward touched her cheek with the back of his hand.

  “I know. But that’s all. You do know that, right?”

  “I do now.”

  He pulled her to him and grazed his lips across hers, his eyes feeling heavy. His mouth opened as he deepened his kiss, their lips moving together, their tongues teasing, their fingers intertwining with each other. When he was with Mia, the world around him faded away. He embraced her, not wanting to let her go.

  “I love you, Mia.”

  She melted into his arms, smiling up at him. “That is the best thing I have heard all week.”

  “The worst week of my life. I almost lost everything, including you.”

  “I don’t think we’ll have to worry much about that now.” She looked to the entrance of the driveway, where the police wer
e still escorting a resistant Jack away.

  “I don’t want anything to come between us again.”

  “Neither do I. I love you.”


  Mia went into Steven’s office, dropping a stack of files in front of him.

  “Whoa! What’s all this?”

  Mia hesitated, waiting for him to look up at her. She couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. “I’m afraid we’re going to have to work some overtime next week.”

  “What? Why? What’s all this?”

  “New clients.”

  “Seriously?” His eyes widened. “Is all of this from that ad we ran in the magazine?”

  “That helped, but we landed the New York show, and since the campaign came out, our phones have been ringing off the hook.”

  “Things are definitely looking up. This is great!” He opened the first file and started reading through the information.”

  “Yes, they are. I can’t believe we made it.”

  “Did you ever think we wouldn’t? Ever any doubt?”

  “Jack made me nervous, made me question myself. But now that he’s in prison? No. I have no doubt that we’ll be successful again.”

  “Thank God for the newspapers putting his story on the front page.”

  “Yeah. I know. After the investors read that, they were just about breaking down our door.”

  “I still can’t explain that.”

  “Maybe it’s just something that needs to be left alone.” Steven turned away from her.

  “Steven? You’re avoiding the subject.”

  “Not at all. I don’t know what you mean.”

  “The only time you ever turn away like that, you have something to hide. What aren’t you telling me?”


  Mia raised an eyebrow.

  “Stop it. Just relish your success.”

  “Did you have something to do with it?”

  “I might have anonymously called a select few major newspapers with the exclusive story and pictures from what happened.”


  “I will not take credit for accidentally leaving copies of such newspapers at the investment companies, along with a fresh proposal outlining our strong points and future goals.”


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